
3031 lines
143 KiB
Raw Normal View History

[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"youngster": {
"encounter": {
"1": "よっ 勝負する?",
"2": "あっ 君も 駆け出し トレーナーだね?",
"2_female": "あっ きみも 駆け出し トレーナーだね?",
"3": "あっ 初めてみる 人! 勝負だ!",
"4": "さっき 負けて 悔しいから ポケモン 探してるんだよ。\nでも 君 弱そうだな…… よしっ! 勝負 しようぜ!",
"4_female": "さっき 負けて 悔しいから ポケモン 探してるんだよ。\nでも 君 弱そうだな…… よしっ! 勝負 しようぜ!",
"5": "お久しぶりかな? 初めましてかな?\n覚えてないけど ヨロシクね",
"6": "よーし 行くぞー!",
"7": "よっしゃ 行っくぜー!\n僕の パワー 見せてやる",
"8": "へへへ…… 見せて あげるね!\n僕の ポケモンの すごさを!",
"9": "挨拶 なんて よかよか! いつでも かかってきんしゃい!",
"9_female": "挨拶 なんて よかよか! いつでも かかってきんしゃい!",
"10": "小僧  だからって 油断してると\n君 泣いちゃう かもしれないよー.",
"11": "大事に 育てた ポケモンだぞー!\n絶対 倒しちゃ ダメなんだぞ",
"12": "よく来たな!\nこっから 先は 一筋縄じゃ いかないぞ",
"12_female": "よく来たな!\nこっから 先は 一筋縄じゃ いかないぞ",
"13": "勝負は 続くよ! いつまでも!\n終わりなき 世界へ ようこそ",
"13_female": "勝負は 続くよ!\nいつまでも 終わりなき 世界へ ようこそ"
"victory": {
"1": "スゴッ! 君 強いんだ!",
"1_femal1e": "スゴッ! 君 強いんだ!",
"2": "敵わなかったね?",
"3": "僕 大きくなったら 絶対 君を 倒すよ!",
"4": "ゲッ 戦えるポケモン もう いない…",
"5": "トホ…… トホホーイ……\nまた 負けちゃったよ……",
"5_female": "トホ…… トホホーイ……\nまた 負けちゃったよ……",
"6": "うわー! 負けたー!!",
"7": "すごいな 君の パワーは!\nビックリで ドッキリだよ",
"8": "そんな…… どうして……\n僕の ポケモンは サイキョー なのに……",
"9": "また バトルして くれよな!\n次は 負けないからな",
"10": "も~! 僕は 小僧だけ だよ!\nそんな全力で 戦っちゃ ひどいぞ",
"11": "君の ポケモンの 方が すごい!\n僕のと 交換しておくれよ",
"12": "さっきは 勢いで 言ったけど\n一筋縄って どんな縄",
"13": "あはは さすが! さすがだね!\nもう 君も この世界の 住人だ"
"lass": {
"encounter": {
"1": "勝負しない?",
"2": "新人 トレーナーだろう? 勝負しよう!",
"2_female": "新しい トレーナーだろう? 勝負しよう!",
"3": "初めて 見る 顔ね! 勝負しない?",
"4": "ドッキドキで ワックワクな\nポケモン勝負に しよう",
"5": "手取り 足取り 教えて あげる!\nホントの ポケモンの 使いかた",
"6": "マジの 勝負 マジ始めっからー\n準備とか 覚悟とか オーケー",
"6_female": "マジの 勝負 マジ始めっからー\n準備とか 覚悟とか オーケー",
"7": "青春も バトルも 一度きり!!\nあなたを 思い出に させて",
"8": "あんた ちょっとは 手加減してよ…\nあたしは 本気で いくけど",
"9": "学校 タルいし やることないし\nヒマだけあるから バトルしてんの。"
"victory": {
"1": "すごい! 覚えること いっぱいね。",
"2": "新人に こんなに ぶっ壊されて なんて……",
"2_female": "新人に こんなに ぶっ壊されて なんて……",
"3": "またいつか 勝負を できると いいね!",
"4": "キミに ドッキ ドキドキ\n私は ボッロ ボロボロ……",
"5": "逆に 教えられちゃった!\nキミって 結構 スゴいんだ",
"6": "マジ負けてる マジ凹む マジ辛い\nでも アンタは マジで イケてるかも。",
"6_female": "マジ負けてる マジ凹む マジ辛い\nでも アンタは マジで イケてるかも。",
"7": "こんな 思い出 いらないし\n記憶から 消しちゃおっと…",
"8": "ぷんぷん! 手加減してよね!!\n……本気の あんたも いいけどさ。",
"8_female": "ぷんぷん! 手加減してよね!!\n……本気の あんたも いいけどさ。",
"9": "バトルも そろそろ あきたわ 実際…\n何か 新しいこと とか ない"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"breeder": {
"encounter": {
"1": "素直なヤツに ワガママなヤツ……\nポケモンにも 個性が あるんだよな。",
"2": "育ちも 素行も 悪い オレが\n育てた割に いい ポケモン だぜ",
"3": "きみは ポケモンを しつけてるか?\n甘やかすだけじゃ ダメなんだぜ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ポケモンの 持っている 個性を\n活かして 育てることが 大切だ。",
"2": "極悪非道の オレと 違って\nこいつらは いいポケモン だよ",
"3": "褒めてばっかりだと ポケモンも\n人も ダメに なっちゃうよな…"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "負けたからって むやみに ポケモンを\n怒ったりしては ダメなんだぞ。",
"2": "な? なかなか いいポケモン だろ?\n育てるってのが 向いてるんだな オレ。",
"3": "可愛くて 大好きなポケモンでも\n悪いこと したら 叱らないとな"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"breeder_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ポケモンは 裏切らないからね、\nささげた 愛情は 返ってくる。",
"2": "いいポケモンを 育てるコツを\nキミに 教えてあげようかな",
"3": "秘密の 方法で 育てあげた\nとっても スペシャルな ポケモンだ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "うーん…… こんな はずでは……\nエキスの 配合を 間違えたか",
"2": "ワイの 育てた ポケモンが そんな……\nキミは ポケモンに なに あげとるんや",
"3": "負けたところで ただのヒマつぶし\n心に ダメージ ございません…"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "私の 愛情が ポケモンに\n届いてる 証拠 だわね。",
"2": "いいポケモンを 育てるコツは\nいいポケモンを 捕まえることだ。",
"3": "育てかた 次第で ポケモンは\n強くも 弱くも なるのだ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"fisherman": {
"encounter": {
"1": "釣り糸が 絡まって イライラするーっ!\nええいっ 勝負だっ",
"2": "海釣りと 川釣り キミは どっちが 好き?",
"3": "よーし! ポケモン好きと 釣り好きの 対決だ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "負けたっ! 余計に イライラするぞーっ!",
"2": "まるで 海釣りの ように 豪快に 負けたぞーっ!",
"3": "わあ! 糸が 絡まった! まさに 後の祭り…"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"fisherman_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "でっかいの 釣れたっ でっかいの!",
"2": "うちは 常に 大物ねらい!\n雑魚だったら 引っ込んで おくれよ",
"3": "釣りたて ピチピチの\nポケモンで 勝負してあげよう!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "あれー 大きさで 負けたかな…",
"2": "なかなかの 引きな キミ!\nナイス ファイトだった",
"3": "釣りあげられたのは……\nこの 私だったか"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"swimmer": {
"encounter": {
"1": "全力で 飛び込むよ!",
"2": "勝利の 大波に 乗っていくよ!",
"3": "完全に 浸しちゃうよ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "失敗で ぐしゃぐしゃ!",
"2": "敗北の 小波だった……",
"3": "そろそろ 漂って帰ろう……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"backpacker": {
"encounter": {
"1": "旅する バックパッカー\n同じく 旅のトレーナーに 会う…",
"2": "私と 旅しているのは 人気の\nガイドブックで お薦めの ポケモン です!",
"3": "旅をしても していなくても\n私は 発見したいのです",
"4": "旅を 続け 幾年月、\n知らない 国は ないくらい。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "きみと 出会うため\n旅していたのかも なんて",
"2": "ガイドブックに 勝ち方は\n載っていないのよね…",
"3": "あっ! あなたの いいところ\n発見しちゃったかも",
"4": "本当は ただ 「お帰り」 って\n言ってくれる ダーリンが 欲しい…"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"ace_trainer": {
"encounter": {
"1": "自信満々って 感じ ですな…",
"1_female": "自信満々って 感じ だね…",
"2": "君の ポケモン…… 私に 見せてごらんよ……",
"3": "エリートトレーナーなんて やってるから\n強い 人って 思われるんだ。",
"4": "エリートトレーナーたる 資格 って\nあなたは ご存じ かしら"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "うん…… いいポケモンだね……",
"2": "勝負の 天才 いわれる\n私も 負けるこつの あっけんか",
"3": "やはり あなたこそ 主人公だ!",
"3_female": "やはり あなたこそ 主人公だ!",
"4": "戦う 姿が なじんでるのね\nエリートトレーナーに なれるよ キミ",
"4_female": "戦う 姿が なじんでるのね\nエリートトレーナーに なれるよ キミ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "私はな ポケモン勝負に\n魂 かけてんだよォ",
"2": "すべて 予想の はんちゅう……\n何の 驚きもないね……",
"3": "弱くて 抱きしめたら 折れそうな\n人に なるはずだったのにな。",
"4": "強いこと 負けないことは 当たり前……\nいかに 優雅に 勝つかが 重要 なの。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"parasol_lady": {
"encounter": {
"1": "傘が ないと パラソルおねえさんって\n言えないからさ 仕方なく 差してんの。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "傘がっ 傘が 折れちゃったっ!\nただの おねえさんに なっちゃう"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"twins": {
"encounter": {
"1": "準備してね! あたしたちが 力を 組み合うと Wトラブルでちゅ!",
"2": "心は二つ、 作戦は一つ!\nツインパワーを 見せるなだ",
"3": "二倍の 力で 熱いバトルを しましょうよ!",
"3_female": "二倍の 力で 熱いバトルを しましょうよ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "バトル 負けたけど、 絆 壊れないんでちゅ!",
"2": "何が起こっても ツイン魂が あせてはしないよ!",
"3": "二倍、 いや、 四倍の 力で 戻って来るよ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "ツインパワーに 誰も 勝てない!",
"2": "心は二つ、 勝利は一つ!",
"3": "笑顔も 勝利の舞も 二倍!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"cyclist": {
"encounter": {
"1": "両足 砕けようとも 漕ぐ、\nこれ サイクリング 極意なり…",
"2": "やー 悪いねー ついつい パートナー\n連れてきちゃったわ ラブラブだからさ",
"3": "もうダメェ! 物足りないのォ!\n自転車じゃ 物足りないよォ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "我が サイクリングは 無限\nいずれまた 貴様に 挑む…",
"2": "冷たいボディに ふんわりサドル\nコイツは 最高の パートナーだぜ…",
"3": "自転車じゃ 満足できないのォ!\n暴走族に 入れてもらうのォ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"black_belt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "宇宙一の キックを 持つ\nわしに 挑むとは 褒めてやろう",
"2": "んー そうだね、 ズタズタ されたい?\nそれとも ボロボロが 好み かな",
"2_female": "んー そうだね、 ズタズタ されたい?\nそれとも ボロボロが 好み かな"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "あ 戦うのは ポケモンだっけ\nわしの キックは 関係ないわ。",
"2": "んー…… どうせ 負けるなら\nボクは メチャクチャに されたかったんだけどね。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"battle_girl": {
"encounter": {
"1": "いいのよ、 見栄 張らなくても\n私には 負けてもいいのよ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "さようならするのは つらいけれど\nもう 時間が ないわね……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"hiker": {
"encounter": {
"1": "中年太りの このボディ\n山の ごとき 貫禄で ゴワス",
"2": "親 から もらった メタボな ボディ……\n生ける 山脈とは オレの こと……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "皮下脂肪 だったら\n負けないのにで ゴワス",
"2": "足りぬ…… 足りぬぞ……\n悪玉コレステロールが 足りぬぞ……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"ranger": {
"encounter": {
"1": "自然に 囲まれ 暮らしているとな\n大抵の ことが どうでも良くなる……",
"2": "自然から 離れ 暮らしているとな\n時々 急に 苦しくなるのさ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ぼくが 負けたって 大自然に\nとっては どうだって いいことさ……",
"2": "都会の 息苦しさに 比べれば\nこんなこと  でも ないさ……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "ぼくが 勝ったことも 大自然に\n比べたら どうだっていいのさ……",
"2": "僕の 不安に 比べれば\n大したこと ないさ きっと……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"scientist": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ボクノ 研究ガ 世界ヲ\n平和ト 幸セニ 導クデス。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ボクハ 天才 ナンダ……\nコンナ 相手ニ 負ケルハズ……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"school_kid": {
"encounter": {
"1": "……グフフ 計算と 分析には\n自信が ありますからね ",
"2": "ここで いっぱい 経験 積んで\nいつかは ジムリーダーを 目指すんだ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ムググ…… 計算も 分析も\n偶然には 敵わないか……",
"2": "辛く 悲しい 経験も\nいつかは 役に 立つはずです……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"artist": {
"encounter": {
"1": "かつては おれも 売れっ子だったが\n今では だれにも 相手にされん……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "時代が 変われば 価値も 移ろう\nそれに 気がつくのが 遅かったのだ……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"guitarist": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ロックン ロールッ!\n戦いは リズムッ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ぎゅぎゅーん……\n悲しい メロディ だぜ……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"worker": {
"encounter": {
"1": "作業員 ってのは 命がけ\nだけど やりがいは 十分よ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "100年 残る ビルや 橋を\n建てるなんて ロマン だろう"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"worker_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "よく 勘違い されて 困るんだけど\nみんなが 思うよりも ナイーブ なのね。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "本当は お肌 焼きたくない から\n日陰 でしか 作業 したくないのね……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "心と体は 必ずしも\n一致するわけでは ないのね……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"worker_double": {
