// std.mi
// standard definitions for internal objects

#ifndef __STD_MI
#define __STD_MI

#define MC_TARGET "Winamp 5.66 (skin version 1.36)"
#define VCPU_VERSION 2

#define deprecated //

extern class @{51654971-0D87-4a51-91E3-A6B53235F3E7}@ @{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}@ Object;
extern class @{D6F50F64-93FA-49b7-93F1-BA66EFAE3E98}@ Object _predecl System;
extern class @{E90DC47B-840D-4ae7-B02C-040BD275F7FC}@ Object Container;
deprecated extern class @{00C074A0-FEA2-49a0-BE8D-FABBDB161640}@ Object Wac; 
extern class @{B2023AB5-434D-4ba1-BEAE-59637503F3C6}@ Object &List;
extern class @{87C65778-E743-49fe-85F9-09CC532AFD56}@ Object &BitList;
extern class @{38603665-461B-42a7-AA75-D83F6667BF73}@ Object ⤅
extern class @{F4787AF4-B2BB-4ef7-9CFB-E74BA9BEA88D}@ Object &PopupMenu;
extern class @{3A370C02-3CBF-439f-84F1-86885BCF1E36}@ Object &Region;
extern class @{5D0C5BB6-7DE1-4b1f-A70F-8D1659941941}@ Object &Timer;
deprecated extern class @{A5376FA1-4E94-411a-83F6-05EC5EEA5F0A}@ Object &FeedWatcher;
extern class @{4EE3E199-C636-4bec-97CD-78BC9C8628B0}@ Object &GuiObject;
extern class @{45BE95E5-2072-4191-935C-BB5FF9F117FD}@ GuiObject &Group;
extern class @{60906D4E-537E-482e-B004-CC9461885672}@ Group &Layout;
extern class @{403ABCC0-6F22-4bd6-8BA4-10C829932547}@ GuiObject &WindowHolder;
extern class @{97AA3E4D-F4D0-4fa8-817B-0AF22A454983}@ GuiObject &ComponentBucket;
extern class @{64E4BBFA-81F4-49d9-B0C0-A85B2EC3BCFD}@ GuiObject &Edit;
extern class @{62B65E3F-375E-408d-8DEA-76814AB91B77}@ GuiObject &Slider;
extern class @{CE4F97BE-77B0-4e19-9956-D49833C96C27}@ GuiObject &Vis;
extern class @{A8C2200D-51EB-4b2a-BA7F-5D4BC65D4C71}@ GuiObject &Browser;
extern class @{8D1EBA38-489E-483e-B960-8D1F43C5C405}@ GuiObject &EqVis;
extern class @{0F08C940-AF39-4b23-80F3-B8C48F7EBB59}@ GuiObject &Status;
extern class @{EFAA8672-310E-41fa-B7DC-85A9525BCB4B}@ GuiObject &Text;
extern class @{7DFD3244-3751-4e7c-BF40-82AE5F3ADC33}@ GuiObject &Title;
extern class @{5AB9FA15-9A7D-4557-ABC8-6557A6C67CA9}@ GuiObject &Layer;
extern class @{698EDDCD-8F1E-4fec-9B12-F944F909FF45}@ GuiObject &Button;
extern class @{6B64CD27-5A26-4c4b-8C59-E6A70CF6493A}@ Layer &AnimatedLayer;
extern class @{6DCB05E4-8AC4-48c2-B193-49F0910EF54A}@ Layer &AlbumArtLayer;
extern class @{B4DCCFFF-81FE-4bcc-961B-720FD5BE0FFF}@ Button &ToggleButton;
extern class @{01E28CE1-B059-11d5-979F-E4DE6F51760A}@ GuiObject &GroupList;
extern class @{80F0F8BD-1BA5-42a6-A093-3236A00C8D4A}@ Group &CfgGroup;
deprecated extern class @{CDCB785D-81F2-4253-8F05-61B872283CFA}@ GuiObject &QueryList;
extern class @{9B2E341B-6C98-40fa-8B85-0C1B6EE89405}@ GuiObject &MouseRedir;
extern class @{36D59B71-03FD-4af8-9795-0502B7DB267A}@ GuiObject &DropDownList;
extern class @{7FD5F210-ACC4-48df-A6A0-5451576CDC76}@ GuiObject &LayoutStatus;
extern class @{B5BAA535-05B3-4dcb-ADC1-E618D28F6896}@ GuiObject &TabSheet;
extern class @{6129FEC1-DAB7-4d51-9165-01CA0C1B70DB}@ GuiObject &GuiList;
extern class @{D59514F7-ED36-45e8-980F-3F4EA0522CD9}@ GuiObject &GuiTree;
extern class @{9B3B4B82-667A-420e-8FFC-794115809C02}@ Object &TreeItem;
deprecated extern class @{1D8631C8-80D0-4792-9F98-BD5D36B49136}@ GuiObject &MenuButton;
extern class @{C7ED3199-5319-4798-9863-60B15A298CAA}@ GuiObject &CheckBox;
deprecated extern class @{2D2D1376-BE0A-4CB9-BC0C-57E6E4C999F5}@ GuiObject &Form;
extern class @{E2BBC14D-84F6-4173-BDB3-B2EB2F665550}@ GuiObject &Frame;	// Winamp 5.5
extern class @{73C00594-961F-401B-9B1B-672427AC4165}@ GuiObject	&Menu;	// Winamp 5.52

deprecated define Component WindowHolder

#ifndef true
#define true 1
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef false
#define false 0
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0

// class tree member functions & events

// Object CLASS
 Object Class.

 @short    This is the base class from which all other classes inherit.
 @author   Nullsoft Inc.
 @ver  1.0


 Returns the class name for the object.

 @ret The class name.
extern String Object.getClassName();


extern String Object.getId();


 @param  command
 @param  param
 @param  a
 @param  b
extern Int Object.onNotify(String command, String param, int a, int b);

// System CLASS
 System Class.

 @short    The system class are basic system functions accessible to all.
 @author   Nullsoft Inc.
 @ver  1.0


 Hookable. Event happens when script has just finished being loaded.
 No params.
extern System.onScriptLoaded();


 Hookable. Event happens when script is going to be unloaded.
 No params.
extern System.onScriptUnloading();


 Hookable. Event happens when the user quits the application.
 No params.
extern System.onQuit();

 onSetXuiParam(String param, String value)

 Hookable. Event happens when the script is in a group implementing
 an xuiobject and a parameter has not been recognized by the group or
 the embedded object.

 No params.
extern System.onSetXuiParam(String param, String value);


 Hookable. Event happens when the user presses a key on the keyboard.

 @param  key   The key that was pressed.
extern System.onKeyDown(String key);


 Hookable. Event happens when the user presses an accelerator key.

 @param  action   The action to perform (from locales)
 @param  section  The locales section for the accelerator.
 @param  key      The key, ie: "tab", "ctrl+a".
extern System.onAccelerator(String action, String section, String key);


 Hookable. Event happens when a layout is created.

 @param  _layout   The layout that was just created.
extern System.onCreateLayout(Layout _layout);


 Hookable. Event happens when a layout is about to be shown.
 This even only happens if the layout was previously hidden.

 @param  _layout   The layout that's about to be shown.
extern System.onShowLayout(Layout _layout);



 @param  _layout   The layout that's about to be hidden.
extern System.onHideLayout(Layout _layout);


 Hookable. Event happens when the Windows viewport has changed.
 Note: The monitor Winamp is currently on may not be related to
       the Windows message which led to generating this event.

 @param  width   The new viewport width or -1 if not given by the OS.
 @param  height  The new viewport height or -1 if not given by the OS.
extern System.onViewPortChanged(int width, int height);


 Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 stops playing a file.
 No params.
extern System.onStop();


 Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 starts playing a file.
 No params.
extern System.onPlay();


 Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 pauses playback.
 No params.
extern System.onPause();


 Hookable. Event happens when Winamp3 resumes playback.
 Event only happens when the song was previously set in a paused state.
 No params.
extern System.onResume();


 Hookable. Event happens when the song title changes.
extern System.onTitleChange(String newtitle);

extern System.onTitle2Change(String newtitle2);
extern System.onUrlChange(String url);
extern System.onInfoChange(String info);
extern System.onStatusMsg(String msg);


 Hookable. Event happens when an equalizer band changes values.
 The bands are numbered from 0 to 9 (0 being 60Hz and 9 being 16kHz)
 and their values range from -127 to +127.

 @param  band      The frequency band that has changed.
 @param  newvalue  The new value of the frequency band.
extern System.onEqBandChanged(int band, int newvalue);


 Hookable. Event happens when the equalizer pre-amp has changed
 values. Range of the value is from -127 to +127.

