
938 lines
27 KiB

* Undo.cpp
* --------
* Purpose: Editor undo buffer functionality.
* Notes : (currently none)
* Authors: Olivier Lapicque
* OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Moddoc.h"
#include "Mainfrm.h"
#include "Undo.h"
#include "../common/mptStringBuffer.h"
#include "../tracklib/SampleEdit.h"
#include "../soundlib/modsmp_ctrl.h"
// Pattern Undo Functions
// Remove all undo steps.
void CPatternUndo::ClearUndo()
// Create undo point.
// Parameter list:
// - pattern: Pattern of which an undo step should be created from.
// - firstChn: first channel, 0-based.
// - firstRow: first row, 0-based.
// - numChns: width
// - numRows: height
// - description: Short description text of action for undo menu.
// - linkToPrevious: Don't create a separate undo step, but link this to the previous undo event. Use this for commands that modify several patterns at once.
// - storeChannelInfo: Also store current channel header information (pan / volume / etc. settings) and number of channels in this undo point.
bool CPatternUndo::PrepareUndo(PATTERNINDEX pattern, CHANNELINDEX firstChn, ROWINDEX firstRow, CHANNELINDEX numChns, ROWINDEX numRows, const char *description, bool linkToPrevious, bool storeChannelInfo)
if(PrepareBuffer(UndoBuffer, pattern, firstChn, firstRow, numChns, numRows, description, linkToPrevious, storeChannelInfo))
return true;
return false;
bool CPatternUndo::PrepareChannelUndo(CHANNELINDEX firstChn, CHANNELINDEX numChns, const char *description)
return PrepareUndo(PATTERNINDEX_INVALID, firstChn, 0, numChns, 0, description, false, true);
bool CPatternUndo::PrepareBuffer(undobuf_t &buffer, PATTERNINDEX pattern, CHANNELINDEX firstChn, ROWINDEX firstRow, CHANNELINDEX numChns, ROWINDEX numRows, const char *description, bool linkToPrevious, bool storeChannelInfo) const
const CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
const bool onlyChannelInfo = storeChannelInfo && numRows < 1;
if(storeChannelInfo && pattern != PATTERNINDEX_INVALID && firstChn == 0 && numChns != sndFile.GetNumChannels())
numChns = sndFile.GetNumChannels();
ROWINDEX patRows = 0;
patRows = sndFile.Patterns[pattern].GetNumRows();
if((firstRow >= patRows) || (firstChn >= sndFile.GetNumChannels()))
return false;
if(numChns < 1 || numRows < 1)
return false;
if(firstRow + numRows >= patRows)
numRows = patRows - firstRow;
if(firstChn + numChns >= sndFile.GetNumChannels())
numChns = sndFile.GetNumChannels() - firstChn;
} else if(!onlyChannelInfo)
return false;
// Remove an undo step if there are too many.
if(buffer.size() >= MAX_UNDO_LEVEL)
buffer.erase(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + (buffer.size() - MAX_UNDO_LEVEL + 1));
UndoInfo undo;
undo.pattern = pattern;
undo.numPatternRows = patRows;
undo.firstChannel = firstChn;
undo.firstRow = firstRow;
undo.numChannels = numChns;
undo.numRows = numRows;
undo.linkToPrevious = linkToPrevious;
undo.description = description;
undo.content.resize(numRows * numChns);
} catch(mpt::out_of_memory e)
return false;
const ModCommand *pPattern = sndFile.Patterns[pattern].GetpModCommand(firstRow, firstChn);
auto pUndoData = undo.content.begin();
for(ROWINDEX iy = 0; iy < numRows; iy++)
std::copy(pPattern, pPattern + numChns, pUndoData);
pUndoData += numChns;
pPattern += sndFile.GetNumChannels();
undo.channelInfo.assign(std::begin(sndFile.ChnSettings) + firstChn, std::begin(sndFile.ChnSettings) + firstChn + numChns);
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
return true;
// Restore an undo point. Returns which pattern has been modified.
