move to hugo

This commit is contained in:
Luke Smith 2022-04-14 15:58:07 -04:00
parent 1477b62cc4
commit c08fd719fe
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 4C50B54A911F6252
391 changed files with 1439 additions and 1408 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- Recipes should be `.md` files in the `src/` directory. Look at already
existing `.md` files for examples or see [example](
- File names should be the name of the dish with words separated by hyphens
(`-`). Not underscores, and definitely not spaces.
- Recipe must be based, i.e. good traditional and substantial food. Nothing
ironic, meme-tier hyper-sugary, meat-substitute, etc.
- Be sure to add a small number of relevant tags to your recipe (and remove
the dummy tags). Try to use already existing tags.
- Don't include salt and pepper and other ubiquitous things in the ingredients

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
on: pull_request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Check files for compliance
run: .github/workflows/scripts/

View File

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
set -eu
check_size() {
size="$(stat --printf="%s" "$1")"
if [ "$size" -gt "$SIZE_LIMIT" ]; then
echo "File $1 is bigger than specified $SIZE_LIMIT limit"
check_file_name() {
shouldname="${expectedFolder}/$(basename "$fileName" |
iconv --to-code=utf-8 |
tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' |
tr '_ ' '-')"
if [ "$shouldname" != "$fileName" ]; then
echo "$1 should be named $shouldname."
check_webp_name() {
check_file_name "$1" "data/pix"
check_recipe_name() {
check_file_name "$1" "src"
check_recipe_content() {
errMsgs="$(awk '
# First line should be the title
NR == 1 && /^# / {
$0 == "## Ingredients" {
$0 == "## Directions" {
$0 == "" {
$0 != "" {
# Last line should be the tags list
if ($1 == ";tags:") {
NUM_TAGS = NF - 1;
# Loop through all the tags
for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
# Make sure that each tag only contains lowercase letters and hyphens
if ($i !~ "^[a-z-]+$") {
if (!HAS_TITLE) {
print "Recipe does not have a properly formatted title on the first line."
if (!HAS_TAGS) {
print "Recipe does not have a properly formatted tags on the last line."
} else {
print "Recipe has invalid tags. Tags must be separated by spaces and contain only lowercase letters or hyphens (-)";
if (NUM_TAGS < 2) {
print "Recipe only has " NUM_TAGS " tags. Add some more."
} else if (NUM_TAGS > 5) {
print "Recipe has " NUM_TAGS " tags which is too many. Remove some tags."
print "Recipe does not have an ingredients list."
print "Recipe does not have a directions section."
print "Recipe has at least 2 consecutive empty lines.";
' "$1")"
if [ -n "$errMsgs" ]; then
echo "$errMsgs"
while IFS= read -r file; do
echo "Checking '$file'"
case "$file" in
# Ignore these files ;;
.github/*.md) ;;
check_size "$file"
check_webp_name "$file"
check_recipe_name "$file"
check_recipe_content "$file"
# Separate each file for easier reading.
echo ""
done <<EOF
$(git diff --name-only "$(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)")
exit $FAIL

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
name: CI
# Controls when the action will run.
# Triggers the workflow on push to master (including merged PRs)
branches: [ master ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
- name: Updating website.
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
username: based
key: ${{ secrets.based_ssh }}
passphrase: ${{ secrets.based_ssh_pass }}
port: ${{ secrets.based_port }}
script: |
cd repo
git stash
git pull --force origin master
make deploy