 @param  newvalue  The new pre-amp value.
extern System.onEqPreampChanged(int newvalue);


 Hookable. Event happens when the EQ is switched on or off.
 0 means the EQ was turned off. 1 means it was turned on.
 You might want to use true and false to verify this, it's a bit
 more elegant. :)

 @param  newstatus   The new status of the EQ.
extern System.onEqChanged(int newstatus);

extern System.onEqFreqChanged(int isiso); //Requires 5.51


 Hookable. Event happens when the volume was changed.
 The range of the volume is from 0 to 255.

 @param  newvol    The new volume value.
extern System.onVolumeChanged(int newvol);


 Hookable. Event happens when the user seeks
 to a position in the track.

 @param  newpos    The seekers new position.
extern System.onSeek(int newpos);


 @ret                 The requested container.
 @param  container_id    The containers identifier string.
extern Container System.getContainer(String container_id);


 @ret                 The new container.
 @param  container_id    The identifier for the container you want to create.
extern Container System.newDynamicContainer(String container_id);


 @ret             The new group.
 @param  group_id    The identifier for the group you want to create.
extern Group System.newGroup(String group_id);

extern Layout System.newGroupAsLayout(String group_id);


 Get the number of containers currently created.

 @ret The number of containers.
extern Int System.getNumContainers();


 Returns the name of the container associated with it's number.
 Use getNumContainers() to fetch the number of containers present.
 The containers are numbered from 0 to the value returned by getNumContainers().

 @ret       The name of the specified container.
 @param  num   The container's number for which you want to know the name.
extern Container System.enumContainer(Int num);

extern String system.enumEmbedGUID(int num); //TODO


 Gets the reference to the wac identified by the guid sent.

 @ret The requested WAC.
 @param  wac_guid  The WAC's GUID.
deprecated extern Wac System.getWac(String wac_guid);


 Creates a message box.
 The flag paramater lets you set the style of the message box.
 Just use the OR bitwise operator to set the style you want.
 Here's a list of the flags you can use:

 MSGBOX_OK         Adds an OK button.      (1)
 MSGBOX_CANCEL     Adds a CANCEL button.   (2)
 MSGBOX_YES        Adds a YES button.      (4)
 MSGBOX_NO         Adds a NO button.       (8)
 MSGBOX_ALL        Adds ALL buttons.       (16)
 MSGBOX_NEXT       Adds a NEXT button.     (32)
 MSGBOX_PREVIOUS   Adds a PREVIOUS button. (64)

 Note that the notanymore_id parameter stores the users answer in the 
 configuration file with the entry name specified by it's value.

 @ret   The value of the button that was pressed (example: if OK is pressed, 1 is returned).
 @param    message         The message you want to display.
 @param    msgtitle        The title of the message box.
 @param    flag            The message box style you want.
 @param    notanymore_id   Configuration item name in which to store the users answer.
extern Int System.messageBox(String message, String msgtitle, Int flag, String notanymore_id);


 @ret The name of what is playing.
extern String System.getPlayItemString();


 Get the length of the track currently playing, in milliseconds.
 @ret Length of the track, in seconds.
extern Int System.getPlayItemLength();


 Get metadata for the track currently playing. The metadata field names that
 are available are the following:


 @ret                 The requested metadata.
 @param  metadataname    The name of the metadata field you want to read.
extern String System.getPlayItemMetaDataString(String metadataname);
extern String System.getMetaDataString(String filename, String metadataname); // Requires 5.53
extern String System.getPlayItemDisplayTitle();

extern Int System.getCurrentTrackRating(); //Requires 5.5
extern System.onCurrentTrackRated(int rating); //Requires 5.5
extern System.setCurrentTrackRating(int rating); //Requires 5.5


  This one still return the same as getDecoderName()
  //Gets registered family for given extension (i.e. mp3 -> "Audio")

  @ret The registered family for given extension.
  @param ext The extension in question.
extern String System.getExtFamily(String ext);

extern String system.getDecoderName(string playitem);


 Play the requested file. Path and filename are required
 with proper extension (example: playFile("c:\music\mp3\file.mp3"); ).
 It also works with URL's (example: playFile("http://myshoutcast.com:8000"); ).

 @param  playitem  The path and filename to play.
extern System.playFile(String playitem);

extern Int System.getAlbumArt(String playitem); //Requires 5.5 // Will return 1 if an album art has been downloaded, otherwise 0 


 Hookable. Downloads a file from url and saves it as destination_filename.
 If destinationPath is "" it will be saved in CD Ripping dir (=getDownloadPath()).

 @param  url  the file to be downloaded
 @param  destinationPath  the path you want to store the file
 @param  wantAddToML  set true if you wnt to add the file to ML database
 @param  notifyDownloadsList  set true in order to list the download in <DownloadsLis/> Object
extern System.downloadMedia(String url, String destinationPath, boolean wantAddToML, boolean notifyDownloadsList); // Requires 5.54
deprecated extern System.downloadURL(String url, String destination_filename, String progress_dialog_title); //Requires 5.5 // destination_filename is just a dummy parameter as well as progress_dialog_title - use download() instead

extern System.onDownloadFinished(String url, boolean success, String filename); // Requires 5.53
extern String System.getDownloadPath();	// Requires 5.53 // returns the CD Ripping Directory
extern System.setDownloadPath(String new_path);	// Requires 5.53 // Sets the CD Ripping Directory


 Enqueque the requested file. Path and filename are required
 with proper extension (example: playFile("c:\music\mp3\file.mp3"); ).
 It also works with URL's (example: playFile("http://myshoutcast.com:8000"); ).

 @param  playitem  The path and filename to play.
extern System.enqueueFile(String playitem); //Requires 5.5


 Get the value of the left vu meter.
 Range is from 0 to 255. Linear.

 @ret The value of the left vu meter.
extern Int System.getLeftVuMeter();


 Get the value of the right vu meter.
 Range is from 0 to 255. Linear.

 @ret The value of the left vu meter.
extern Int System.getRightVuMeter();


 Get the current volume. Range is from 0 to 255.

 @ret The current volume.
extern Int System.getVolume();


 Set the volume to the desired value.
 Range is from 0 to 255.

 @param vol  The desired volume value.
extern System.setVolume(Int vol);


 Trigger the play event.
extern System.play();


 Trigger the stop event.
extern System.stop();


 Trigger the pause event.
extern System.pause();


 Trigger the next event.
extern System.next();


 Trigger the previous event.
extern System.previous();


 Trigger the eject event.
extern System.eject();


 Seek to the desired position in the track. Range is from
 0 to SONG LENGTH (in milliseconds).
extern System.seekTo(Int pos);


 Get the current position in the track currently playing,
 in milliseconds.

 @ret The current position in the track.
extern Int System.getPosition();


 Sets the requested equalizer band to the specified value.
 The bands are numbered from 0 (60Hz) to 9 (16kHz) and
 each range from -127 to +127.

 @param  band  The EQ band to set.
 @param  value The desired value for the specified band.
extern System.setEqBand(int band, Int value);


 Set the equalizer pre-amp to the desired value.
 Range is from -127 to +127 (0 means no preamp).

 @param  value The desired value for the pre-amp.
extern System.setEqPreamp(Int value);

 Set the equalizer to the desired state. On or off.
 0 is off, 1 is on.

 @param  onoff The desired state for the eq.
extern System.setEq(Int onoff);


 Get the value of an equalizer band. The bands
 are numbered from 0 (60Hz) to 9 (16kHz). The return
 value range is from -127 to +127.

 @ret       The value of the band.
 @param  band  The eq band number you want to get.
extern Int System.getEqBand(int band);


 Get the equalizer preamp value. The value range is
 from -127 to +127 (0 means no preamp).

 @ret The preamp's current value.
extern int System.getEqPreamp();


 Get the equalizer state. 0 for off, 1 for on.
 Remember to compare return value to true and false.

 @ret The EQ's state.
extern int System.getEq();


 This returns the X position of the mouse in the screen,
 using the screen coordinate system.

 @ret The mouse's current X pos.
extern int System.getMousePosX();


 This returns the Y position of the mouse in the screen,
 using the screen coordinate system.

 @ret The mouse's current Y pos.
extern int System.getMousePosY();


 Get the string representation of an integer.

 @ret         The string equivalent of the integer.
 @param  value   The integer to change into a string.
extern String System.integerToString(Int value);


 Get the integer representation of a string.

 @ret     The integer equivalent of the string.
 @param  str The string to change into an integer.
extern Int System.StringToInteger(String str);


 Get the string representation of a floating point number.

 @ret         The string representation of the float number.
 @param  value   The float to convert.
 @param  ndigits Number of digits after the decimal point you want.
extern String System.floatToString(float value, int ndigits);


 Get the floating point representation of a string.

 @ret     The float representation of the string.
 @param  str The string to convert.
extern Float System.stringToFloat(String str);


 Convert a time in seconds to a HH:MM:SS value.

 @ret       The string representation of the time (HH:MM:SS).
 @param  value Timestamp to use.
extern String System.integerToLongTime(Int value);


 Convert a time in seconds to a MM:SS value.