PATTERNINDEX CPatternUndo::Undo()
return Undo(UndoBuffer, RedoBuffer, false);
// Restore an undo point. Returns which pattern has been modified.
PATTERNINDEX CPatternUndo::Redo()
return Undo(RedoBuffer, UndoBuffer, false);
// Restore an undo point. Returns which pattern has been modified.
// linkedFromPrevious is true if a connected undo event is going to be deleted (can only be called internally).
PATTERNINDEX CPatternUndo::Undo(undobuf_t &fromBuf, undobuf_t &toBuf, bool linkedFromPrevious)
CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
bool linkToPrevious = false;
// Select most recent undo slot
const UndoInfo &undo = fromBuf.back();
const bool onlyChannelSettings = undo.OnlyChannelSettings();
const bool deletePattern = (undo.numPatternRows == DELETE_PATTERN) && !onlyChannelSettings;
// Add this action to redo buffer if the pattern exists; otherwise add a special deletion redo step later
const bool patternExists = sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(undo.pattern);
if(patternExists || onlyChannelSettings)
PrepareBuffer(toBuf, undo.pattern, undo.firstChannel, undo.firstRow, undo.numChannels, undo.numRows, undo.description, linkedFromPrevious, !undo.channelInfo.empty());
const bool modifyChannels = !undo.channelInfo.empty();
const CHANNELINDEX updateChannel = (undo.numChannels == 1) ? undo.firstChannel : CHANNELINDEX_INVALID;
const bool modifyChannelCount =
(undo.pattern != PATTERNINDEX_INVALID && undo.channelInfo.size() != sndFile.GetNumChannels())
|| (undo.pattern == PATTERNINDEX_INVALID && (undo.firstChannel + undo.channelInfo.size()) > sndFile.GetNumChannels());
// Add or remove channels
std::vector<CHANNELINDEX> channels(undo.channelInfo.size(), CHANNELINDEX_INVALID);
const CHANNELINDEX copyCount = std::min(sndFile.GetNumChannels(), static_cast<CHANNELINDEX>(undo.channelInfo.size()));
std::iota(channels.begin(), channels.begin() + copyCount, CHANNELINDEX(0));
modDoc.ReArrangeChannels(channels, false);
if(undo.firstChannel + undo.channelInfo.size() <= sndFile.GetNumChannels())
std::move(undo.channelInfo.cbegin(), undo.channelInfo.cend(), std::begin(sndFile.ChnSettings) + undo.firstChannel);
// Channel mute status might have changed...
for(CHANNELINDEX i = undo.firstChannel; i < sndFile.GetNumChannels(); i++)
PATTERNINDEX pat = undo.pattern;
} else if(undo.firstChannel + undo.numChannels <= sndFile.GetNumChannels() && !onlyChannelSettings)
if(!sndFile.Patterns.Insert(pat, undo.numPatternRows))
} else if(sndFile.Patterns[pat].GetNumRows() != undo.numPatternRows)
linkToPrevious = undo.linkToPrevious;
auto pUndoData = undo.content.cbegin();
CPattern &pattern = sndFile.Patterns[pat];
ModCommand *m = pattern.GetpModCommand(undo.firstRow, undo.firstChannel);
const ROWINDEX numRows = std::min(undo.numRows, pattern.GetNumRows());
for(ROWINDEX iy = 0; iy < numRows; iy++)
std::move(pUndoData, pUndoData + undo.numChannels, m);
m += sndFile.GetNumChannels();
pUndoData += undo.numChannels;
if(!patternExists && !onlyChannelSettings)
// Redo a deletion
auto &redo = fromBuf.back();
redo.numPatternRows = DELETE_PATTERN;
if(patternExists != sndFile.Patterns.IsValidPat(pat))
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, PatternHint(pat).Names().Undo());
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, SequenceHint().Data()); // Pattern color will change in sequence
} else
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, GeneralHint(updateChannel).Channels());
pat = Undo(fromBuf, toBuf, true);
return pat;
// Public helper function to remove the most recent undo point.