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
BLOG := $(MAKE) -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) --no-print-directory
ifneq ($(filter-out help,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
include config
# The following can be configured in config
BLOG_TITLE ?= blog
BLOG_URL_ROOT ?= http://localhost/blog
BLOG_FEEDS ?= rss atom
BLOG_SRC ?= articles
.PHONY: help init build deploy clean taglist
ARTICLES = $(shell git ls-tree HEAD --name-only -- $(BLOG_SRC)/*.md 2>/dev/null)
TAGFILES = $(patsubst $(BLOG_SRC)/,tags/%,$(ARTICLES))
$(info make init|build|deploy|clean|taglist)
mkdir -p $(BLOG_SRC) data templates
printf '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>$$TITLE</title></head><body>' > templates/header.html
printf '</body></html>' > templates/footer.html
printf '' > templates/index_header.html
printf '<p>Tags:' > templates/tag_list_header.html
printf '<a href="$$URL">$$NAME</a>' > templates/tag_entry.html
printf ', ' > templates/tag_separator.html
printf '</p>' > templates/tag_list_footer.html
printf '<h2>Articles</h2><ul id=artlist>' > templates/article_list_header.html
printf '<li><a href="$$URL">$$DATE $$TITLE</a></li>' > templates/article_entry.html
printf '' > templates/article_separator.html
printf '</ul>' > templates/article_list_footer.html
printf '' > templates/index_footer.html
printf '' > templates/tag_index_header.html
printf '' > templates/tag_index_footer.html
printf '' > templates/article_header.html
printf '' > templates/article_footer.html
printf 'blog\n' > .git/info/exclude
build: blog/index.html tagpages $(patsubst $(BLOG_SRC)/,blog/%.html,$(ARTICLES)) $(patsubst %,blog/%.xml,$(BLOG_FEEDS))
deploy: build
rsync -rLtvz $(BLOG_RSYNC_OPTS) blog/ data/ $(BLOG_REMOTE)
rm -rf blog tags
printf 'BLOG_REMOTE:=%s\n' \
'$(shell printf "Blog remote (eg: host:/var/www/html): ">/dev/tty; head -n1)' \
> $@
tags/%: $(BLOG_SRC)/
mkdir -p tags
grep -ih '^; *tags:' "$<" | cut -d: -f2- | tr -c '[^a-z\-]' ' ' | sed 's/ */\n/g' | sed '/^$$/d' | sort -u > $@
blog/index.html: $(ARTICLES) $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header index_header tag_list_header tag_entry tag_separator tag_list_footer article_list_header article_entry article_separator article_list_footer index_footer footer))
mkdir -p blog
export TITLE; \
export PAGE_TITLE; \
envsubst < templates/header.html > $@; \
envsubst < templates/index_header.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/tag_list_header.html >> $@; \
first=true; \
for t in $(shell cat $(TAGFILES) | sort -u); do \
"$$first" || envsubst < templates/tag_separator.html; \
NAME="$$t" \
URL="@$$t.html" \
envsubst < templates/tag_entry.html; \
first=false; \
done >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/tag_list_footer.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_list_header.html >> $@; \
first=true; \
echo $(ARTICLES); \
for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s $(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT_INDEX)" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
"$$first" || envsubst < templates/article_separator.html; \
URL="`printf '%s' "\$$FILE" | sed 's,^$(BLOG_SRC)/\(.*\).md,\1,'`.html" \
TITLE="`head -n1 "\$$FILE" | sed -e 's/^# //g'`" \
envsubst < templates/article_entry.html; \
first=false; \
done >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_list_footer.html >> $@; \
markdown < >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/index_footer.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/footer.html >> $@; \
blog/tag/%.html: $(ARTICLES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header tag_header index_entry tag_footer footer))
.PHONY: tagpages
tagpages: $(TAGFILES)
+$(BLOG) $(patsubst %,blog/@%.html,$(shell cat $(TAGFILES) | sort -u))
blog/@%.html: $(TAGFILES) $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header tag_index_header tag_list_header tag_entry tag_separator tag_list_footer article_list_header article_entry article_separator article_list_footer tag_index_footer footer))
mkdir -p blog
PAGE_TITLE="Articles tagged $* -- $(BLOG_TITLE)"; \
TAGS="$*"; \
export PAGE_TITLE; \
export TAGS; \
export TITLE; \
envsubst < templates/header.html > $@; \
envsubst < templates/tag_index_header.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_list_header.html >> $@; \
first=true; \
for f in $(shell awk '$$0 == "$*" { gsub("tags", "$(BLOG_SRC)", FILENAME); print FILENAME ".md"; nextfile; }' $(TAGFILES)); do \
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s $(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT_INDEX)" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
"$$first" || envsubst < templates/article_separator.html; \
URL="`printf '%s' "\$$FILE" | sed 's,^$(BLOG_SRC)/\(.*\).md,\1,'`.html" \
TITLE="`head -n1 "\$$FILE" | sed -e 's/^# //g'`" \
envsubst < templates/article_entry.html; \
first=false; \
done >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_list_footer.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/tag_index_footer.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/footer.html >> $@; \
blog/%.html: $(BLOG_SRC)/ $(addprefix templates/,$(addsuffix .html,header article_header tag_link_header tag_link tag_link_footer article_footer footer))
mkdir -p blog
TITLE="$(shell head -n1 $< | sed 's/^# \+//')"; \
export TITLE; \
PAGE_TITLE="$${TITLE} Recipe -- $(BLOG_TITLE)"; \
export PAGE_TITLE; \
AUTHOR="$(shell git log --format="%an" -- "$<" | tail -n 1)"; \
export AUTHOR; \
DATE_POSTED="$(shell git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:$(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT)" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$<")"; \
export DATE_POSTED; \
DATE_EDITED="$(shell git log -n 1 --date="format:$(BLOG_DATE_FORMAT)" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$<")"; \
export DATE_EDITED; \
TAGS="$(shell grep -i '^; *tags:' "$<" | cut -d: -f2- | paste -sd ',')"; \
export TAGS; \
envsubst < templates/header.html > $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_header.html >> $@; \
sed -e '/^;/d' < $< | markdown -f fencedcode >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/tag_link_header.html >> $@; \
for i in $${TAGS} ; do \
TAG_NAME="$$i" \
TAG_LINK="./@$$i.html" \
envsubst < templates/tag_link.html >> $@; \
done; \
envsubst < templates/tag_link_footer.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/article_footer.html >> $@; \
envsubst < templates/footer.html >> $@; \
blog/rss.xml: $(ARTICLES)
printf '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<rss version="2.0">\n<channel>\n<title>%s</title>\n<link>%s</link>\n<description>%s</description>\n' \
for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" --pretty=format:'%ad%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort -k2nr | head -n $(BLOG_FEED_MAX) | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE; do \
printf '<item>\n<title>%s</title>\n<link>%s</link>\n<guid>%s</guid>\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>\n<description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>\n</item>\n' \
"`head -n 1 $$FILE | sed 's/^# //'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$$DATE" \
"`markdown < $$FILE`"; \
done >> $@
printf '</channel>\n</rss>\n' >> $@
blog/atom.xml: $(ARTICLES)
printf '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en">\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<subtitle type="text">%s</subtitle>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="%s"/>\n' \
"$(BLOG_TITLE)" "$(BLOG_DESCRIPTION)" "$(shell date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)atom.xml" "$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)/atom.xml" > $@
for f in $(ARTICLES); do \
printf '%s ' "$$f"; \
git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --date="format:%s %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" --pretty=format:'%ad %aN%n' -- "$$f"; \
done | sort -k2nr | head -n $(BLOG_FEED_MAX) | cut -d" " -f1,3- | while IFS=" " read -r FILE DATE AUTHOR; do \
printf '<entry>\n<title type="text">%s</title>\n<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%s"/>\n<id>%s</id>\n<published>%s</published>\n<updated>%s</updated>\n<author><name>%s</name></author>\n<summary type="html"><![CDATA[%s]]></summary>\n</entry>\n' \
"`head -n 1 $$FILE | sed 's/^# //'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$(BLOG_URL_ROOT)`basename $$FILE | sed 's/\.md/\.html/'`" \
"$$DATE" \
"`git log -n 1 --date="format:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" --pretty=format:'%ad' -- "$$FILE"`" \
"$$AUTHOR" \
"`markdown < $$FILE`"; \
done >> $@
printf '</feed>\n' >> $@
grep -RIh '^;tags:' src | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq

View File

@ -31,35 +31,14 @@ There are no ads, trackers, cookies (unless recipes thereof) or javascript.
### Tags
You can (and should) add tags at the end of your recipe. The syntax is:
;tags: tag1 tag2 tag3
The tag line should be a single line, at the end of the markdown file, preceded
by a blank line.
Add between 1 and 4 tags, **prioritize existing tags**. As a general guideline,
add the country from which the recipe originates if the recipe is representative
of said country, using the adjective form (eg. *mexican*, *italian*, etc). Tag
the main ingredient if it's something slightly special.
List of special, categorical tags to use if relevant:
- `basic`: for basic recipes that aren't meant to be stand alone but are supposed
to be incorporated in another recipe.
- `breakfast`
- `dessert`
- `quick`: for recipes that can be cooked in under ~20 minutes.
- `side`: side dishes such as mash, fries, etc.
- `snack`
- `spread`
Remember to add tags to your recipe, but try to use tags already used by other recipes.
If your recipe contains no meat or dairy, include the `fasting` tag.
If it includes dairy but no milk, incude the `cheesefare` tag.
### Images
Images are stored in `data/pix`.
Images are stored in `/pix`.
Each recipe can have a title image at the top and perhaps
several instructional images as absolutely necessary.
@ -74,17 +53,6 @@ If you submit an image for say, ``, it should be added as `pi
If you would like to add additional directional images,
they should be numbered with two digits like: `pix/chicken-parmesan-01.webp`, etc.
## About the site
The front page, for now, will just be a list of recipes automatically generated
from the content of `src`.
As more articles are added, the site will be reorganized, categorized
or will implement server-side scripting or searches.
This is not necessary yet though.
I don't really want images of recipes on the mainpage yet.
I'll think about how best to do it to minimize bandwidth if possible.
## License
This website and all its content is in the public domain.

archetypes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: true

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
BLOG_TITLE:=Based Cooking

config.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'Based Cooking'
theme = 'lugo'

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Älplermagronen (Alpine macaroni)
title: "Älplermagronen (Alpine macaroni)"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['swiss', 'pork', 'potato']
A swiss favorite, _Älplermagronen_ combines pretty much everything you have at your disposal in your alpine chalet.
It's the definition of comfort food for the Swiss.
@ -36,5 +40,3 @@ Feel free to vary these amounts, it's not like this is anything strict.
## Contributors
- **Alexander Bocken** -- [contact](
;tags: swiss pork potato

