mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 03:28:45 +00:00
convert LCS meshes cleanly
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ struct RslMesh
uint32 unknown;
uint32 dmaOffset;
uint16 numTriangles;
uint16 matID;
int16 matID;
float32 pos[3]; // ?
@ -125,73 +125,25 @@ skipUnpack(uint32 *p)
return p + (n*unpackSize(p[0])+3 >> 2) + 1;
unpackVertices(RslGeometry *rg, int16 *data, float32 *verts, int32 n)
struct RslVertex
verts[0] = data[0]/32768.0f*rg->scale[0] + rg->pos[0];
verts[1] = data[1]/32768.0f*rg->scale[1] + rg->pos[1];
verts[2] = data[2]/32768.0f*rg->scale[2] + rg->pos[2];
verts += 3;
data += 3;
float32 p[3];
float32 n[3];
float32 t[2];
uint8 c[4];
float32 w[4];
uint8 i[4];
unpackTex(RslMesh *rm, uint8 *data, float32 *tex, int32 n)
tex[0] = data[0]/255.0f*rm->uvOff[0];
tex[1] = data[1]/255.0f*rm->uvOff[1];
tex += 2;
data += 2;
unpackNormals(int8 *data, float32 *norms, int32 n)
norms[0] = data[0]/127.0f;
norms[1] = data[1]/127.0f;
norms[2] = data[2]/127.0f;
norms += 3;
data += 3;
unpackColors(uint16 *data, uint8 *cols, int32 n)
cols[0] = (data[0] & 0x1f) * 255 / 0x1F;
cols[1] = (data[0]>>5 & 0x1f) * 255 / 0x1F;
cols[2] = (data[0]>>10 & 0x1f) * 255 / 0x1F;
cols[3] = data[0]&0x80 ? 0xFF : 0;
cols += 4;
unpackSkinData(uint32 *data, float32 *weights, uint8 *indices, int32 n)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
((uint32*)weights)[j] = data[j] & ~0x3FF;
indices[j] = data[j] >> 2;
if(indices[j]) indices[j]--;
if(weights[j] == 0.0f) indices[j] = 0;
weights += 4;
indices += 4;
data += 4;
insertVertices(Geometry *g, RslGeometry *rg, RslMesh *rm)
convertRslMesh(Geometry *g, RslGeometry *rg, Mesh *m, RslMesh *rm)
RslVertex v;
uint32 mask = 0x1001; // tex coords, vertices
if(g->geoflags & Geometry::NORMALS)
mask |= 0x10;
if(g->geoflags & Geometry::PRELIT)
mask |= 0x100;
float32 *verts = &g->morphTargets[0].vertices[g->numVertices*3];
float32 *norms = &g->morphTargets[0].normals[g->numVertices*3];
uint8 *cols = &g->colors[g->numVertices*4];
@ -202,17 +154,29 @@ insertVertices(Geometry *g, RslGeometry *rg, RslMesh *rm)
indices = &skin->indices[g->numVertices*4];
weights = &skin->weights[g->numVertices*4];
mask |= 0x10000;
int16 *vuVerts = NULL;
int8 *vuNorms = NULL;
uint8 *vuTex = NULL;
uint16 *vuCols = NULL;
uint32 *vuSkin = NULL;
uint8 *p = rg->data + rm->dmaOffset;
uint32 *w = (uint32*)p;
uint32 *end = (uint32*)(p + ((w[0] & 0xFFFF) + 1)*0x10);
w += 4;
int flags = 0;
int32 nvert;
bool first = 1;
while(w < end){
/* Get data pointers */
// GIFtag probably
assert(w[0] == 0x6C018000); // UNPACK
nvert = w[4] & 0x7FFF;
if(!first) nvert -=2;
w += 5;
// positions
@ -221,9 +185,9 @@ insertVertices(Geometry *g, RslGeometry *rg, RslMesh *rm)
assert(w[0] == 0x30000000); // STROW
w += 5;
assert((w[0] & 0xFF004000) == 0x79000000);
unpackVertices(rg, (int16*)(w+1), verts, nvert);
vuVerts = (int16*)(w+1);
if(!first) vuVerts += 2*3;
w = skipUnpack(w);
verts += 3*(nvert-2);
// tex coords
assert(w[0] == 0x20000000); // STMASK
@ -231,38 +195,85 @@ insertVertices(Geometry *g, RslGeometry *rg, RslMesh *rm)
assert(w[0] == 0x30000000); // STROW
w += 5;
assert((w[0] & 0xFF004000) == 0x76004000);
unpackTex(rm, (uint8*)(w+1), texCoords, nvert);
vuTex = (uint8*)(w+1);
if(!first) vuTex += 2*2;