void CPatternUndo::RemoveLastUndoStep()
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
CString CPatternUndo::GetName(const undobuf_t &buffer)
return CString();
const UndoInfo &info = buffer.back();
CString desc = mpt::ToCString(mpt::Charset::Locale, info.description);
desc += _T(" (Multiple Patterns)");
else if(info.OnlyChannelSettings() && info.numChannels > 1)
desc += _T(" (Multiple Channels)");
else if(info.OnlyChannelSettings())
desc += MPT_CFORMAT(" (Channel {})")(info.firstChannel + 1);
desc += MPT_CFORMAT(" (Pat {} Row {} Chn {})")(info.pattern, info.firstRow, info.firstChannel + 1);
return desc;
void CPatternUndo::RearrangePatterns(undobuf_t &buffer, const std::vector<PATTERNINDEX> &newIndex)
for(auto &step : buffer)
if(step.pattern < newIndex.size())
step.pattern = newIndex[step.pattern];
void CPatternUndo::RearrangePatterns(const std::vector<PATTERNINDEX> &newIndex)
RearrangePatterns(UndoBuffer, newIndex);
RearrangePatterns(RedoBuffer, newIndex);
// Sample Undo Functions
// Remove all undo steps for all samples.
void CSampleUndo::ClearUndo()
for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = 1; smp <= MAX_SAMPLES; smp++)
ClearUndo(UndoBuffer, smp);
ClearUndo(RedoBuffer, smp);
// Remove all undo steps of a given sample.
void CSampleUndo::ClearUndo(undobuf_t &buffer, const SAMPLEINDEX smp)
if(!SampleBufferExists(buffer, smp)) return;
while(!buffer[smp - 1].empty())
DeleteStep(buffer, smp, 0);
// Create undo point for given sample.
// The main program has to tell what kind of changes are going to be made to the sample.
// That way, a lot of RAM can be saved, because some actions don't even require an undo sample buffer.
bool CSampleUndo::PrepareUndo(const SAMPLEINDEX smp, sampleUndoTypes changeType, const char *description, SmpLength changeStart, SmpLength changeEnd)
if(PrepareBuffer(UndoBuffer, smp, changeType, description, changeStart, changeEnd))
ClearUndo(RedoBuffer, smp);
return true;
return false;
bool CSampleUndo::PrepareBuffer(undobuf_t &buffer, const SAMPLEINDEX smp, sampleUndoTypes changeType, const char *description, SmpLength changeStart, SmpLength changeEnd)
if(smp == 0 || smp >= MAX_SAMPLES) return false;
// Undo/Redo is disabled
return false;
if(smp > buffer.size())
// Remove an undo step if there are too many.
while(buffer[smp - 1].size() >= MAX_UNDO_LEVEL)
DeleteStep(buffer, smp, 0);
// Create new undo slot
UndoInfo undo;
const CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
const ModSample &oldSample = sndFile.GetSample(smp);
// Save old sample header
undo.OldSample = oldSample;
undo.oldName = sndFile.m_szNames[smp];
undo.changeType = changeType;
undo.description = description;
if(changeType == sundo_replace)
// ensure that size information is correct here.
changeStart = 0;
changeEnd = oldSample.nLength;
} else if(changeType == sundo_none)
// we do nothing...
changeStart = changeEnd = 0;
if(changeStart > oldSample.nLength || changeStart > changeEnd)
// Something is surely screwed up.
return false;
// Restrict amount of memory that's being used
undo.changeStart = changeStart;
undo.changeEnd = changeEnd;
undo.samplePtr = nullptr;
case sundo_none: // we are done, no sample changes here.
case sundo_invert: // no action necessary, since those effects can be applied again to be undone.
case sundo_reverse: // ditto
case sundo_unsign: // ditto
case sundo_insert: // no action necessary, we already have stored the variables that are necessary.
