2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

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** JNetLib
** Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Nullsoft, Inc.
** Author: Justin Frankel
** File: httpget.h - JNL interface for doing HTTP GETs.
** License: see jnetlib.h
** Usage:
** 1. Create a JNL_HTTPGet object, optionally specifying a JNL_AsyncDNS
** object to use (or NULL for none, or WAC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_AUTODNS for auto),
** and the receive buffer size, and a string specifying proxy (or NULL
** for none). See note on proxy string below.
** 2. call addheader() to add whatever headers you want. It is recommended to
** add at least the following two:
** addheader("User-Agent:MyApp (Mozilla)");
*/// addheader("Accept:*/*");
/* ( the comment weirdness is there so I Can do the star-slash :)
** 3. Call connect() with the URL you wish to GET (see URL string note below)
** 4. Call run() once in a while, checking to see if it returns -1
** (if it does return -1, call geterrorstr() to see what the error is).
** (if it returns 1, no big deal, the connection has closed).
** 5. While you're at it, you can call bytes_available() to see if any data
** from the http stream is available, or getheader() to see if any headers
** are available, or getreply() to see the HTTP reply, or getallheaders()
** to get a double null terminated, null delimited list of headers returned.
** 6. If you want to read from the stream, call get_bytes (which returns how much
** was actually read).
** 7. content_length() is a helper function that uses getheader() to check the
** content-length header.
** 8. Delete ye' ol' object when done.
** Proxy String:
** should be in the format of host:port, or user@host:port, or
** user:password@host:port. if port is not specified, 80 is assumed.
** URL String:
** should be in the format of http://user:pass@host:port/requestwhatever
** note that user, pass, port, and /requestwhatever are all optional :)
** note that also, http:// is really not important. if you do poo://
** or even leave out the http:// altogether, it will still work.
#ifndef _HTTPGET_H_
#define _HTTPGET_H_
#include "connection.h"
#include "asyncdns.h"
#include "jnetlib_defines.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "minizip/unzip.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#include "nswasabi/ReferenceCounted.h"
class JNL_HTTPGet : public ReferenceCountedBase<JNL_HTTPGet>
JNL_HTTPGet(size_t recvbufsize=PACKET_SIZE, size_t sendbufsize=0);
void set_sendbufsize( size_t sendbufsize = PACKET_SIZE ); // call if you're going to POST or do any kind of bidirectional communications
int set_recv_buffer_size(size_t new_buffer_size);
void addheader(const char *header);
void addheadervalue(const char *header, const char *value);
void connect(const char *url, int ver=0, const char *requestmethod="GET");
int run(); // returns: 0 if all is OK. -1 if error (call geterrorstr()). 1 if connection closed.
int get_status(); // returns 0 if connecting, 1 if reading headers,
// 2 if reading content, -1 if error.
const char *getallheaders(); // double null terminated, null delimited list
const char *getheader(const char *headername);
const char *getreply() { return m_reply; }
int getreplycode(); // returns 0 if none yet, otherwise returns http reply code.
const char *geterrorstr() { return m_errstr;}
size_t bytes_available();
size_t get_bytes(char *buf, size_t len);
size_t peek_bytes(char *buf, size_t len);
uint64_t content_length();
JNL_Connection *get_con() { return m_con; }
void AllowCompression();
void reset_headers();
void set_dns(JNL_AsyncDNS *dns);
const char *get_url() { return m_http_url; }
void set_accept_all_reply_codes(); // call this if you want to retrieve content even though a 404 (etc) was returned
void set_persistent();
static void set_proxy(const char *proxy);
static char *get_proxy();
void reinit();
void deinit(bool full=true);
void seterrstr(const char *str);
void do_parse_url(const char *url, char **host, unsigned short*port, char **req, char **lp);
void do_encode_mimestr(char *in, char *out);
JNL_AsyncDNS *m_dns;
JNL_Connection *m_con;
size_t m_recvbufsize;
int m_http_state;
unsigned short m_http_port;
char *m_http_url;
char *m_http_host;
char *m_http_lpinfo;
char *m_http_request;
char *m_http_proxylpinfo;
char *m_http_proxyhost;
unsigned short m_http_proxyport;
char *m_sendheaders;
char *m_recvheaders;
size_t m_recvheaders_size;
char *m_reply;
char *m_errstr;
bool allowCompression;
size_t m_sendbufsize;
/* gzip stuff */
z_stream *zlibStream;
bool accept_all_reply_codes;
bool persistent;
static char *g_proxy;
#endif // _HTTPGET_H_