View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Spaghetti aglio e olio
title: "Spaghetti aglio e olio"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['italian', 'pasta']
Aglio e olio, pasta with garlic and olive oil, is one of the simplest yet greatest pasta dishes of all time. It's quick, easy, and uses a lot of basic pantry ingredients which makes this a convenient weeknight meal.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Aglio e olio, pasta with garlic and olive oil, is one of the simplest yet greate
## Contribution
- Robert [github](
;tags: italian pasta

View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Aljotta
title: "Aljotta"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['fish', 'soup', 'mediterranean']
Aljotta ("jo" as in "Yo!") is a light fish soup with roots in french bouillabaisse and similarly refers to the method of serving the fish that are cooked in it. The most appropriate fish to use for both the stock and the accompanying meal are 'clean' white fish that don't turn the broth cloudy, ideally stargazers, monkfish, red gurnard, and moray eels but also hake, mullets, cod and haddock. There are a some variants; restaurant versions could very well include lemon juice and shellfish which I don't associate with aljotta. Rice eventually became a staple with it and how much you put in is up to you. I recommend just a little. In fact, there are no ingredient amounts; the picture should give you an idea of the density you're going for. **Fresh herbs are a must**.
@ -31,5 +35,3 @@ Aljotta ("jo" as in "Yo!") is a light fish soup with roots in french bouillabais
## Contribution
Shou, [website](
;tags: fish soup mediterranean

View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Almeirim Stone Soup
title: "Almeirim Stone Soup"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['portuguese', 'soup', 'pork']
It is truly emblematic of Portuguese cuisine, as it uses all of the ingredients available in order to waste no food.
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@
## Contribution
- Artur Mancha -- [Pleroma](
;tags: portuguese soup pork

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Apple Pie
title: "Apple Pie"
date: 2021-05-13
tags: ['dessert', 'pie', 'sweet', 'apples']
![Apple Pie](pix/apple-pie.webp)
![Apple Pie](/pix/apple-pie.webp)
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
- 🍳Cook time: 45 min
@ -15,7 +19,7 @@
- 50 g white sugar
- 65 g brown sugar
- 5 g (1 tsp) cinnamon
- 1-2 g nutmeg
- 1-2 g nutmeg
- 15 g cornstarch
- 15 g ice water
- 226 g (2 sticks) cold butter, cut into slices
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@
9. Put the bottom half dough into the pie pan and cut off the excess dough with a knife
10. Dump the sauce pan full of the filling into the pie pan and even it out
11. Cover the pie filling with the top dough and fold over and tuck in the excess crust
12. Use a fork or your fingers to pinch down the top crust to the bottom crust so you don't have air gaps
12. Use a fork or your fingers to pinch down the top crust to the bottom crust so you don't have air gaps
13. Optionally you can now brush on the egg wash to make the crust get a shiny golden brown color when it cooks
14. Cut a few slits in the top crust with a knife to give it a nice design and allow for air to release
15. Bake 45 minutes at 350°F or until the crust is brown to your liking and the apples are bubbling inside
@ -54,5 +58,3 @@
## Contribution
- mfed3 - xmr: `48eEMdYtCQaV5wY7wvmxK6jCxKkia9dgpNTMNT1do7RLWXCwWDgSKjN3kiZ6yHbAuAXWgDGN6imnGT9NPeHWD7zX9hSyHu2`
;tags: dessert pie sweet apples

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Apple strudel
title: "Apple strudel"
date: 2021-03-22
tags: ['dessert', 'breakfast']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 40 min
@ -24,7 +28,7 @@
4. Arrange the apple slices over the jam.
5. Sprinkle with cinnamon and breadcrumbs.
6. Cut tiny pieces of butter and arrange them over the apple slices.
7. Roll the puff pastry edges over, overlapping them.
8. Bake for around 40 minutes at 180°C (360° F).
9. Cover with powdered sugar.
@ -32,5 +36,3 @@
## Contribution
- Lorenzo Iuri
;tags: dessert breakfast

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Arroz Chaufa
title: "Arroz Chaufa"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['peruvian', 'chinese', 'rice']
Peruvian-chinese dish. Easy to cook just add and mix everything.
![Arroz Chaufa](pix/arroz-chaufa-2.webp)
![Arroz Chaufa](/pix/arroz-chaufa-2.webp)
- ⏲️ Prep time: 40 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ Peruvian-chinese dish. Easy to cook just add and mix everything.
- Soy Sauce
- Welsh Onion
## Directions
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@ Peruvian-chinese dish. Easy to cook just add and mix everything.
## Contribution
- Andy Rufasto - [contact](, [GPG](
;tags: peruvian chinese rice

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
# Asian Style Chicken with Sticky Sauce
title: "Asian Style Chicken with Sticky Sauce"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['asian', 'chicken']
Asian style crispy coated chicken with sweetish sauce recipe. Served with boiled rice.
![Asian Style Chicken with Sticky Sauce](pix/asian-style-chicken-sticky-sauce.webp)
![Asian Style Chicken with Sticky Sauce](/pix/asian-style-chicken-sticky-sauce.webp)
## Ingredients
@ -42,5 +46,3 @@ Asian style crispy coated chicken with sweetish sauce recipe. Served with boiled
## Contribution
- pazu - xmr: 48QiCovstDPbHtMR5DP8tp3fUgguVUcdUX2pjbh6utt88fMe5h233ZnY7PxxdQYCjrVuCBQA2D8JBYU7rH2MdVDHFKd7QJi - btc: 17FWEWrKuock7eeZY3DTne7LgES1uKYZK5
;tags: asian chicken

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Assam Tea
title: "Assam Tea"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['drink', 'quick']
![Assam Tea](pix/assam-tea.webp)
![Assam Tea](/pix/assam-tea.webp)
This is a simple Assam tea recipe.
@ -25,5 +29,3 @@ This is a simple Assam tea recipe.
## Contribution
- Chandra Kiran - [GitHub](
;tags: drink quick

View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Aussie Snags (sausage sizzle)
title: "Aussie Snags (sausage sizzle)"
date: 2021-06-05
tags: ['basic', 'snack', 'australian', 'pork']
An Australian BBQ classic tradition that is simple and very easy to make. Great for parties and outdoor events
especially national events. Sometimes served at hardware chains.
@ -27,5 +31,3 @@ especially national events. Sometimes served at hardware chains.
5. When the onions are golden brown turn off the hotplate
6. When the sausages are cooked, butter the bread, then the onions, and add a sausage (optionally split)
7. Finally tomato sauce on top
;tags: basic snack australian pork

View File

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Baba's Feta Pasta
title: "Baba's Feta Pasta"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['greek', 'feta', 'pasta', 'supper']
Greek Pasta Recipe with sauce made out of feta, stock, cream cheese and other ingredients.
Uses mixed spice for special flavour, and is a great dinner or mid-day meal.
@ -44,5 +48,3 @@ Make sure to prepare & chop most ingredients before you start.
- peepopoggers - [github](
- Original recipe.
;tags: greek feta pasta supper