"encounter": {
"1": "現場で 鍛えた ワシらの 力\n今 見せちゃるけえのぉ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "おかしいのぉ なんでかのぉ\n力で 負けるはず ないんじゃが……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"hex_maniac": {
"encounter": {
"1": "普段 クラシックしか 聴きませんが 負けたら ラップを してみます!",
"2": "涙の 数だけ 強くなれるの だって\nわたし 女の子 だもん。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "アタイの 想いは アイツに 重い!\n呪いと 願いは 大体 同じッ",
"2": "これで わたしは また 強くなれる\n恨んだ数だけ 成長 するの。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "ラッパーって ラップ現象を\n起こすのが 仕事なんですよね",
"2": "辛いことや 悲しいことを バネにせず\nそのまま 恨みの 力に 変えるんだ。",
"2_female": "辛いことや 悲しいことを バネにせず\nそのまま 恨みの 力に 変えるんだ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"psychic": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ハイッ!! 集中ッ!!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "フギャンッ!!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"officer": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ボクは お巡り なんだよ!!\nつまり ボクは ジャスティスだよ",
"2": "さぼってないのでー ありますっ!\nパトロールなのでー ありますっ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ボクはっ ボクは お巡りだぞぉ!!\nジャスティス なのにーっ",
"2": "キミ 要注意でー ありますっ!\nマークしちゃうでー ありますっ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"beauty": {
"encounter": {
"1": "これが 最後の 勝負……\nそう 思って 相手するわね。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "楽しかった……\nまた 最後の 勝負を したいものね。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"baker": {
"encounter": {
"1": "きみは もうすぐ\n敗北を 味わっちゃうわ",
"1_female": "君は もうすぐ\n敗北を 味わっちゃうわ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "諦める べーき かもね……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"biker": {
"encounter": {
"1": "おんしゃー 覚悟は できとるんか?\n暴走族 なめたら いかんぜよ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ボクらぁー ほんまは 真面目です!\nちっくとも 悪いことは せんです"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"firebreather": {
"encounter": {
"1": "やけたとうで 火を 吹く 練習をした!\n良い子は 真似 すんなよ",
"2": "俺たち 火吹きやろうは 誰よりも 火の こわさを 知ってるのさ!",
"3": "よってらっしゃい みてらっしゃい!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "おっと 誤解 しないでくれ!\nあのとうが 燃えたのは 俺のせいじゃ ないんだ",
"2": "アツい 勝負を ありがとう!",
"3": "あちちち 鼻の 先っぽ 焦げちゃった!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"sailor": {
"encounter": {
"1": "うっしゃー! 負けたら 海に 落とすぞー!",
"2": "そら 来い! 船乗り 魂に かけて 勝つ!",
"3": "おい あんた! 乗ってて 船酔い しないか?",
"3_female": "おい あんた! 乗ってて 船酔い しないか?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "くー やられた!",
"2": "船乗り 魂も お前には 負けた!",
"3": "船酔いしてるのが 俺か……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"archer": {
"encounter": {
"1": "先に進む 前に 我々 ロケット団と 戦って もらおうか?",
"2": "あなたも 相当の腕だと 報告が 来ています。 確認しましょう。",
"3": "私は ロケット団幹部の アポロ。\n私達の 敵に 手加減 しませんよ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "……なんという 失態!",
"2": "今の腕で やはり 私では 無理 でしたか……",
"3": "さ サカキ様 お許しください\n私とも あろう ものが……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"ariana": {
"encounter": {
"1": "そこまでよーーーっ!!\n$あなたみたいな ヤツを いつまでも のさばらせて おいたら\nロケット団の プライドは キズついて キズついて キズだらけに なっちゃうのよー",
"2": "私たちの している ことが\n正しいかどうか なんて どうでもいい…\n$私は サカキ様を 信じて ただ 付いてきた のよ!",
"3": "ここは 通さないよ。\nだって 私が 勝つんだから"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "あら 強いのね 残念ね\nあなたなら ロケット団に くれば 幹部に だって なれるかもよ。",
"1_female": "あら 強いのね 残念ね\nあなたなら ロケット団に くれば 幹部に だって なれるかもよ。",
"2": "ま まけたわ……",
"3": "くききききーっ! 全力で 戦ったのに……\nこれでも 勝てない なんて"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"proton": {
"encounter": {
"1": "まちな! ロケット団の 砦と言われた この私!\nこれ以上 先には 行かせません",
"2": "なんですか? 私は ロケット団で もっとも 冷酷と 呼ばれた 男……\n$私達の 仕事の ジャマなど させはしませんよ!",
"3": "私は ロケット団幹部の ランス。\nこれ以上 仕事の ジャマは させませんよ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "砦が 崩れました……",
"2": "私に 勝った ところで\n所詮は ロケット団の 怒りを 強めた だけですよ……",
"3": "くっ! なかなか やりますね。\nしかし、 次からは そうは 行きません"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"petrel": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ぐっふっふっ よくきたな…\nおや 私が 誰か 分からんかね\n$サカキだよ サカキ様 だよ!\nぐわぁーっはっはーっ\n$……あれ? 全然 似てない? サカキ様に 見えない?\nくっそー 一生懸命 練習したのに",
"2": "私は ロケット団幹部の ラムダ。\n計画を 邪魔するのは 許さない",
"3": "侵入者には  ロケット団幹部の ラムダが 対処するぞ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "わ 分かった…… 局長の 居場所 教える……",
"2": "ぐうう…… まったく 歯が立たない……\nサカキ様 お許し ください……",
"3": "いかん 負けて 落ち込んでる 場合じゃない\n仲間に 知らせなくては……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"tabitha": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ウヒョヒョ! お前 ここまで 来たのか! だけど 遅かったぜ!",
"2": "ウヒョヒョ…… もう ここまで 来たのか!\n思っていたより やるな だが ここまでだ\n$俺は これまでの 下っ端ども とは 一味違う!\n時間稼ぎなんか しねえで コテンパンしてやるぜ",
"3": "ウヒョヒョ! 痛みを 味わわせて あげますよ! 身を 委ねろ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "「ウヒョヒョ‥‥! 俺に 勝てても リーダーには 勝てないぜ!\n$さっさと 帰ったほうが 痛い 思い しなくて 済むぜ!",
"2": "ウヒョヒョ…… 負けちまったか……",
"3": "うっひょーん……! なんたる事だろうか……!\nサブリーダーの ホムラさんが こんな デタラメなヤツ なぞに……",
"3_female": "うっひょーん……! なんたる事だろうか……!\nサブリーダーの ホムラさんが こんな デタラメなヤツ なぞに……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"courtney": {
"encounter": {
"1": "………ジャっ…マ……ッ\nするなあああああッッッッ",
"2": "キミを …………アナライズ\n…………したい …………ァハハハッ♪",
"3": "…………………じゃあ\n…………………デリートします"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "…………はぁはぁ……\n………んぅ…はぁはぁ………",
"2": "…………予想内 …………予想外\n…………キミ …………ターゲットロック …………したから\n$…………エクスペリメント …………するから\n…………キミを …………ずっと …………ァハッ……♪",
"3": "…………また …………予想外\n…………やっぱり …………キミ……オモチロイ……! ……ァハハッ……♪"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"shelly": {
"encounter": {
"1": "オーッホッホ! 我々 アクア団の\n邪魔を しようと 言うの\n$もう 怖いもの知らず と言おうか\nただの 愚か者 と言おうか……\n$かわいすぎて 憎らしく なっちゃう!\nやっつけて あげるわね",
"2": "ああん? なんだい?\nこの クソ生意気な オコチャマは……",
"3": "熱くなってん じゃないよ、 少しは 頭を 冷やしな。\nすぐ ぶっ壊すから。",
"3_female": "熱くなってん じゃないよ、 少しは 頭を 冷やしな。\nすぐ ぶっ壊すから。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "オーッホッホ! 思わぬ 邪魔が 入っちゃったわ!\n仕方ないわね\n$ここは 一度 引き上げちゃう! でもね アクア団の\n活動は まだまだ 続くんだから 覚えておきなさーい",
"2": "くううっ……!?\n手を 抜きすぎちゃった かしら……!",
"3": "……うぅ ……この間 よりも\n更に ウデを上げてる ですって……\n$末恐ろしい オコチャマだわ……\n……アタシと ポケモンたちに もう 戦うチカラは 残っちゃいない\n$……行きなさいよ 行って\nアオギリ様に 粛清されるが いいわ。",
"3_female": "……うぅ ……この間 よりも\n更に ウデを上げてる ですって……\n$末恐ろしい オコチャマだわ……\n……アタシと ポケモンたちに もう 戦うチカラは 残っちゃいない\n$……行きなさいよ 行って\nアオギリ様に 粛清されるが いいわ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"matt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "……ってな ワケでヨォ あにィが ジカンが開くマデ\nオレッちの 相手を してもらうゼぃ",
"2": "フウハアッ!! マックスッ!!\nタギってッ きたゼェェェェッ!!!!!\n$サアッ! サアッ! サアアアッ!!!\nチカラ 尽きハテるまで ヤリあおうゼッッ",
"3": "UPAAAAA\nモミツブシテ ヤルゼェェェ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "フゥーハッハッハァァァ!!!\nマケても しい ショウブ だったゼ",
"2": "ビンビン かんじるゼェ!! オメェの ツヨサ!\n$モミつぶせる ときを タノシミに してるゼィ!",
"3": "オウホウッ! タカぶる ハイボク だぜっ!",
"3_female": "オウホウッ! タカぶる ハイボク だぜっ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"mars": {
"encounter": {
"1": "あたしは ギンガ団幹部の マーズ!\n強くて 美しいの",
"2": "ギンガ団は 生み出そうと しているのは 新しい 世界。\nジャマは 許さないわ",
"3": "ボスの ジャマは させないわよ!\nこの先に 進みたいなら あたしが 相手するわ",
"3_female": "ボスの ジャマは させないわよ!\nこの先に 進みたいなら あたしが 相手するわ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "負けた……! ギンガ団の 幹部 として……\nこんなことって ありえない",
"2": "何なのよッ! あたしのこと 嫌いなの!?",
"3": "まさか! 負けるだなんて!?\n生意気な ヤツね"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"jupiter": {
"encounter": {
"1": "いいわ!\nこの ジュピターが 相手 してあげましょう",
"2": "反対なんて 虚しい!\nギンガ団は 勝利するわ",
"3": "どうしたの? もしかして 震えているのかしら?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "フン! 相変わらずの 強さ ちっとも かわいくないわね!",
"2": "フン! なかなか やるじゃない!",
"3": "フン! 次は 泣かして あげるんだから!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"saturn": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ミッションは 順調!\nボスも 満足 なさるだろう。\n$全ては みんなの ために\nそして ギンガ団の ために",
"2": "ギンガ団の 使命を ジャマするなら\nどんな 可能性でも 潰す!",
"3": "わたしたち ギンガ団は 必要な ものを 独占し\n要らない ものは 捨てるだけ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "強い! だが 哀れだな。",
"2": "……なるほど 強い!\nギンガ団に 歯向かう わけだ。",
"3": "くっ! この わたしが!\n時間稼ぎにしか ならないだと…\n$まあ いい! おまえが 何をしても\n流れる 時間は 止められない"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"zinzolin": {
"encounter": {
"1": "さて…… おまえは プラズマ団に とって\n不安要素に なりかねない。\n$ここで 排除するのだ!",
"1_female": "さて…… おまえは プラズマ団に とって\n不安要素に なりかねない。\n$ここで 排除するのだ!",
"2": "諦めきれぬか? なら 引導を 渡すのが\nワタシなりの 優しさ なのだ",
"3": "ここまで 来るとは 大した トレーナー だが、\n今は 終わりだ。",
"3_female": "ここまで 来るとは 大した トレーナー が、\n今は 終わりだ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ゲーチス様…… 失望させました……",
"2": "寒い。 ワタシは 震えている。\n苦しいが いつか ワタシたちは 成功する。",
"3": "ふむう。 存外 さとい トレーナーだ。",
"3_female": "ふむう。 存外 さとい トレーナーだ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rood": {
"encounter": {
"1": "おまえ という トレーナーが\nどんな 人物か 見せてもらいたい…\n$そう、 ポケモン勝負 でな。",
"1_female": "おまえ という トレーナーが\nどんな 人物か 見せてもらいたい…\n$そう、 ポケモン勝負 でな。",
"2": "見限らぬようだ。 だれにも ジャマは させぬよ。",
"3": "……これが おまえの\n望みと あらば",
"3_female": "……これが おまえの\n望みと あらば"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ほう! ポケモンと 心が\n通じているような 戦い方……",
"2": "失敗しました……\nそぞろに 潮の 匂いが 恋しくなる……",
"3": "正直言って…… ゲーチス様の なにが 真実で\nなにが 虚構か わからないがね……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"xerosic": {
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"encounter": {
"1": "オマエを 倒せば ワタシの 科学力の\nすごさを 証明できるゾ よし いくのだ",
"1_female": "オマエを 倒せば ワタシの 科学力の\nすごさを 証明できるゾ よし いくのだ",
"2": "なるほど ジャマを したのは オマエだったのか!\nわかったゾ よーし オマエで 実験だゾ",
"2_female": "なるほど ジャマを したのは オマエだったのか!\nわかったゾ よーし オマエで 実験だゾ",
"3": "おおー ウワサの オマエか 待っていたゾ!\nオマエを 調べる ほら 始めるゾ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "グヌウウ…… なぜだ……\nなぜ こんなことが 起こるのだ……",
"2": "なんだと! オマエ すごいゾ!\nオマエの ポケモン すごいゾ",
"2_female": "なんだと! オマエ すごいゾ!\nオマエの ポケモン すごいゾ",
"3": "すごいな オマエ! すごいぞ オマエ!\nワタシは オマエを 認める イコール 金を あげる!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"bryony": {
"encounter": {
