2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

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* ModChannel.h
* ------------
* Purpose: Module Channel header class and helpers
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#pragma once
#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
#include "ModSample.h"
#include "ModInstrument.h"
#include "modcommand.h"
#include "Paula.h"
#include "tuningbase.h"
class CSoundFile;
// Mix Channel Struct
struct ModChannel
// Envelope playback info
struct EnvInfo
uint32 nEnvPosition = 0;
int16 nEnvValueAtReleaseJump = NOT_YET_RELEASED;
FlagSet<EnvelopeFlags> flags;
void Reset()
nEnvPosition = 0;
nEnvValueAtReleaseJump = NOT_YET_RELEASED;
// Information used in the mixer (should be kept tight for better caching)
SamplePosition position; // Current play position (fixed point)
SamplePosition increment; // Sample speed relative to mixing frequency (fixed point)
const void *pCurrentSample; // Currently playing sample (nullptr if no sample is playing)
int32 leftVol; // 0...4096 (12 bits, since 16 bits + 12 bits = 28 bits = 0dB in integer mixer, see MIXING_ATTENUATION)
int32 rightVol; // Ditto
int32 leftRamp; // Ramping delta, 20.12 fixed point (see VOLUMERAMPPRECISION)
int32 rightRamp; // Ditto
int32 rampLeftVol; // Current ramping volume, 20.12 fixed point (see VOLUMERAMPPRECISION)
int32 rampRightVol; // Ditto
mixsample_t nFilter_Y[2][2]; // Filter memory - two history items per sample channel
mixsample_t nFilter_A0, nFilter_B0, nFilter_B1; // Filter coeffs
mixsample_t nFilter_HP;
SmpLength nLength;
SmpLength nLoopStart;
SmpLength nLoopEnd;
FlagSet<ChannelFlags> dwFlags;
mixsample_t nROfs, nLOfs;
uint32 nRampLength;
const ModSample *pModSample; // Currently assigned sample slot (may already be stopped)
Paula::State paulaState;
// Information not used in the mixer
const ModInstrument *pModInstrument; // Currently assigned instrument slot
SmpLength prevNoteOffset; // Offset for instrument-less notes for ProTracker/ScreamTracker
SmpLength oldOffset; // Offset command memory
FlagSet<ChannelFlags> dwOldFlags; // Flags from previous tick
int32 newLeftVol, newRightVol;
int32 nRealVolume, nRealPan;
int32 nVolume, nPan, nFadeOutVol;
int32 nPeriod; // Frequency in Hz if CSoundFile::PeriodsAreFrequencies() or using custom tuning, 4x Amiga periods otherwise
int32 nC5Speed, nPortamentoDest;
int32 cachedPeriod, glissandoPeriod;
int32 nCalcVolume; // Calculated channel volume, 14-Bit (without global volume, pre-amp etc applied) - for MIDI macros
EnvInfo VolEnv, PanEnv, PitchEnv; // Envelope playback info
int32 nGlobalVol; // Channel volume (CV in ITTECH.TXT) 0...64
int32 nInsVol; // Sample / Instrument volume (SV * IV in ITTECH.TXT) 0...64
int32 nAutoVibDepth;
uint32 nEFxOffset; // Offset memory for Invert Loop (EFx, .MOD only)
ROWINDEX nPatternLoop;
uint16 portamentoSlide;
int16 nTranspose;
int16 nFineTune;
int16 microTuning; // Micro-tuning / MIDI pitch wheel command
int16 nVolSwing, nPanSwing;
int16 nCutSwing, nResSwing;
uint16 nRestorePanOnNewNote; // If > 0, nPan should be set to nRestorePanOnNewNote - 1 on new note. Used to recover from pan swing and IT sample / instrument panning. High bit set = surround
ModCommand rowCommand;
// 8-bit members
ResamplingMode resamplingMode;
uint8 nRestoreResonanceOnNewNote; // See nRestorePanOnNewNote
uint8 nRestoreCutoffOnNewNote; // ditto
uint8 nNote;
NewNoteAction nNNA;
uint8 nLastNote; // Last note, ignoring note offs and cuts - for MIDI macros
uint8 nArpeggioLastNote, nArpeggioBaseNote; // For plugin arpeggio
uint8 nNewNote, nNewIns, nOldIns, nCommand, nArpeggio;
uint8 nRetrigParam, nRetrigCount;
uint8 nOldVolumeSlide, nOldFineVolUpDown;
uint8 nOldPortaUp, nOldPortaDown, nOldFinePortaUpDown, nOldExtraFinePortaUpDown;
uint8 nOldPanSlide, nOldChnVolSlide;
uint8 nOldGlobalVolSlide;
uint8 nAutoVibPos, nVibratoPos, nTremoloPos, nPanbrelloPos;
uint8 nVibratoType, nVibratoSpeed, nVibratoDepth;
uint8 nTremoloType, nTremoloSpeed, nTremoloDepth;
uint8 nPanbrelloType, nPanbrelloSpeed, nPanbrelloDepth;
int8 nPanbrelloOffset, nPanbrelloRandomMemory;
uint8 nOldCmdEx, nOldVolParam, nOldTempo;
uint8 nOldHiOffset;
uint8 nCutOff, nResonance;
uint8 nTremorCount, nTremorParam;
uint8 nPatternLoopCount;
uint8 nLeftVU, nRightVU;
uint8 nActiveMacro;
FilterMode nFilterMode;
uint8 nEFxSpeed, nEFxDelay; // memory for Invert Loop (EFx, .MOD only)
uint8 noteSlideParam, noteSlideCounter; // IMF / PTM Note Slide
uint8 lastZxxParam; // Memory for \xx slides
bool isFirstTick : 1; // Execute tick-0 effects on this channel? (condition differs between formats due to Pattern Delay commands)
bool triggerNote : 1; // Trigger note on this tick on this channel if there is one?
