2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

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// Smtp.h: interface for the CSmtp class.
// Written by Robert Simpson (robert@blackcastlesoft.com)
// Created 11/1/2000
// Version 1.7 -- Last Modified 06/18/2001
// See smtp.cpp for details of this revision
#if !defined(AFX_SMTP_H__F5ACA8FA_AF73_11D4_907D_0080C6F7C752__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_SMTP_H__F5ACA8FA_AF73_11D4_907D_0080C6F7C752__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma comment(lib,"wsock32.lib")
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <string>
#include "Base64.h"
// Some ATL string conversion enhancements
// ATL's string conversions allocate memory on the stack, which can
// be undesirable if converting huge strings. These enhancements
// provide for a pre-allocated memory block to be used as the
// destination for the string conversion.
#define _W2A(dst,src) AtlW2AHelper(dst,src,lstrlenW(src)+1)
#define _A2W(dst,src) AtlA2WHelper(dst,src,lstrlenA(src)+1)
typedef std::wstring StringW;
typedef std::string StringA;
#ifdef _UNICODE
typedef StringW String;
#define _W2T(dst,src) lstrcpyW(dst,src)
#define _T2W(dst,src) lstrcpyW(dst,src)
#define _T2A(dst,src) _W2A(dst,src)
#define _A2T(dst,src) _A2W(dst,src)
typedef StringA String;
#define _W2T(dst,src) _W2A(dst,src)
#define _T2W(dst,src) _A2W(dst,src)
#define _T2A(dst,src) lstrcpyA(dst,src)
#define _A2T(dst,src) lstrcpyA(dst,src)
// When the SMTP server responds to a command, this is the
// maximum size of a response I expect back.
#define CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE 1024
// The CSmtp::SendCmd() function will send blocks no larger than this value
// Any outgoing data larger than this value will trigger an SmtpProgress()
// event for all blocks sent.
#define CMD_BLOCK_SIZE 1024
// Default mime version is 1.0 of course
#define MIME_VERSION _T("1.0")
// This is the message that would appear in an e-mail client that doesn't support
// multipart messages
#define MULTIPART_MESSAGE _T("This is a multipart message in MIME format")
// Default message body encoding
#define MESSAGE_ENCODING _T("text/plain")
// Default character set
#define MESSAGE_CHARSET _T("iso-8859-1")
// Some forward declares
class CSmtp;
class CSmtpAddress;
class CSmtpMessage;
class CSmtpAttachment;
class CSmtpMessageBody;
class CSmtpMimePart;
// These are the only 4 encoding methods currently supported
typedef enum EncodingEnum
// This code supports three types of mime-types, and can optionally guess a mime type
// based on message content.
typedef enum MimeTypeEnum
// Attachments and message bodies inherit from this class
// It allows each part of a multipart MIME message to have its own attributes
class CSmtpMimePart
String Encoding; // Content encoding. Leave blank to let the system discover it
String Charset; // Character set for text attachments
String ContentId; // Unique content ID, leave blank to let the system handle it
EncodingEnum TransferEncoding; // How to encode for transferring to the server
// This class represents a user's text name and corresponding email address
class CSmtpAddress
public: // Constructors
CSmtpAddress(LPCTSTR pszAddress = NULL, LPCTSTR pszName = NULL);
public: // Operators
const CSmtpAddress& operator=(LPCTSTR pszAddress);
const CSmtpAddress& operator=(const String& strAddress);
public: // Member Variables
String Name;
String Address;
// This class represents a file attachment
class CSmtpAttachment : public CSmtpMimePart
public: // Constructors
CSmtpAttachment(LPCTSTR pszFilename = NULL, LPCTSTR pszAltName = NULL, BOOL bIsInline = FALSE, LPCTSTR pszEncoding = NULL, LPCTSTR pszCharset = MESSAGE_CHARSET, EncodingEnum encode = encodeGuess);
public: // Operators
const CSmtpAttachment& operator=(LPCTSTR pszFilename);
const CSmtpAttachment& operator=(const String& strFilename);
public: // Member Variables
String FileName; // Fully-qualified path and filename of this attachment
String AltName; // Optional, an alternate name for the file to use when sending
BOOL Inline; // Is this an inline attachment?