case sundo_update:
case sundo_delete:
case sundo_replace:
const uint8 bytesPerSample = oldSample.GetBytesPerSample();
const SmpLength changeLen = changeEnd - changeStart;
undo.samplePtr = ModSample::AllocateSample(changeLen, bytesPerSample);
if(undo.samplePtr == nullptr) return false;
memcpy(undo.samplePtr, oldSample.sampleb() + changeStart * bytesPerSample, changeLen * bytesPerSample);
const size_t nSize = (GetBufferCapacity(UndoBuffer) + GetBufferCapacity(RedoBuffer) + changeLen * bytesPerSample) >> 10;
MPT_LOG_GLOBAL(LogDebug, "Undo", MPT_UFORMAT("Sample undo/redo buffer size is now {}.{} MB")(nSize >> 10, (nSize & 1023) * 100 / 1024));
MPT_ASSERT(false); // whoops, what's this? someone forgot to implement it, some code is obviously missing here!
return false;
buffer[smp - 1].push_back(std::move(undo));
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
return true;
// Restore undo point for given sample
bool CSampleUndo::Undo(const SAMPLEINDEX smp)
return Undo(UndoBuffer, RedoBuffer, smp);
// Restore redo point for given sample
bool CSampleUndo::Redo(const SAMPLEINDEX smp)
return Undo(RedoBuffer, UndoBuffer, smp);
// Restore undo/redo point for given sample
bool CSampleUndo::Undo(undobuf_t &fromBuf, undobuf_t &toBuf, const SAMPLEINDEX smp)
if(!SampleBufferExists(fromBuf, smp) || fromBuf[smp - 1].empty()) return false;
CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
// Select most recent undo slot and temporarily remove it from the buffer so that it won't get deleted by possible buffer size restrictions in PrepareBuffer()
UndoInfo undo = fromBuf[smp - 1].back();
fromBuf[smp - 1].pop_back();
// When turning an undo point into a redo point (and vice versa), some action types need to be adjusted.
sampleUndoTypes redoType = undo.changeType;
if(redoType == sundo_delete)
redoType = sundo_insert;
else if(redoType == sundo_insert)
redoType = sundo_delete;
PrepareBuffer(toBuf, smp, redoType, undo.description, undo.changeStart, undo.changeEnd);
ModSample &sample = sndFile.GetSample(smp);
std::byte *pCurrentSample = mpt::void_cast<std::byte*>(sample.samplev());
int8 *pNewSample = nullptr; // a new sample is possibly going to be allocated, depending on what's going to be undone.
bool keepOnDisk = sample.uFlags[SMP_KEEPONDISK];
bool replace = false;
uint8 bytesPerSample = undo.OldSample.GetBytesPerSample();
SmpLength changeLen = undo.changeEnd - undo.changeStart;
case sundo_none:
case sundo_invert:
// invert again
SampleEdit::InvertSample(sample, undo.changeStart, undo.changeEnd, sndFile);
case sundo_reverse:
// reverse again
SampleEdit::ReverseSample(sample, undo.changeStart, undo.changeEnd, sndFile);
case sundo_unsign:
// unsign again
SampleEdit::UnsignSample(sample, undo.changeStart, undo.changeEnd, sndFile);
case sundo_insert:
// delete inserted data
MPT_ASSERT(changeLen == sample.nLength - undo.OldSample.nLength);
if(undo.OldSample.nLength > 0)
memcpy(pCurrentSample + undo.changeStart * bytesPerSample, pCurrentSample + undo.changeEnd * bytesPerSample, (sample.nLength - undo.changeEnd) * bytesPerSample);
// also clean the sample end
memset(pCurrentSample + undo.OldSample.nLength * bytesPerSample, 0, (sample.nLength - undo.OldSample.nLength) * bytesPerSample);
} else
replace = true;
case sundo_update:
// simply replace what has been updated.