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Baked Mostaccioli
title: "Baked Mostaccioli"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['pasta', 'italian']
![baked mostaccioli in bowl](pix/baked-mostaccioli-00.webp "Baked Mostaccioli in Bowl")
![baked mostaccioli in bowl](/pix/baked-mostaccioli-00.webp "Baked Mostaccioli in Bowl")
Baked pasta cooked in dish with spicy sauce
@ -24,11 +28,9 @@ Baked pasta cooked in dish with spicy sauce
4. Bake at 350°F / 175°C for 20 minutes
- Or 375°F / 190°C for 15 minutes on convection bake.
![baked mostaccioli on stove](pix/baked-mostaccioli-01.webp "Baked Mostaccioli right out of the Oven")
![baked mostaccioli on stove](/pix/baked-mostaccioli-01.webp "Baked Mostaccioli right out of the Oven")
## Contributors
- Recipe created by Dan
- Refined & Uploaded by Zyansheep.
;tags: pasta italian

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Baked pasta with broccoli, boiled eggs and scamorza cheese
title: "Baked pasta with broccoli, boiled eggs and scamorza cheese"
date: 2021-04-15
tags: ['italian', 'pasta', 'broccoli', 'cheesefare']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 20~30 min
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@
Davide Costa - [website](,
Monero: `4BD4REH2QyC5dhb7W4hYUnD3poGgpg9TGVrn1iRcdkQzBrm44eAre1GcfvsPakPF1thy2CBcBqZmzCLRsU6gZftY1Bg23f9`
;tags: italian pasta broccoli cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Baked Salmon
title: "Baked Salmon"
date: 2021-03-17
tags: ['basic', 'fish']
Simple method for making a good serving of salmon. Goes well with just about anything.
@ -24,5 +28,3 @@ Simple method for making a good serving of salmon. Goes well with just about any
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: basic fish

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Banana Bread
title: "Banana Bread"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['bread', 'dessert', 'sweet', 'fasting']
Not too sweet. Great for when you have friends over for tea.
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@ Not too sweet. Great for when you have friends over for tea.
## Contribution
- Martin Chrzanowski -- [website](, [donate](
;tags: bread dessert sweet fasting

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Banana Muffins with Chocolate
title: "Banana Muffins with Chocolate"
date: 2021-03-12
tags: ['dessert', 'sweet', 'snack', 'cake', 'fasting']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
@ -29,5 +33,3 @@
## Contribution
- Łukasz Drukała - [website](, [donate](
;tags: dessert sweet snack cake fasting

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Banana Pancakes
title: "Banana Pancakes"
date: 2021-03-13
tags: ['breakfast', 'quick', 'sweet', 'pancake', 'cheesefare']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 minutes
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Either eat the pancakes as they get ready or put a plate in a preheated oven (lo
## Contribution
- Ricky Lindén - [website](, [donate](
;tags: breakfast quick sweet pancake cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Basic Meatballs
title: "Basic Meatballs"
date: 2021-03-25
tags: ['basic', 'italian', 'beef', 'pork']
Hybrid beef/pork meatballs perfect for spaghetti and meatballs or a meatball sub.
- 🍳 Cook time: 25 min
@ -38,5 +42,3 @@ Hybrid beef/pork meatballs perfect for spaghetti and meatballs or a meatball sub
## Contribution
- John Hubberts - [github](
;tags: basic italian beef pork

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Beef Goulash
title: "Beef Goulash"
date: 2021-03-12
tags: ['hungarian', 'beef', 'stew']
![Beef Goulash](pix/beef-goulash.webp)
![Beef Goulash](/pix/beef-goulash.webp)
Although it takes some time to make, it is actually quite easy to make, and it is a really hearty and delicious recipe, if I do say so myself.
@ -53,5 +57,3 @@ Originally published at [](https://
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov -- [website](,
[other website](,
;tags: hungarian beef stew

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Beef Jerky
title: "Beef Jerky"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['beef', 'snack']
Beef Jerky is ideal for road trips and camping, as it will not perish as readily as fresh meat.
It is suitable not only as a snack but also as a meal.
@ -31,5 +35,3 @@ Other meats may be substituted instead of beef, but use caution.
## Contribution
- Elias Howell -- [website](
;tags: beef snack

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Beef Kidney
title: "Beef Kidney"
date: 2021-06-05
tags: ['kidney', 'beef']
My wife's beef kidney recipe
@ -9,7 +13,7 @@ My wife's beef kidney recipe
## Ingredients
- 1 beef kidney
- 60g butter
- 60g butter
- 2 onions
- 2 shallots
- 1 sprig of fresh parsley
@ -32,5 +36,3 @@ My wife's beef kidney recipe
## Contribution
Philip Wittamore - [Website](
;tags: kidney beef

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Traditional beef or lamb stew
title: "Traditional beef or lamb stew"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['irish', 'stew', 'lamb', 'beef']
This is a recipe for a typical Irish stew. This is traditionally made with lamb since it's cheaper however, beef tastes a lot better and is more readily available in North America I've been told. This is good if you want to feed a family or if you just want to be lazy and eat the same thing for 2 or 3 days. Besides browning the meat this is really just throwing stuff into a pot in a certain order. This is the kind of dish that tastes better the next day so it's ideal for making on a Sunday and eating for the next 2 or 3 days.
@ -24,5 +28,3 @@ Serve with mashed potatoes.
## Contribution
- Eoin Coogan - [website](, [youtube](
;tags: irish stew lamb beef

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Beef Tips in Gravy on Sour Cream Mashed Potatoes
title: "Beef Tips in Gravy on Sour Cream Mashed Potatoes"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['american', 'beef', 'potato']
Tender chunks of meat in a rich brown gravy poured over sour cream mashed potatoes, made in a pressure cooker. This recipe is a modification of the [Texas Cafe Classics Sirloin Tips Recipe]( by Mark Rippetoe.
@ -47,5 +51,3 @@ Tender chunks of meat in a rich brown gravy poured over sour cream mashed potato
- **Batu Cam** -- Transcribed recipe from Mark Rippetoe's video with moderate to significant modifications based on experience -- Monero (XMR) to help me save for an unazoomer cabin: `85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg`
- **Mark Rippetoe** -- Original recipe author, creator of starting strength, and pink nationalist -- [Website](
;tags: american beef potato

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Belgian pear syrup
title: "Belgian pear syrup"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['syrup', 'fruit', 'belgian']
A delicious syrup that can be eaten on bread and used in a multitude of recipes.
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@ A delicious syrup that can be eaten on bread and used in a multitude of recipes.
## Contribution
- Yiusa, eth `0x68f1317c6512f0267fa711cafb6c134ae968fa80`
;tags: syrup fruit belgian