 @ret       The string representation of the time (MM:SS).
 @param  value Timestamp to use.
extern String System.integerToTime(Int value);

extern String System.dateToTime(Int datetime); // prints the time from a date with the same format as integerToTime
extern String System.dateToLongTime(Int datetime); // prints the time from a date with the same format as integerToLongTime
extern String System.formatDate(Int datetime); // formats the date according to the locales - short date format
extern String System.formatLongDate(Int datetime); // formats the date according to the locales - long date format
extern Int System.getDateYear(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's year since 1900
extern Int System.getDateMonth(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's month (0-11)
extern Int System.getDateDay(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's day of the month (1-31)
extern Int System.getDateDow(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's day of the week (0-6)
extern Int System.getDateDoy(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's day of the year (0-365)
extern Int System.getDateHour(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's hour (0-23)
extern Int System.getDateMin(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's minutes (0-59)
extern Int System.getDateSec(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's seconds (0-59)
extern Int System.getDateDst(Int datetime); // returns the datetime's daylight savings flag 
extern Int System.getDate(); // returns the datetime, use with the above functions

 Get a substring from a string.

 @ret       The substring.
 @param  str   The string.
 @param  start The start position.
 @param  len   The length of the string to extract, from start position.
extern String System.strmid(String str, Int start, Int len);


 Get a substring from a string, starting from the left.

 @ret         The substring.
 @param  str     The string.
 @param  nchars  The length of the string to extract, from the left.
extern String System.strleft(string str, int nchars);


 Get a substring from a string, starting from the right. Since
 the start point is the right of the string (or the end). It will
 extract the string starting from the END going towards the BEGINNING.

 @ret         The substring.
 @param  str     The string.
 @param  nchars  The length of the string to extract, from the right.
extern string System.strright(string str, int nchars);


 Search a string for any occurance of substring. If the substring was
 found in the string, it will return the position of the substring in
 the string searched. If the substring is not found, the return value
 is -1.

 @ret         Position at which the substring was found.
 @param  str     The string to search in.
 @param  substr  The substring to find.
extern int System.strsearch(string str, string substr);


 Returns the length of the string.

 @ret     The length of the string.
 @param  str The string.
extern int System.strlen(string str);


 Convert a string to all uppercase.

 @ret     The uppercase string.
 @param  str The string to uppercase.
extern string System.strupper(string str);


 Convert a string to all lowercase.

 @ret     The lowercase string.
 @param  str The string to lowercase.
extern string System.strlower(string str);


 URL Encode a string. Characters that are NOT encoded
 are: All letters, All digits, underscore (_), dash (-) and 
 period (.).

 @ret       The URL encoded string.
 @param  url   The string to URL encode.
extern string System.urlEncode(string url);

extern string System.urlDecode(string url); // Requires 5.54


 Pass a string through the ATF parser

 @ret		  The ATF encoded string.
 @param  topass   The string to ATF encode.
//extern string System.parseATF(string topass); // To be done


 Remove the path from a full filename. (example:
 c:\music\mp3\test.mp3 -> test.mp3)
 Also works on URLs.
 @ret    The filename with the path removed.
 @param str The fullpath of a file.
extern string System.removePath(string str);


 Gets the path from a full filename. (example:
 c:\music\mp3\test.mp3 -> c:\music\mp3)
 Also works on URLs.
 @ret    The path with the filename removed.
 @param str The fullpath of a file.
extern string System.getPath(string str);


 Gets the extension from a filename. (example:
 c:\music\mp3\test.mp3 -> mp3)
 Also works on URLs.
 @ret    The extension of the filename.
 @param str The fullpath of a file.
extern string System.getExtension(string str);


 Retreive a token from a list of tokens seperated by separator.
 The index starts at 0, not 1, so be careful.
 Here's a short example:
   getToken("1,2,3,4,5", ",", 3);
 Would return, 3. If the token you ask for doesn't exist, an 
 empty string is returned.

 @ret             The token requested.
 @param  str         The tokenenized string.
 @param  separator   The separator to use.
 @param  tokennum    The token to retreive.
extern string System.getToken(string str, string separator, int tokennum);


 Takes an angle in radians and returns the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. 
 The ratio is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length 
 of the hypotenuse. The result range is from -1 to 1.

 Converting from degrees to radians can be done by multiplying degrees by PI/180.

 @ret       The sine value of the angle.
 @param  value The angle for which you want to know the sine value.
extern double System.sin(double value);


 Takes an angle in radians and returns the ratio of the two sides of a right triangle.
 The ratio is the length of the side adjacent to the angle divided by the length of the
 hypotenuse. The result is range is from -1 to 1.

 @ret       The cosine value of the angle.
 @param  value The angle for which you want to know the cosine value.
extern double System.cos(double value);


 Takes an angle in radians and returns the ratio between two sides of a right triangle.
 The ratio is sin(x) divided by cos(x).

 @ret       The tangent value of the angle.
 @param  value The angle for which you want to know the tangent value.
extern double System.tan(double value);


 Takes a sine value ranging from -1 to 1 and returns the angle in radians.
 The return value ranges from -PI/2 to +PI/2.

 @ret       The angle in radians.
 @param  value The sine value for which you want to know the angle.
extern double System.asin(double value);


 Takes a cosine value ranging from -1 to 1 and returns the angle in radians.
 The return value ranges from -PI/2 to +PI/2.

 @ret       The angle in radians.
 @param  value The cosine value for which you want to know the angle.
extern double System.acos(double value);


 Takes an angle in radians and returns the ration between two sides of a right triangle.
 The ratio is cos(x) divided by sin(x).

 @ret     The arc tangent value of the angle.
extern double System.atan(double value);

  @ret The arctangent of y/x.
extern double System.atan2(double y, double x);


 Elevate a number to the N'th power.

 @ret         The number
 @param  value   The number you want to elevate to the N power.
 @param  pvalue  The power to which you want to elevate the number.
extern double System.pow(double value, double pvalue);


 Get the square of a number.

 @ret       The number, squared.
 @param  value The number for which you want the square value.
extern double System.sqr(double value);

extern double System.log10(double value);
extern double System.ln(double value);


 Get the square root of a number.

 @ret       The square root of the number.
 @param  value The number for which you want the square root value.
extern double System.sqrt(double value);


 Get a randomely generated number. The random number will not
 be bigger than the max value indicated. Smallest value is 0.

 @ret     The random number.
 @param  max The maximum value of the random number to return.
extern int System.random(int max);


 Create a private config entry for your script, of String type.
 @param  section   The section for the entry.
 @param  item      The item name for the entry.
 @param  value     The value of the entry.
extern System.setPrivateString(string section, string item, string value);


 Create a private config entry for your script, of Int type.

 @param  section   The section for the entry.
 @param  item      The item name for the entry.
 @param  value     The value of the entry.
extern System.setPrivateInt(string section, string item, int value);


 Read a private config entry of String type. Returns
 the specified default value if the section and item isn't

 @ret           The value of the config entry.
 @param  section   The section from which to read the entry.
 @param  item      The name of the item to read.
 @param  defvalue  The default value to return if no item is found.
extern String System.getPrivateString(String section, String item, String defvalue);


 Read a private config entry of Integer type. Returns
 the specified default value if the section and item isn't

 @ret           The value of the config entry.
 @param  section   The section from which to read the entry.
 @param  item      The name of the item to read.
 @param  defvalue  The defautl value to return if no item is found.
extern Int System.getPrivateInt(String section, String item, Int defvalue);


 Create a public config entry for your script, of String type.

 @param  item  The item name for the entry.
 @param  value The value of the entry.
extern System.setPublicString(String item, String value);


 Create a public config entry for your script, of Int type.

 @param  item  The item name of the entry.
 @param  value The value of the entry.
extern System.setPublicInt(String item, Int value);


 Read a public config entry of String type. Returns 
 the specified default value if the item isn't found.

 @ret           The value of the config entry.
 @param  item      The item name to read.
 @param  defvalue  The default value to return if no item is found.
extern String System.getPublicString(String item, String defvalue);


 Read a public config entry of Integer type. Returns
 the specified default value if the item isn't found.

 @ret           The value of the config entry.
 @param  item      The item name to read.
 @param  defvalue  The default value to return if no item is found.
extern Int System.getPublicInt(String item, Int defvalue);


 Get the parameters with which the script is called.
 This is the 'param="..."' attribute in the <script ...>
 skin XML tag.

 @ret The parameter for the script.
extern String System.getParam();


 Get the group in which the script is instantiated. Returns
 Null if it's not instantiated in a group.

extern Group System.getScriptGroup();


 Get the user's screen width in pixels.

 @ret The width of the user's screen.
extern Int System.getViewportWidth();
extern Int System.getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getViewportWidthFromPoint(int x, int y);

extern Int System.getMonitorWidth(); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getMonitorWidthFromPoint(int x, int y); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getMonitorWidthFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.631

//todo/ extern System.onMouseMove(int x, int y);


 Get the user's screen height in pixels.