w = skipUnpack(w);
texCoords += 2*(nvert-2);
if(g->geoflags & Geometry::NORMALS){
assert((w[0] & 0xFF004000) == 0x6A000000);
unpackNormals((int8*)(w+1), norms, nvert);
vuNorms = (int8*)(w+1);
if(!first) vuNorms += 2*3;
w = skipUnpack(w);
norms += 3*(nvert-2);
if(g->geoflags & Geometry::PRELIT){
assert((w[0] & 0xFF004000) == 0x6F000000);
unpackColors((uint16*)(w+1), cols, nvert);
vuCols = (uint16*)(w+1);
if(!first) vuCols += 2;
w = skipUnpack(w);
cols += 4*(nvert-2);
assert((w[0] & 0xFF004000) == 0x6C000000);
unpackSkinData((w+1), weights, indices, nvert);
vuSkin = w+1;
if(!first) vuSkin += 2*4;
w = skipUnpack(w);
indices += 4*(nvert-2);
weights += 4*(nvert-2);
g->numVertices += nvert-2;
assert(w[0] == 0x14000006);
assert(w[0] == 0x14000006); // MSCAL
while(w[0] == 0) w++;
/* Insert Data */
for(uint32 i = 0; i < nvert; i++){
v.p[0] = vuVerts[0]/32768.0f*rg->scale[0] + rg->pos[0];
v.p[1] = vuVerts[1]/32768.0f*rg->scale[1] + rg->pos[1];
v.p[2] = vuVerts[2]/32768.0f*rg->scale[2] + rg->pos[2];
v.t[0] = vuTex[0]/255.0f*rm->uvOff[0];
v.t[1] = vuTex[1]/255.0f*rm->uvOff[1];
if(mask & 0x10){
v.n[0] = vuNorms[0]/127.0f;
v.n[1] = vuNorms[1]/127.0f;
v.n[2] = vuNorms[2]/127.0f;
if(mask & 0x100){
v.c[0] = (vuCols[0] & 0x1f) * 255 / 0x1F;
v.c[1] = (vuCols[0]>>5 & 0x1f) * 255 / 0x1F;
v.c[2] = (vuCols[0]>>10 & 0x1f) * 255 / 0x1F;
v.c[3] = vuCols[0]&0x80 ? 0xFF : 0;
if(mask & 0x10000){
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){
((uint32*)v.w)[j] = vuSkin[j] & ~0x3FF;
v.i[j] = vuSkin[j] >> 2;
if(v.i[j]) v.i[j]--;
if(v.w[j] == 0.0f) v.i[j] = 0;
int32 idx = ps2::findVertexSkin(g, NULL, mask, 0, v.p, v.t, NULL, v.c, v.n, v.w, v.i);
if(idx < 0)
idx = g->numVertices++;
/* Insert mesh joining indices when we get the index of the first vertex
* in the first VU chunk of a non-first RslMesh. */
if(i == 0 && first && rm != &rg->meshes[0] && (rm-1)->matID == rm->matID){
m->indices[m->numIndices] = m->indices[m->numIndices-1];
m->indices[m->numIndices++] = idx;
if((rm-1)->numTriangles % 2)
m->indices[m->numIndices++] = idx;
m->indices[m->numIndices++] = idx;
ps2::insertVertexSkin(g, idx, mask, v.p, v.t, NULL, v.c, v.n, v.w, v.i);
vuVerts += 3;
vuTex += 2;
vuNorms += 3;
vuSkin += 4;
first = 0;
g->numVertices += 2;
@ -273,16 +284,28 @@ convertRslGeometry(Geometry *g)
g->meshHeader = new MeshHeader;
g->meshHeader->flags = 1;
g->meshHeader->numMeshes = rg->numMeshes;
g->meshHeader->mesh = new Mesh[rg->numMeshes];
g->meshHeader->numMeshes = g->numMaterials;
g->meshHeader->mesh = new Mesh[g->meshHeader->numMeshes];
g->meshHeader->totalIndices = 0;
int32 nverts = 0;
Mesh *meshes = g->meshHeader->mesh;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < g->meshHeader->numMeshes; i++)
meshes[i].numIndices = 0;
RslMesh *rm = rg->meshes;
Mesh *m = g->meshHeader->mesh;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < rg->numMeshes; i++, rm++, m++){
nverts += m->numIndices = rm->numTriangles+2;
m->material = g->materialList[i];
int32 lastId = -1;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < rg->numMeshes; i++, rm++){
Mesh *m = &meshes[rm->matID];
g->numVertices += rm->numTriangles+2;
m->numIndices += rm->numTriangles+2;
// Extra indices since we're merging tristrip
// meshes with the same material.