"1": "一人で やっつける。\n勝てる 確率を あげる 必要ない。",
"2": "どこかで 見た 顔?\nわかんないけど フレア団 じゃないし やっつけようよ…",
"2_female": "どこかで 見た 顔?\nわかんないけど フレア団 じゃないし やっつけようよ…",
"3": "あら? あら?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "確率は あくまでも 確率。\n絶対では ないのよね……",
"2": "確率を 無視する トレーナー\nあなたの パワーの 源は",
"3": "あらま! こいつめ!\nわたしが かわいそうでしょ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rocket_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "なんだかんだと 聞かれたら\n答えてあげるのが 世の情け",
"2": "おれ達は 大事な 仕事を してるんだ! お家へ 帰りな!",
"2_female": "おれ達は 大事な 仕事を してるんだ! お家へ 帰りな!",
"3": "ロケット団の 恐ろしさを 知りたくないなら\nおまえの ポケモンを よこせ",
"4": "ロケット団の 本当の 恐ろしさ\nおまえに 教えて 差しあげよう",
"5": "ロケット団に ガイコクジン\nワタシ オンリーワン だけど……\n$しかーし! そんなコト ノー カンケー!",
"5_female": "ロケット団に ガイコクジン\nワタシ オンリーワン だけど……\n$しかーし! そんなコト ノー カンケー!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "やな感じ~",
"2": "しまった…! せっかく 隠して置いた エレベータの カギが…!",
"3": "しくじったか!",
"4": "くそ! 仲間が 黙っちゃ いねえぞ!",
"5": "オー ノー! キャント ビリーブ!\nユーは ブルーベリー ストロベリー\n$……ソーリー ミステイク!\nユーは ベリー ストロング\n$ティース キャント スタンダップ!\n歯が 立ちませーん"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"magma_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "おれたち マグマ団の 邪魔を するなら\n容赦は しないぜ",
"2": "すべての 人々の ために\n我々 マグマ団は あるのよ",
"3": "邪魔だ! マグマ団は お前の ような ヤツに\n用が ねーんだ ほら さっさと 帰れよ!",
"4": "マシュマロ 持ってきた?\nすぐ 炎は 燃え上がっちゃう からー",
"5": "燃料の 力を 利用して 火山を 噴火させて やるのさ! ズドドーン とな!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ぬぬぬー 敗北 するなどー!?",
"2": "負けちゃった! せっかくの 昼ご飯を 抜いたのにー",
"3": "ガキの くせに この 強さ だと!?",
"3_female": "ガキの くせに この 強さ だと!?",
"4": "うぐぐ‥‥ 早く アジトに 逃げ込めば 良かった……",
"5": "負けた… そんなことじゃ ボーナスが 減るぜ?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"aqua_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "おれら アクア団の ジャマするつもりかい?\nガキでも 容赦せーへんで",
"2": "うむむ…… アクア団に 逆らうと いい度胸 だろ!",
"3": "おれの みずポケモンが おまれを ずぶ濡れに しちゃうぞ!",
"4": "活動を 邪魔する つもりなら ぶっ壊す!\nこの世界を より良い 場所に してるぞ",
"5": "俺の ポケモンの 水の に 押し流されちゃうぞ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "冗談じゃねえ?!",
"2": "うむ‥‥ まさか ヤツに 邪魔 されるなんて\nこれっぽっちも おもってなかったぜ!",
"3": "チクショウ… アジトへ 泳ぎ帰らなくちゃ……",
"4": "……やばい! このまま じゃあ\nリーダーに 怒られちまうぞ……",
"5": "倒された… 板歩きの刑に なっちゃうかも……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"galactic_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ギンガ団に 逆らうな!",
"2": "我らの 技術の 力と\n目論む 未来 を目に当たりに しちゃえ",
"3": "ギンガ団にかわって 邪魔する 誰もを 排除するぞ!",
"4": "負ける 準備 いいかい!?",
"5": "コスミックに 破壊しちゃうぞ!\n覚悟せよ",
"5_female": "コスミックに 破壊しちゃうぞ!\n覚悟せよ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "墜落……",
"2": "この負けは 次のカケで\n取り返せば いいさ",
"3": "かまわない!\n我らの 目的の方は この負けより 大きい",
"4": "ホワイ?! なぜ?!",
"5": "自分への覚え書き:\nポケモン勝負練習 なる早"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"plasma_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "あたしたちと 違う\n考えの 持ち主は 許さない",
"2": "オレが 勝てば\nおまえの ポケモンを 解き放て",
"3": "プラズマ団の ジャマをするなら\nアタシが やっつけてやる",
"4": "プラズマ団は お前のような 身勝手な\n人間から 開放する",
"5": "おまえの ような トレーナーが\nポケモンを 苦しめているのだ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "プラズマーーーーー!!!",
"2": "なんてこと……! おれが 負けるなど!",
"3": "……弱い ポケモンね\n別の ポケモンを 奪わなきゃ!",
"4": "すばらしい 計画に\nジャマは 付き物 ",
"5": "マズイ……\nマズイマズイマズイマズイマズイマズイ\n$プラズマ団と して マズイ\n縮めて プラズマズイ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"flare_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "お前の ポケモンが フレア団の 優美さには 敵わない!",
"2": "この サングラス いいだろう?\n羨ましいだろ でも あげない",
"2_female": "この サングラス いいだろう?\n羨ましいだろ でも あげない",
"3": "無風流は 許さない フレア団が お前を 打ち倒す!",
"4": "フレア団の 眩しさは お前を 圧倒するぞ!",
"5": "おれら 泣く子も 黙る\nオシャレチーム フレア団"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "敗北でも フレア団が 優美さが 華やかに 輝く!",
"2": "目の前が 真っ暗……\nあっ サングラス だからか",
"3": "ぐあああ! 負けた! シャレにならない!",
"4": "やっぱり バトルには\nオシャレより 大事なことが あるかも…",
"5": "ちっ! フレア団 御用達の\nオシャレスーツが 汚れたぜ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"aether_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "侵入者 発見!\nシークレットラボを 守ります",
"2": "大事な 研究なのよ!\n子供とはいえ ぶっとばすわよ",
"2_female": "大事な 研究なのよ!\n子供とはいえ ぶっとばすわよ",
"3": "どんな トレーナーだろうと\n追い返すよう いわれてるのよ",
"4": "エーテルパラダイスの\n開発力を みせてやろう",
"5": "エーテルパラダイスの 闇を 知った\nおまえには 消えてもらうぜ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ふむう…… どうやら\nわたしは 負けたようですな。",
"2": "どういう ことだ……!\nどういう ことだ……",
"3": "ちょっと! 強すぎて\n追い返すなんて ムリムリ",
"4": "ポケモン勝負に 関する\n発見は してなかった",
"5": "真似して ぎゃひーん!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"faba": {
"encounter": {
"1": "支部長 ザオボーは あなたに 現実を みせて さしあげますよ!",
"2": "ザオボー 人呼んで エーテルパラダイス\n最後の 最後の 最後の 砦は あなたを 壊します",
"2_female": "ザオボー 人呼んで エーテルパラダイス\n最後の 最後の 最後の 砦は あなたを 壊します",
"3": "エーテル財団の 支部長 といえば\n世界に ただ一人…… この ザオボーだけで ございます。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ぎゃひーん!!!",
"2": "な ななな なんということでしょう?\nこの わたしが お子さま相手に……",
"2_female": "な ななな なんということでしょう?\nこの わたしが お子さま相手に……",
"3": "なんということでしょう!?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"skull_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "まじめが キライでよ!\n$スカル団 やっているのに\nまじめに 下っ端 してるぜ",
"2": "なんだ とは ご挨拶 ジャン!\nこいつら まとめて しめちゃおうよ",
"2_female": "なんだ とは ご挨拶 ジャン!\nこいつら まとめて しめちゃおうよ",
"3": "オレが ポケモンを 使いこなす\nすごいとこ みせてやりまスカ",
"4": "あんたが ホネ身を 惜しまないかを 確かめたいから バトルッスカ!",
"4_female": "あんたが ホネ身を 惜しまないかを 確かめたいから バトルッスカ!",
"5": "だからYo♪ きけYo♪\n侵入者さん♪\n$オレら レペゼン サボる♪ スカル♪\nすこぶる♪ そそる♪ 話する♪",
"5_female": "だからYo♪ きけYo♪\n侵入者さん♪\n$オレら レペゼン サボる♪ スカル♪\nすこぶる♪ そそる♪ 話する♪"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ちっ! まじめ だから\n……応援してやるよ\n$ヨーヨー 止まるなよ\n負けてもいいから 止まるなよ",
"2": "しめるなよ! 袋叩き するなよ!",
"3": "オマエが ポケモンを 使いこなす\nすごいとこ みせられたのでスカ",
"4": "あんたらの ハート ホネ身に しみちゃう……!",
"5": "そーかYo♪\n後悔すんじゃねー♪"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"plumeria": {
"encounter": {
"1": "あんたね…… さっき 聞いたの\n$……なんにも 感じない\nふつーのコに みえるけどねえ",
"1_female": " .あんたね…… さっき 聞いたの\n$……なんにも 感じない\nふつーのコに みえるけどねえ",
"2": "下っ端 あんたのような\n雑魚相手に モタモタ してるからさ",
"3": "スカル団を 束ねている……\n言うなれば あねごって ところ。\n$かわいい あいつらを\nいじめる あんたが ジャマなのよ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ハンッ! たいした もんだよ\nただし  ジャマしたら 本気で やっちまうから",
"1_female": "ハンッ! たいした もんだよ\nただし  ジャマしたら 本気で やっちまうから",
"2": "あんた たいした もんだよ\nま 雑魚相手に 手間取るのも わかる 強さか。",
"3": "……チッ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"macro_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "不審者を 追い払って\nたんまり ボーナス いただくぜ",
"2": "ジャマは 許しません!\n$マクロコスモスの さまざまな\n関連会社を 守るためにも 追い返します",
"2_female": "ジャマは 許しません!\n$マクロコスモスの さまざまな\n関連会社を 守るためにも 追い返します",
[Localization] Team Star Translations (#4356) * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/ko/trainer-classes.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <> * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update trainer-titles.json --------- Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <>
2024-09-22 17:31:33 +02:00
"3": "マクロコスモス生命です!\n保険に 入っていますか",
"4": "見つけた! では 勝負だ!",
"5": "オリーヴさまに 怒られたくないから あきらめない!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ボーナスが……\n夢の マイホームが……",
"2": "負けたからには\n素直に 引き下がりましょう。\n$だが ローズ委員長の\nジャマは しないでくださいよ。",
[Localization] Team Star Translations (#4356) * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/ko/trainer-classes.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <> * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update trainer-titles.json --------- Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <>
2024-09-22 17:31:33 +02:00
"3": "マクロコスモス生命の 仕事なら\n誰にも 負けないのに…",
"4": "ポケモンを 入れ替えたのに……",
"5": "かくれんぼも ダメ!\n勝負も ダメ 逃げるしかない"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"oleana": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ローズ様の ジャマ だなんて\nわたくし 絶対に 許せません",
"2": "わたくしの オーダーを こなす 特別な\nスタッフ達を ものともせずに やってくるなんて……",
"3": "あなたを ボコボコに すれば\n委員長の 計画が すらっと 進めます"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "はあああぁ 勝てないなんて……\nオリーヴ…… ほんとに ダメな子",
"2": "はああ……! なんてこと……\n$勝ちあがった トレーナーの\n実力を みくびっていました……",
"2_female": "はああ……! なんてこと……\n$勝ちあがった トレーナーの\n実力を みくびっていました……",
"3": "まあ 生意気!\nオリーヴの パートナーを キズつけるなんて"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
[Localization] Team Star Translations (#4356) * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/ko/trainer-classes.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <> * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update trainer-titles.json --------- Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <>
2024-09-22 17:31:33 +02:00
"star_grunt": {
"encounter": {
"1": "We're Team Star, kid. We burn so bright, it hurts to look at us!",
"2": "We'll come at you full force - Hasta la vistaaar! ★",
"3": "If you don't clear out real quick-like, I'll hafta come at you in self-defense. You get me?",
"4": "Sorry, but if you don't turn yourself around here, amigo, we'll have to send you packing!",
"4_female": "Sorry, but if you don't turn yourself around here, amiga, we'll have to send you packing!",
"5": "Oh great. Here comes another rando to ruin my day."
"victory": {
"1": "How come I'M the one seeing stars?!",
"2": "You're scary, kid. If you joined Team Star, you'd be looking down from the top in no time!",
"3": "I defended myself all right... But it wasn't enough!",
"4": "H-hasta la vistar... ★",
"5": "I didn't think grunt work for Team Star newbies would be this much of a chore..."
"giacomo": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You don't really think things through, do ya? Declarin' war on Team Star is a real bad move.",
"2": "I'll play you a sick requiem as you crash and burn. Let's get this party staaarteeed!"
"victory": {
"1": "Guess that's that...",
"2": "You turned my melody into a threnody..."