 @ret The height of the user's screen.
extern Int System.getViewportHeight();
extern Int System.getViewportHeightFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getViewportHeightFromPoint(int x, int y);

extern Int System.getMonitorHeight(); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getMonitorHeightFromPoint(int x, int y); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getMonitorHeightFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.631

extern Int System.getMonitorLeft(); //Requires 5.631
extern Int System.getMonitorLeftFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getMonitorLeftFromPoint(int x, int y); //Requires 5.5

extern Int System.getMonitorTop(); //Requires 5.631
extern Int System.getMonitorTopFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.631
extern Int System.getMonitorTopFromPoint(int x, int y); //Requires 5.631

extern Int System.getViewportLeft();
extern Int System.getViewportLeftFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.5
extern Int System.getViewportLeftFromPoint(int x, int y);

extern Int System.getViewportTop();
extern Int System.getViewportTopFromGuiObject(GuiObject g); //Requires 5.5 
extern Int System.getViewportTopFromPoint(int x, int y);


 Send a debug message to the Wasabi Console.
 The severity ranges from 0 (not serious) to 9 (very serious).

 @param  str       The debug message.
 @param  severity  The severity of the error.
extern System.debugString(String str, Int severity);


 Send a DDE message to an application. The minimum
 interval between messages is specified in milliseconds.
 Here's an example:

 ddeSend("mIRC", "/msg #channel I'm using Winamp3", 300);

 @param  application   The DDE server name of the application.
 @param  command       The command to send.
 @param  mininterval   The minimum interval to respect between messages (in ms).
extern System.ddeSend(String application, String command, Int mininterval);


 Hookable. Event happens when the component with the
 specified GUID is going to be shown. Don't forget
 to return the component when you're done doing what
 you want to do (example: animate something).

 @ret       The component requested.
 @param  guid  The requested components GUID.

extern WindowHolder System.onLookForComponent(String guid);


 Get the applications current left coordinate in the screen,
 using the screen coordinate system.

 @ret The left coordinate of the application.
extern Int System.getCurAppLeft();


 Get the applications current top coordinate in the screen,
 using the screen coordinate system.

 @ret The top coordinate of the application.
extern Int System.getCurAppTop();


 Get the applications current window width, in pixels.

 @ret The width of the application window.
extern Int System.getCurAppWidth();


 Get the applications current window height, in pixels.

 @ret The height of the application window.
extern Int System.getCurAppHeight();


 Get the current status of the application. If it's active,
 it means the application has focus. True is active, false is

 @ret The application's status.
extern Boolean System.isAppActive();


 Get the skin name for the loaded skin.

 @ret The skin's name.
extern String System.getSkinName();
extern System.switchSkin(String skinname);
extern Int System.isLoadingSkin(); // 1 if loading, -1 if UNloading, 0 otherwise
extern System.lockUI();
extern System.unlockUI();


 Get a reference to the main browser object.
 This is the browser object that's defined with
 mainmb="1" in the skin XML.

 @ret A reference to the main browser object.
extern Browser System.getMainBrowser();
extern System.popMainBrowser();
extern System.navigateUrl(String url);
extern System.navigateUrlBrowser(String url); //Requires 5.53 // will call an onOpenUrl requuest and then navigate to an extern browser, can also be used to open nowplaying

extern Boolean System.onOpenURL(string url); //Requires 5.5 // called everytime winamp wants to open a website in an extern browser, return 1 to cancel this opening and open in your browser


 Verifies if an object is valid. You can also verify
 this using the Null object. True means the object is valid,
 false means it isn't.

 @ret   The validity of the object.
 @param  o The object you want to verify.
extern Boolean System.isObjectValid(Object o);


 Takes a Double and returns the closest integer representation.

 @ret   The integer representation of the double.
 @param  d The double for which you want an integer representation.
extern Int System.integer(Double d);
extern Double System.frac(Double d);


 Read the current time of the day. Returns a number that's
 the number of milliseconds since the start of the day (0:00).

 @ret The number of milliseconds since midnight.
extern Int System.getTimeOfDay();


 Set the menu's transparency value (alpha blending). Ranges 
 from 0 to 255. 0 being totally transparent and 255 being 
 totally opaque.

 @param alphavalue   The transparency value to set.
extern System.setMenuTransparency(int alphavalue);

extern Boolean System.onGetCancelComponent(String guid, boolean goingvisible);

#define STATUS_PAUSED -1


 returns the status of the main player core.

 @ret STATUS_PAUSED (-1) if paused, STATUS_STOPPED (0) if stopped, STATUS_PLAYING (1) if playing.
extern Int System.getStatus();

#define VK_SHIFT   16
#define VK_CONTROL 17
#define VK_ALT     18

 Int isKeyDown(int vk_code)

 Checks if a virtual key (like VK_CONTROL, VK_SHIFT, VK_ALT) is pressed.

 @ret 1 if key is pressed, 0 if not.

extern Int System.isKeyDown(int vk_code);

 setClipboardText(String text)

 Sets the given text to the clipboard.

extern System.setClipboardText(String _text);

 String Chr(Int charnum)

 Returns a string the ascii char.

extern String System.Chr(Int charnum);


 Takes a passed string and attempts to find a matching translation
 of the skin as specified in wasabi.xml (if this is present).

 @ret          The translated string or the passed string if no translation present.
 @param str    The string to be compared for translation.

e.g. int wasabi.xml we have <translation from="Volume:" to="Volume: Happy" />
     so on calling translate("Volume:") would give us "Volume: Happy"
extern String System.translate(String str); // Requires 5.54

 Returns a String from wasabi StringTable

 @ret		The translated string or "" if no translation present.
 @param table	The StringTable identifier, eg "nullsoft.bento"
 @param id	The id of the String (starting with 0)
extern String System.getString(String table, int id); // Requires 5.54

 Returns the Language Identifier (en-us or de-de).

 @ret		Language Identifier.
extern String System.getLanguageId(); // Requires 5.54

// extlist should be like "jpeg files|*.jpg|all files|*.*||"
// note the extra | on the end
deprecated extern String System.selectFile(String extlist, String id, String prev_filename);
extern String System.selectFolder(String wnd_title, String wnd_info, String default_path); // Requires 5.53 // use wnd_title="" in order to display default system caption
extern System.systemMenu();
extern System.windowMenu();
extern System.triggerAction(GuiObject context, String actionname, String actionparam);
extern GuiObject System.showWindow(String guidorgroupid, String preferedcontainer, Boolean transient); // "" = default container, returns the hosted window
extern System.hideWindow(GuiObject hw); // hw = hosted window, returned by showWindow
extern System.hideNamedWindow(String guidorgroup); // hides the last created wnd with this guid/groupname
extern Boolean System.isNamedWindowVisible(String guidorgroup); 
//extern System.setAtom(String atomname, Object object);
//extern Object System.getAtom(String atomname);
extern System.invokeDebugger();
extern int System.hasVideoSupport(); // requires 5.666 - returns 1 if video support is enabled in Winamp
extern Int System.isVideo();
extern Int System.isVideoFullscreen();
extern System.setVideoFullscreen(Boolean fullscreen); // requires 5.8
extern Int System.getIdealVideoWidth(); // -1 if video has never been open this session, otherwise the ideal width of the currently (or last) video played
extern Int System.getIdealVideoHeight(); // -1 if video has never been open this session, otherwise the ideal height of the currently (or last) video played
extern Int System.isMinimized();
extern System.minimizeApplication();
extern System.restoreApplication();
extern System.activateApplication();
extern Int System.getPlaylistLength(); // number of items in the playlist
extern Int System.getPlaylistIndex(); // currently playing item in the playlist (or next to play if stopped)
extern System.clearPlaylist(); //Requires 5.5
extern Boolean System.isDesktopAlphaAvailable();
extern Boolean System.isTransparencyAvailable();
extern Int System.onShowNotification(); // return 1 if you implement it 
extern String System.getSongInfoText(); // same as what gets in a text object with display="SONGINFO"
extern String System.getSongInfoTextTranslated(); // same as what gets in a text object with display="SONGINFO_LOCALISE"
extern Int System.getVisBand(int channel, int band); // 0,1 / 0..75
extern Double System.getRuntimeVersion(); // returns the maki runtime version, up to 5.01 = 0.0, 5.02+ = 1.0

//extern Int System.isWa2ComponentVisible(String guid);
//extern System.hideWa2Component(String guid);

extern boolean system.isProVersion(); //Requires 5.5
extern String System.getWinampVersion(); //Requires 5.51
extern Int System.getBuildNumber(); //Requires 5.51

extern int System.getFileSize(String fullfilename); //Requires 5.51

// Container CLASS
 Container Class.