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@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# Bloody Mary Mix
title: "Bloody Mary Mix"
date: 2022-04-14
date: 2021-03-19
tags: ['drink', 'sweet', 'breakfast']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 5 min
@ -22,5 +27,3 @@
## Contribution
Front3ndNinja - [Website](
;tags: drink sweet breakfast

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Bolinhos de Coco
title: "Bolinhos de Coco"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['portuguese', 'quick', 'sweet', 'dessert', 'cheesefare']
This is a Portuguese dish that translates to "coconut cupcakes," though there are probably lots of equivalent dishes from other cultures.
Its simplicity and short preparation time make it perfect for a snack or dessert.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Its simplicity and short preparation time make it perfect for a snack or dessert
- A family recipe (not mine)
- Submitted by Mealwhiles
;tags: portuguese quick sweet dessert cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Bolo do Caco (Caco Bread)
title: "Bolo do Caco (Caco Bread)"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['bread', 'portuguese']
_A traditional Madeiran-Portuguese Bread_
@ -44,5 +48,3 @@ __Metric__
## Contribution
- João Freitas - [website](, [github](
;tags: bread portuguese

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Bolognese Sauce
title: "Bolognese Sauce"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['sauce', 'italian', 'pasta']
![Bolognese sauce](pix/bolognese-sauce-1.webp)
![Bolognese sauce](/pix/bolognese-sauce-1.webp)
Basic bolognese sauce for lasagne or pasta dishes
@ -47,5 +51,3 @@ stir it through until it has completely evaporated. (If you are using it you can
- Yiusa, eth `0x68f1317c6512f0267fa711cafb6c134ae968fa80`
- Tait, [website](
;tags: sauce italian pasta

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Basic Bread Recipe
title: "Basic Bread Recipe"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['basic', 'bread', 'fasting']
This is a recipe for a basic loaf of bread. The dough itself can be used however. I've made buns, rolls, and whole bread loafs using this same exact dough every time without a problem. Eat within 3 days as it will probably be going stale around then (as bread without preservatives and other junk should).
@ -35,5 +39,3 @@ This is a recipe for a basic loaf of bread. The dough itself can be used however
## Contribution
Alex Selimov - [Website](
;tags: basic bread fasting

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Breakfast Wrap
title: "Breakfast Wrap"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['breakfast', 'quick', 'basic', 'eggs']
The basic parts of a full English in a wrap. Inspired by McDonald's breakfast wraps.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ The basic parts of a full English in a wrap. Inspired by McDonald's breakfast wr
## Contribution
- Linux Lounge
;tags: breakfast quick basic eggs

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Breton Crêpes (Breton Galettes)
title: "Breton Crêpes (Breton Galettes)"
date: 2021-03-14
tags: ['french', 'cheesefare']
Buckwheat crêpes eaten as dishes, traditionally garnished with ham, eggs and cheese (galette complète).
~15/20 galettes.
@ -23,5 +27,3 @@ It will then be easier to spread the dough.
- Aeredren - [GitHub](
- Tait Hoyen - [website](
;tags: french cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Brigadeiro
title: "Brigadeiro"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['dessert', 'quick', 'brazilian', 'cheesefare']
A very traditional Brazilian dessert that is present in every Brazilian birthday party! Delicious and super easy to make.
@ -24,5 +28,3 @@ Depending on how much brigadeiro you want to make, you'll have to add more or le
;tags: dessert quick brazilian cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Broiled Trevally
title: "Broiled Trevally"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['fish', 'cheesefare']
Well, it's actually a *giant* trevally, and if you have seen one, that fish looks ugly.
So here's a recipe to make it look---and taste!---more appealing.
@ -30,5 +34,3 @@ So here's a recipe to make it look---and taste!---more appealing.
## Contribution
- O.Q. Olarte [website](, [donate](
;tags: fish cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Brown Sauce
title: "Brown Sauce"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['sauce']
A very basic sauce that can be used for various dishes.
@ -27,5 +31,3 @@ A very basic sauce that can be used for various dishes.
## Contribution
- Vili Kangas
;tags: sauce

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Hamburger dressing
title: "Hamburger dressing"
date: 2021-04-06
tags: ['sauce', 'basic', 'aioli', 'dressing']
A delicious home made hamburger dressing 🍔
@ -21,5 +25,3 @@ A delicious home made hamburger dressing 🍔
## Contribution
- brox - xmr: `8AaUvC4JPfTVgy66FLd8mVfsPwT7RXJuPK2xySoKnFEhDZPNafpgn6rh8VPBVauyNP17EQQ1HGhMCZdtUJNoD7xnVt1cSLo`
;tags: sauce basic aioli dressing

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Butter Chicken Masala Curry
title: "Butter Chicken Masala Curry"
date: 2021-03-15
tags: ['indian', 'curry', 'chicken']
![Butter Chicken Masala](pix/butter-chicken-masala.webp)
![Butter Chicken Masala](/pix/butter-chicken-masala.webp)
Butter chicken Masala is one of India's most popular chicken recipes, a mild curry with a tomato-onion-cream base and boneless chicken pieces cooked in it to perfection.
@ -38,5 +42,3 @@ Butter chicken Masala is one of India's most popular chicken recipes, a mild cur
## Contribution
- Nihar Samantaray - [website](, [contact](
;tags: indian curry chicken

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Cacio e Pepe
title: "Cacio e Pepe"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['italian', 'quick', 'pasta', 'cheesefare']
Cacio e Pepe (meaning cheese and pepper) is not only based but also incredibly simple, ideal for lazy neets and similarly minded people who don't want to wash too many dishes and don't like complicated recipes with too many extra ingredients.
@ -28,5 +32,3 @@ Cacio e Pepe (meaning cheese and pepper) is not only based but also incredibly s
- Batu Cam -- Added picture -- XMR: `85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg`
- [S0NN1]( -- fixed the recipe based on the original italian one -- [website](
- mathik
;tags: italian quick pasta cheesefare

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Caesar Salad
title: "Caesar Salad"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['italian', 'salad', 'cheesefare']
Caesar Salad is an easy and delicious meal for lunch or dinner.
@ -22,5 +26,3 @@ Caesar Salad is an easy and delicious meal for lunch or dinner.
## Contributors
- gucko
;tags: italian salad cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Cannellini Bean Salad
title: "Cannellini Bean Salad"
date: 2021-03-17
tags: ['beans', 'italian', 'salad']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: beans italian salad

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Carbonade Flamande (Traditional Flemish beef stew)
title: "Carbonade Flamande (Traditional Flemish beef stew)"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['flemish', 'stew', 'beef']
This one is a delicious slow cooked beef stewed in beer.
The smoked bacon is not in the traditional recipe but it's good. Don't add it if you want the real deal.
@ -39,5 +43,3 @@ The smoked bacon is not in the traditional recipe but it's good. Don't add it if
## Contribution
- anon btc: `1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy`
;tags: flemish stew beef