"mela": {
"encounter": {
"1": "So you're the dope who picked a fight with Team Star... Prepare to get messed up.",
"2": "All riiight, BRING IT! I'll blow everythin' sky high!"
"victory": {
"1": "Ugh. Is this really how it's gonna end? What a hassle...",
"2": "I burned through everythin' I had...and now I've sputtered out."
"atticus": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You have some nerve baring your fangs at Team Star. Come, then, villainous wretch!",
"2": "Be warned—I shall spare thee no mercy! En garde!"
"victory": {
"1": "Forgive me, my friends...",
"2": "You have utterly bested me. But thy victory stir'd no bitterness within me—such was its brilliance."
"ortega": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I promise I'll play nice, so don't blame me when this battle sends you blubbering back home!",
"2": "I'll wipe that smug look off your face for sure! You're going down!"
"victory": {
"1": "Ugh! How could I LOSE! What the HECK!",
"2": "Arrrrgggh! That strength of yours is SO. NOT. FAIR."
"eri": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Doesn't matter who you are. I'll bury anyone who tries to take down Team Star!",
"2": "I give as good as I get—that's a promise! We'll see who's left standing in the end!"
"victory": {
"1": "I'm so sorry, everyone...",
"2": "I gave it my all, but it wasn't enough—I wasn't enough..."
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rocket_boss_giovanni_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "こんな所 まで よく来た…"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "ぐ ぐーッ! そんな ばかなーッ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "自分の 力を 把握できない 内は\nまだ 子供 ということだ…… 覚えておくがいい……",
"1_female": "自分の 力を 把握できない 内は\nまだ 子供 ということだ…… 覚えておくがいい……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rocket_boss_giovanni_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "かつての 仲間たちが 私を 必要としてる…… 先の 失敗は もう 二度と 繰り返さない! "
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "なっ なぜだ……!\nロケット団 最高の 夢が 幻となって 消えていく……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "ロケット団は 生まれ変わり\n世界を 我が物に するのだ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"magma_boss_maxie_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "私 自らの 手で 葬ってやる……\n光栄に 思うが よい"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "グッ…… やりおる……!\nわずか ミリ 及ばぬか……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "マグマ団の 活動を 止めることなど 誰にも できぬ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"magma_boss_maxie_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "……キサマは 私が 図った日を\n迎えるための 最後の カベ―――\n$この マツブサが 治めし すべての チカラを もって 排除してやろう……!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "こん…な……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "そして……\n$この世界は 人類にとって 理想の……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"aqua_boss_archie_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "アクア団 リーダーとして テメエの ポケモン\nもろとも バッキバキに 揉み潰して やるよ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "んじゃあ またな\n……そのツラ 忘れねえぜ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "おもしれえッ!\n今は アクア団が 全開を"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"aqua_boss_archie_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "前回の勝負 じゃあ 見せられなかった\nポケモン達と オレの 全開パワー……\n$たーんと 食らわせてやるぜえああああッ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "……流石…だな…ッ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "オレは この日が 来るのを 長い間 待っていた‥‥\n今は この世界を あるがままの 姿にッ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"galactic_boss_cyrus_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "心いう 不完全なものが 感じる\n哀れみや 優しさ……\n$そんな 曖昧なものに 突き動かされ \nここに来たことを わたしが 公開させてあげよう。",
"1_female": "心いう 不完全なものが 感じる\n哀れみや 優しさ……\n$そんな 曖昧なものに 突き動かされ \nここに来たことを わたしが 公開させてあげよう"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "面白い\nそして 興味深い"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "まさに 新しい ギンガの! 宇宙の 誕生だ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"galactic_boss_cyrus_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "またキミか。\n$キミとは ほとほと 縁が あるね…\n$腐れ縁 といっても いいが\n今 ここで 断ち切ろう"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "まさか まさか まさかッ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "さらばだ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"plasma_boss_ghetsis_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I won't allow anyone to stop me! No matter who does what!"
"victory": {
"1": "How can this be? I'm the creator of Team Plasma! I'm perfect!"
"defeat": {
"1": "I am the perfect ruler of a perfect new world! Mwa ha ha!"
"plasma_boss_ghetsis_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Come now! I want to see your face at the moment you lose all hope!"
"victory": {
"1": "My calculations... No! My careful schemes! The world should be mine!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Kyurem! Use Absofusion!"
"flare_boss_lysandre_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Do you want to stop me? Show me in battle."
"victory": {
"1": "You are here to stop me. But I ask you to wait. "
"defeat": {
"1": "Pokemon...Shall no longer exist."
"flare_boss_lysandre_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "The future you want, or the future I want... Let us see which one is more deserving, shall we?"
"victory": {
"1": "Whaugh!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Fools with no vision will continue to befoul this beautiful world."
"aether_boss_lusamine_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You're going to startle my sweet beast! It looks like I'll need to silence you first."
"victory": {
"1": "How... how can you be so awful!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Hmph..."
"aether_boss_lusamine_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Why must you continue to pester me?! I am sick of you. Sick through and through!\n$Enough with this useless talk.. with Nihilego's power I will show you how wrong you were to come here!"
"victory": {
"1": "Aaauuuggghhhhhhhhh!!!"
"defeat": {
"1": "All that I want is my precious beast! I don't care about any of the rest of you!"
"skull_boss_guzma_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up...\n$Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!"
"victory": {
"1": "Tch. I'm gonna beat you down one of these days!"
"defeat": {
"1": "And you came all the way out here just for that, huh?"
"skull_boss_guzma_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Doesn't matter who I'm up against, I'm gonna beat them down!\n$That's what big bad Guzma is all about!"
"victory": {
"1": "Guzma!!! What is wrong with you?!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Y'all are stupid!"
"macro_boss_rose_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I must provide limitless energy to ensure everlasting prosperity for everyone...\n$It is my purpose, my duty, my destiny!"
"victory": {
"1": "You still don't understand, trainer...\n$We... No, I am going to change the course of history!"
"defeat": {
"1": "You still don't understand a thing!"
"macro_boss_rose_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'm committed to solving the energy problem in the Galar region—and, of course, around the world.\n$My experience and accomplishments that made Macro Cosmos a success are proof my methods work.\n$I don't intend to change my mind, even if I lose."
"victory": {
"1": "I'd forgotten how great Pokémon battles are! It's been so long since I battled...\n$That sure was satisfying, I accept defeat for this battle."
"defeat": {
"1": "I suppose it must seem that I am doing something terrible. I don't expect you to understand.\n$But I must provide the Galar region with limitless energy to ensure everlasting prosperity."
[Localization] Team Star Translations (#4356) * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update trainer-titles.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/ko/trainer-classes.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <> * Update src/locales/ko/bgm-name.json Co-authored-by: Enoch <> * Update trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-classes.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-titles.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update src/locales/de/trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update src/locales/fr/dialogue.json * Update trainer-classes.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/de/dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update trainer-titles.json --------- Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <> Co-authored-by: Enoch <> Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <>
2024-09-22 17:31:33 +02:00
"star_boss_penny_1": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'm the big boss of Team Star. The name's Cassiopeia. \n$Now, bow down before the overwhelming might of Team Star's founder!"
"victory": {
"1": "... ... .."
"defeat": {
"1": "Heh..."
"star_boss_penny_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I won't hold back in this battle! I'll stay true to Team Star's code! \n$My Veevee power will crush you into stardust!"
"victory": {
"1": "...It's all over now."
"defeat": {
"1": "I can't fault you on your battle skills at all... Considering how the bosses fell at your hands."
