2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

101 lines
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// AutoRepeatButton.m Orginal Code By Will Fisher, Concept By Eric Moore, Rewritten By Will Fisher
// Use like this:
// #include </lib/AutoRepeatButton.m>
// Global AutoRepeatButton MyButton, MyOtherButton;
// Fill in the buttons function into MyButton.OnLeftClick() as normal.
// Use AutoRepeat_ClickType to find the type of call to MyButton.onLeftClick() where
// AutoRepeat_ClickType==1 is the first call to onLeftClick
// AutoRepeat_ClickType==2 is a subsequent call to onLeftClick
// AutoRepeat_ClickType==0 is an erronious call to onLeftClick, you should usually ignore
// MyButton.onLeftClick() in this case
// See other functions below:
Function AutoRepeat_Load(); // ALWAYS call this in System.OnScriptLoaded()
Function AutoRepeat_Unload(); // ALWAYS call this in System.OnScriptUnloading()
Function AutoRepeat_Stop(); // stop the current button from autorepeating
Function Button AutoRepeat_GetCurrentButton(); /* returns the currently autorepeating button,
returns NULL if no button is autorepeating */
Function AutoRepeat_SetInitalDelay(int millis); /* set this for the first delay when the button is
pressed, defaults to 800ms (no need to use this
unless other delay is required) */
Function AutoRepeat_SetRepeatDelay(int millis); /* set this for the subsequent delay, defaults to
80ms (no need to use this unless other delay is
required) */
Function Int AutoRepeat_GetInitalDelay(); // get the first delay length in millisecs
Function Int AutoRepeat_GetRepeatDelay(); // get the subsequent delay in millisecs
Class Button AutoRepeatButton;
Global Timer _autorepeatTimer;
Global Int _InitialDelay;
Global Int _RepeatDelay;
Global Int AutoRepeat_ClickType;
Global Button _Latched;
AutoRepeatButton.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) {
_Latched = AutoRepeatButton;
AutoRepeat_ClickType = 1; // first click
AutoRepeat_ClickType = 0; // no click
AutoRepeatButton.onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y) {
_Latched = NULL;
_AutoRepeatTimer.onTimer() {
if(_autorepeatTimer.getDelay() != _RepeatDelay) _autorepeatTimer.setDelay(_RepeatDelay);
AutoRepeat_ClickType = 2; // AutoRepeat
AutoRepeat_ClickType = 0; // no click
AutoRepeat_Load() {
_autoRepeatTimer = new Timer;
_InitialDelay = 800;
_RepeatDelay = 80;
AutoRepeat_ClickType = 0;
AutoRepeat_Unload() {
delete _autoRepeatTimer;
AutoRepeat_SetInitalDelay(int millis) {
_InitialDelay = millis;
AutoRepeat_SetRepeatDelay(int millis) {
_RepeatDelay = millis;
AutoRepeat_GetInitalDelay() {
return _InitialDelay;
AutoRepeat_GetRepeatDelay() {
return _repeatDelay;
AutoRepeat_Stop() {
_Latched = NULL;
AutoRepeat_GetCurrentButton() {
return _Latched;