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Carbonara
title: "Carbonara"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['italian', 'pasta', 'quick', 'cheesefare']
Carbonara is a simple dish. The quality of your ingredients make or break it.
I recommend using the best ingredients you can source.
@ -31,5 +35,3 @@ This recipe assumes medium eggs.
## Contribution
Peter Piontek, Ladislao Blanchi
;tags: italian pasta quick cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Challah Bread
title: "Challah Bread"
date: 2021-04-15
tags: ['israeli', 'bread']
A kind of braided bread preparation.
@ -37,5 +41,3 @@ NOTE: Prep time does not account for the 3-4 hours the dough must be left to ris
## Contribution
- siggines - [website](
;tags: israeli bread

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Cheesy Meatballs with Tomato Sauce
title: "Cheesy Meatballs with Tomato Sauce"
date: 2021-03-12
tags: ['beef', 'cheese']
![Cheesy Meatballs with Tomato Sauce](pix/cheesy-meatballs.webp)
![Cheesy Meatballs with Tomato Sauce](/pix/cheesy-meatballs.webp)
Nothing beats meat, cheese and tomato combined together to create the best
combination of flavors that man has created.
@ -58,5 +62,3 @@ Originally published at [](http
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov -- [website](,
[other website](,
;tags: beef cheese

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Cheesy Pasta Bake
title: "Cheesy Pasta Bake"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['bacon', 'cheese', 'italian', 'pasta']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hr
@ -32,5 +36,3 @@
## Contribution
- TechieDamien - [website](
;tags: bacon cheese italian pasta

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Cheesy Potato Bake
title: "Cheesy Potato Bake"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['american', 'cheese', 'potato']
Potatoes baked in a dish smothered with cheese, what's not to love?
@ -43,5 +47,3 @@ Potatoes baked in a dish smothered with cheese, what's not to love?
- Originally published at [](
- Kyle Johnson and Sabina Mortensen -- [website](
;tags: american cheese potato

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicharrones
title: "Chicharrones"
date: 2021-03-20
tags: ['mexican', 'pork']
## Ingredients
- Pork Butt with fat
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@
## Contribution
- Abuela's Cooking
;tags: mexican pork

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken Biscuit Potpie Recipe
title: "Chicken Biscuit Potpie Recipe"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['chicken', 'milk']
## Ingredients
@ -18,5 +22,3 @@
## Contribution
Front3ndNinja - [Website](
;tags: chicken milk

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken in Red Wine Vinegar Sauce
title: "Chicken in Red Wine Vinegar Sauce"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['chicken', 'french', 'wine']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 25 min
@ -25,5 +29,3 @@
## Contribution
- Anonymous
;tags: chicken french wine

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken Parmesan
title: "Chicken Parmesan"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['italian', 'chicken']
The recipe that started this very site.
@ -38,5 +42,3 @@ I recommend keeping the breasts separate and only adding the sauce when served.
## Contribution
- Luke Smith -- [website](, [donate](
;tags: italian chicken

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Chicken Pasta Casserole
title: "Chicken Pasta Casserole"
date: 2021-03-12
tags: ['chicken', 'italian', 'pasta']
![Chicken Pasta Casserole](pix/chicken-pasta-casserole.webp)
![Chicken Pasta Casserole](/pix/chicken-pasta-casserole.webp)
Easy to throw together and transport for the working fellow. High in protein!
@ -30,5 +34,3 @@ Easy to throw together and transport for the working fellow. High in protein!
## Contribution
- Miika Nissi - [website](
;tags: chicken italian pasta

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken Soup
title: "Chicken Soup"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['chicken', 'soup']
Hearty soup that is adaptable to customizing to your desired vegetables or other additions
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Hearty soup that is adaptable to customizing to your desired vegetables or other
## Contribution
- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
;tags: chicken soup

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken Stock or Bone Broth
title: "Chicken Stock or Bone Broth"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['chicken', 'stock', 'basic']
Chicken stock, or "bone broth" is not a final dish in itself, but is used in many soups and other dishes to add great taste to something otherwise very simple.
While it is easy to make, it sells for very expensive in the store, so it's a good thing to know to make by yourself since it can be done very cheaply.
@ -31,5 +35,3 @@ You may eat or compost the remaining vegetables.
## Contribution
- Luke Smith -- [website](, [donate](
;tags: chicken stock basic

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Slow-cooked Chicken Tacos
title: "Slow-cooked Chicken Tacos"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['mexican', 'chicken', 'slowcooked']
## Ingredients
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@
## Contribution
- Luke Smith -- [website](, [donate](
;tags: mexican chicken slowcooked

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken Tenders Airfried
title: "Chicken Tenders Airfried"
date: 2021-05-08
tags: ['chicken', 'fry']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 min
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@ Any changes I made were to abide by rule #4.
- Mental Outlaw - [youtube](, xmr: `45F2bNHVcRzXVBsvZ5giyvKGAgm6LFhMsjUUVPTEtdgJJ5SNyxzSNUmFSBR5qCCWLpjiUjYMkmZoX9b3cChNjvxR7kvh436`
- Yoshiguy35 - [youtube](, [website](
;tags: chicken fry

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken, Tomato and Spinach Curry
title: "Chicken, Tomato and Spinach Curry"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['curry', 'chicken']
This dish is a very simple and tasty curry that can be made with minimal ingredients, but pairs amazingly with anything else one may want in a curry (i.e. ginger, lemongrass).
Note: You may also need a blender / food processor.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Note: You may also need a blender / food processor.
## Contribution
- Luke Goule - [GitHub](, [XMR Donation QR](
;tags: curry chicken

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chicken Wings
title: "Chicken Wings"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['chicken', 'american']
Perfectly cooked fall off the bone buffalo wings.
@ -23,5 +27,3 @@ Perfectly cooked fall off the bone buffalo wings.
## Contributors
- **Kyle Steger** -- [GitHub]( -- _just some dude_
;tags: chicken american

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chili Con Carne
title: "Chili Con Carne"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['mexican', 'beef', 'beans']
## Ingredients
@ -35,5 +39,3 @@
## Contribution
- Aaron Taylor -- [website](
;tags: mexican beef beans

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chimichanga
title: "Chimichanga"
date: 2021-03-19
tags: ['mexican', 'beef', 'basic']
Essentially, just a fried burrito. Use whatever your favorite filling is.
@ -32,5 +36,3 @@ Essentially, just a fried burrito. Use whatever your favorite filling is.
## Contribution
- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
;tags: mexican beef basic

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Chocolate Chip Cookies
title: "Chocolate Chip Cookies "
date: 2021-05-13
tags: ['dessert', 'cookies', 'sweet', 'chocolate']
![Chocolate Chip Cookies](pix/chocolate-chip-cookies.webp)
![Chocolate Chip Cookies](/pix/chocolate-chip-cookies.webp)
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳Cook time: 10 min
@ -32,5 +36,3 @@
## Contribution
- mfed3 - xmr: `48eEMdYtCQaV5wY7wvmxK6jCxKkia9dgpNTMNT1do7RLWXCwWDgSKjN3kiZ6yHbAuAXWgDGN6imnGT9NPeHWD7zX9hSyHu2`
;tags: dessert cookies sweet chocolate

