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Palm-paste is an Open-Source PHP script of a site where you can share text and code snippets. It's extremely easy to use! It has syntax highlight, ability to post public/unlisted/private pastes and many more cool features. It's in active development so stay tuned for updates. Also if you have any ideas you can contact me on twitter, I'm @pik4mi If you have any issues, file them here


Original development environment is Nginx + PHP5.6 + MySQL. Should work with Apache.


For the purposes of this guide, we won't cover setting up Apache, PHP, MySQL, or Nginx. So we'll just assume you already have them all running well.

  1. Download palm-paste from
  2. Create a user and database for palm-paste
  3. Take the 'palm-paste.sql' and import it to your database.
  4. Edit configuration settings in includes/config.php
  5. (For apache users) Change the "RewriteBase" setting in ".htaccess" file to the root of your palm-paste installation
  6. (For nginx users) add the block from nginx_cfg.txt to your nginx server config, replace all occurrences of "paste" with the root of your palm-paste installation
  7. Done!
  • To ensure that pastes with an expiration set get cleaned up, define the cron key in the config and set up a cronjob, for example:
    • */5 * * * * curl --silent[key]
  • If you can't have cronjobs or your just to lazy - Don't wory, the pastes will expire if a user tries to view them after expiration time is over.

Things used to make this

And many more... (I'm saying "many more", because I probably missed something)