if(sample.nLength < undo.changeEnd) return false;
memcpy(pCurrentSample + undo.changeStart * bytesPerSample, undo.samplePtr, changeLen * bytesPerSample);
case sundo_delete:
// insert deleted data
pNewSample = static_cast<int8 *>(ModSample::AllocateSample(undo.OldSample.nLength, bytesPerSample));
if(pNewSample == nullptr) return false;
replace = true;
memcpy(pNewSample, pCurrentSample, undo.changeStart * bytesPerSample);
memcpy(pNewSample + undo.changeStart * bytesPerSample, undo.samplePtr, changeLen * bytesPerSample);
memcpy(pNewSample + undo.changeEnd * bytesPerSample, pCurrentSample + undo.changeStart * bytesPerSample, (undo.OldSample.nLength - undo.changeEnd) * bytesPerSample);
case sundo_replace:
// simply exchange sample pointer
pNewSample = static_cast<int8 *>(undo.samplePtr);
undo.samplePtr = nullptr; // prevent sample from being deleted
replace = true;
MPT_ASSERT(false); // whoops, what's this? someone forgot to implement it, some code is obviously missing here!
return false;
// Restore old sample header
sample = undo.OldSample;
sample.pData.pSample = mpt::void_cast<void*>(pCurrentSample); // select the "correct" old sample
sndFile.m_szNames[smp] = undo.oldName;
ctrlSmp::ReplaceSample(sample, pNewSample, undo.OldSample.nLength, sndFile);
sample.PrecomputeLoops(sndFile, true);
if(undo.changeType != sundo_none)
// Never re-enable the keep on disk flag after it was disabled.
// This can lead to quite some dangerous situations when replacing samples.
fromBuf[smp - 1].push_back(std::move(undo));
DeleteStep(fromBuf, smp, fromBuf[smp - 1].size() - 1);
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
return true;
// Delete a given undo / redo step of a sample.
void CSampleUndo::DeleteStep(undobuf_t &buffer, const SAMPLEINDEX smp, const size_t step)
if(!SampleBufferExists(buffer, smp) || step >= buffer[smp - 1].size()) return;
ModSample::FreeSample(buffer[smp - 1][step].samplePtr);
buffer[smp - 1].erase(buffer[smp - 1].begin() + step);
// Public helper function to remove the most recent undo point.
void CSampleUndo::RemoveLastUndoStep(const SAMPLEINDEX smp)
DeleteStep(UndoBuffer, smp, UndoBuffer[smp - 1].size() - 1);
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
// Restrict undo buffer size so it won't grow too large.
// This is done in FIFO style, equally distributed over all sample slots (very simple).
void CSampleUndo::RestrictBufferSize()
size_t capacity = GetBufferCapacity(UndoBuffer) + GetBufferCapacity(RedoBuffer);
while(capacity > TrackerSettings::Instance().m_SampleUndoBufferSize.Get().GetSizeInBytes())
RestrictBufferSize(UndoBuffer, capacity);
RestrictBufferSize(RedoBuffer, capacity);
void CSampleUndo::RestrictBufferSize(undobuf_t &buffer, size_t &capacity)
for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = 1; smp <= buffer.size(); smp++)
if(capacity <= TrackerSettings::Instance().m_SampleUndoBufferSize.Get().GetSizeInBytes()) return;
for(size_t i = 0; i < buffer[smp - 1].size(); i++)
if(buffer[smp - 1][i].samplePtr != nullptr)
capacity -= (buffer[smp - 1][i].changeEnd - buffer[smp - 1][i].changeStart) * buffer[smp - 1][i].OldSample.GetBytesPerSample();
for(size_t j = 0; j <= i; j++)
DeleteStep(buffer, smp, 0);
// Try to evenly spread out the restriction, i.e. move on to other samples before deleting another step for this sample.
// Update undo buffer when using rearrange sample functionality.