[Localization] ME translations (#4183) * Update src/locales/es/mystery-encounters/department-store-sale-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update src/locales/es/mystery-encounters/fight-or-flight-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update src/locales/es/mystery-encounters/fiery-fallout-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update src/locales/es/modifier-select-ui-handler.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update src/locales/es/mystery-encounters/field-trip-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update a-trainers-test-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bgm-name.json * Added Korean missingthings at bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update shady-vitamin-dealer-dialogue.json * Update slumbering-snorlax-dialogue.json * Update teleporting-hijinks-dialogue.json * Update the-pokemon-salesman-dialogue.json * Update the-strong-stuff-dialogue.json * Update the-winstrate-challenge-dialogue.json * Update training-session-dialogue.json * Update trash-to-treasure-dialogue.json * Update trash-to-treasure-dialogue.json * Update uncommon-breed-dialogue.json * Update weird-dream-dialogue.json * Update bgm-name.json * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Leo Kim <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Leo Kim <> * Update src/locales/zh_CN/mystery-encounters/mysterious-chest-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update src/locales/zh_CN/mystery-encounters/fight-or-flight-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * one more typo fix * Update slumbering-snorlax-dialogue.json * Update absolute-avarice-dialogue.json * Update an-offer-you-cant-refuse-dialogue.json * Update berries-abound-dialogue.json * Update the-pokemon-salesman-dialogue.json * Update trash-to-treasure-dialogue.json * Update uncommon-breed-dialogue.json * Update weird-dream-dialogue.json * Update weird-dream-dialogue.json * Update slumbering-snorlax-dialogue.json * translated a-trainers-test-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/ja/modifier-select-ui-handler.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Update src/locales/ja/mystery-encounter-messages.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Add files via upload * Update the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update src/locales/pt_BR/trainer-names.json * Update src/locales/pt_BR/trainer-titles.json * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Delete src/locales/en/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/ca_ES/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/de/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/es/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/fr/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/it/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/ja/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/ko/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/pt_BR/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/zh_CN/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Delete src/locales/zh_TW/the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Add files via upload * Update the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json * Rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * updated name and conifg * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update and rename the-expert-breeder-dialogue.json to the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Start of dialogue * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update config.ts * Update absolute-avarice-dialogue.json * Update absolute-avarice-dialogue.json * Added the option to have the species name for all 3, made the name of the breeder localizable * Revert changes that are in another pr * She is apparently female so needs changes * Update an-offer-you-cant-refuse-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * Update trainer-names.json * add translation for expert breeder * Update src/locales/ja/mystery-encounter-messages.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Update src/locales/ja/dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: sodam <> * Update src/locales/ko/trainer-names.json Co-authored-by: sodam <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: sodam <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * translated all MEs * Update src/locales/zh_CN/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update src/locales/zh_CN/trainer-names.json Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update achv.json * Update src/locales/ja/trainer-names.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Update src/locales/de/achv.json * Update src/locales/de/achv.json * Update an-offer-you-cant-refuse-dialogue.json * Update berries-abound-dialogue.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/pt_BR/achv.json * Update translation for "breedersInSpace" in pt_BR splash-messages.json * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/ko/achv.json Co-authored-by: Leo Kim <> * Update src/locales/es/mystery-encounters/fun-and-games-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update src/locales/ja/achv.json Co-authored-by: protimita <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounter-messages.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/delibirdy-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/delibirdy-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/part-timer-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update src/locales/ko/trainer-names.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update clowning-around-dialogue.json * Update clowning-around-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/es/mystery-encounters/global-trade-system-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update src/locales/ja/mystery-encounters/bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Update global-trade-system-dialogue.json * Update clowning-around-dialogue.json * Update dancing-lessons-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/de/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/zh_CN/mystery-encounters/the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> * Update bgm-name.json * Update battle.json * Update an-offer-you-cant-refuse-dialogue.json * Update berries-abound-dialogue.json * Update the-expert-pokemon-breeder-dialogue.json in pt_BR locale * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/es/achv.json Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> * Update bug-type-superfan-dialogue.json * Update clowning-around-dialogue.json * Update dancing-lessons-dialogue.json * Update config.ts * Update delibirdy-dialogue.json * Update department-store-sale-dialogue.json * Update weird-dream-dialogue.json * Update battler-tags.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update mysterious-chest-dialogue.json * Update weird-dream-dialogue.json * Update uncommon-breed-dialogue.json * Update field-trip-dialogue.json * Update src/locales/ja/mystery-encounters/dark-deal-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> * Update src/locales/ko/mystery-encounters/berries-abound-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Update src/locales/ja/mystery-encounters/berries-abound-dialogue.json Co-authored-by: returntoice <> * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Update mystery-encounter-messages.json --------- Co-authored-by: DanStevensonx <> Co-authored-by: sodam <> Co-authored-by: Yonmaru40 <> Co-authored-by: Leo Kim <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <> Co-authored-by: Chapybara-jp <> Co-authored-by: José Ricardo <> Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <> Co-authored-by: KimJeongSun <> Co-authored-by: protimita <> Co-authored-by: returntoice <>
2024-09-23 21:37:59 +02:00
"stat_trainer_buck": {
"encounter": {
"1": "……言っとくけど オレ 強いからな! 驚けよ!",
"2": "モンスターボールの 中で オレの ポケモン達 震えてる!\nこれ 武者震いって やつだな"
"victory": {
"1": "イヒヒ!\nあっちーな  おまえ!!",
"2": "イヒヒ!\nあっちーな  おまえ!!"
"defeat": {
"1": "おっと! 元気切れか",
"2": "おっと! 元気切れか"
"stat_trainer_cheryl": {
"encounter": {
"1": "あたしの ポケモンたち 戦いたくて ウズウズしてるよ",
"2": "あたしの ポケモン達 結構 ヤンチャですわよ"
"victory": {
"1": "攻めること 守ること その バランスは 大変ですね…",
"2": "攻めること 守ること その バランスは 大変ですね…"
"defeat": {
"1": "早く ポケモンを 回復してくださいね",
"2": "早く ポケモンを 回復してくださいね?"
"stat_trainer_marley": {
"encounter": {
"1": "……わかった\nできるだけ がんばるから",
"2": "……わかった\nあたし…… 負けないから……"
"victory": {
"1": "……もう",
"2": "……もう"
"defeat": {
"1": "…… サヨナラ.",
"2": "…… サヨナラ"
"stat_trainer_mira": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ミル ビックリしちゃいますよ!",
"2": "もう 迷ったりしない ってところ\nトレーナーさんに 見せるからね!"
"victory": {
"1": "これだと この地方で\nミル 活躍 できないかな…",
"2": "これだと この地方で\nミル 活躍 できないかな…"
"defeat": {
"1": "やった! ミル 最強!",
"2": "やった! ミル 最強!"
"stat_trainer_riley": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ポケモン勝負 こそが 私達の 挨拶さ!",
"2": "全力を出して 君の ポケモンを 倒して見せるよ"
"victory": {
"1": "戦ったり 組んでみたり……$トレーナー同士って いいよね",
"2": "戦ったり 組んでみたり……$トレーナー同士って いいよね"
"defeat": {
"1": "よく 頑張ってた…\n次が あるよ",
"2": "よく 頑張ってた…\n次が あるよ"
"winstrates_victor": {
"encounter": {
"1": "いい 度胸だ! 気に入ったぞ!"
"victory": {
"1": "たはーっ! 思っていたより 強いんだね きみは!"
"winstrates_victoria": {
"encounter": {
"1": "あれま! 意外に 若いのね!$うちの 主人に 勝ってしまうとは なんと 凄腕の トレーナー なの!$じゃあ こんどは 私と 勝負よ!"
"victory": {
"1": "んまーっ! あなたって なんて 強いのかしら!"
"winstrates_vivi": {
"encounter": {
"1": "ママより 強いなんて すごーい!$でも あたし だって 強いんだから!\nほんと なんだってば"
"victory": {
"1": "悔しい……\n……ぐっすん おばあちゃーん"
"winstrates_vicky": {
"encounter": {
"1": "こらーっ! わしの かわいい 孫に 何すんじゃ!$こうなったら わしが おまえさんの\nポケモンを こらしめちゃるから 覚悟せぇ"
"victory": {
"1": "フガッ! 強いのう……\n孫の いうことは 本当 じゃった"
"winstrates_vito": {
"encounter": {
"1": "家族 全員で\nポケモンの 修行を してたんだ$誰にも 負けないぜ!"
"victory": {
"1": "家族の 誰よりも つよかった おれ……\n今まで 誰にも 負けなかった おれ……"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"brock": {
"encounter": {
"1": "My expertise on Rock-type Pokémon will take you down! Come on!",
"2": "My rock-hard willpower will overwhelm you!",
"3": "Allow me to show you the true strength of my Pokémon!"
"victory": {
"1": "Your Pokémon's strength have overcome my rock-hard defenses!",
"2": "The world is huge! I'm glad to have had a chance to battle you.",
"3": "Perhaps I should go back to pursuing my dream as a Pokémon Breeder…"
"defeat": {
"1": "The best offense is a good defense!\nThat's my way of doing things!",
"2": "Come study rocks with me next time to better learn how to fight them!",
"3": "Hah, all my traveling around the regions is paying off!"
"misty": {
"encounter": {
"1": "My policy is an all out offensive with Water-type Pokémon!",
"1_female": "My policy is an all out offensive with Water-type Pokémon!",
"2": "Hiya, I'll show you the strength of my aquatic Pokémon!",
"3": "My dream was to go on a journey and battle powerful trainers…\nWill you be a sufficient challenge?"
"victory": {
"1": "You really are strong… I'll admit that you are skilled…",
"2": "Grrr… You know you just got lucky, right?!",
"3": "Wow, you're too much! I can't believe you beat me!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Was the mighty Misty too much for you?",
"2": "I hope you saw my Pokémon's elegant swimming techniques!",
"3": "Your Pokémon were no match for my pride and joys!"
"lt_surge": {
"encounter": {
"1": "My Electric Pokémon saved me during the war! I'll show you how!",
"1_female": "My Electric Pokémon saved me during the war! I'll show you how!",
"2": "Ten-hut! I'll shock you into surrender!",
"3": "I'll zap you just like I do to all my enemies in battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "Whoa! Your team's the real deal, kid!",
"2": "Aaargh, you're strong! Even my electric tricks lost against you.",
"2_female": "Aaargh, you're strong! Even my electric tricks lost against you.",
"3": "That was an absolutely shocking loss!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Oh yeah! When it comes to Electric-type Pokémon, I'm number one in the world!",
"2": "Hahaha! That was an electrifying battle, kid!",
"3": "A Pokémon battle is war, and I have showed you first-hand combat!"
"erika": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Ah, the weather is lovely here…\nOh, a battle? Very well then.",
"2": "My Pokémon battling skills rival that of my flower arranging skills.",
"3": "Oh, I hope the pleasant aroma of my Pokémon doesn't put me to sleep again…",
"4": "Seeing flowers in a garden is so soothing."
"victory": {
"1": "Oh! I concede defeat.",
"2": "That match was most delightful.",
"3": "Ah, it appears it is my loss…",
"4": "Oh, my goodness."
"defeat": {
"1": "I was afraid I would doze off…",
"2": "Oh my, it seems my Grass Pokémon overwhelmed you.",
"2_female": "Oh my, it seems my Grass Pokémon overwhelmed you.",
"3": "That battle was such a soothing experience.",
"4": "Oh… Is that all?"
"janine": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I am mastering the art of poisonous attacks.\nI shall spar with you today!",
"2": "Father trusts that I can hold my own.\nI will prove him right!",
"3": "My ninja techniques are only second to my Father's!\nCan you keep up?"
"victory": {
"1": "Even now, I still need training… I understand.",
"2": "Your battle technique has outmatched mine.",
"3": "I'm going to really apply myself and improve my skills."
"defeat": {
"1": "Fufufu… the poison has sapped all your strength to battle.",
"2": "Ha! You didn't stand a chance against my superior ninja skills!",
"3": "Father's faith in me has proven to not be misplaced."
"sabrina": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Through my psychic ability, I had a vision of your arrival!",
"2": "I dislike fighting, but if you wish, I will show you my powers!",
"3": "I can sense great ambition in you. I shall see if it not unfounded."
"victory": {
"1": "Your power… It far exceeds what I foresaw…",
"2": "I failed to accurately predict your power.",
"3": "Even with my immense psychic powers, I cannot sense another as strong as you."
"defeat": {
"1": "This victory… It is exactly as I foresaw in my visions!",
"2": "Perhaps it was another I sensed a great desire in…",
"3": "Hone your abilities before recklessly charging into battle.\nYou never know what the future may hold if you do…"
"blaine": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Hah! Hope you brought a Burn Heal!",
"2": "My fiery Pokémon will incinerate all challengers!",
"3": "Get ready to play with fire!"
