// GetWinVer.cpp  Version 1.1
// Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Hans Dietrich
// This software is released into the public domain.  
// You are free to use it in any way you like, except
// that you may not sell this source code.
// This software is provided "as is" with no expressed 
// or implied warranty.  I accept no liability for any 
// damage or loss of business that this software may cause. 

//#include "tchar.h"
#include "GetWinVer.h"

// from winbase.h
#define VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s             0
#define VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT           2
#define VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE           3

    This table has been assembled from Usenet postings, personal
    observations, and reading other people's code.  Please feel
    free to add to it or correct it.

         dwPlatFormID  dwMajorVersion  dwMinorVersion  dwBuildNumber
95             1              4               0             950
95 SP1         1              4               0        >950 && <=1080
95 OSR2        1              4             <10           >1080
98             1              4              10            1998
98 SP1         1              4              10       >1998 && <2183
98 SE          1              4              10          >=2183
ME             1              4              90            3000

NT 3.51        2              3              51
NT 4           2              4               0            1381
2000           2              5               0            2195
XP             2              5               1            2600
2003 Server    2              5               2            3790
VISTA          2              6               0            6000
7              2              6               1            7600
8              2              6               2            9200
8.1            2              6               3            9600
10             2             10               0           10240
11             2             11               0           22000

CE             3


// GetWinVer
BOOL GetWinVer(LPWSTR pszVersion, int *nVersion, LPWSTR pszMajorMinorBuild)
	if (!pszVersion || !nVersion || !pszMajorMinorBuild)
		return FALSE;
	lstrcpy(pszVersion, WUNKNOWNSTR);
	*nVersion = WUNKNOWN;

	*(FARPROC*)&RtlGetVersion = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll"), "RtlGetVersion");
	if (!RtlGetVersion) {
		return FALSE;
	  osinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osinfo);
	if (RtlGetVersion(&osinfo)) {
		return FALSE;

	DWORD dwPlatformId   = osinfo.dwPlatformId;
	DWORD dwMajorVersion = osinfo.dwMajorVersion; 
	DWORD dwMinorVersion = osinfo.dwMinorVersion;
	DWORD dwBuildNumber  = osinfo.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF;	// Win 95 needs this

	wsprintfW(pszMajorMinorBuild, L"%u.%u.%u", dwMajorVersion, dwMinorVersion, dwBuildNumber);

	if ((dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) && (dwMajorVersion == 4))
		if ((dwMinorVersion < 10) && (dwBuildNumber == 950))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W95STR);
			*nVersion = W95;
		else if ((dwMinorVersion < 10) && 
				((dwBuildNumber > 950) && (dwBuildNumber <= 1080)))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W95SP1STR);
			*nVersion = W95SP1;
		else if ((dwMinorVersion < 10) && (dwBuildNumber > 1080))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W95OSR2STR);
			*nVersion = W95OSR2;
		else if ((dwMinorVersion == 10) && (dwBuildNumber == 1998))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W98STR);
			*nVersion = W98;
		else if ((dwMinorVersion == 10) && 
				((dwBuildNumber > 1998) && (dwBuildNumber < 2183)))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W98SP1STR);
			*nVersion = W98SP1;
		else if ((dwMinorVersion == 10) && (dwBuildNumber >= 2183))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W98SESTR);
			*nVersion = W98SE;
		else if (dwMinorVersion == 90)
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, WMESTR);
			*nVersion = WME;
	else if (dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
		if ((dwMajorVersion == 3) && (dwMinorVersion == 51))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, WNT351STR);
			*nVersion = WNT351;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 4) && (dwMinorVersion == 0))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, WNT4STR);
			*nVersion = WNT4;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 5) && (dwMinorVersion == 0))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W2KSTR);
			*nVersion = W2K;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 5) && (dwMinorVersion == 1))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, WXPSTR);
			*nVersion = WXP;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 5) && (dwMinorVersion == 2))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W2003SERVERSTR);
			*nVersion = W2003SERVER;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 6) && (dwMinorVersion == 0))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, WVSTR);
			*nVersion = WV;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 6) && (dwMinorVersion == 1))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W7STR);
			*nVersion = W7;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 6) && (dwMinorVersion == 2))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W8STR);
			*nVersion = W8;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 6) && (dwMinorVersion == 3))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W81STR);
			*nVersion = W81;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 10) && (dwMinorVersion == 0) && (dwBuildNumber < 22000))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W10STR);
			*nVersion = W10;
		else if ((dwMajorVersion == 10) && (dwMinorVersion == 0) && (dwBuildNumber >= 22000))
			lstrcpy(pszVersion, W11STR);
			*nVersion = W11;
	else if (dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE)
		lstrcpy(pszVersion, WCESTR);
		*nVersion = WCE;
	return TRUE;