/* LICENSE ------- Copyright 2005-2013 Nullsoft, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Nullsoft nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __NULLSOFT_DX9_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_H__ #define __NULLSOFT_DX9_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_H__ 1 #include "pluginshell.h" #include "md_defines.h" #include "menu.h" #include "support.h" #include "texmgr.h" #include "state.h" #include <vector> #include "gstring.h" #include "ns-eel2/ns-eel.h" extern "C" int (*warand)(void); typedef enum { TEX_DISK, TEX_VS, TEX_BLUR0, TEX_BLUR1, TEX_BLUR2, TEX_BLUR3, TEX_BLUR4, TEX_BLUR5, TEX_BLUR6, TEX_BLUR_LAST } tex_code; typedef enum { UI_REGULAR, UI_MENU, UI_LOAD, UI_LOAD_DEL, UI_LOAD_RENAME, UI_SAVEAS, UI_SAVE_OVERWRITE, UI_EDIT_MENU_STRING, UI_CHANGEDIR, UI_IMPORT_WAVE, UI_EXPORT_WAVE, UI_IMPORT_SHAPE, UI_EXPORT_SHAPE, UI_UPGRADE_PIXEL_SHADER, UI_MASHUP } ui_mode; typedef struct { float rad; float ang; float a; float c; } td_vertinfo; // blending: mix = max(0,min(1,a*t + c)); typedef char* CHARPTR; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #define MY_FFT_SAMPLES 512 // for old [pre-vms] milkdrop sound analysis typedef struct { float imm[3]; // bass, mids, treble (absolute) float imm_rel[3]; // bass, mids, treble (relative to song; 1=avg, 0.9~below, 1.1~above) float avg[3]; // bass, mids, treble (absolute) float avg_rel[3]; // bass, mids, treble (relative to song; 1=avg, 0.9~below, 1.1~above) float long_avg[3]; // bass, mids, treble (absolute) float fWave[2][576]; float fSpecLeft[MY_FFT_SAMPLES]; } td_mysounddata; typedef struct { int bActive; int bFilterBadChars; // if true, it will filter out any characters that don't belong in a filename, plus the & symbol (because it doesn't display properly with DrawText) int bDisplayAsCode; // if true, semicolons will be followed by a newline, for display int nMaxLen; // can't be more than 511 int nCursorPos; int nSelAnchorPos; // -1 if no selection made int bOvertypeMode; wchar_t szText[48000]; wchar_t szPrompt[512]; wchar_t szToolTip[512]; char szClipboard[48000]; wchar_t szClipboardW[48000]; } td_waitstr; typedef struct { int bBold; int bItal; wchar_t szFace[128]; int nColorR; // 0..255 int nColorG; // 0..255 int nColorB; // 0..255 } td_custom_msg_font; enum { MD2_PS_NONE = 0, MD2_PS_2_0 = 2, MD2_PS_2_X = 3, MD2_PS_3_0 = 4, MD2_PS_4_0 = 5, // not supported by milkdrop }; /* typedef struct { char szFace[256]; int nSize; int bBold; int bItalic; } td_titlefontinfo;*/ typedef struct { int nFont; float fSize; // 0..100 float x; float y; float randx; float randy; float growth; float fTime; // total time to display the message, in seconds float fFade; // % (0..1) of the time that is spent fading in // overrides int bOverrideBold; int bOverrideItal; int bOverrideFace; int bOverrideColorR; int bOverrideColorG; int bOverrideColorB; int nColorR; // 0..255 int nColorG; // 0..255 int nColorB; // 0..255 int nRandR; int nRandG; int nRandB; int bBold; int bItal; wchar_t szFace[128]; wchar_t szText[256]; } td_custom_msg; typedef struct { int bRedrawSuperText; // true if it needs redraw int bIsSongTitle; // false for custom message, true for song title //char szText[256]; wchar_t szTextW[256]; wchar_t nFontFace[128]; int bBold; int bItal; float fX; float fY; float fFontSize; // [0..100] for custom messages, [0..4] for song titles float fGrowth; // applies to custom messages only int nFontSizeUsed; // height IN PIXELS float fStartTime; float fDuration; float fFadeTime; // applies to custom messages only; song title fade times are handled specially int nColorR; int nColorG; int nColorB; } td_supertext; typedef struct { wchar_t