 @short    The container class enables you to control current containers and also create them.
 @author   Nullsoft Inc.
 @ver  1.0


 Hookable. Event happens when a container is going to switch 
 from the currently active layout to another layout (newlayout).

 @param newlayout  The new layout that will be used.
extern Container.onSwitchToLayout(Layout newlayout);
extern Container.onBeforeSwitchToLayout(Layout oldlayout, Layout newlayout);
extern Container.setXmlParam(String param, String value);

 Hookable. Event happens when a container is about to hide
 the currently active layout (_layout).

 @param  _layout The layout that's going to be hidden.
extern Container.onHideLayout(Layout _layout);


 Hookable. Event happens when a container is about to
 show a layout (_layout).

 @param  _layout The layout about to be shown
extern Container.onShowLayout(Layout _layout);


 Get the layout associated with the an id.
 This corresponds to the "id=..." attribute in
 the XML tag <layout .. />.
 @ret             The layout associated with the id.
 @param  layout_id   The id of the layout you wish to retrieve.
extern Layout Container.getLayout(String layout_id);


 Get the number of layouts contained in the

 @ret       The number of layouts.
extern Int Container.getNumLayouts();


 Get the layout by it's index number.
 Range is from 0 to the value returned 
 by getNumLayouts() - 1.

 @ret       The layout.
 @param  num   The index number of the layout you want.
extern Layout Container.enumLayout(Int num);


 Switch to a perticular layout by using the
 desired layout's id. This corresponds to the
 "id=..." attribute in the XML tag <layout .. />.

 @param  layout_id   The id of the layout to which you want to switch.
extern Container.switchToLayout(String layout_id);


 Trigger the show event.
extern Container.show();


 Trigger the hide event.
extern Container.hide();
// this one destroys it if the container is dynamic, or hides otherwise
extern Container.close();


 Toggle the containers state between Shown / Hidden.
extern Container.toggle();


 Tells you if the current container is a dynamic 
 container or not. Values are true (1) for dynamic
 false (0) for static.

 @ret The container type (dynamic or static).
extern Int Container.isDynamic();

extern Container.setName(String name);
extern String Container.getName(); //requires Winamp 5.53
extern String Container.getGuid(); //requires Winamp 5.53
extern Layout Container.getCurLayout();
extern Container.onAddContent(GuiObject wnd, String id, String guid); //requires Winamp 5.51

 WAC Class.
 Not used in Winamp5.

 @short    .
 @author   Nullsoft Inc.
 @ver  1.0

 Get the GUID of the WAC.

 @ret The GUID of the WAC.
deprecated extern String Wac.getGuid();


 Get the name of the WAC.

 @ret The name of the WAC.
deprecated extern String Wac.getName();


deprecated extern Int Wac.sendCommand(String cmd, Int param1, Int param2, String param3);


 Trigger the show event.
deprecated extern Wac.show();


 Trigger the hide event.
deprecated extern Wac.hide();


deprecated extern Boolean Wac.isVisible();


deprecated extern Wac.onNotify(String notifstr, Int a, Int b);


 Hookable. The event happens when the WAC is about
 to be shown.
deprecated extern Wac.onShow();


 Hookable. The event happens when the WAC is about
 to be hidden.
deprecated extern Wac.onHide();


 Set the status bars visibility.
 Sending true will make the status bar 
 visible while sending false will hide

 @param  onoff   The status bars visibility.
deprecated extern Wac.setStatusBar(Boolean onoff);


 Get the status bars visibility. True means
 it's visible, false means it's hidden.

 @ret The status bars visibility.
deprecated extern Boolean Wac.getStatusBar();

 GuiObject Class.

 @short    .
 @author   Nullsoft Inc.
 @ver  1.0

 Trigger the show event.
extern GuiObject.show();


 Trigger the hide event.
extern GuiObject.hide();


 Get the visibility status of the object.
 False means it's hidden, true means it's

 @ret The visibility status of the object.
extern int GuiObject.isVisible();


 Hookable. Event happens when the visibility
 status of the object is changed from visible to
 hidden or vice-versa.

 @param  onoff   The objects visibility status.
extern GuiObject.onSetVisible(Boolean onoff);


 Set the alphablending value of the object.
 Value ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to 
 255 (fully opaque).

 @param  alpha   The alpha value.
extern GuiObject.setAlpha(int alpha);


 Get the current alphablending value of
 the object. Value ranges from 0 (fully
 transparent) to 255 (fully opaque).

 @ret The alpha value.
extern int GuiObject.getAlpha();


 Hookable. Event happens when the left mouse
 button was previously down and is now up.

 @param  x   The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
 @param  y   The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
extern GuiObject.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y);


 Hookable. Event happens when the left mouse button
 is pressed.

 @param  x   The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
 @param  y   The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
extern GuiObject.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y);


 Hookable. Event happens when the right mouse button
 was previously down and is now up.

 @param  x   The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
 @param  y   The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
extern GuiObject.onRightButtonUp(int x, int y);


 Hookable. Event happens when the right mouse button
 is pressed.

 @param  x   The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
 @param  y   The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
extern GuiObject.onRightButtonDown(int x, int y);


 Hookable. Event happens when the right mouse button
 is double clicked.

 @param  x   The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
 @param  y   The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
extern GuiObject.onRightButtonDblClk(int x, int y);


 Hookable. Event happens when the left mouse button
 is double clicked.

 @param  x   The X position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
 @param  y   The Y position in the screen where the cursor was when the event was triggered.
extern GuiObject.onLeftButtonDblClk(int x, int y);

extern int GuiObject.onMouseWheelUp(int clicked , int lines); // Requires 5.54 - return 1 if you don't want to send the handle to winamp
extern int GuiObject.onMouseWheelDown(int clicked , int lines); // Requires 5.54 - return 1 if you don't want to send the handle to winamp


 Hookable. Event happens when the mouse is moved.

 @param  x   The new X screen position of the mouse.
 @param  y   The new Y screen position of the mouse.
extern GuiObject.onMouseMove(int x, int y);


 Hookable. Event happens when the mouse
 enters the objects area.
extern GuiObject.onEnterArea();


 Hookable. Event happens when the mouse
 leaves the objects area.
extern GuiObject.onLeaveArea();

extern GuiObject.setEnabled(boolean onoff);

extern boolean GuiObject.getEnabled();

extern GuiObject.onEnable(boolean onoff);


 Resize the object to the desired size and position.

 @param  x   The X position where to anchor the object before resize.
 @param  y   The Y position where to anchor the object before resize.
 @param  w   The width you wish the object to have.
 @param  h   The height you wish the object to have.
extern GuiObject.resize(int x, int y, int w, int h);


 Hookable. Event happens when the object is about
 to be resized.

 @param  x   The X position where the object will be anchored.
 @param  y   The Y position where the object will be anchored.
 @param  w   The width the object will have.
 @param  h   The height the object will have.
extern GuiObject.onResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);

extern boolean GuiObject.isMouseOver(int x, int y);


 Get the X position, in the screen, of the 
 left edge of the object.

 @ret The left edge's position (in screen coordinates).
extern int GuiObject.getLeft();


 Get the Y position, in the screen, of the
 top edge of the object.

 @ret The top edge's position (in screen coordinates).
extern int GuiObject.getTop();


 Get the width of the object, in pixels.

 @ret The width of the object.
extern int GuiObject.getWidth();


 Get the height of the object, in pixels.

 @ret The height of the object.
extern int GuiObject.getHeight();


 Set a target X position, in the screen, for
 the object.

 @param  x   The target X position of the object.
extern GuiObject.setTargetX(int x);


 Set a target Y position, in the screen, for
 the object.

 @param  y   The target Y position of the object.
extern GuiObject.setTargetY(int y);


 Set a target width, in pixels, for the object.

 @param  w   The target width of the object.
extern GuiObject.setTargetW(int w);


 Set a target height, in pixels, for the object.

 @param  h   The target height of the object.
extern GuiObject.setTargetH(int r);


 Set a target alphablending value for the object.
 The value range is from 0 (totally transparent)
 to 255 (totally opaque).

 @param  alpha   The target alpha value.
extern GuiObject.setTargetA(int alpha);


 The amount of time in which you wish to arrive at
 the target(s) previously set, in seconds.