"victory": {
"1": "I have burned down to nothing! Not even ashes remain!",
"2": "Didn't I stoke the flames high enough?",
"3": "I'm all burned out… But this makes my motivation to improve burn even hotter!"
"defeat": {
"1": "My raging inferno cannot be quelled!",
"2": "My Pokémon have been powered up with the heat from this victory!",
"3": "Hah! My passion burns brighter than yours!"
"giovanni": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I, the leader of Team Rocket, will make you feel a world of pain!",
"2": "My training here will be vital before I am to face my old associates again.",
"3": "I do not think you are prepared for the level of failure you are about to experience!",
"3_female": "I do not think you are prepared for the level of failure you are about to experience!"
"victory": {
"1": "WHAT! Me, lose?! There is nothing I wish to say to you!",
"2": "Hmph… You could never understand what I hope to achieve.",
"3": "This defeat is merely delaying the inevitable.\nI will rise Team Rocket from the ashes in due time."
"defeat": {
"1": "Not being able to measure your own strength shows that you are still but a child.",
"2": "Do not try to interfere with me again.",
"3": "I hope you understand how foolish challenging me was."
"roxanne": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Would you kindly demonstrate how you battle?",
"2": "You can learn many things by battling many trainers.",
"3": "Oh, you caught me strategizing.\nWould you like to battle?"
"victory": {
"1": "Oh, I appear to have lost.\nI understand.",
"2": "It seems that I still have so much more to learn when it comes to battle.",
"3": "I'll take what I learned here today to heart."
"defeat": {
"1": "I have learned many things from our battle.\nI hope you have too.",
"2": "I look forward to battling you again.\nI hope you'll use what you've learned here.",
"3": "I won due to everything I have learned."
"brawly": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Oh man, a challenger!\nLet's see what you can do!",
"1_female": "Oh man, a challenger!\nLet's see what you can do!",
"2": "You seem like a big splash.\nLet's battle!",
"3": "Time to create a storm!\nLet's go!"
"victory": {
"1": "Oh woah, you've washed me out!",
"2": "You surfed my wave and crashed me down!",
"3": "I feel like I'm lost in Granite Cave!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Haha, I surfed the big wave!\nChallenge me again sometime.",
"2": "Surf with me again some time!",
"3": "Just like the tides come in and out, I hope you return to challenge me again."
"wattson": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Time to get shocked!\nWahahahaha!",
"2": "I'll make sparks fly!\nWahahahaha!",
"3": "I hope you brought Paralyz Heal!\nWahahahaha!"
"victory": {
"1": "Seems like I'm out of charge!\nWahahahaha!",
"2": "You've completely grounded me!\nWahahahaha!",
"3": "Thanks for the thrill!\nWahahahaha!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Recharge your batteries and challenge me again sometime!\nWahahahaha!",
"1_female": "Recharge your batteries and challenge me again sometime!\nWahahahaha!",
"2": "I hope you found our battle electrifying!\nWahahahaha!",
"3": "Aren't you shocked I won?\nWahahahaha!"
"flannery": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Nice to meet you! Wait, no…\nI will crush you!",
"2": "I've only been a leader for a little while, but I'll smoke you!",
"3": "It's time to demonstrate the moves my grandfather has taught me! Let's battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "You remind me of my grandfather…\nNo wonder I lost.",
"2": "Am I trying too hard?\nI should relax, can't get too heated.",
"3": "Losing isn't going to smother me out.\nTime to reignite training!"
"defeat": {
"1": "I hope I've made my grandfather proud…\nLet's battle again some time.",
"2": "I…I can't believe I won!\nDoing things my way worked!",
"3": "Let's exchange burning hot moves again soon!"
"norman": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'm surprised you managed to get here.\nLet's battle.",
"2": "I'll do everything in my power as a Gym Leader to win.\nLet's go!",
"3": "You better give this your all.\nIt's time to battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "I lost to you…?\nRules are rules, though.",
"2": "Was moving from Olivine a mistake…?",
"3": "I can't believe it.\nThat was a great match."
"defeat": {
"1": "We both tried our best.\nI hope we can battle again soon.",
"2": "You should try challenging my kid instead.\nYou might learn something!",
"3": "Thank you for the excellent battle.\nBetter luck next time."
"winona": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I've been soaring the skies looking for prey…\nAnd you're my target!",
"2": "No matter how our battle is, my Flying Pokémon and I will triumph with grace. Let's battle!",
"3": "I hope you aren't scared of heights.\nLet's ascend!"
"victory": {
"1": "You're the first Trainer I've seen with more grace than I.\nExcellently played.",
"1_female": "You're the first Trainer I've seen with more grace than I.\nExcellently played.",
"2": "Oh, my Flying Pokémon have plummeted!\nVery well.",
"3": "Though I may have fallen, my Pokémon will continue to fly!"
"defeat": {
"1": "My Flying Pokémon and I will forever dance elegantly!",
"2": "I hope you enjoyed our show.\nOur graceful dance is finished.",
"3": "Won't you come see our elegant choreography again?"
"tate": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Hehehe…\nWere you surprised to see me without my sister?",
"1_female": "Hehehe…\nWere you surprised to see me without my sister?",
"2": "I can see what you're thinking…\nYou want to battle!",
"3": "How can you defeat someone…\nWho knows your every move?"
"victory": {
"1": "It can't be helped…\nI miss Liza…",
"2": "Your bond with your Pokémon was stronger than mine.",
"3": "If I were with Liza, we would have won.\nWe can finish each other's thoughts!"
"defeat": {
"1": "My Pokémon and I are superior!",
"2": "If you can't even defeat me, you'll never be able to defeat Liza either.",
"3": "It's all thanks to my strict training with Liza.\nI can make myself one with Pokémon."
"liza": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Fufufu…\nWere you surprised to see me without my brother?",
"1_female": "Fufufu…\nWere you surprised to see me without my brother?",
"2": "I can determine what you desire…\nYou want to battle, don't you?",
"3": "How can you defeat someone…\nWho's one with their Pokémon?"
"victory": {
"1": "It can't be helped…\nI miss Tate…",
"2": "Your bond with your Pokémon…\nIt's stronger than mine.",
"3": "If I were with Tate, we would have won.\nWe can finish each other's sentences!"
"defeat": {
"1": "My Pokémon and I are victorious.",
"2": "If you can't even defeat me, you'll never be able to defeat Tate either.",
"3": "It's all thanks to my strict training with Tate.\nI can synchronize myself with my Pokémon."
"juan": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Now's not the time to act coy.\nLet's battle!",
"2": "Ahahaha, You'll be witness to my artistry with Water Pokémon!",
"3": "A typhoon approaches!\nWill you be able to test me?",
"4": "Please, you shall bear witness to our artistry.\nA grand illusion of water sculpted by my Pokémon and myself!"
"victory": {
"1": "You may be a genius who can take on Wallace!",
"2": "I focused on elegance while you trained.\nIt's only natural that you defeated me.",
"3": "Ahahaha!\nVery well, You have won this time.",
"4": "From you, I sense the brilliant shine of skill that will overcome all."
"defeat": {
"1": "My Pokémon and I have sculpted an illusion of Water and come out victorious.",
"2": "Ahahaha, I have won, and you have lost.",
"3": "Shall I loan you my outfit? It may help you battle!\nAhahaha, I jest!",
"4": "I'm the winner! Which is to say, you lost."
"crasher_wake": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Crash! Crash! Watch out!\nCrasher Wake…is…heeere!",
"2": "Crash! Crash! Crasher Wake!",
"3": "I'm the tidal wave of power to wash you away!"
"victory": {
"1": "That puts a grin on my face!\nGuhahaha! That was a blast!",
"2": "Hunwah! It's gone and ended!\nHow will I say this…\nI want more! I wanted to battle a lot more!",
"3": "WHAAAAT!?"
"defeat": {
"1": "Yeeeeah! That's right!",
"2": "I won, but I want more! I wanted to battle a lot more!",
"3": "So long!"
"falkner": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'll show you the real power of the magnificent bird Pokémon!",
"2": "Winds, stay with me!",
"3": "Dad! I hope you're watching me battle from above!"
"victory": {
"1": "I understand… I'll bow out gracefully.",
"2": "A defeat is a defeat. You are strong indeed.",
"3": "…Shoot! Yeah, I lost."
"defeat": {
"1": "Dad! I won with your cherished bird Pokémon…",
"2": "Bird Pokémon are the best after all!",
"3": "Feels like I'm catching up to my dad!"
"nessa": {
"encounter": {
"1": "No matter what kind of plan your refined mind may be plotting, my partner and I will be sure to sink it.",
"1_female": "No matter what kind of plan your refined mind may be plotting, my partner and I will be sure to sink it.",
"2": "I'm not here to chat. I'm here to win!",
"3": "This is a little gift from my Pokémon… I hope you can take it!",
"3_female": "This is a little gift from my Pokémon… I hope you can take it!"
"victory": {
"1": "You and your Pokémon are just too much…",
"2": "How…? How can this be?!",
"3": "I was totally washed away!"
"defeat": {
"1": "The raging wave crashes again!",
"2": "Time to ride the wave of victory!",
"3": "Ehehe!"
"melony": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'm not going to hold back!",
"2": "All righty, I suppose we should get started.",
"3": "I'll freeze you solid!"
"victory": {
"1": "You… You're pretty good, huh?",
"1_female": "You… You're pretty good, huh?",
"2": "If you find Gordie around, be sure to give him a right trashing, would you?",
"3": "I think you took breaking the ice a little too literally…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Now do you see how severe battles can be?",
"2": "Hee! Looks like I went and won again!",
"3": "Are you holding back?"
"marlon": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You look strong! Shoots! Let's start!",
"2": "I'm strong like the ocean's wide. You're gonna get swept away, fo' sho'.",
"2_female": "I'm strong like the ocean's wide. You're gonna get swept away, fo' sho'.",
"3": "Oh ho, so I'm facing you! That's off the wall."
"victory": {
"1": "You totally rocked that! You're raising some wicked Pokémon. You got this Trainer thing down!",
"1_female": "You totally rocked that! You're raising some wicked Pokémon. You got this Trainer thing down!",
"2": "You don't just look strong, you're strong fo' reals! Eh, I was swept away, too!",
"3": "You're strong as a gnarly wave!"
"defeat": {
"1": "You're tough, but it's not enough to sway the sea, 'K!",
"2": "Hee! Looks like I went and won again!",
"3": "Sweet, sweet victory!"
"shauntal": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Excuse me. You're a challenger, right?\nI'm the Elite Four's Ghost-type Pokémon user, Shauntal, and I shall be your opponent.",
"1_female": "Excuse me. You're a challenger, right?\nI'm the Elite Four's Ghost-type Pokémon user, Shauntal, and I shall be your opponent.",
"2": "I absolutely love writing about Trainers who come here and the Pokémon they train.\nCould I use you and your Pokémon as a subject?",
"3": "Every person who works with Pokémon has a story to tell.\nWhat story is about to be told?"
"victory": {
"1": "Wow. I'm dumbstruck!",
"2": "S-sorry! First, I must apologize to my Pokémon…\n\nI'm really sorry you had a bad experience because of me!",
"3": "Even in light of that, I'm still one of the Elite Four!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Eheh.",
"2": "That gave me excellent material for my next novel!",
"3": "And so, another tale ends…"
"marshal": {
"encounter": {
"1": "My mentor, Alder, sees your potential as a Trainer and is taking an interest in you.\nIt is my intention to test you--to take you to the limits of your strength. Kiai!",
"1_female": "My mentor, Alder, sees your potential as a Trainer and is taking an interest in you.\nIt is my intention to test you--to take you to the limits of your strength. Kiai!",
"2": "Victory, decisive victory, is my intention! Challenger, here I come!",
"3": "In myself, I seek to develop the strength of a fighter and shatter any weakness in myself!\nPrevailing with the force of my convictions!"
"victory": {
"1": "Whew! Well done!",
"2": "As your battles continue, aim for even greater heights!",
"3": "The strength shown by you and your Pokémon has deeply impressed me…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Hmm.",
"2": "That was good battle.",
"3": "Haaah! Haaah! Haiyaaaah!"