texname[256]; // ~filename, but without path or extension! LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE9 texptr; int w,h,d; //D3DXHANDLE texsize_param; bool bEvictable; int nAge; // only valid if bEvictable is true int nSizeInBytes; // only valid if bEvictable is true } TexInfo; typedef struct { GString texname; // just for ref D3DXHANDLE texsize_param; int w,h; } TexSizeParamInfo; typedef struct { LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE9 texptr; bool bBilinear; bool bWrap; } SamplerInfo; typedef struct { GString msg; bool bBold; // true == red bkg; false == black bkg float birthTime; float expireTime; int category; } ErrorMsg; typedef std::vector<ErrorMsg> ErrorMsgList; typedef std::vector<CShaderParams*> CShaderParamsList; class CShaderParams { public: // float4 handles: D3DXHANDLE rand_frame ; D3DXHANDLE rand_preset; D3DXHANDLE const_handles[24]; D3DXHANDLE q_const_handles[(NUM_Q_VAR+3)/4]; D3DXHANDLE rot_mat[24]; typedef std::vector<TexSizeParamInfo> TexSizeParamInfoList; TexSizeParamInfoList texsize_params; // sampler stages for various PS texture bindings: //int texbind_vs; //int texbind_disk[32]; //int texbind_voronoi; //... SamplerInfo m_texture_bindings[16]; // an entry for each sampler slot. These are ALIASES - DO NOT DELETE. tex_code m_texcode[16]; // if ==TEX_VS, forget the pointer - texture bound @ that stage is the double-buffered VS. void Clear(); void CacheParams(LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE pCT, bool bHardErrors); void OnTextureEvict(LPDIRECT3DBASETEXTURE9 texptr); CShaderParams(); ~CShaderParams(); }; class VShaderInfo { public: IDirect3DVertexShader9* ptr; LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE CT; CShaderParams params; VShaderInfo() { ptr=NULL; CT=NULL; params.Clear(); } ~VShaderInfo() { Clear(); } void Clear(); }; class PShaderInfo { public: IDirect3DPixelShader9* ptr; LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE CT; CShaderParams params; PShaderInfo() { ptr=NULL; CT=NULL; params.Clear(); } ~PShaderInfo() { Clear(); } void Clear(); }; typedef struct { VShaderInfo vs; PShaderInfo ps; } ShaderPairInfo; typedef struct { PShaderInfo warp; PShaderInfo comp; } PShaderSet; typedef struct { VShaderInfo warp; VShaderInfo comp; } VShaderSet; /* typedef struct { void* ptr; // to IDirect3DPixelShader9 or IDirect3DVertexShader9 LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE CT; CShaderParams params; } ShaderInfo; typedef struct { ShaderInfo warp; ShaderInfo comp; } ShaderSet; */ typedef struct { GString szFilename; // without path float fRatingThis; float fRatingCum; } PresetInfo; typedef std::vector<PresetInfo> PresetList; class CPlugin : public CPluginShell { public: //====[ 1. members added to create this specific example plugin: ]================================================ /// CONFIG PANEL SETTINGS THAT WE'VE ADDED (TAB #2) bool m_bFirstRun; float m_fBlendTimeAuto; // blend time when preset auto-switches float m_fBlendTimeUser; // blend time when user loads a new preset float m_fTimeBetweenPresets; // <- this is in addition to m_fBlendTimeAuto float m_fTimeBetweenPresetsRand; // <- this is in addition to m_fTimeBetweenPresets bool m_bSequentialPresetOrder; bool m_bHardCutsDisabled; float m_fHardCutLoudnessThresh; float m_fHardCutHalflife; float m_fHardCutThresh; //int m_nWidth; //int m_nHeight; //int m_nDispBits; int m_nCanvasStretch; // 0=Auto, 100=None, 125 = 1.25X, 133, 150, 167, 200, 300, 400 (4X). int m_nTexSizeX; // -1 = exact match to screen; -2 = nearest power of 2. int m_nTexSizeY; float m_fAspectX; float m_fAspectY; float m_fInvAspectX; float m_fInvAspectY; int m_nTexBitsPerCh; int m_nGridX; int m_nGridY; bool