bool isPreviewNote : 1; // Notes preview in editor
bool isPaused : 1; // Don't mix or increment channel position, but keep the note alive
bool portaTargetReached : 1; // Tone portamento is finished
//-->Variables used to make user-definable tuning modes work with pattern effects.
//If true, freq should be recalculated in ReadNote() on first tick.
//Currently used only for vibrato things - using in other context might be
bool m_ReCalculateFreqOnFirstTick : 1;
//To tell whether to calculate frequency.
bool m_CalculateFreq : 1;
int32 m_PortamentoFineSteps, m_PortamentoTickSlide;
//NOTE_PCs memory.
float m_plugParamValueStep, m_plugParamTargetValue;
uint16 m_RowPlugParam;
void ClearRowCmd() { rowCommand = ModCommand(); }
// Get a reference to a specific envelope of this channel
const EnvInfo &GetEnvelope(EnvelopeType envType) const
return VolEnv;
return PanEnv;
return PitchEnv;
EnvInfo &GetEnvelope(EnvelopeType envType)
return const_cast<EnvInfo &>(static_cast<const ModChannel *>(this)->GetEnvelope(envType));
void ResetEnvelopes()
enum ResetFlags
resetChannelSettings = 1, // Reload initial channel settings
resetSetPosBasic = 2, // Reset basic runtime channel attributes
resetSetPosAdvanced = 4, // Reset more runtime channel attributes
resetSetPosFull = resetSetPosBasic | resetSetPosAdvanced | resetChannelSettings, // Reset all runtime channel attributes
resetTotal = resetSetPosFull,
void Reset(ResetFlags resetMask, const CSoundFile &sndFile, CHANNELINDEX sourceChannel, ChannelFlags muteFlag);
void Stop();
bool IsSamplePlaying() const noexcept { return !increment.IsZero(); }
uint32 GetVSTVolume() const noexcept { return (pModInstrument) ? pModInstrument->nGlobalVol * 4 : nVolume; }
ModCommand::NOTE GetPluginNote(bool realNoteMapping) const;
// Check if the channel has a valid MIDI output. A return value of true implies that pModInstrument != nullptr.
bool HasMIDIOutput() const noexcept { return pModInstrument != nullptr && pModInstrument->HasValidMIDIChannel(); }
// Check if the channel uses custom tuning. A return value of true implies that pModInstrument != nullptr.
bool HasCustomTuning() const noexcept { return pModInstrument != nullptr && pModInstrument->pTuning != nullptr; }
// Check if currently processed loop is a sustain loop. pModSample is not checked for validity!
bool InSustainLoop() const noexcept { return (dwFlags & (CHN_LOOP | CHN_KEYOFF)) == CHN_LOOP && pModSample->uFlags[CHN_SUSTAINLOOP]; }
void UpdateInstrumentVolume(const ModSample *smp, const ModInstrument *ins);
void SetInstrumentPan(int32 pan, const CSoundFile &sndFile);
void RestorePanAndFilter();
void RecalcTuningFreq(Tuning::RATIOTYPE vibratoFactor, Tuning::NOTEINDEXTYPE arpeggioSteps, const CSoundFile &sndFile);
// IT command S73-S7E
void InstrumentControl(uint8 param, const CSoundFile &sndFile);
int32 GetMIDIPitchBend() const noexcept { return (static_cast<int32>(microTuning) + 0x8000) / 4; }
// Default pattern channel settings
struct ModChannelSettings
static constexpr uint32 INVALID_COLOR = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint32 color = INVALID_COLOR; // For pattern editor
FlagSet<ChannelFlags> dwFlags; // Channel flags
uint16 nPan = 128; // Initial pan (0...256)
uint16 nVolume = 64; // Initial channel volume (0...64)
PLUGINDEX nMixPlugin = 0; // Assigned plugin
mpt::charbuf<MAX_CHANNELNAME> szName; // Channel name
void Reset()
*this = {};