"cheren": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You remind me of an old friend. That makes me excited about this Pokémon battle!",
"2": "Pokémon battles have no meaning if you don't think why you battle.\n$Or better said, it makes battling together with Pokémon meaningless.",
"3": "My name's Cheren! I'm a Gym Leader and a teacher! Pleasure to meet you.",
"3_female": "My name's Cheren! I'm a Gym Leader and a teacher! Pleasure to meet you."
"victory": {
"1": "Thank you! I saw what was missing in me.",
"2": "Thank you! I feel like I saw a little of the way toward my ideals.",
"3": "Hmm… This is problematic."
"defeat": {
"1": "As a Gym Leader, I aim to be a wall for you to overcome.",
"2": "All right!",
"3": "I made it where I am because Pokémon were by my side.\nPerhaps we need to think about why Pokémon help us not in terms of Pokémon and Trainers but as a relationship between living beings."
"chili": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Yeeeeooow! Time to play with FIRE!! I'm the strongest of us brothers!",
"1_female": "Yeeeeooow! Time to play with FIRE!! I'm the strongest of us brothers!",
"2": "Ta-da! The Fire-type scorcher Chili--that's me--will be your opponent!",
"2_female": "Ta-da! The Fire-type scorcher Chili--that's me--will be your opponent!",
"3": "I'm going to show you what me and my blazing Fire types can do!",
"3_female": "I'm going to show you what me and my blazing Fire types can do!"
"victory": {
"1": "You got me. I am… burned… out…",
"1_female": "You got me. I am… burned… out…",
"2": "Whoa ho! You're on fire!",
"2_female": "Whoa ho! You're on fire!",
"3": "Augh! You got me!"
"defeat": {
"1": "I'm on fire! Play with me, and you'll get burned!",
"1_female": "I'm on fire! Play with me, and you'll get burned!",
"2": "When you play with fire, you get burned!",
"3": "I mean, c'mon, your opponent was me! You didn't have a chance!",
"3_female": "I mean, c'mon, your opponent was me! You didn't have a chance!"
"cilan": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Nothing personal... No hard feelings... Me and my Grass-type Pokémon will...\n$Um... We're gonna battle come what may.",
"1_female": "Nothing personal... No hard feelings... Me and my Grass-type Pokémon will...\n$Um... We're gonna battle come what may.",
"2": "So, um, if you're OK with me, I'll, um, put everything I've got into being, er, you know, your opponent.",
"2_female": "So, um, if you're OK with me, I'll, um, put everything I've got into being, er, you know, your opponent.",
"3": "OK… So, um, I'm Cilan, I like Grass-type Pokémon.",
"3_female": "OK… So, um, I'm Cilan, I like Grass-type Pokémon."
"victory": {
"1": "Er… Is it over now?",
"1_female": "Er… Is it over now?",
"2": "…What a surprise. You are very strong, aren't you? \n$I guess my brothers wouldn't have been able to defeat you either…",
"2_female": "…What a surprise. You are very strong, aren't you? \n$I guess my brothers wouldn't have been able to defeat you either…",
"3": "…Huh. Looks like my timing was, um, off?"
"defeat": {
"1": "Huh? Did I win?",
"1_female": "Huh? Did I win?",
"2": "I guess… \n$I suppose I won, because I've been competing with my brothers Chili and Cress, and we all were able to get tougher.",
"2_female": "I guess… \n$I suppose I won, because I've been competing with my brothers Chili and Cress, and we all were able to get tougher.",
"3": "It…it was quite a thrilling experience…",
"3_female": "It…it was quite a thrilling experience…"
"roark": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I need to see your potential as a Trainer. And, I'll need to see the toughness of the Pokémon that battle with you!",
"1_female": "I need to see your potential as a Trainer. And, I'll need to see the toughness of the Pokémon that battle with you!",
"2": "Here goes! These are my rocking Pokémon, my pride and joy!",
"3": "Rock-type Pokémon are simply the best!",
"4": "Every day, I toughened up my Pokémon by digging up Fossils nonstop.\n$Could I show you how tough I made them in a battle?",
"4_female": "Every day, I toughened up my Pokémon by digging up Fossils nonstop.\n$Could I show you how tough I made them in a battle?"
"victory": {
"1": "W-what? That can't be! My buffed-up Pokémon!",
"2": "…We lost control there. Next time I'd like to challenge you to a Fossil-digging race underground.",
"2_female": "…We lost control there. Next time I'd like to challenge you to a Fossil-digging race underground.",
"3": "With skill like yours, it's natural for you to win.",
"4": "Wh-what?! It can't be! Even that wasn't enough?"
"defeat": {
"1": "See? I'm proud of my rocking battle style!",
"2": "Thanks! The battle gave me confidence that I may be able to beat my dad!",
"3": "See? These are my rocking Pokémon, my pride and joy!",
"4": "I knew I would win!"
"morty": {
"encounter": {
"1": "With a little more, I could see a future in which I meet the legendary Pokémon.\n$You're going to help me reach that level!",
"2": "It's said that a rainbow-hued Pokémon will come down to appear before a truly powerful Trainer. \n$I believed that tale, so I have secretly trained here all my life. As a result, I can now see what others cannot. \n$I see a shadow of the person who will make the Pokémon appear. \n$I believe that person is me! You're going to help me reach that level!",
"3": "Whether you choose to believe or not, mystic power does exist.",
"4": "You can bear witness to the fruits of my training.",
"5": "You must make your soul one with that of Pokémon. Can you do this?",
"6": "Say, do you want to be part of my training?"
"victory": {
"1": "I'm not good enough yet…",
"2": "I see… Your journey has taken you to far-away places and you have witnessed much more than I.\n$I envy you for that…",
"2_female": "I see… Your journey has taken you to far-away places and you have witnessed much more than I.\n$I envy you for that…",
"3": "How is this possible…",
"4": "I don't think our potentials are so different.\n$But you seem to have something more than that… So be it.",
"5": "Guess I need more training.",
"6": "That's a shame."
"defeat": {
"1": "I moved… one step ahead again.",
"2": "Fufufu…",
"3": "Wh-what?! It can't be! Even that wasn't enough?",
"4": "I feel like I just smashed through a really stubborn boulder!",
"5": "Ahahahah!",
"6": "I knew I would win!"
"crispin": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I wanna win, so that's exactly what I'll do!",
"2": "I battle because I wanna battle! And you know what? That's how it should be!"
"victory": {
"1": "I wanted to win…but I lost!",
"2": "I lost…'cause I couldn't win!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Hey, wait a sec. Did I just win? I think I just won! Talk about satisfying!",
"2": "Wooo! That was amazing!"
"amarys": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I want to be the one to help a certain person. That being the case, I cannot afford to lose.\n$… Our battle starts now."
"victory": {
"1": "I am… not enough, I see."
"defeat": {
"1": "Victory belongs to me. Well fought."
"lacey": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'll be facing you with my usual party as a member of the Elite Four."
"victory": {
"1": "That was a great battle!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Let's give your Pokémon a nice round of applause for their efforts!"
"drayton": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Man, I love chairs. Don't you love chairs? What lifesavers. \n$I don't get why everyone doesn't just sit all the time. Standing up's tiring work!"
"victory": {
"1": "Guess I should've expected that!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Heh heh! Don't mind me, just scooping up a W over here. I get it if you're upset, but don't go full Kieran on me, OK?",
"1_female": "Heh heh! Don't mind me, just scooping up a W over here. I get it if you're upset, but don't go full Kieran on me, OK?"
"ramos": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Did yeh enjoy the garden playground I made with all these sturdy plants o' mine?\n$Their strength is a sign o' my strength as a gardener and a Gym Leader! Yeh sure yer up to facing all that?",
"1_female": "Did yeh enjoy the garden playground I made with all these sturdy plants o' mine?\n$Their strength is a sign o' my strength as a gardener and a Gym Leader! Yeh sure yer up to facing all that?"
"victory": {
"1": "Yeh believe in yer Pokémon… And they believe in yeh, too… It was a fine battle, sprout."
"defeat": {
"1": "Hohoho… Indeed. Frail little blades o' grass'll break through even concrete."
"viola": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Whether it's the tears of frustration that follow a loss or the blossoming of joy that comes with victory…\n$They're both great subjects for my camera! Fantastic! This'll be just fantastic! \n$Now come at me!",
"2": "My lens is always focused on victory--I won't let anything ruin this shot!"
"victory": {
"1": "You and your Pokémon have shown me a whole new depth of field! Fantastic! Just fantastic!",
"2": "The world you see through a lens, and the world you see with a Pokémon by your side…\n$The same world can look entirely different depending on your view."
"defeat": {
"1": "The photo from the moment of my victory will be a real winner, all right!",
"2": "Yes! I took some great photos!"
"candice": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You want to challenge Candice? Sure thing! I was waiting for someone tough! \n$But I should tell you, I'm tough because I know how to focus.",
"2": "Pokémon, fashion, romance… It's all about focus! \n$I'll show you just what I mean. Get ready to lose!"
"victory": {
"1": "I must say, I'm warmed up to you! I might even admire you a little.",
"2": "Wow! You're great! You've earned my respect! \n$I think your focus and will bowled us over totally. ",
"2_female": "Wow! You're great! You've earned my respect! \n$I think your focus and will bowled us over totally. "
"defeat": {
"1": "I sensed your will to win, but I don't lose!",
"2": "See? Candice's focus! My Pokémon's focus is great, too!"
"gardenia": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You have a winning aura about you. So, anyway, this will be fun. Let's have our battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "Amazing! You're very good, aren't you?",
"1_female": "Amazing! You're very good, aren't you?"
"defeat": {
"1": "Yes! My Pokémon and I are perfectly good!"
"aaron": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Ok! Let me take you on!"
"victory": {
"1": "Battling is a deep and complex affair…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Victory over an Elite Four member doesn't come easily."
"cress": {
"encounter": {
"1": "That is correct! It shall be I and my esteemed Water types that you must face in battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "Lose? Me? I don't believe this."
"defeat": {
"1": "This is the appropriate result when I'm your opponent."
"allister": {
"encounter": {
"1": "'M Allister.\nH-here… I go…"
"victory": {
"1": "I nearly lost my mask from the shock… That was…\n$Wow. I can see your skill for what it is."
"defeat": {
"1": "Th-that was ace!"
"clay": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Harrumph! Kept me waitin', didn't ya, kid? All right, time to see what ya can do!",
"1_female": "Harrumph! Kept me waitin', didn't ya, kid? All right, time to see what ya can do!"
"victory": {
"1": "Man oh man… It feels good to go all out and still be defeated!"
"defeat": {
"1": "What's important is how ya react to losin'. \n$That's why folks who use losin' as fuel to get better are tough."
"kofu": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'mma serve you a full course o' Water-type Pokémon! Don't try to eat 'em, though!"
"victory": {
"1": "Vaultin' Veluza! Yer a lively one, aren't ya! A little TOO lively, if I do say so myself!",
"1_female": "Vaultin' Veluza! Yer a lively one, aren't ya! A little TOO lively, if I do say so myself!"
"defeat": {
"1": "You come back to see me again now, ya hear?"
"tulip": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Allow me to put my skills to use to make your cute little Pokémon even more beautiful!"
"victory": {
"1": "Your strength has a magic to it that cannot be washed away."
"defeat": {
"1": "You know, in my line of work, people who lack talent in one area or the other often fade away quickly—never to be heard of again."
"sidney": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I like that look you're giving me. I guess you'll give me a good match.\n$That's good! Looking real good! All right!\n$You and me, let's enjoy a battle that can only be staged here!"
"victory": {
"1": "Well, how do you like that? I lost! Eh, it was fun, so it doesn't matter."
"defeat": {
"1": "No hard feelings, alright?"
"phoebe": {
"encounter": {
"1": "While I trained, I gained the ability to commune with Ghost-type Pokémon. \n$Yes, the bond I developed with Pokémon is extremely tight. \n$So, come on, just try and see if you can even inflict damage on my Pokémon!"
"victory": {
"1": "Oh, darn. I've gone and lost."
"defeat": {
"1": "I look forward to battling you again sometime!"