m_bShowPressF1ForHelp; //char m_szMonitorName[256]; bool m_bShowMenuToolTips; int m_n16BitGamma; bool m_bAutoGamma; //int m_nFpsLimit; //int m_cLeftEye3DColor[3]; //int m_cRightEye3DColor[3]; bool m_bEnableRating; //bool m_bInstaScan; bool m_bSongTitleAnims; float m_fSongTitleAnimDuration; float m_fTimeBetweenRandomSongTitles; float m_fTimeBetweenRandomCustomMsgs; int m_nSongTitlesSpawned; int m_nCustMsgsSpawned; //bool m_bAlways3D; //float m_fStereoSep; //bool m_bAlwaysOnTop; //bool m_bFixSlowText; //bool m_bWarningsDisabled; // messageboxes bool m_bWarningsDisabled2; // warnings/errors in upper-right corner (m_szUserMessage) //bool m_bAnisotropicFiltering; bool m_bPresetLockOnAtStartup; bool m_bPreventScollLockHandling; int m_nMaxPSVersion_ConfigPanel; // -1 = auto, 0 = disable shaders, 2 = ps_2_0, 3 = ps_3_0 int m_nMaxPSVersion_DX9; // 0 = no shader support, 2 = ps_2_0, 3 = ps_3_0 int m_nMaxPSVersion; // this one will be the ~min of the other two. 0/2/3. int m_nMaxImages; int m_nMaxBytes; /* char m_szFontFace[NUM_FONTS][128]; int m_nFontSize[NUM_FONTS]; bool m_bFontBold[NUM_FONTS]; bool m_bFontItalic[NUM_FONTS]; char m_szTitleFontFace[128]; int m_nTitleFontSize; // percentage of screen width (0..100) bool m_bTitleFontBold; bool m_bTitleFontItalic; */ HFONT m_gdi_title_font_doublesize; LPD3DXFONT m_d3dx_title_font_doublesize; // PIXEL SHADERS DWORD m_dwShaderFlags; // Shader compilation/linking flags //ID3DXFragmentLinker* m_pFragmentLinker; // Fragment linker interface //LPD3DXBUFFER m_pCompiledFragments; // Buffer containing compiled fragments LPD3DXBUFFER m_pShaderCompileErrors; VShaderSet m_fallbackShaders_vs; // *these are the only vertex shaders used for the whole app.* PShaderSet m_fallbackShaders_ps; // these are just used when the preset's pixel shaders fail to compile. PShaderSet m_shaders; // includes shader pointers and constant tables for warp & comp shaders, for cur. preset PShaderSet m_OldShaders; // includes shader pointers and constant tables for warp & comp shaders, for prev. preset PShaderSet m_NewShaders; // includes shader pointers and constant tables for warp & comp shaders, for coming preset ShaderPairInfo m_BlurShaders[2]; bool m_bWarpShaderLock; bool m_bCompShaderLock; //bool LoadShaderFromFile( char* szFile, char* szFn, char* szProfile, // LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstTable, void** ppShader ); #define SHADER_WARP 0 #define SHADER_COMP 1 #define SHADER_BLUR 2 #define SHADER_OTHER 3 bool LoadShaderFromMemory( const char* szShaderText, char* szFn, char* szProfile, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstTable, void** ppShader, int shaderType, bool bHardErrors ); bool RecompileVShader(const char* szShadersText, VShaderInfo *si, int shaderType, bool bHardErrors); bool RecompilePShader(const char* szShadersText, PShaderInfo *si, int shaderType, bool bHardErrors, int PSVersion); bool EvictSomeTexture(); typedef std::vector<TexInfo> TexInfoList; TexInfoList m_textures; bool m_bNeedRescanTexturesDir; // vertex declarations: IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* m_pSpriteVertDecl; IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* m_pWfVertDecl; IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9* m_pMyVertDecl; D3DXVECTOR4 m_rand_frame; // 4 random floats (0..1); randomized once per frame; fed to pixel shaders. // RUNTIME SETTINGS THAT WE'VE ADDED float m_prev_time; bool m_bTexSizeWasAutoPow2; bool m_bTexSizeWasAutoExact; bool m_bPresetLockedByUser; bool m_bPresetLockedByCode; float m_fAnimTime; float m_fStartTime; float m_fPresetStartTime; float m_fNextPresetTime; float m_fSnapPoint; CState *m_pState; // points to current CState