1.7 KiB
Palm-paste is an Open-Source PHP script of a site where you can share text and code snippets. It's extremely easy to use! It has syntax highlight, ability to post public/unlisted/private pastes and many more cool features. It's in active development so stay tuned for updates. Also if you have any ideas you can contact me on twitter, I'm @pik4mi If you have any issues, file them here https://github.com/pikami/palm-paste/issues
#Note Original development environment is Apache 2.4 + PHP5.6 + MySQL. Should work with Nginx and any PDO-compatible database.
#Install For the purposes of this guide, we won't cover setting up Apache, PHP, MySQL, or Nginx. So we'll just assume you already have them all running well.
- Download palm-paste from https://github.com/pikami/palm-paste/tags
- Create a user and database for palm-paste
- Take the 'palm-paste.sql' and import it to your database.
- Edit configuration settings in config/config.php
- Done!
- To ensure that pastes with an expiration set get cleaned up, define the cron key in the config and set up a cronjob, for example:
*/5 * * * * curl --silent http://your-site.com/palm-paste/cronjob.php?key=[key]
- If you can't have cronjobs or your just to lazy - Don't wory, the pastes will expire if a user tries to view them after expiration time is over.
Things used to make this
- Bootstrap (v3.3.6) Link: http://getbootstrap.com/
- JQuery (v1.12.0) Link: https://jquery.com/
- Dynatable (v0.3.1) Link: https://www.dynatable.com/
- SyntaxHighlighter (v3.0.83) http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/
- Chosen (v1.5.1) Link: https://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/
And many more... (I'm saying "many more", because I probably missed something)