/* ** JNetLib ** Copyright (C) 2001 Nullsoft, Inc. ** Author: Justin Frankel ** File: httpserv.cpp - JNL HTTP GET/POST serving implementation ** License: see jnetlib.h ** ** This class just manages the http reply/sending, not where the data ** comes from, etc. */ #include "netinc.h" #include "util.h" #include "httpserv.h" /* States for m_state: -1 error (connection closed, etc) 0 not read request yet. 1 reading headers 2 headers read, have not sent reply 3 sent reply 4 closed */ JNL_HTTPServ::JNL_HTTPServ(JNL_Connection *con) { m_con=con; m_state=0; m_reply_headers=0; m_reply_string=0; m_recv_request=0; m_errstr=0; m_reply_ready=0; m_method = 0; http_ver = 0; keep_alive = 0; } JNL_HTTPServ::~JNL_HTTPServ() { free(m_recv_request); free(m_reply_string); free(m_reply_headers); free(m_errstr); free(m_method); m_con->Release(); } static size_t strlen_whitespace(const char *str) { size_t size=0; while (str && *str && *str != ' ' && *str != '\r' && *str!='\n') { str++; size++; } return size; } int JNL_HTTPServ::run() { // returns: < 0 on error, 0 on connection close, 1 if reading request, 2 if reply not sent, 3 if reply sent, sending data. int cnt=0; run_again: m_con->run(); if (m_con->get_state()==JNL_Connection::STATE_ERROR) { seterrstr(m_con->get_errstr()); return -1; } if (m_con->get_state()==JNL_Connection::STATE_CLOSED) return 4; if (m_state == 0) { if (m_con->recv_lines_available()>0) { char *buf=(char*)malloc(m_con->recv_bytes_available()-1); m_con->recv_line(buf,m_con->recv_bytes_available()-1); free(m_recv_request); m_recv_request=(char*)malloc(strlen(buf)+2); strcpy(m_recv_request,buf); m_recv_request[strlen(m_recv_request)+1]=0; free(buf); buf=m_recv_request; while (buf && *buf) buf++; while (buf >= m_recv_request && *buf != ' ') buf--; if (strncmp(buf+1,"HTTP",4))// || strncmp(m_recv_request,"GET ",3)) { seterrstr("malformed HTTP request"); m_state=-1; } else { http_ver = atoi(buf+8); size_t method_len = strlen_whitespace(m_recv_request); m_method = (char *)malloc(method_len + 1); memcpy(m_method, m_recv_request, method_len); m_method[method_len]=0; m_state=1; cnt=0; if (buf >= m_recv_request) buf[0]=buf[1]=0; buf=strstr(m_recv_request,"?"); if (buf) { *buf++=0; // change &'s into 0s now. char *t=buf; int stat=1; while (t && *t) { if (*t == '&' && !stat) { stat=1; *t=0; } else stat=0; t++; } } } } else if (!cnt++) goto run_again; } if (m_state == 1) { if (!cnt++ && m_con->recv_lines_available()<1) goto run_again; while (m_con->recv_lines_available()>0) { char buf[4096] = {0}; m_con->recv_line(buf,4096); if (!buf[0]) { m_state=2; break; } recvheaders.Add(buf); } } if (m_state == 2) { if (m_reply_ready) { // send reply m_con->send_string((char*)(m_reply_string?m_reply_string:"HTTP/1.1 200 OK")); m_con->send_string("\r\n"); if (m_reply_headers) m_con->send_string(m_reply_headers); m_con->send_string("\r\n"); m_state=3; } } if (m_state == 3) { // nothing. } return m_state; } const char *JNL_HTTPServ::get_request_file() { // file portion of http request if (!m_recv_request) return NULL; char *t=m_recv_request; while (t && *t && *t != ' ') t++; if (!t || !*t) return NULL; while (t && *t && *t == ' ') t++; return t; } const char *JNL_HTTPServ::get_request_parm(const char *parmname) // parameter portion (after ?) { const char *t=m_recv_request; while (t && *t) t++; if (t) t++; while (t && *t) { while (t && *t && *t == '&') t++; if (!_strnicmp(t,parmname,strlen(parmname)) && t[strlen(parmname)] == '=') { return t+strlen(parmname)+1; } t+=strlen(t)+1; } return NULL; } const char *JNL_HTTPServ::getheader(const char *headername) { return recvheaders.GetHeader(headername); } void JNL_HTTPServ::set_reply_string(const char *reply_string) // should be HTTP/1.1 OK or the like { free(m_reply_string); m_reply_string=(char*)malloc(strlen(reply_string)+1); strcpy(m_reply_string,reply_string); } void JNL_HTTPServ::add_reply_header(const char *header) // "Connection: close" for example { // if they've specified a content-length, then we can keep alive an HTTP/1.1 connection if (!keep_alive && http_ver == 1 && !_strnicmp(header, "Content-Length", 14)) keep_alive = 1; if (m_reply_headers) { char *tmp=(char*)malloc(strlen(m_reply_headers)+strlen(header)+3); strcpy(tmp,m_reply_headers); strcat(tmp,header); strcat(tmp,"\r\n"); free(m_reply_headers); m_reply_headers=tmp; } else { m_reply_headers=(char*)malloc(strlen(header)+3); strcpy(m_reply_headers,header); strcat(m_reply_headers,"\r\n"); } } void JNL_HTTPServ::reset() { free(m_recv_request); m_recv_request = 0; free(m_reply_string); m_reply_string = 0; free(m_reply_headers); m_reply_headers = 0; free(m_errstr); m_errstr = 0; free(m_method); m_method =0; m_reply_ready=0; m_state = 0; keep_alive = 0; }