CState *m_pOldState; // points to previous CState CState *m_pNewState; // points to the coming CState - we're not yet blending to it b/c we're still compiling the shaders for it! int m_nLoadingPreset; wchar_t m_szLoadingPreset[MAX_PATH]; float m_fLoadingPresetBlendTime; int m_nPresetsLoadedTotal; //important for texture eviction age-tracking... CState m_state_DO_NOT_USE[3]; // do not use; use pState and pOldState instead. ui_mode m_UI_mode; // can be UI_REGULAR, UI_LOAD, UI_SAVEHOW, or UI_SAVEAS #define MASH_SLOTS 5 #define MASH_APPLY_DELAY_FRAMES 1 int m_nMashSlot; //0..MASH_SLOTS-1 //char m_szMashDir[MASH_SLOTS][MAX_PATH]; int m_nMashPreset[MASH_SLOTS]; int m_nLastMashChangeFrame[MASH_SLOTS]; //td_playlist_entry *m_szPlaylist; // array of 128-char strings //int m_nPlaylistCurPos; //int m_nPlaylistLength; //int m_nTrackPlaying; //int m_nSongPosMS; //int m_nSongLenMS; bool m_bUserPagedUp; bool m_bUserPagedDown; float m_fMotionVectorsTempDx; float m_fMotionVectorsTempDy; td_waitstr m_waitstring; void WaitString_NukeSelection(); void WaitString_Cut(); void WaitString_Copy(); void WaitString_Paste(); void WaitString_SeekLeftWord(); void WaitString_SeekRightWord(); int WaitString_GetCursorColumn(); int WaitString_GetLineLength(); void WaitString_SeekUpOneLine(); void WaitString_SeekDownOneLine(); int m_nPresets; // the # of entries in the file listing. Includes directories and then files, sorted alphabetically. int m_nDirs; // the # of presets that are actually directories. Always between 0 and m_nPresets. int m_nPresetListCurPos;// Index of the currently-HIGHLIGHTED preset (the user must press Enter on it to select it). int m_nCurrentPreset; // Index of the currently-RUNNING preset. // Note that this is NOT the same as the currently-highlighted preset! (that's m_nPresetListCurPos) // Be careful - this can be -1 if the user changed dir. & a new preset hasn't been loaded yet. wchar_t m_szCurrentPresetFile[512]; // w/o path. this is always valid (unless no presets were found) PresetList m_presets; void UpdatePresetList(bool bBackground=false, bool bForce=false, bool bTryReselectCurrentPreset=true); wchar_t m_szUpdatePresetMask[MAX_PATH]; bool m_bPresetListReady; //void UpdatePresetRatings(); //int m_nRatingReadProgress; // equals 'm_nPresets' if all ratings are read in & ready to go; -1 if uninitialized; otherwise, it's still reading them in, and range is: [0 .. m_nPresets-1] bool m_bInitialPresetSelected; // PRESET HISTORY #define PRESET_HIST_LEN (64+2) // make this 2 more than the # you REALLY want to be able to go back. GString m_presetHistory[PRESET_HIST_LEN]; //circular int m_presetHistoryPos; int m_presetHistoryBackFence; int m_presetHistoryFwdFence; void PrevPreset(float fBlendTime); void NextPreset(float fBlendTime); // if not retracing our former steps, it will choose a random one. void OnFinishedLoadingPreset(); FFT myfft; td_mysounddata mysound; // stuff for displaying text to user: //int m_nTextHeightPixels; // this is for the menu/detail font; NOT the "fancy font" //int m_nTextHeightPixels_Fancy; bool m_bShowFPS; bool m_bShowRating; bool m_bShowPresetInfo; bool m_bShowDebugInfo; bool m_bShowSongTitle; bool m_bShowSongTime; bool m_bShowSongLen; float m_fShowRatingUntilThisTime; //float m_fShowUserMessageUntilThisTime; //char m_szUserMessage[512]; //bool m_bUserMessageIsError; #define ERR_ALL 0 #define ERR_INIT 1 //specifically, loading a preset #define ERR_PRESET 2 //specifically, loading a preset #define ERR_MISC 3 #define ERR_NOTIFY 4 // a simple notification - not an error at all. ("shuffle is now ON." etc.) // NOTE: each NOTIFY msg clears all the old NOTIFY messages! #define ERR_SCANNING_PRESETS 5 ErrorMsgList