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class_name Rebinding extends Node
@export var options : OptionsManager
@export var mouseblocker : Control
@export var cursor : CursorManager
@export var controller : ControllerManager
@export var rebindKeyArray : Array[Label]
@export var menu : MenuManager
func UpdateBindList():
var map = InputMap
for action in InputMap.get_actions():
var action_bindname = action
var bindkeys = InputMap.action_get_events(action)
if (bindkeys.size() < 2): continue
var bindkey_keyboard = bindkeys[0].as_text()
var bindkey_controller = bindkeys[1].as_text()
for ui in rebindKeyArray:
if (ui.name == action_bindname):
var keylabel = ui.get_parent().get_child(1)
var bindbranch : RebindBranch = ui.get_parent().get_child(2)
bindbranch.originalBind_keyboard = bindkeys[0]
bindbranch.originalBind_controller = bindkeys[1]
#print("KEYBOARD bind branch: ", bindbranch.originalBind_keyboard)
#print("CONTROLLER bind branch: ", bindbranch.originalBind_controller)
var firstindex = bindkey_controller.rfind("(")
bindkey_keyboard = bindkey_keyboard.trim_suffix("(Physical)")
bindkey_keyboard = bindkey_keyboard.replace(" ", "")
bindkey_controller = bindkey_controller.left(firstindex)
bindkey_controller = bindkey_controller.replace("Joypad Motion on", "")
keylabel.text = bindkey_keyboard + ", " + bindkey_controller
var globalparent
var previousKey
func GetRebind(parent : Node):
menu.failsafed = false
globalparent = parent
controller.checkingForInput = false
var ui_inputName = parent.get_child(0)
var ui_inputKey = parent.get_child(1)
previousKey = ui_inputKey.text
mouseblocker.visible = true
cursor.SetCursor(false, false)
ui_inputKey.text = tr("PRESS ANY BUTTON REMAP")
checkingForCancel = true
waitingForAnyInput = true
var waitingForAnyInput
func _input(event):
#if (event is InputEventKey): print("event keycode: ", event.as_text_key_label())
#if (event is InputEventJoypadMotion): print("event axis value: ", event.axis_value)
# and !event is InputEventJoypadMotion below
if (waitingForAnyInput and !event is InputEventMouseMotion and event.is_pressed()):
if (event is InputEventMouseButton && event.double_click): event.double_click = false
#if (event is InputEventJoypadMotion): event.axis_value = 0
#if (event is InputEventKey): print("KEY. SCANCODE: ", event.scancode)
#if (event is InputEventJoypadButton): print("CONTROLLER. ")
var newEventToBind = event
var parent = globalparent
var ui_inputName = parent.get_child(0).name
var branch = parent.get_child(2)
var originalkey_keyboard = branch.originalBind_keyboard
var originalkey_controller = branch.originalBind_controller
var activeKeyName = originalkey_controller
var actionIndex = 1
var assigningKeyboard = !event is InputEventJoypadButton and !event is InputEventJoypadMotion
var checkingMouse = event is InputEventMouseButton
if (assigningKeyboard):
activeKeyName = originalkey_keyboard
actionIndex = 0
var binds = InputMap.action_get_events(ui_inputName)
var firstEvent = originalkey_keyboard
var secondEvent = originalkey_controller
if (assigningKeyboard): firstEvent = newEventToBind
else: secondEvent = newEventToBind
InputMap.action_add_event(ui_inputName, firstEvent)
InputMap.action_add_event(ui_inputName, secondEvent)
var currentAction = ui_inputName
var currentBind = newEventToBind
var bindIndex = 1
if (assigningKeyboard): bindIndex = 0
for action in InputMap.get_actions():
if (action != currentAction):
var bindkeys = InputMap.action_get_events(action)
if (bindkeys.size() < 2): continue
#print("ACTIVE ACTION....", action, " ....BIND KEYS BIND INDEX.... ", bindkeys[bindIndex].as_text(), " ....CURRENT BIND.... ", currentBind.as_text())
if (bindkeys[bindIndex].as_text() == currentBind.as_text()):
SwapBind(bindkeys[0], bindkeys[1], action, assigningKeyboard, originalkey_keyboard, originalkey_controller)
func SwapBind(firstevent : InputEvent, secondevent : InputEvent, _action : String, _assigningKeyboard : bool, original_keyboard : InputEvent, original_cntrl : InputEvent):
if (_assigningKeyboard): firstevent = original_keyboard
else: secondevent = original_cntrl
InputMap.action_add_event(_action, firstevent)
InputMap.action_add_event(_action, secondevent)
func ReturnFromRebind():
waitingForAnyInput = false
await get_tree().create_timer(.1, false).timeout
var parent = globalparent
controller.checkingForInput = true
mouseblocker.visible = false
cursor.SetCursor(true, false)
menu.failsafed = true
var checkingForCancel
func CancelRebind():
var parent = globalparent
parent.get_child(1).text = previousKey
controller.checkingForInput = true
mouseblocker.visible = false
cursor.SetCursor(true, false)
checkingForCancel = false
#await get_tree().create_timer(1, false).timeout
menu.failsafed = true
var cancelAllowed = false
func _unhandled_input(event):
if (event.is_action_pressed("ui_cancel") && checkingForCancel && cancelAllowed):