 @param  insecond    The number of seconds in which to reach the target.
extern GuiObject.setTargetSpeed(float insecond);


 Begin transition to previously set target.
extern GuiObject.gotoTarget();


 Hookable. Event happens when the object has reached
 it's previously set target.
extern GuiObject.onTargetReached();
extern GuiObject.cancelTarget();
extern GuiObject.reverseTarget(int reverse); // modifies the x/y targets so that they compensate for gained width/height. useful to make drawers that open up without jittering
extern GuiObject.onStartup();
extern boolean GuiObject.isGoingToTarget();
extern GuiObject.setXmlParam(String param, String value);
extern String GuiObject.getXmlParam(String param);
extern GuiObject.init(Group parent);
extern GuiObject.bringToFront();
extern GuiObject.bringToBack();
extern GuiObject.bringAbove(GuiObject guiobj);
extern GuiObject.bringBelow(GuiObject guiobj);
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiX();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiY();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiW();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiH();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatX();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatY();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatW();
extern Int GuiObject.getGuiRelatH();
extern Boolean GuiObject.isActive();
extern GuiObject GuiObject.getParent();
extern Layout GuiObject.getParentLayout();
extern GuiObject GuiObject.getTopParent();
extern int GuiObject.runModal();
extern GuiObject.endModal(int retcode);
extern GuiObject GuiObject.findObject(String id);
extern GuiObject GuiObject.findObjectXY(int x, int y);
extern String GuiObject.getName();
extern int GuiObject.clientToScreenX(int x);
extern int GuiObject.clientToScreenY(int y);
extern int GuiObject.clientToScreenW(int w);
extern int GuiObject.clientToScreenH(int h);
extern int GuiObject.screenToClientX(int x);
extern int GuiObject.screenToClientY(int y);
extern int GuiObject.screenToClientW(int w);
extern int GuiObject.screenToClientH(int h);
extern int GuiObject.getAutoWidth();
extern int GuiObject.getAutoHeight();
extern GuiObject.setFocus();
extern GuiObject.onChar(String c);
extern GuiObject.onAccelerator(String accel);
extern Boolean GuiObject.isMouseOverRect();
extern Object GuiObject.getInterface(String interface_guid);
extern GuiObject.onDragEnter();
extern GuiObject.onDragOver(int x, int y);
extern GuiObject.onDragLeave();

#define VK_PRIOR    33
#define VK_NEXT     34
#define VK_END      35
#define VK_HOME     36
#define VK_LEFT     37
#define VK_UP       38
#define VK_RIGHT    39
#define VK_DOWN     40

extern GuiObject.onKeyDown(int vk_code);
extern GuiObject.onKeyUp(int vk_code);
extern GuiObject.onGetFocus();
extern GuiObject.onKillFocus();
extern Int GuiObject.sendAction(String action, String param, Int x, int y, int p1, int p2);
extern Int GuiObject.onAction(String action, String param, Int x, int y, int p1, int p2, GuiObject source);

  // Group

extern GuiObject Group.getObject(String object_id);
extern Int Group.getNumObjects();
extern GuiObject Group.enumObject(Int num);
extern Group.onCreateObject(GuiObject newobj);
extern Int Group.getMousePosX();
extern Int Group.getMousePosY();
extern Boolean Group.isLayout();

  // Layout

extern Layout.onDock(int side);
extern Layout.onUndock();
extern Layout.onScale(Double newscalevalue);
extern Double Layout.getScale();
extern Layout.setScale(Double scalevalue);
extern Layout.setDesktopAlpha(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layout.getDesktopAlpha();
extern Container Layout.getContainer();
extern Layout.center();
extern Layout.onMove();
extern Layout.onEndMove();
extern Layout.onUserResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern Layout.snapAdjust(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
extern Int Layout.getSnapAdjustTop();
extern Int Layout.getSnapAdjustRight();
extern Int Layout.getSnapAdjustLeft();
extern Int Layout.getSnapAdjustBottom();
extern Layout.setRedrawOnResize(int wantredrawonresize);
extern Layout.beforeRedock();
extern Layout.redock();
extern Boolean Layout.isTransparencySafe();
extern Boolean Layout.isLayoutAnimationSafe();
extern Layout.onMouseEnterLayout();
extern Layout.onMouseLeaveLayout();
extern Layout.onSnapAdjustChanged();

  // List

extern List.addItem(Any _object);
extern List.removeItem(int pos);
extern Any List.enumItem(int pos);
extern Int List.findItem(Any _object);
extern Int List.findItem2(Any _object, int startItem);
extern int List.getNumItems();
extern List.removeAll();

  // BitList

extern boolean BitList.getItem(int n);
extern BitList.setItem(int n, boolean val);
extern BitList.setSize(int s);
extern int BitList.getSize();

  // Map

extern Int Map.getValue(int x, int y);
extern Int Map.getARGBValue(int x, int y, int channel); // requires wa 5.51 // channel: 0=Blue, 1=Green, 2=Red, 3=Alpha. if your img has a alpha channal the returned rgb value might not be exact
extern Boolean Map.inRegion(int x, int y);
extern Map.loadMap(String bitmapid);
extern Int Map.getWidth();
extern Int Map.getHeight();
extern Region Map.getRegion();

  // PopupMenu

extern PopupMenu.addSubMenu(PopupMenu submenu, String submenutext);
extern PopupMenu.addCommand(String cmdtxt, Int cmd_id, Boolean checked, Boolean disabled);
extern PopupMenu.addSeparator();
extern Int PopupMenu.popAtXY(int x, int y);
extern Int PopupMenu.popAtMouse();
extern Int PopupMenu.getNumCommands();
extern PopupMenu.checkCommand(int cmd_id, boolean check);
extern PopupMenu.disableCommand(int cmd_id, boolean disable);

  // Region

extern Region.add(Region reg);
extern Region.sub(Region reg);
extern Region.offset(int x, int y);
extern Region.stretch(double r);
extern Region.copy(Region reg);
extern Region.loadFromMap(Map regionmap, Int threshold, Boolean reversed);
extern Region.loadFromBitmap(String bitmapid);
extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxX();
extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxY();
extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxW();
extern Int Region.getBoundingBoxH();

  // Timer

extern Timer.onTimer();
extern Timer.setDelay(int millisec);
extern Int Timer.getDelay();
extern Timer.start();
extern Timer.stop();
extern Timer.isRunning();
extern Int Timer.getSkipped();

  // FeedWatcher

deprecated extern Int FeedWatcher.setFeed(String feed_id);
deprecated extern FeedWatcher.releaseFeed();
deprecated extern FeedWatcher.onFeedChange(String new_feeddata);

  // WindowHolder

extern WindowHolder.setRegionFromMap(Map regionmap, Int threshold, Boolean reverse);
extern WindowHolder.setRegion(Region reg);
extern GuiObject WindowHolder.getContent();
extern String WindowHolder.getGuid();	// Fixed in Winamp 5.53 - returns the guid of the current window. If the WindowHolder is not visible the zero-guid is displayed
extern String WindowHolder.getComponentName(); // Requires 5.54

deprecated extern WindowHolder.onGetWac(Wac wacobj);
deprecated extern WindowHolder.onGiveUpWac(Wac wacobj);
deprecated extern Wac WindowHolder.getWac();
deprecated extern WindowHolder.setAcceptWac(Boolean onoff);

  // Edit

extern Edit.onEnter();
extern Edit.onAbort();
extern Edit.onIdleEditUpdate();
extern Edit.onEditUpdate();
extern Edit.setText(String txt); 
extern Edit.setAutoEnter(boolean onoff);
extern Int Edit.getAutoEnter();
extern String Edit.getText();
extern Edit.selectAll();
extern Edit.enter();
extern Edit.setIdleEnabled(boolean onoff);
extern Int Edit.getIdleEnabled();

  // Slider

extern Slider.onSetPosition(int newpos);
extern Slider.onPostedPosition(int newpos);
extern Slider.onSetFinalPosition(int pos);
extern Slider.setPosition(int pos);
extern Int Slider.getPosition();
extern Slider.lock(); // locks descendant core collbacks
extern Slider.unlock(); // unloads them

  // Vis

extern Vis.onFrame();
extern Vis.setRealtime(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Vis.getRealtime();
extern Int Vis.getMode();
extern Vis.setMode(Int mode);
extern Vis.nextMode();

  // Browser

extern Browser.navigateUrl(String url);
extern Browser.back();
extern Browser.forward();
extern Browser.stop();
extern Browser.refresh();
extern Browser.home();
extern Browser.setTargetName(String targetname);
extern Boolean Browser.onBeforeNavigate(String url, Int flags, String targetframename); // return TRUE to cancel navigation
extern Browser.onDocumentComplete(String url); // Will be called for main site and inlineFrames
extern Browser.onDocumentReady(String url); // Requires 5.53 // Will be called after all inlineFrames & site is loaded
extern String Browser.getDocumentTitle();
extern Browser.onNavigateError(String url, int code); // Requires 5.53
extern Browser.setCancelIEErrorPage(boolean cancel); // Requires 5.53


 Starts to search the current document of browser for strings linking to playable madia.
 Call best after onDocumenteComplete();
 No params.
extern browser.scrape(); //Requires 5.5


 Called everytime the SiteScraper has found a media link
 in the current document.

