#include "main.h" #include "api__ml_wire.h" #include "Cloud.h" #include "FeedParse.h" #include "Defaults.h" #include "./subscriptionView.h" #include "ChannelRefresher.h" #include "Util.h" #include <algorithm> #include <strsafe.h> /* benski> TODO rewrite Callback() so we don't have to reserve a thread */ using namespace Nullsoft::Utility; #define CLOUD_TICK_MS 60000 ChannelRefresher channelRefresher; static bool kill = false; static __time64_t RetrieveMinimalUpdateTime() { __time64_t minUpdateTime = 0; AutoLock lock (channels LOCKNAME("RetrieveMinimalUpdateTime")); ChannelList::iterator itr; for (itr=channels.begin(); itr!=channels.end(); itr++) { if (itr->useDefaultUpdate) { if ( !updateTime ) autoUpdate = 0; if ( autoUpdate && (!minUpdateTime || minUpdateTime && (updateTime < minUpdateTime)) ) { minUpdateTime = updateTime; } } else // use the custom values { if ( !itr->updateTime ) itr->autoUpdate = 0; if ( itr->autoUpdate && (!minUpdateTime || minUpdateTime && (itr->updateTime < minUpdateTime)) ) { minUpdateTime = itr->updateTime; } } } return minUpdateTime; } int Cloud::CloudThreadPoolFunc(HANDLE handle, void *user_data, intptr_t id) { Cloud *cloud = (Cloud *)user_data; if (kill) { WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->RemoveHandle(0, cloud->cloudEvent); CloseHandle(cloud->cloudEvent); WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->RemoveHandle(0, cloud->cloudTimerEvent); cloud->cloudTimerEvent.Close(); SetEvent(cloud->cloudDone); return 0; } cloud->Callback(); // set waitable timer, overwrite previouse value if any if (!kill) { __time64_t timeToWait = RetrieveMinimalUpdateTime(); if ( timeToWait ) cloud->cloudTimerEvent.Wait(timeToWait * 1000); } return 0; } Cloud::Cloud() : cloudThread(0), cloudEvent(0), statusText(0) {} Cloud::~Cloud() { free(statusText); } void Cloud::Quit() { cloudDone= CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); kill = true; SetEvent(cloudEvent); WaitForSingleObject(cloudDone, INFINITE); CloseHandle(cloudDone); } void Cloud::RefreshAll() { AutoLock lock (channels LOCKNAME("RefreshAll")); ChannelList::iterator itr; for (itr = channels.begin();itr != channels.end();itr++) { itr->needsRefresh = true; } } void Cloud::Init() { // setup a periodic callback so we can check on our times cloudEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); cloudThread = WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->ReserveThread(0); WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->AddHandle(cloudThread, cloudEvent, CloudThreadPoolFunc, this, 0, 0); WASABI_API_THREADPOOL->AddHandle(cloudThread, cloudTimerEvent, CloudThreadPoolFunc, this, 1, 0); __time64_t timeToWait = RetrieveMinimalUpdateTime(); if ( timeToWait ) cloudTimerEvent.Wait(timeToWait * 1000); } void Cloud::Refresh(Channel &channel) { wchar_t lang_buf[1024] = {0}; WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_RECEIVING_UPDATES_FOR, lang_buf, 1024); if (channel.title) StringCbCat(lang_buf, sizeof(lang_buf), channel.title); else lang_buf[0]=0; SetStatus(lang_buf); size_t oldSize = channel.items.size(); FeedParse downloader(&channelRefresher, false); downloader.DownloadURL(channel.url); if (channel.items.size() > oldSize) { WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_GOT_NEW_ITEMS_FOR, lang_buf, 1024); StringCbCat(lang_buf, sizeof(lang_buf), channel.title); SetStatus(lang_buf); } else SetStatus(L""); } void Cloud::GetStatus(wchar_t *status, size_t len) { AutoLock lock (statusGuard); if (statusText) StringCchCopy(status, len, statusText); else status[0]=0; } void Cloud::SetStatus(const wchar_t *newStatus) { AutoLock lock (statusGuard); free(statusText); statusText = _wcsdup(newStatus); HWND hView = SubscriptionView_FindWindow(); if (NULL != hView) SubscriptionView_SetStatus(hView, statusText); } /* --- Private Methods of class Cloud --- */ static void ForceLastUpdate(const Channel &channel) { AutoLock lock (channels LOCKNAME("ChannelRefresher::NewChannel")); ChannelList::iterator found; for (found=channels.begin();found!=channels.end(); found++) { if (!wcscmp(found->url, channel.url)) break; } if (found != channels.end()) { found->lastUpdate = _time64(0); found->needsRefresh = false; } } /* @private checks all channels and updates any that requiring refreshing. */ void Cloud::Callback() { __time64_t curTime = _time64(0); size_t i = 0; Channel temp; bool refreshed = false; while (true) // we need to lock the channels object before we check its size, etc, so we can't just use a "for" loop. { { // we want to minimize how long we have to lock, so we'll make a copy of the channel data AutoLock lock (channels LOCKNAME("Callback")); if (i >= channels.size()) break; temp = channels[i]; // make a copy the data so we can safely release the lock channels[i].needsRefresh = false; // have to set this now. if the site is down or 404, then the refresh will never "complete". } // end locking scope if (temp.needsRefresh) // need an immediate refresh? (usually set when the user clicks refresh or update-on-launch is on) { Refresh(temp); refreshed = true; } else if (temp.useDefaultUpdate) // this flag is set unless the user chose custom update values { if (!updateTime) autoUpdate = 0; if (autoUpdate && (temp.lastUpdate + updateTime) <= curTime) { Refresh(temp); ForceLastUpdate(temp); refreshed = true; } } else // use the custom values { if (temp.updateTime == 0) temp.autoUpdate = 0; if (temp.autoUpdate && (temp.lastUpdate + temp.updateTime) <= curTime) { Refresh(temp); ForceLastUpdate(temp); refreshed = true; } } i++; } // if we're refreshing then save out if (refreshed) { SaveAll(); } }