// Multiple message body part support
class CSmtpMessageBody : public CSmtpMimePart
public: // Constructors
CSmtpMessageBody(LPCTSTR pszBody = NULL, LPCTSTR pszEncoding = MESSAGE_ENCODING, LPCTSTR pszCharset = MESSAGE_CHARSET, EncodingEnum encode = encodeGuess);
public: // Operators
const CSmtpMessageBody& operator=(LPCTSTR pszBody);
const CSmtpMessageBody& operator=(const String& strBody);
public: // Member Variables
String Data; // Message body;
// This class represents a single message that can be sent via CSmtp
class CSmtpMessage
public: // Constructors
public: // Member Variables
CSmtpAddress Sender; // Who the message is from
CSmtpAddress Recipient; // The intended recipient
String Subject; // The message subject
CSimpleArray<CSmtpMessageBody> Message; // An array of message bodies
CSimpleArray<CSmtpAddress> CC; // Carbon Copy recipients
CSimpleArray<CSmtpAddress> BCC; // Blind Carbon Copy recipients
CSimpleArray<CSmtpAttachment> Attachments; // An array of attachments
CSimpleMap<String,String> Headers; // Optional headers to include in the message
SYSTEMTIME Timestamp; // Timestamp of the message
MimeTypeEnum MimeType; // Type of MIME message this is
String MessageId; // Optional message ID
private: // Private Member Variables
int GMTOffset; // GMT timezone offset value
public: // Public functions
void Parse(String& strDest);
private: // Private functions to finalize the message headers & parse the message
EncodingEnum GuessEncoding(LPBYTE pByte, DWORD dwLen);
void EncodeMessage(EncodingEnum code, String& strMsg, String& strMethod, LPBYTE pByte = NULL, DWORD dwSize = 0);
void Make7Bit(String& strDest, String& strSrc);
void CommitHeaders();
void BreakMessage(String& strDest, String& strSrc, int nLength = 76);
void EncodeQuotedPrintable(String& strDest, String& strSrc);
// The main class for connecting to a SMTP server and sending mail.
class CSmtp
public: // Constructors
virtual ~CSmtp();
public: // Member Variables. Feel free to modify these to change the system's behavior
BOOL m_bExtensions; // Use ESMTP extensions (TRUE)
DWORD m_dwCmdTimeout; // Timeout for issuing each command (30 seconds)
WORD m_wSmtpPort; // Port to communicate via SMTP (25)
String m_strUser; // Username for authentication
String m_strPass; // Password for authentication
private: // Private Member Variables
SOCKET m_hSocket; // Socket being used to communicate to the SMTP server
String m_strResult; // String result from a SendCmd()
BOOL m_bConnected; // Connected to SMTP server
BOOL m_bUsingExtensions;// Whether this SMTP server uses ESMTP extensions
public: // These represent the primary public functionality of this class
BOOL Connect(LPTSTR pszServer);
int SendMessage(CSmtpMessage& msg);
int SendMessage(CSmtpAddress& addrFrom, CSmtpAddress& addrTo, LPCTSTR pszSubject, LPTSTR pszMessage, LPVOID pvAttachments = NULL, DWORD dwAttachmentCount = 0);
int SendMessage(LPTSTR pszAddrFrom, LPTSTR pszAddrTo, LPTSTR pszSubject, LPTSTR pszMessage, LPVOID pvAttachments = NULL, DWORD dwAttachmentCount = 0);
void Close();
public: // These represent the overridable methods for receiving events from this class
virtual int SmtpWarning(int nWarning, LPTSTR pszWarning);
virtual int SmtpError(int nCode, LPTSTR pszErr);
virtual void SmtpCommandResponse(LPTSTR pszCmd, int nResponse, LPTSTR pszResponse);
virtual BOOL SmtpProgress(LPSTR pszBuffer, DWORD dwSent, DWORD dwTotal);
private: // These functions are used privately to conduct a SMTP session
int SendCmd(LPTSTR pszCmd);
int SendAuthentication();
int SendHello();
int SendQuitCmd();
int SendFrom(LPTSTR pszFrom);
int SendTo(LPTSTR pszTo);
int SendData(CSmtpMessage &msg);
int RaiseWarning(int nWarning);
int RaiseError(int nError);
#endif // !defined(AFX_SMTP_H__F5ACA8FA_AF73_11D4_907D_0080C6F7C752__INCLUDED_)