m_errors; void AddError(wchar_t* szMsg, float fDuration, int category=ERR_ALL, bool bBold=true); void ClearErrors(int category=ERR_ALL); // 0=all categories char m_szDebugMessage[512]; wchar_t m_szSongTitle [512]; wchar_t m_szSongTitlePrev[512]; //HFONT m_hfont[3]; // 0=fancy font (for song titles, preset name) // 1=legible font (the main font) // 2=tooltip font (for tooltips in the menu system) //HFONT m_htitlefont[NUM_TITLE_FONTS]; // ~25 different sizes // stuff for menu system: CMilkMenu *m_pCurMenu; // should always be valid! CMilkMenu m_menuPreset; CMilkMenu m_menuWave; CMilkMenu m_menuAugment; CMilkMenu m_menuCustomWave; CMilkMenu m_menuCustomShape; CMilkMenu m_menuMotion; CMilkMenu m_menuPost; CMilkMenu m_menuWavecode[MAX_CUSTOM_WAVES]; CMilkMenu m_menuShapecode[MAX_CUSTOM_SHAPES]; bool m_bShowShaderHelp; wchar_t m_szMilkdrop2Path[MAX_PATH]; // ends in a backslash wchar_t m_szMsgIniFile[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t m_szImgIniFile[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t m_szPresetDir[MAX_PATH]; float m_fRandStart[4]; // DIRECTX 9: IDirect3DTexture9 *m_lpVS[2]; #define NUM_BLUR_TEX 6 #if (NUM_BLUR_TEX>0) IDirect3DTexture9 *m_lpBlur[NUM_BLUR_TEX]; // each is successively 1/2 size of prev. int m_nBlurTexW[NUM_BLUR_TEX]; int m_nBlurTexH[NUM_BLUR_TEX]; #endif int m_nHighestBlurTexUsedThisFrame; IDirect3DTexture9 *m_lpDDSTitle; // CAREFUL: MIGHT BE NULL (if not enough mem)! int m_nTitleTexSizeX, m_nTitleTexSizeY; MYVERTEX *m_verts; MYVERTEX *m_verts_temp; td_vertinfo *m_vertinfo; int *m_indices_strip; int *m_indices_list; // for final composite grid: #define FCGSX 32 // final composite gridsize - # verts - should be EVEN. #define FCGSY 24 // final composite gridsize - # verts - should be EVEN. // # of grid *cells* is two less, // since we have redundant verts along the center line in X and Y (...for clean 'ang' interp) MYVERTEX m_comp_verts[FCGSX*FCGSY]; int m_comp_indices[(FCGSX-2)*(FCGSY-2)*2*3]; bool m_bMMX; //bool m_bSSE; bool m_bHasFocus; bool m_bHadFocus; bool m_bOrigScrollLockState; //bool m_bMilkdropScrollLockState; // saved when focus is lost; restored when focus is regained int m_nNumericInputMode; // NUMERIC_INPUT_MODE_CUST_MSG, NUMERIC_INPUT_MODE_SPRITE int m_nNumericInputNum; int m_nNumericInputDigits; td_custom_msg_font m_CustomMessageFont[MAX_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_FONTS]; td_custom_msg m_CustomMessage[MAX_CUSTOM_MESSAGES]; texmgr m_texmgr; // for user sprites td_supertext m_supertext; // **contains info about current Song Title or Custom Message.** IDirect3DTexture9 *m_tracer_tex; int m_nFramesSinceResize; char m_szShaderIncludeText[32768]; // note: this still has char 13's and 10's in it - it's never edited on screen or loaded/saved with a preset. int m_nShaderIncludeTextLen; // # of chars, not including the final NULL. char m_szDefaultWarpVShaderText[32768]; // THIS HAS CHAR 13/10 CONVERTED TO LINEFEED_CONTROL_CHAR char m_szDefaultWarpPShaderText[32768]; // THIS HAS CHAR 13/10 CONVERTED TO LINEFEED_CONTROL_CHAR char m_szDefaultCompVShaderText[32768]; // THIS HAS CHAR 13/10 CONVERTED TO LINEFEED_CONTROL_CHAR char m_szDefaultCompPShaderText[32768]; // THIS HAS CHAR 13/10 CONVERTED TO LINEFEED_CONTROL_CHAR char m_szBlurVS[32768]; char m_szBlurPSX[32768]; char m_szBlurPSY[32768]; //const char* GetDefaultWarpShadersText() { return m_szDefaultWarpShaderText; } //const char* GetDefaultCompShadersText() { return m_szDefaultCompShaderText; } void GenWarpPShaderText(char *szShaderText, float decay, bool bWrap); void GenCompPShaderText(char *szShaderText, float brightness, float ve_alpha, float ve_zoom, int ve_orient, float hue_shader, bool