 @param url A string that contains the URL link to this file.
extern string browser.onMediaLink(string url); //Requires 5.5

  // Text

extern Text.setText(String txt); // changes the display/text="something" param
extern Text.setAlternateText(String txt); // overrides the display/text parameter with a custom string, set "" to cancel
extern String Text.getText();
extern int Text.getTextWidth();
extern Text.onTextChanged(String newtxt);

  // Layer

extern Layer.onBeginResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern Layer.onEndResize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
extern Layer.fx_onInit();
extern Layer.fx_onFrame();
extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelR(double r, double d, double x, double y);
extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelD(double r, double d, double x, double y);
extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelX(double r, double d, double x, double y);
extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelY(double r, double d, double x, double y);
extern Double Layer.fx_onGetPixelA(double r, double d, double x, double y);
extern Layer.setRegionFromMap(Map regionmap, int threshold, boolean reverse);
extern Layer.setRegion(Region reg);
extern Layer.fx_setEnabled(boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getEnabled();
extern Layer.fx_setWrap(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getWrap();
extern Layer.fx_setRect(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getRect();
extern Layer.fx_setBgFx(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getBgFx();
extern Layer.fx_setClear(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getClear();
extern Layer.fx_setSpeed(Int msperframe);
extern Int Layer.fx_getSpeed();
extern Layer.fx_setRealtime(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getRealtime();
extern Layer.fx_setLocalized(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getLocalized();
extern Layer.fx_setBilinear(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getBilinear();
extern Layer.fx_setAlphaMode(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Layer.fx_getAlphaMode();
extern Layer.fx_setGridSize(Int x, Int y);
extern Layer.fx_update();
extern Layer.fx_restart();
extern Boolean Layer.isInvalid(); // Returns 1 if image load failed

  // Button

extern Button.onActivate(int activated);
extern Button.onLeftClick();
extern Button.onRightClick();
extern Button.setActivated(Boolean onoff);
extern Button.setActivatedNoCallback(Boolean onoff);
extern Boolean Button.getActivated();
extern Button.leftClick();
extern Button.rightClick();

  // AnimatedLayer

extern AnimatedLayer.onPlay();
extern AnimatedLayer.onPause();
extern AnimatedLayer.onResume();
extern AnimatedLayer.onStop();
extern AnimatedLayer.onFrame(Int framenum);
extern AnimatedLayer.setSpeed(Int msperframe);
extern AnimatedLayer.gotoFrame(int framenum);
extern AnimatedLayer.setStartFrame(Int framenum);
extern AnimatedLayer.setEndFrame(int framenum);
extern AnimatedLayer.setAutoReplay(Boolean onoff);
extern AnimatedLayer.play();
extern AnimatedLayer.stop();
extern AnimatedLayer.pause();
extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.isPlaying();
extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.isPaused();
extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.isStopped();
extern Int AnimatedLayer.getStartFrame();
extern Int AnimatedLayer.getEndFrame();
extern Int AnimatedLayer.getLength();
extern Int AnimatedLayer.getDirection();
extern Boolean AnimatedLayer.getAutoReplay();
extern Int AnimatedLayer.getCurFrame();
extern AnimatedLayer.setRealtime(Boolean onoff);

  // AlbumArt

extern AlbumArtLayer.refresh();
extern AlbumArtLayer.isLoading();
extern AlbumArtLayer.onAlbumArtLoaded(boolean success);

  // ToggleButton

extern ToggleButton.onToggle(Boolean onoff);
extern int TOggleButton.getCurCfgVal();

  // GroupList

extern Group GroupList.instantiate(String group_id, int num_groups);
extern Int GroupList.getNumItems();
extern Group GroupList.enumItem(int num);
extern GroupList.removeAll();
extern GroupList.scrollToPercent(Int percent);
extern GroupList.setRedraw(int redraw);

  // CfgGroup

extern Int CfgGroup.cfgGetInt();
extern CfgGroup.cfgSetInt(Int intvalue);
extern String CfgGroup.cfgGetString();
extern Float CfgGroup.cfgGetFloat();
extern CfgGroup.cfgSetFloat(Float floatvalue);
extern CfgGroup.cfgSetString(String strvalue);
extern CfgGroup.onCfgChanged();
extern String CfgGroup.cfgGetGuid();
extern String CfgGroup.cfgGetName();

  // QueryList

deprecated extern QueryList.onResetQuery();

  // MouseRedir

extern MouseRedir.setRedirection(GuiObject o);
extern GuiObject MouseRedir.getRedirection();
extern MouseRedir.setRegionFromMap(Map regionmap, Int threshold, Boolean reverse);
extern MouseRedir.setRegion(Region reg);

  // DropDownList

extern String DropDownList.getItemSelected();
extern DropDownList.onSelect(Int id, Int hover);
extern DropDownList.setListHeight(Int h);
extern DropDownList.openList();
extern DropDownList.closeList();
extern DropDownList.setItems(String lotsofitems);
extern Int DropDownList.addItem(String _text); 
extern DropDownList.delItem(Int id);
extern Int DropDownList.findItem(String _text);
extern Int DropDownList.getNumItems();
extern DropDownList.selectItem(Int id, Int hover);
extern String DropDownList.getItemText(Int id);
extern Int DropDownList.getSelected();
extern String DropDownList.getSelectedText();
extern String DropDownList.getCustomText();
extern DropDownList.deleteAllItems();
extern DropDownList.setNoItemText(String txt);

  // LayoutStatus

extern LayoutStatus.callme(String str); 

  // TabSheet

extern Int TabSheet.getCurPage();
extern TabSheet.setCurPage(Int a);

  // GuiList

// Columns
extern Int GuiList.addColumn(String name, Int width, Int numeric);
extern Int GuiList.getNumColumns();
extern Int GuiList.getColumnWidth(Int column);
extern GuiList.setColumnWidth(Int column, Int newwidth);
extern String GuiList.getColumnLabel(Int column);
extern GuiList.setColumnLabel(Int column, String newlabel);
extern Int GuiList.getColumnNumeric(Int column);
extern GuiList.setColumnDynamic(Int column, Int isdynamic);
extern Int GuiList.isColumnDynamic(Int column);
extern GuiList.invalidateColumns();
// Items
extern Int GuiList.getNumItems();
extern Int GuiList.getItemCount();
extern Int GuiList.addItem(String label);
extern Int GuiList.insertItem(Int pos, String label);
extern Int GuiList.getLastAddedItemPos();
extern GuiList.setSubItem(Int pos, Int subpos, String txt);
extern GuiList.deleteAllItems();
extern Int GuiList.deleteByPos(Int pos);
extern String GuiList.getItemLabel(Int pos, Int subpos);
extern String GuiList.getSubitemText(Int pos, Int subpos);
extern GuiList.setItemLabel(Int pos, String _text);
extern Int GuiList.invalidateItem(Int pos);
extern Int GuiList.getFirstItemVisible();
extern Int GuiList.getLastItemVisible();
extern GuiList.setItemIcon(Int pos, String bitmapId); // Requires 5.54
extern String GuiList.getItemIcon(Int pos); // Requires 5.54
// Attributes
extern GuiList.setMinimumSize(Int size);
extern Int GuiList.getWantAutoDeselect();
extern GuiList.setWantAutoDeselect(Int want);
extern GuiList.onSetVisible(Int show);
extern GuiList.setAutoSort(Int dosort);
extern Int GuiList.setFontSize(Int size);
extern Int GuiList.getFontSize();
extern Int GuiList.getHeaderHeight();
extern Int GuiList.getPreventMultipleSelection();
extern Int GuiList.setPreventMultipleSelection(Int val);
extern GuiList.setShowIcons(int showThem); // Requires 5.54
extern Int GuiList.getShowIcons(); // Requires 5.54
extern Int GuiList.setIconWidth(int width); // Requires 5.54
extern Int GuiList.setIconHeight(int width); // Requires 5.54
extern GuiList.getIconWidth(); // Requires 5.54
extern GuiList.getIconHeight(); // Requires 5.54
// Navigation
extern GuiList.next();
extern GuiList.previous();
extern GuiList.pagedown();
extern GuiList.pageup();
extern GuiList.home();
extern GuiList.end();
extern GuiList.reset();
extern GuiList.ensureItemVisible(Int pos);
extern Int GuiList.scrollAbsolute(Int x);
extern Int GuiList.scrollRelative(Int x);
extern GuiList.scrollLeft(Int lines);
extern GuiList.scrollRight(Int lines);
extern GuiList.scrollUp(Int lines);
extern GuiList.scrollDown(Int lines);
extern GuiList.jumpToNext(Int c);
extern GuiList.scrollToItem(Int pos);
// Selecting
extern GuiList.selectCurrent();
extern GuiList.selectFirstEntry();
extern Int GuiList.getItemSelected(Int pos);
extern Int GuiList.isItemFocused(Int pos);
extern Int GuiList.getItemFocused();
extern GuiList.setItemFocused(Int pos);
extern Int GuiList.getFirstItemSelected();
extern Int GuiList.getNextItemSelected(Int lastpos);
extern Int GuiList.selectAll();
extern Int GuiList.deselectAll();
extern Int GuiList.invertSelection();
extern GuiList.setSelectionStart(Int pos);
extern GuiList.setSelectionEnd(Int pos);
extern GuiList.setSelected(Int pos, Int selected);
extern GuiList.toggleSelection(Int pos, Int setfocus);
// Actions, Moving
extern GuiList.resort();
extern Int GuiList.getSortDirection();
extern Int GuiList.getSortColumn();
extern GuiList.setSortColumn(Int col);
extern GuiList.setSortDirection(Int dir);
extern GuiList.moveItem(Int from, Int to);
// Callbacks
extern GuiList.onSelectAll();
extern GuiList.onDelete();
extern GuiList.onDoubleClick(Int itemnum);
extern GuiList.onLeftClick(Int itemnum);
extern GuiList.onSecondLeftClick(Int itemnum);
extern Int GuiList.onRightClick(Int itemnum);
extern Int GuiList.onColumnDblClick(Int col, Int x, Int y);
extern Int GuiList.onColumnLabelClick(Int col, Int x, Int y);
extern GuiList.onItemSelection(Int itemnum, Int selected);
extern Int GuiList.onIconLeftClick(int itemnum, int x, int y); // Return 1 to prevent other actions to be called (eg onLeftClick()) // Requires 5.54