// newIndex contains one new index for each old index. newIndex[1] represents the first sample.
void CSampleUndo::RearrangeSamples(undobuf_t &buffer, const std::vector<SAMPLEINDEX> &newIndex)
undobuf_t newBuf(modDoc.GetNumSamples());
const SAMPLEINDEX newSize = static_cast<SAMPLEINDEX>(newIndex.size());
const SAMPLEINDEX oldSize = static_cast<SAMPLEINDEX>(buffer.size());
for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = 1; smp <= oldSize; smp++)
MPT_ASSERT(smp >= newSize || newIndex[smp] <= modDoc.GetNumSamples());
if(smp < newSize && newIndex[smp] > 0 && newIndex[smp] <= modDoc.GetNumSamples())
newBuf[newIndex[smp] - 1] = buffer[smp - 1];
} else
#ifdef _DEBUG
for(size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; i++)
if(i + 1 < newIndex.size() && newIndex[i + 1] != 0)
MPT_ASSERT(newBuf[newIndex[i + 1] - 1].size() == buffer[i].size());
buffer = newBuf;
// Return total amount of bytes used by the sample undo buffer.
size_t CSampleUndo::GetBufferCapacity(const undobuf_t &buffer) const
size_t sum = 0;
for(auto &smp : buffer)
for(auto &step : smp)
if(step.samplePtr != nullptr)
sum += (step.changeEnd - step.changeStart) * step.OldSample.GetBytesPerSample();
return sum;
// Ensure that the undo buffer is big enough for a given sample number
bool CSampleUndo::SampleBufferExists(const undobuf_t &buffer, const SAMPLEINDEX smp) const
if(smp == 0 || smp >= MAX_SAMPLES) return false;
if(smp <= buffer.size()) return true;
return false;
// Get name of next undo item
const char *CSampleUndo::GetUndoName(const SAMPLEINDEX smp) const
return "";
return UndoBuffer[smp - 1].back().description;
// Get name of next redo item
const char *CSampleUndo::GetRedoName(const SAMPLEINDEX smp) const
return "";
return RedoBuffer[smp - 1].back().description;
// Instrument Undo Functions
// Remove all undo steps for all instruments.
void CInstrumentUndo::ClearUndo()
// Remove all undo steps of a given instrument.
void CInstrumentUndo::ClearUndo(undobuf_t &buffer, const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins)
if(!InstrumentBufferExists(buffer, ins)) return;
buffer[ins - 1].clear();
// Create undo point for given Instrument.
// The main program has to tell what kind of changes are going to be made to the Instrument.
// That way, a lot of RAM can be saved, because some actions don't even require an undo Instrument buffer.
bool CInstrumentUndo::PrepareUndo(const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins, const char *description, EnvelopeType envType)
if(PrepareBuffer(UndoBuffer, ins, description, envType))
ClearUndo(RedoBuffer, ins);
return true;
return false;
bool CInstrumentUndo::PrepareBuffer(undobuf_t &buffer, const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins, const char *description, EnvelopeType envType)
if(ins == 0 || ins >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS || modDoc.GetSoundFile().Instruments[ins] == nullptr) return false;
if(ins > buffer.size())
auto &insBuffer = buffer[ins - 1];
// Remove undo steps if there are too many.
if(insBuffer.size() >= MAX_UNDO_LEVEL)
insBuffer.erase(insBuffer.begin(), insBuffer.begin() + (insBuffer.size() - MAX_UNDO_LEVEL + 1));
// Create new undo slot
UndoInfo undo;
const CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
undo.description = description;
undo.editedEnvelope = envType;
if(envType < ENV_MAXTYPES)
undo.instr.GetEnvelope(envType) = sndFile.Instruments[ins]->GetEnvelope(envType);
} else
undo.instr = *sndFile.Instruments[ins];
// cppcheck false-positive
// cppcheck-suppress uninitStructMember
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
return true;
// Restore undo point for given Instrument
bool CInstrumentUndo::Undo(const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins)
return Undo(UndoBuffer, RedoBuffer, ins);
// Restore redo point for given Instrument
bool CInstrumentUndo::Redo(const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins)
return Undo(RedoBuffer, UndoBuffer, ins);
// Restore undo/redo point for given Instrument
bool CInstrumentUndo::Undo(undobuf_t &fromBuf, undobuf_t &toBuf, const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins)
CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
if(sndFile.Instruments[ins] == nullptr || !InstrumentBufferExists(fromBuf, ins) || fromBuf[ins - 1].empty()) return false;
// Select most recent undo slot
const UndoInfo &undo = fromBuf[ins - 1].back();
PrepareBuffer(toBuf, ins, undo.description, undo.editedEnvelope);
// When turning an undo point into a redo point (and vice versa), some action types need to be adjusted.