bBrighten, bool bDarken, bool bSolarize, bool bInvert); //====[ 2. methods added: ]===================================================================================== void RefreshTab2(HWND hwnd); void RenderFrame(int bRedraw); void AlignWave(int nSamples); void DrawTooltip(wchar_t* str, int xR, int yB); void RandomizeBlendPattern(); void GenPlasma(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, float dt); void LoadPerFrameEvallibVars(CState* pState); void LoadCustomWavePerFrameEvallibVars(CState* pState, int i); void LoadCustomShapePerFrameEvallibVars(CState* pState, int i, int instance); void WriteRealtimeConfig(); // called on Finish() void dumpmsg(wchar_t *s); void Randomize(); void LoadRandomPreset(float fBlendTime); void LoadPreset(const wchar_t *szPresetFilename, float fBlendTime); void LoadPresetTick(); void FindValidPresetDir(); //char* GetConfigIniFile() { return m_szConfigIniFile; }; wchar_t* GetMsgIniFile() { return m_szMsgIniFile; }; wchar_t* GetPresetDir() { return m_szPresetDir; }; void SavePresetAs(wchar_t *szNewFile); // overwrites the file if it was already there. void DeletePresetFile(wchar_t *szDelFile); void RenamePresetFile(wchar_t *szOldFile, wchar_t *szNewFile); void SetCurrentPresetRating(float fNewRating); void SeekToPreset(wchar_t cStartChar); bool ReversePropagatePoint(float fx, float fy, float *fx2, float *fy2); int HandleRegularKey(WPARAM wParam); bool OnResizeGraphicsWindow(); bool OnResizeTextWindow(); //bool InitFont(); //void ToggleControlWindow(); // for Desktop Mode only //void DrawUI(); void ClearGraphicsWindow(); // for windowed mode only //bool Update_Overlay(); //void UpdatePlaylist(); void LaunchCustomMessage(int nMsgNum); void ReadCustomMessages(); void LaunchSongTitleAnim(); bool RenderStringToTitleTexture(); void ShowSongTitleAnim(/*IDirect3DTexture9* lpRenderTarget,*/ int w, int h, float fProgress); void DrawWave(float *fL, float *fR); void DrawCustomWaves(); void DrawCustomShapes(); void DrawSprites(); void ComputeGridAlphaValues(); //void WarpedBlit(); // note: 'bFlipAlpha' just flips the alpha blending in fixed-fn pipeline - not the values for culling tiles. void WarpedBlit_Shaders (int nPass, bool bAlphaBlend, bool bFlipAlpha, bool bCullTiles, bool bFlipCulling); void WarpedBlit_NoShaders(int nPass, bool bAlphaBlend, bool bFlipAlpha, bool bCullTiles, bool bFlipCulling); void ShowToUser_Shaders (int nPass, bool bAlphaBlend, bool bFlipAlpha, bool bCullTiles, bool bFlipCulling); void ShowToUser_NoShaders(); void BlurPasses(); void GetSafeBlurMinMax(CState* pState, float* blur_min, float* blur_max); void RunPerFrameEquations(int code); void DrawUserSprites(); void MergeSortPresets(int left, int right); void BuildMenus(); void SetMenusForPresetVersion(int WarpPSVersion, int CompPSVersion); //void ResetWindowSizeOnDisk(); bool LaunchSprite(int nSpriteNum, int nSlot); void KillSprite(int iSlot); void DoCustomSoundAnalysis(); void DrawMotionVectors(); bool LoadShaders(PShaderSet* sh, CState* pState, bool bTick); void UvToMathSpace(float u, float v, float* rad, float* ang); void ApplyShaderParams(CShaderParams* p, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE pCT, CState* pState); void RestoreShaderParams(); bool AddNoiseTex(const wchar_t* szTexName, int size, int zoom_factor); bool AddNoiseVol(const wchar_t* szTexName, int size, int zoom_factor); //====[ 3. virtual functions: ]=========================================================================== virtual void OverrideDefaults(); virtual void MyPreInitialize(); virtual void MyReadConfig(); virtual void MyWriteConfig(); virtual int AllocateMyNonDx9Stuff(); virtual void CleanUpMyNonDx9Stuff(); virtual int