#ifndef _SKINCB_H #define _SKINCB_H #include <api/syscb/callbacks/syscbi.h> namespace SkinCallback { enum { UNLOADING=100, // beginning, haven't killed anything yet RESET=200, // skin is gone RELOAD=300, // stuff is loading BEFORELOADINGELEMENTS=350, GUILOADED=400, // skin gui objects loaded from xml LOADED=500, // all done, new skin in place CHECKPREVENTSWITCH=600, // we're about to switch skin, wanna abort ? return 1 if so COLORTHEMECHANGED=700, // color theme has been changed, trap this if you're not using automaticly themed widgets COLORTHEMESLISTCHANGED=710, // color theme list has been modified, trap this if you're showing a list of the colorthemes and you want to mirror changes }; }; #define SKINCALLBACKI_PARENT SysCallbackI class SkinCallbackI : public SKINCALLBACKI_PARENT { public: virtual FOURCC syscb_getEventType() { return SysCallback::SKINCB; } protected: // override these virtual int skincb_onUnloading() { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onReset() { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onReload() { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onBeforeLoadingElements() { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onGuiLoaded() { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onLoaded() { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onCheckPreventSwitch(const wchar_t *skinname) { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onColorThemeChanged(const wchar_t *newcolortheme) { return 0; } virtual int skincb_onColorThemesListChanged() { return 0; } private: virtual int syscb_notify(int msg, intptr_t param1=0, intptr_t param2=0); }; #endif