ModInstrument *instr = sndFile.Instruments[ins];
if(undo.editedEnvelope < ENV_MAXTYPES)
instr->GetEnvelope(undo.editedEnvelope) = undo.instr.GetEnvelope(undo.editedEnvelope);
} else
*instr = undo.instr;
DeleteStep(fromBuf, ins, fromBuf[ins - 1].size() - 1);
modDoc.UpdateAllViews(nullptr, UpdateHint().Undo());
return true;
// Delete a given undo / redo step of a Instrument.
void CInstrumentUndo::DeleteStep(undobuf_t &buffer, const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins, const size_t step)
if(!InstrumentBufferExists(buffer, ins) || step >= buffer[ins - 1].size()) return;
buffer[ins - 1].erase(buffer[ins - 1].begin() + step);
// Public helper function to remove the most recent undo point.
void CInstrumentUndo::RemoveLastUndoStep(const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins)
if(!CanUndo(ins)) return;
DeleteStep(UndoBuffer, ins, UndoBuffer[ins - 1].size() - 1);
// Update undo buffer when using rearrange instruments functionality.
// newIndex contains one new index for each old index. newIndex[1] represents the first instrument.
void CInstrumentUndo::RearrangeInstruments(undobuf_t &buffer, const std::vector<INSTRUMENTINDEX> &newIndex)
undobuf_t newBuf(modDoc.GetNumInstruments());
const INSTRUMENTINDEX newSize = static_cast<INSTRUMENTINDEX>(newIndex.size());
const INSTRUMENTINDEX oldSize = static_cast<INSTRUMENTINDEX>(buffer.size());
for(INSTRUMENTINDEX ins = 1; ins <= oldSize; ins++)
MPT_ASSERT(ins >= newSize || newIndex[ins] <= modDoc.GetNumInstruments());
if(ins < newSize && newIndex[ins] > 0 && newIndex[ins] <= modDoc.GetNumInstruments())
newBuf[newIndex[ins] - 1] = buffer[ins - 1];
} else
#ifdef _DEBUG
for(size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; i++)
if(i + 1 < newIndex.size() && newIndex[i + 1] != 0)
MPT_ASSERT(newBuf[newIndex[i + 1] - 1].size() == buffer[i].size());
buffer = newBuf;
// Update undo buffer when using rearrange samples functionality.
// newIndex contains one new index for each old index. newIndex[1] represents the first sample.
void CInstrumentUndo::RearrangeSamples(undobuf_t &buffer, const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins, std::vector<SAMPLEINDEX> &newIndex)
const CSoundFile &sndFile = modDoc.GetSoundFile();
if(sndFile.Instruments[ins] == nullptr || !InstrumentBufferExists(buffer, ins) || buffer[ins - 1].empty()) return;
for(auto &i : buffer[ins - 1]) if(i.editedEnvelope >= ENV_MAXTYPES)
for(auto &sample : i.instr.Keyboard)
if(sample < newIndex.size())
sample = newIndex[sample];
sample = 0;
// Ensure that the undo buffer is big enough for a given Instrument number
bool CInstrumentUndo::InstrumentBufferExists(const undobuf_t &buffer, const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins) const
if(ins == 0 || ins >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS) return false;
if(ins <= buffer.size()) return true;
return false;
// Get name of next undo item
const char *CInstrumentUndo::GetUndoName(const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins) const
return "";
return UndoBuffer[ins - 1].back().description;
// Get name of next redo item
const char *CInstrumentUndo::GetRedoName(const INSTRUMENTINDEX ins) const
return "";
return RedoBuffer[ins - 1].back().description;