// Be careful with face winding.
if(lastId == rm->matID)
m->numIndices += (rm-1)->numTriangles % 2 ? 3 : 2;
m->material = g->materialList[rm->matID];
lastId = rm->matID;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < g->meshHeader->numMeshes; i++)
g->meshHeader->totalIndices += meshes[i].numIndices;
g->geoflags = Geometry::TRISTRIP |
Geometry::POSITIONS | /* 0x01 ? */
Geometry::TEXTURED; /* 0x04 ? */
@ -292,8 +315,6 @@ convertRslGeometry(Geometry *g)
g->geoflags |= Geometry::PRELIT;
g->numTexCoordSets = 1;
g->numVertices = nverts;
g->meshHeader->totalIndices = nverts;
@ -308,15 +329,12 @@ convertRslGeometry(Geometry *g)
delete[] data;
uint16 idx = 0;
rm = rg->meshes;
m = g->meshHeader->mesh;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < g->meshHeader->numMeshes; i++)
meshes[i].numIndices = 0;
g->numVertices = 0;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < rg->numMeshes; i++, rm++, m++){
for(uint32 j = 0; j < m->numIndices; j++)
m->indices[j] = idx++;
insertVertices(g, rg, rm);
rm = rg->meshes;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < rg->numMeshes; i++, rm++)
convertRslMesh(g, rg, &meshes[rm->matID], rm);
@ -344,25 +362,14 @@ geometryStreamReadRsl(Stream *stream)
assert(findChunk(stream, ID_MATLIST, NULL, NULL));
assert(findChunk(stream, ID_STRUCT, NULL, NULL));
int32 numMaterials = stream->readI32();
Material **materialList = new Material*[numMaterials];
stream->seek(numMaterials*4); // unused (-1)
for(int32 i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++){
assert(findChunk(stream, ID_MATERIAL, NULL, NULL));
materialList[i] = Material::streamRead(stream);
g->numMaterials = rg->numMeshes;
g->numMaterials = stream->readI32();
g->materialList = new Material*[g->numMaterials];
for(int32 i = 0; i < rg->numMeshes; i++){
g->materialList[i] = materialList[rg->meshes[i].matID];
//g->materialList[i] = new Material(materialList[rg->meshes[i].matID]);
stream->seek(g->numMaterials*4); // unused (-1)
for(int32 i = 0; i < g->numMaterials; i++){
assert(findChunk(stream, ID_MATERIAL, NULL, NULL));
g->materialList[i] = Material::streamRead(stream);
for(int32 i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++)
return g;
@ -1002,8 +1002,12 @@ findVertexSkin(Geometry *g, uint32 flags[], uint32 mask, int32 first,
float32 *w, uint8 *ix)
Skin *skin = *PLUGINOFFSET(Skin*, g, skinGlobals.offset);
float32 *wghts = &skin->weights[first*4];
uint8 *inds = &skin->indices[first*4];
float32 *wghts = NULL;
uint8 *inds = NULL;
wghts = &skin->weights[first*4];
inds = &skin->indices[first*4];
float32 *verts = &g->morphTargets[0].vertices[first*3];
float32 *tex0 = &g->texCoords[0][first*2];
@ -1012,22 +1016,23 @@ findVertexSkin(Geometry *g, uint32 flags[], uint32 mask, int32 first,
uint8 *cols = &g->colors[first*4];
for(int32 i = first; i < g->numVertices; i++){
if(mask & flags[i] & 0x1 &&
uint32 flag = flags ? flags[i] : ~0;
if(mask & flag & 0x1 &&
!(verts[0] == v[0] && verts[1] == v[1] && verts[2] == v[2]))
goto cont;
if(mask & flags[i] & 0x10 &&
if(mask & flag & 0x10 &&
!(norms[0] == n[0] && norms[1] == n[1] && norms[2] == n[2]))
goto cont;
if(mask & flags[i] & 0x100 &&
if(mask & flag & 0x100 &&
!(cols[0] == c[0] && cols[1] == c[1] && cols[2] == c[2] && cols[3] == c[3]))
goto cont;
if(mask & flags[i] & 0x1000 &&
if(mask & flag & 0x1000 &&
!(tex0[0] == t0[0] && tex0[1] == t0[1]))
goto cont;
if(mask & flags[i] & 0x2000 &&
if(mask & flag & 0x2000 &&
!(tex1[0] == t1[0] && tex1[1] == t1[1]))
goto cont;
if(mask & flags[i] & 0x10000 &&
if(mask & flag & 0x10000 &&
!(wghts[0] == w[0] && wghts[1] == w[1] &&
wghts[2] == w[2] && wghts[3] == w[3] &&
inds[0] == ix[0] && inds[1] == ix[1] &&
@ -93,7 +93,13 @@ public:
virtual void uninstance(Atomic *atomic);
// TODO: better use a struct, this is terrible
void insertVertex(Geometry *geo, int32 i, uint32 mask, float *v, float *t0, float *t1, uint8 *c, float *n);
void insertVertexSkin(Geometry *geo, int32 i, uint32 mask, float32 *v, float32 *t0, float32 *t1, uint8 *c, float32 *n,
float32 *w, uint8 *ix);
int32 findVertexSkin(Geometry *g, uint32 flags[], uint32 mask, int32 first,
float32 *v, float32 *t0, float32 *t1, uint8 *c, float32 *n,
float32 *w, uint8 *ix);
extern ObjPipeline *defaultObjPipe;
extern MatPipeline *defaultMatPipe;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user