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Chorizo &amp; Chickpea Soup
title: "Chorizo & Chickpea Soup"
date: 2021-05-08
tags: ['pork', 'soup', 'spanish', 'quick']
Recommend serving with corn bread.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Recommend serving with corn bread.
Recipe modified from original published at: ( )
- Siggines - [website](
;tags: pork soup spanish quick

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Cinque Pi
title: "Cinque Pi"
date: 2021-03-19
tags: ['italian', 'pasta', 'quick']
![Cinque Pi](pix/cinque-pi.webp)
![Cinque Pi](/pix/cinque-pi.webp)
This is a nice simple dish made up of five ingredients: panna, pomodori, parmigiano, pepe, e prezzemolo
@ -29,5 +33,3 @@ This is a nice simple dish made up of five ingredients: panna, pomodori, parmigi
## Contribution
- **Elias Pahls** - [contact](
;tags: italian pasta quick

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Classic béchamel sauce
title: "Classic béchamel sauce"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['basic', 'sauce', 'french', 'italian']
Classic French sauce, base for a lot of dishes
@ -27,5 +31,3 @@ Classic French sauce, base for a lot of dishes
## Contribution
-yiusa, eth: `0x68F1317c6512f0267fA711cafB6C134Ae968FA80`
;tags: basic sauce french italian

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Coconut Oil Coffee
title: "Coconut Oil Coffee"
date: 2021-03-16
tags: ['drink', 'sweet', 'breakfast']
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
@ -15,5 +19,3 @@
## Contribution
Front3ndNinja - [Website](
;tags: drink sweet breakfast

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Coleslaw
title: "Coleslaw"
date: 2021-05-08
tags: ['side', 'cabbage', 'southern', 'salad']
This is a coleslaw recipe that I got from a chili restaurant in my neighborhood that closed down a few years ago. This recipe makes more dressing than needed for the coleslaw, so you can save it or use it as a vegetable dip.
@ -37,5 +41,3 @@ This is a coleslaw recipe that I got from a chili restaurant in my neighborhood
## Contribution
- Declan Cash - [website](
;tags: side cabbage southern salad

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Collard Greens with Smoked Duck and Parsnips
title: "Collard Greens with Smoked Duck and Parsnips"
date: 2021-03-29
tags: ['vegetables', 'side', 'duck']
This dish was a pandemic leftover invention loosely inspired by Ethiopian gomen. It can be served as a side dish, but we eat it an an entree. If you intend it as a side dish, then this serves 4. The smoked duck adds a bit of saltiness, so it's better to season to taste after cooking. Serve with good quality, crusty bread.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ This dish was a pandemic leftover invention loosely inspired by Ethiopian gomen.
## Contribution
- Jayson
;tags: vegetables side duck

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Cooked Chickpeas
title: "Cooked Chickpeas"
date: 2021-03-17
tags: ['basic', 'beans', 'fasting']
Easy recipe for cooked chickpeas. Can be add to salads, rice, or almost anything else.
@ -23,5 +27,3 @@ Easy recipe for cooked chickpeas. Can be add to salads, rice, or almost anything
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: basic beans fasting

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Coriander Chicken
title: "Coriander Chicken"
date: 2021-04-02
tags: ['indian', 'lunch', 'spicy']
Boneless chicken marinated in a gravy of yoghurt and coriander
@ -44,5 +48,3 @@ Boneless chicken marinated in a gravy of yoghurt and coriander
- Chetan Basuray
- [website](
- [donate](
;tags: indian lunch spicy

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Corn Salsa
title: "Corn Salsa"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['sauce', 'mexican']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 Minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 Hour+ in fridge
@ -19,5 +23,3 @@
## Contributions
- Joe Powerhouse - BTC:1KPxw9js2VukakhMv2wUUFUQZnHQL842ju
;tags: sauce mexican

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Country Crisp Cereals
title: "Country Crisp Cereals"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['breakfast', 'english']
This is a recipe for making Jordan's Country Crisp-like cereals.
@ -11,12 +15,12 @@ This is a recipe for making Jordan's Country Crisp-like cereals.
- Oat Flakes (270 g - 800 mL)
- Rice Flour (or any other flour) (20 g - 55mL)
- Sugar (100 g)
- Crushed Hazelnuts (20 g)
- Crushed Hazelnuts (20 g)
- Oil (any type) (60 g - 75 mL)
- Water (50 g)
- Chocolate (70 g) (optional)
- Vanilla Extract (1/2 tsp) (optional)
## Directions
1. Preheat the oven at 120°C.
@ -32,5 +36,3 @@ This is a recipe for making Jordan's Country Crisp-like cereals.
## Contribution
Recipe translated from french and tested by [Pr.Walter Bulbazor](, from [this blog article](
;tags: breakfast cereals english

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Country Breakfast Skillet
title: "Country Breakfast Skillet"
date: 2021-03-12
tags: ['american', 'breakfast', 'pork']
![Country Breakfast Skillet](pix/country-skillet.webp)
![Country Breakfast Skillet](/pix/country-skillet.webp)
If you are feeling quite hungry after just waking up and want to have a
breakfast to fill your HP and stamina bars for the day, I've got just the
@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ have used, but seldom use.
8. Cut the cheese into small slices and add it.
9. Cook for a couple of minutes more, until eggs are cooked enough. Don't let
the eggs dry (unless that's the way you like your eggs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯).
the eggs dry (unless that's the way you like your eggs ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯).
10. For the final touch, chop the parsley (or whatever other spices/herbs you
decided to use) and add it on top.
11. Serve hot and add some freshly ground pepper.
@ -65,5 +69,3 @@ Originally published at [
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov -- [website](,
[other website](,
;tags: american breakfast pork

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Crab salad
title: "Crab salad"
date: 2021-03-22
tags: ['salad', 'russian']
![Crab salad](pix/crab-salad.webp)
![Crab salad](/pix/crab-salad.webp)
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
@ -28,5 +32,3 @@
## Contribution
;tags: salad russian

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Creamy Mashed Potatoes
title: "Creamy Mashed Potatoes"
date: 2021-03-12
tags: ['potato', 'side', 'cheesefare']
![Creamy Mashed Potatoes](pix/creamy-mashed-potatoes.webp)
![Creamy Mashed Potatoes](/pix/creamy-mashed-potatoes.webp)
Mashed potatoes is a really great recipe that is often relegated to the position
of side dish. This recipe is a spin of the classical mashed potatoes recipe
@ -52,5 +56,3 @@ Originally published at [
- Yaroslav de la Peña Smirnov -- [website](,
[other website](,
;tags: potato side cheesefare

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Croutons
title: "Croutons"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['basic', 'french', 'salad', 'fasting']
Croutons are an essential addition to many salads. They are delicious and easy to make at home.
@ -20,5 +24,3 @@ Croutons are an essential addition to many salads. They are delicious and easy
## Contributors
- gucko
;tags: basic french salad fasting

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Curry sauce
title: "Curry sauce"
date: 2021-05-08
tags: ['sauce', 'indian', 'curry']
I like to make double this amount and freeze the rest.
@ -38,5 +42,3 @@ I like to make double this amount and freeze the rest.
## Contribution
;tags: sauce indian curry