AllocateMyDX9Stuff(); virtual void CleanUpMyDX9Stuff(int final_cleanup); virtual void MyRenderFn(int redraw); virtual void MyRenderUI(int *upper_left_corner_y, int *upper_right_corner_y, int *lower_left_corner_y, int *lower_right_corner_y, int xL, int xR); virtual LRESULT MyWindowProc(HWND hWnd, unsigned uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual BOOL MyConfigTabProc(int nPage, HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); virtual void OnAltK(); //====[ 4. methods from base class: ]=========================================================================== /* // 'GET' METHODS // ------------------------------------------------------------ int GetFrame(); // returns current frame # (starts at zero) float GetTime(); // returns current animation time (in seconds) (starts at zero) (updated once per frame) float GetFps(); // returns current estimate of framerate (frames per second) eScrMode GetScreenMode(); // returns WINDOWED, FULLSCREEN, FAKE_FULLSCREEN, or NOT_YET_KNOWN (if called before or during OverrideDefaults()). HWND GetWinampWindow(); // returns handle to Winamp main window HINSTANCE GetInstance(); // returns handle to the plugin DLL module; used for things like loading resources (dialogs, bitmaps, icons...) that are built into the plugin. char* GetPluginsDirPath(); // usually returns 'c:\\program files\\winamp\\plugins\\' char* GetConfigIniFile(); // usually returns 'c:\\program files\\winamp\\plugins\\something.ini' - filename is determined from identifiers in 'defines.h' // GET METHODS THAT ONLY WORK ONCE DIRECTX IS READY // ------------------------------------------------------------ // The following 'Get' methods are only available after DirectX has been initialized. // If you call these from OverrideDefaults, MyPreInitialize, or MyReadConfig, // they will fail and return NULL (zero). // ------------------------------------------------------------ HWND GetPluginWindow(); // returns handle to the plugin window. NOT persistent; can change. int GetWidth(); // returns width of plugin window interior, in pixels. int GetHeight(); // returns height of plugin window interior, in pixels. D3DFORMAT GetBackBufFormat(); // returns the pixelformat of the back buffer (probably D3DFMT_R8G8B8, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, D3DFMT_R5G6B5, D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5, D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DFMT_R3G3B2, D3DFMT_A8R3G3B2, D3DFMT_X4R4G4B4, or D3DFMT_UNKNOWN) D3DFORMAT GetBackBufZFormat(); // returns the pixelformat of the back buffer's Z buffer (probably D3DFMT_D16_LOCKABLE, D3DFMT_D32, D3DFMT_D15S1, D3DFMT_D24S8, D3DFMT_D16, D3DFMT_D24X8, D3DFMT_D24X4S4, or D3DFMT_UNKNOWN) D3DCAPS8* GetCaps(); // returns a pointer to the D3DCAPS8 structer for the device. NOT persistent; can change. LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 GetDevice(); // returns a pointer to the DirectX 8 Device. NOT persistent; can change. // FONTS & TEXT // ------------------------------------------------------------ LPD3DXFONT GetFont(eFontIndex idx); // returns a handle to a D3DX font you can use to draw text on the screen int GetFontHeight(eFontIndex idx); // returns the height of the font, in pixels // MISC // ------------------------------------------------------------ td_soundinfo m_sound; // a structure always containing the most recent sound analysis information; defined in pluginshell.h. void SuggestHowToFreeSomeMem(); // gives the user a 'smart' messagebox that suggests how they can free up some video memory. */ //===================================================================================================================== }; #endif