  // GuiTree

extern Int GuiTree.onWantAutoContextMenu();
extern Int GuiTree.onMouseWheelUp(Int clicked, Int lines);
extern Int GuiTree.onMouseWheelDown(Int clicked, Int lines);
extern Int GuiTree.onContextMenu(Int x, Int y);
extern Int GuiTree.onChar(Int c);
extern GuiTree.onItemRecvDrop(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.onLabelChange(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.onItemSelected(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.onItemDeselected(TreeItem item);

extern Int GuiTree.getNumRootItems();
extern TreeItem GuiTree.enumRootItem(Int which);
extern GuiTree.jumpToNext(Int c);
extern GuiTree.ensureItemVisible(TreeItem item);
extern Int GuiTree.getContentsWidth();
extern Int GuiTree.getContentsHeight();
extern TreeItem GuiTree.addTreeItem(TreeItem item, TreeItem par, Int sorted, Int haschildtab);
extern Int GuiTree.removeTreeItem(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.moveTreeItem(TreeItem item, TreeItem newparent);
extern GuiTree.deleteAllItems();
extern Int GuiTree.expandItem(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.expandItemDeferred(TreeItem item);
extern Int GuiTree.collapseItem(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.collapseItemDeferred(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.selectItem(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.selectItemDeferred(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.delItemDeferred(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.hiliteItem(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.unhiliteItem(TreeItem item);
extern TreeItem GuiTree.getCurItem();
extern TreeItem GuiTree.hitTest(Int x, Int y);
extern GuiTree.editItemLabel(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.cancelEditLabel(Int destroyit);
extern GuiTree.setAutoEdit(Int ae);
extern Int GuiTree.getAutoEdit();
extern TreeItem GuiTree.getByLabel(TreeItem item, String  name);
extern GuiTree.setSorted(Int dosort);
extern Int  GuiTree.getSorted();
extern GuiTree.sortTreeItems();
extern TreeItem GuiTree.getSibling(TreeItem item);
extern GuiTree.setAutoCollapse(Int doautocollapse);
extern Int GuiTree.setFontSize(Int newsize);
extern Int GuiTree.getFontSize();
extern Int GuiTree.getNumVisibleChildItems(TreeItem c);
extern Int GuiTree.getNumVisibleItems();
extern TreeItem GuiTree.enumVisibleItems(Int n);
extern TreeItem GuiTree.enumVisibleChildItems(TreeItem c, Int n);
extern TreeItem GuiTree.enumAllItems(Int n);
extern Int GuiTree.getItemRectX(TreeItem item);
extern Int GuiTree.getItemRectY(TreeItem item);
extern Int GuiTree.getItemRectW(TreeItem item);
extern Int GuiTree.getItemRectH(TreeItem item);
// extern TreeItem GuiTree.getItemFromPoint(Int x, Int y);

  // TreeItem

extern Int TreeItem.getNumChildren();
extern TreeItem.setLabel(String label);
extern String TreeItem.getLabel();
extern TreeItem.ensureVisible();
extern TreeItem TreeItem.getNthChild(Int nth);
extern TreeItem TreeItem.getChild();
extern TreeItem TreeItem.getChildSibling(TreeItem _item);
extern TreeItem TreeItem.getSibling();
extern TreeItem TreeItem.getParent();
extern TreeItem.editLabel();
extern Int TreeItem.hasSubItems();
extern TreeItem.setSorted(Int issorted);
extern TreeItem.setChildTab(Int haschildtab);
extern Int TreeItem.isSorted();
extern Int TreeItem.isCollapsed();
extern Int TreeItem.isExpanded();
extern TreeItem.invalidate();
extern Int TreeItem.isSelected();
extern Int TreeItem.isHilited();
extern TreeItem.setHilited(Int ishilited);
extern Int TreeItem.collapse();
extern Int TreeItem.expand();
extern GuiTree TreeItem.getTree();
// return 1 to override default behaviour of stuff.
extern TreeItem.onTreeAdd();
extern TreeItem.onTreeRemove();
extern TreeItem.onSelect();
extern TreeItem.onDeselect();
extern Int TreeItem.onLeftDoubleClick();
extern Int TreeItem.onRightDoubleClick();
extern Int TreeItem.onChar(Int key);
extern TreeItem.onExpand();
extern TreeItem.onCollapse();
extern Int TreeItem.onBeginLabelEdit();
extern Int TreeItem.onEndLabelEdit(String newlabel);
extern Int TreeItem.onContextMenu(Int x, Int y);

  // MenuButton

deprecated extern MenuButton.onOpenMenu();
deprecated extern MenuButton.onCloseMenu();
deprecated extern MenuButton.onSelectItem(String item);
deprecated extern MenuButton.openMenu();
deprecated extern MenuButton.closeMenu();

  // CheckBox

extern CheckBox.onToggle(int newstate);
extern CheckBox.setChecked(int checked);
extern Int CheckBox.isChecked();
extern CheckBox.setText(String txt);
extern String CheckBox.getText();

  // Form

deprecated extern Int Form.getContentsHeight();
deprecated extern Form.newCell(String groupname);
deprecated extern Form.nextRow();
deprecated extern Form.deleteAll();

 // ComponentBucket

extern Int ComponentBucket.getMaxHeight(); // for vertical compbucks
extern Int ComponentBucket.getMaxWidth(); // for horizontal compbucks
extern Int ComponentBucket.setScroll(int x);
extern Int ComponentBucket.getScroll();
extern Int ComponentBucket.getNumChildren();
extern GuiObject ComponentBucket.enumChildren(int n);

 // Frame (Requires 5.5)

extern Int Frame.getPosition();
extern Frame.setPosition(Int position);
extern Frame.onSetPosition(Int position);

 // Menu (Requires 5.52)

extern Menu.setMenuGroup(String groupId);
extern String Menu.getMenuGroup();
extern Menu.setMenu(String menuId);
extern String Menu.getMenu();
extern Menu.spawnMenu(int monitor);	// monitor can be 1 or 0 - default 1. 0 doesn't trigger some keyboard timers...
extern Menu.cancelMenu();
extern Menu.setNormalId(String id);
extern Menu.setDownId(String id);
extern Menu.setHoverId(String id);
extern Menu.onOpenMenu();
extern Menu.onCloseMenu();
extern Menu.nextMenu();
extern Menu.previousMenu();

// predecl system symbols

// This function is called by System.onScriptLoaded() as the first thing it does. Subsequent events check 
// __deprecated_runtime before continuing. If you have no System.onScriptLoaded(), you will have no version check.

// This is to ensure that runtimes that do not have stack protection (that is wa3, wa5 and wa5.01) do
// not crash when trying to unexisting functions (with parameters, since parameterless functions would 
// not crash), that is, functions that are meant for a higher version number than that of the runtime 
// the script is running on.

Function Int versionCheck();
Int versionCheck() {
  Double v = getRuntimeVersion();
  if (v < VCPU_VERSION || v > 65535) {
    __deprecated_runtime = 1;
    int last = getPrivateInt(getSkinName(), "runtimecheck", 0);
    int now = getTimeOfDay();
    if (now - last < 5000 && last < now) return 0;
    setPrivateInt(getSkinName(), "runtimecheck", getTimeOfDay());
    messageBox("This script requires " + MC_TARGET, "Error", 1, "");
    return 0;
  return 1;

// begin protecting the stack, anything below this requires a getRuntimeVersion() >= 1 and <= 65535


Function debug(string s);
debug(string s) { messagebox(s, "DEBUG", 0, ""); }

Function debugInt(int s);
debugInt(int s) { messagebox(integerToString(s), "DEBUG", 0, ""); }