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Danish Pancake
title: "Danish Pancake"
date: 2021-03-18
tags: ['quick', 'breakfast', 'sweet', 'pancake', 'cheesefare']
Danish Pancake recipe
@ -29,5 +33,3 @@ Danish Pancake recipe
XMR: `88cPx6Gzv5RWRRJLstUt6hACF1BRKPp1RMka1ukyu2iuHT7iqzkNfMogYq3YdDAC8AAYRqmqQMkCgBXiwdD5Dvqw3LsPGLU`
;tags: quick breakfast sweet pancake cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Demi-glace
title: "Demi-glace"
date: 2021-03-29
tags: ['sauce', 'basic', 'french']
This is a take on a traditional demi-glace without needing to buy an astronomically large amount of veal bones. Use this as your main base for pan sauces, an extra flavor bomb, or a replacement for recipes that call for broth or stock.
@ -23,5 +27,3 @@ These are the basic proportions -- multiply as needed. I typically multiply by s
## Contribution
Dan - ETH `0xC86468549c180A296384aAC2F76c8F581691Bc1b`
;tags: sauce basic french

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Dianne's Southwestern Cornbread Salad
title: "Dianne's Southwestern Cornbread Salad"
date: 2021-04-20
tags: ['salad', 'mexican', 'southwest', '']
![Dianne's Southwestern Cornbread Salad](pix/diannes-cornbread-salad.webp)
![Dianne's Southwestern Cornbread Salad](/pix/diannes-cornbread-salad.webp)
Dianne's Southwestern Cornbread Salad is as colorful as it is delicious.
@ -25,5 +29,3 @@ Dianne's Southwestern Cornbread Salad is as colorful as it is delicious.
1. **Prepare** cornbread according to package directions, cool, and crumble. Then set aside.
2. **Prepare** salad dressing according to package directions.
3. **Layer** a large bowl with half each of cornbread, lettuce, and the next 6 ingredients: spoon half of dressing evenly over top. Repeat layers with remaining ingredients and dressing. Cover and chill at least 2 hours.
;tags: salad mexican southwest

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Dominican Spaghetti
title: "Dominican Spaghetti"
date: 2021-03-17
tags: ['pasta', 'supper', 'dominican', 'cheesefare']
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 25 min
@ -33,5 +37,3 @@
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: pasta supper dominican cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Dried tomato & plum bread spread
title: "Dried tomato & plum bread spread"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['bread', 'quick', 'snack', 'spread', 'fasting']
Quick and simple bread spread.
@ -19,5 +23,3 @@ Quick and simple bread spread.
## Contribution
- Patryk Niedźwiedziński - [website](
;tags: bread quick snack spread fasting

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Drunken beans (Pintos Borrachos)
title: "Drunken beans (Pintos Borrachos)"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['beans', 'stew']
Pinto beans cooking with beer, what beer you use can change the dish.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ Pinto beans cooking with beer, what beer you use can change the dish.
## Contribution
- just a dude who likes cooking
;tags: beans stew

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Egg Roll in a Bowl
title: "Egg Roll in a Bowl"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['quick', 'asian', 'cabbage']
Egg rolls, but, you know, in a bowl.
@ -30,5 +34,3 @@ Egg rolls, but, you know, in a bowl.
## Contribution
the-birchmen - BAT [GitHub](
;tags: quick asian cabbage

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Eggs
title: "Eggs"
date: 2021-03-10
tags: ['eggs', 'basic', 'cheesefare']
Eggs are great. This page will contain all sorts of "basic" ways of having an
egg. Feel free to suggest more, as per the instructions on the
@ -57,5 +61,3 @@ of ham, mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, etc., before cracking the eggs in.
- Martin Chrzanowski -- [website](, [donate](
- Deven Blake -- [website](
;tags: eggs basic cheesefare

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Erwtensoep (Dutch pea soup)
title: "Erwtensoep (Dutch pea soup)"
date: 2021-03-23
tags: ['dutch', 'soup', 'vegetables']
Erwtensoep, also called snert, is the Dutch version of pea soup.
Slices of rookworst (smoked sausage) are added before serving. The soup, which is traditionally eaten during the winter, is emblematic of Dutch cuisine.
@ -43,5 +47,3 @@ Pancakes are sometimes served with pea soup; this dish is called snert met strui
- Thomas - [@Thomas05t](
- Rijk - [@rijkvp](
;tags: dutch soup vegetables

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Fajita Seasoning
title: "Fajita Seasoning"
date: 2021-03-17
tags: ['basic', 'mexican', 'fasting']
Simple seasoning mix similar to Old El Paso. Can be used for any Mexican dishes or plain meats.
@ -23,5 +27,3 @@ Simple seasoning mix similar to Old El Paso. Can be used for any Mexican dishes
## Contribution
- Carl Zimmerman -- [website](
;tags: basic mexican fasting

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Fish Curry
title: "Fish Curry"
date: 2021-03-15
tags: ['thai', 'fish']
Best served with white rice
@ -28,5 +32,3 @@ Best served with white rice
## Contribution
- Thijs Wester - [website](
;tags: thai fish

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Flammkuchen
title: "Flammkuchen"
date: 2021-03-11
tags: ['french', 'pork', 'quick']
A recipe for Flammkuchen a very thin crust pizza-like dish - it originates from Elsass, a French region close to where I grew up.
I like the recipe because it takes 10 minutes to prepare and another 10 minutes to bake. It goes well with a green salad as a side.
@ -26,5 +30,3 @@ I usually take it down from the baking tray and let it cool down for 2-5 minutes
## Contributors
- Bernhard Egger - [website](, [twitter](
;tags: french pork quick

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Fondue
title: "Fondue"
date: 2021-03-24
tags: ['swiss', 'cheese']
A swiss classic for cold winter dinners.
Traditionally cooked in a "Caquelon" pot and served on a candle heated stove, to keep the cheese from going solid again.
@ -30,5 +34,3 @@ Traditionally cooked in a "Caquelon" pot and served on a candle heated stove, to
## Contribution
- sekthor - [github](, [contact](
;tags: swiss cheese

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# Francesinha
title: "Francesinha"
date: 2021-03-21
tags: ['portuguese', 'beef']
Francesinha is a traditional dish from the city of Porto. The francesinha in its special sandwich variation consists of linguiça, ham, cold meat and beef steak, covered with melted cheese.
@ -45,5 +49,3 @@ Francesinha is a traditional dish from the city of Porto. The francesinha in its
## Contribution
- Artur Mancha -- [Pleroma](
;tags: portuguese beef

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# French Crêpes
title: "French Crêpes"
date: 2021-03-14
tags: ['french', 'dessert', 'breakfast', 'cheesefare']
Like pancakes, but very thin.
15 crêpes.
@ -28,5 +32,3 @@ Like pancakes, but very thin.
### Contributor
- Aeredren - [GitHub](
;tags: french dessert breakfast cheesefare

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