"glacia": {
"encounter": {
"1": "All I have seen are challenges by weak Trainers and their Pokémon. \n$What about you? It would please me to no end if I could go all out against you!"
"victory": {
"1": "You and your Pokémon… How hot your spirits burn!\n$The all-consuming heat overwhelms. \n$It's no surprise that my icy skills failed to harm you."
"defeat": {
"1": "A fiercely passionate battle, indeed."
"drake": {
"encounter": {
"1": "For us to battle with Pokémon as partners, do you know what it takes? Do you know what is needed? \n$If you don't, then you will never prevail over me!"
"victory": {
"1": "Superb, it should be said."
"defeat": {
"1": "I gave my all for that battle!"
"wallace": {
"encounter": {
"1": "There's something about you… A difference in your demeanor. \n$I think I sense that in you. Now, show me. Show me the power you wield with your Pokémon. \n$And I, in turn, shall present you with a performance of illusions in water by me and my Pokémon!"
"victory": {
"1": "Bravo. I realize now your authenticity and magnificence as a Pokémon Trainer. \n$I find much joy in having met you and your Pokémon. You have proven yourself worthy.",
"1_female": "Bravo. I realize now your authenticity and magnificence as a Pokémon Trainer. \n$I find much joy in having met you and your Pokémon. You have proven yourself worthy."
"defeat": {
"1": "A grand illusion!"
"lorelei": {
"encounter": {
"1": "No one can best me when it comes to icy Pokémon! Freezing moves are powerful!\n$Your Pokémon will be at my mercy when they are frozen solid! Hahaha! Are you ready?",
"1_female": "No one can best me when it comes to icy Pokémon! Freezing moves are powerful!\n$Your Pokémon will be at my mercy when they are frozen solid! Hahaha! Are you ready?"
"victory": {
"1": "How dare you!"
"defeat": {
"1": "There's nothing you can do once you're frozen.",
"1_female": "There's nothing you can do once you're frozen."
"will": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I have trained all around the world, making my psychic Pokémon powerful.\n$I can only keep getting better! Losing is not an option!"
"victory": {
"1": "I… I can't… believe it…"
"defeat": {
"1": "That was close. I wonder what it is that you lack."
"malva": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I feel like my heart might just burst into flames. \n$I'm burning up with my hatred for you, runt!",
"1_female": "I feel like my heart might just burst into flames. \n$I'm burning up with my hatred for you, runt!"
"victory": {
"1": "What news… So a new challenger has defeated Malva!",
"1_female": "What news… So a new challenger has defeated Malva!"
"defeat": {
"1": "I am delighted! Yes, delighted that I could squash you beneath my heel."
"hala": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Old Hala is here to make you holler!"
"victory": {
"1": "I could feel the power you gained on your journey."
"defeat": {
"1": "Haha! What a delightful battle!"
"molayne": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I gave the captain position to my cousin Sophocles, but I'm confident in my ability. \n$My strength is like that of a supernova!"
"victory": {
"1": "I certainly found an interesting Trainer to face!",
"1_female": "I certainly found an interesting Trainer to face!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Ahaha. What an interesting battle."
"rika": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'd say I'll go easy on you, but… I'd be lying! Think fast!"
"victory": {
"1": "Not bad, kiddo.",
"1_female": "Not bad, kiddo."
"defeat": {
"1": "Nahahaha! You really are something else, kiddo!",
"1_female": "Nahahaha! You really are something else, kiddo!"
"bruno": {
"encounter": {
"1": "We will grind you down with our superior power! Hoo hah!"
"victory": {
"1": "Why? How could I lose?"
"defeat": {
"1": "You can challenge me all you like, but the results will never change!"
"bugsy": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'm Bugsy! I never lose when it comes to bug Pokémon!"
"victory": {
"1": "Whoa, amazing! You're an expert on Pokémon!\nMy research isn't complete yet. OK, you win.",
"1_female": "Whoa, amazing! You're an expert on Pokémon!\nMy research isn't complete yet. OK, you win."
"defeat": {
"1": "Thanks! Thanks to our battle, I was also able to make progress in my research!"
"koga": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Fwahahahaha! Pokémon are not merely about brute force--you shall see soon enough!"
"victory": {
"1": "Ah! You've proven your worth!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Have you learned to fear the techniques of the ninja?"
"bertha": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Well, would you show this old lady how much you've learned?"
"victory": {
"1": "Well! Dear child, I must say, that was most impressive. \n$Your Pokémon believed in you and did their best to earn you the win. \n$Even though I've lost, I find myself with this silly grin!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Hahahahah! Looks like this old lady won!"
"lenora": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Well then, challenger, I'm going to research how you battle with the Pokémon you've so lovingly raised!",
"1_female": "Well then, challenger, I'm going to research how you battle with the Pokémon you've so lovingly raised!"
"victory": {
"1": "My theory about you was correct. You're more than just talented… You're motivated! I salute you!",
"1_female": "My theory about you was correct. You're more than just talented… You're motivated! I salute you!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Ah ha ha! If you lose, make sure to analyze why, and use that knowledge in your next battle!"
"siebold": {
"encounter": {
"1": "As long as I am alive, I shall strive onward to seek the ultimate cuisine... and the strongest opponents in battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "I shall store my memory of you and your Pokémon forever away within my heart."
"defeat": {
"1": "Our Pokémon battle was like food for my soul. It shall keep me going. \n$That is how I will pay my respects to you for giving your all in battle!"
"roxie": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Get ready! I'm gonna knock some sense outta ya!"
"victory": {
"1": "Wild! Your reason's already more toxic than mine!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Hey, c'mon! Get serious! You gotta put more out there!",
"1_female": "Hey, c'mon! Get serious! You gotta put more out there!"
"olivia": {
"encounter": {
"1": "No introduction needed here. Time to battle me, Olivia!"
"victory": {
"1": "Really lovely… Both you and your Pokémon…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Mmm-hmm."
"poppy": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Oooh! Do you wanna have a Pokémon battle with me?"
"victory": {
"1": "Uagh?! Mmmuuuggghhh…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Yaaay! I did it! I de-feet-ed you! You can come for… For… An avenge match? \n$Come for an avenge match anytime you want!"
"agatha": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Pokémon are for battling! I'll show you how a real Trainer battles!"
"victory": {
"1": "Oh my! You're something special, child!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Bahaha. That's how a proper battle's done!"
"flint": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Hope you're warmed up, cause here comes the Big Bang!",
"1_female": "Hope you're warmed up, cause here comes the Big Bang!"
"victory": {
"1": "Incredible! Your moves are so hot, they make mine look lukewarm!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Huh? Is that it? I think you need a bit more passion."
"grimsley": {
"encounter": {
"1": "The winner takes everything, and there's nothing left for the loser."
"victory": {
"1": "When one loses, they lose everything… The next thing I'll look for will be victory, too!"
"defeat": {
"1": "If somebody wins, the person who fought against that person will lose."
"caitlin": {
"encounter": {
"1": "It's me who appeared when the flower opened up. You who have been waiting…\n$You look like a Pokémon Trainer with refined strength and deepened kindness. \n$What I look for in my opponent is superb strength… \n$Please unleash your power to the fullest!",
"1_female": "It's me who appeared when the flower opened up. You who have been waiting…\n$You look like a Pokémon Trainer with refined strength and deepened kindness. \n$What I look for in my opponent is superb strength… \n$Please unleash your power to the fullest!"
"victory": {
"1": "My Pokémon and I learned so much! I offer you my thanks."
"defeat": {
"1": "I aspire to claim victory with elegance and grace."
"diantha": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Battling against you and your Pokémon, all of you brimming with hope for the future… \n$Honestly, it just fills me up with energy I need to keep facing each new day! It does!"
"victory": {
"1": "Witnessing the noble spirits of you and your Pokémon in battle has really touched my heart…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Oh, fantastic! What did you think? My team was pretty cool, right?"
"wikstrom": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the famed blade of hardened steel, Duke Wikstrom! \n$Let the battle begin! En garde!",
"1_female": "Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the famed blade of hardened steel, Duke Wikstrom! \n$Let the battle begin! En garde!"
"victory": {
"1": "Glorious! The trust that you share with your honorable Pokémon surpasses even mine!",
"1_female": "Glorious! The trust that you share with your honorable Pokémon surpasses even mine!"
"defeat": {
"1": "What manner of magic is this? My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast! \n$Winning against such a worthy opponent doth give my soul wings--thus do I soar!",
"1_female": "What manner of magic is this? My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast! \n$Winning against such a worthy opponent doth give my soul wings--thus do I soar!"
"acerola": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Battling is just plain fun! Come on, I can take you!"
"victory": {
"1": "I'm… I'm speechless! How did you do it?!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Ehaha! What an amazing victory!"
"larry_elite": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Hello there… It's me, Larry.\n$I serve as a member of the Elite Four too, yes… Unfortunately for me."
"victory": {
"1": "Well, that took the wind from under our wings…"
"defeat": {
"1": "It's time for a meeting with the boss."
"lance": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I've been waiting for you. Allow me to test your skill.",
"2": "I thought that you would be able to get this far. Let's get this started."
"victory": {
"1": "You got me. You are magnificent!",
"1_female": "You got me. You are magnificent!",
"2": "I never expected another trainer to beat me… I'm surprised.",
"2_female": "I never expected another trainer to beat me… I'm surprised."
"defeat": {
"1": "That was close. Want to try again?",
"2": "It's not that you are weak. Don't let it bother you.",
"2_female": "It's not that you are weak. Don't let it bother you."
"karen": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I am Karen. Would you care for a showdown with my Dark-type Pokémon?",
"2": "I am unlike those you've already met.",
"3": "You've assembled a charming team. Our battle should be a good one."
"victory": {
"1": "No! I can't win. How did you become so strong?",
"2": "I will not stray from my chosen path.",
"3": "The Champion is looking forward to meeting you."
"defeat": {
"1": "That's about what I expected.",
"2": "Well, that was relatively entertaining.",
"3": "Come visit me anytime."
"milo": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Sure seems like you understand Pokémon real well. \n$This is gonna be a doozy of a battle! \n$I'll have to Dynamax my Pokémon if I want to win!"
"victory": {
"1": "The power of Grass has wilted… What an incredible Challenger!",
"1_female": "The power of Grass has wilted… What an incredible Challenger!"
"defeat": {
"1": "This'll really leave you in shock and awe."
"lucian": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Just a moment, please. The book I'm reading has nearly reached its thrilling climax… \n$The hero has obtained a mystic sword and is about to face their final trial… Ah, never mind. \n$Since you've made it this far, I'll put that aside and battle you. \n$Let me see if you'll achieve as much glory as the hero of my book!"
"victory": {
"1": "I see… It appears you've put me in checkmate."
"defeat": {
"1": "I have a reputation to uphold."
"drasna": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You must be a strong Trainer. Yes, quite strong indeed…\n$That's just wonderful news! Facing opponents like you and your team will make my Pokémon grow like weeds!",
"1_female": "You must be a strong Trainer. Yes, quite strong indeed…\n$That's just wonderful news! Facing opponents like you and your team will make my Pokémon grow like weeds!"
"victory": {
"1": "Oh, dear me. That sure was a quick battle… I do hope you'll come back again sometime!"
"defeat": {
"1": "How can this be?"
"kahili": {
"encounter": {
"1": "So, here you are… Why don't we see who the winds favor today, you… Or me?"
"victory": {
"1": "It's frustrating to me as a member of the Elite Four, but it seems your strength is the real deal."
"defeat": {
"1": "That was an ace!"
"hassel": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Prepare to learn firsthand how the fiery breath of ferocious battle feels!"
"victory": {
"1": "Fortune smiled on me this time, but… \n$Judging from how the match went, who knows if I will be so lucky next time."
"defeat": {
"1": "That was an ace!"
"blue": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You must be pretty good to get this far.",
"1_female": "You must be pretty good to get this far."
"victory": {
"1": "I've only lost to him and now to you… Him? Hee, hee…"
"defeat": {
"1": "See? My power is what got me here."
"piers": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Get ready for a mosh pit with me and my party! Spikemuth, it's time to rock!"
"victory": {
"1": "Me an' my team gave it our best. Let's meet up again for a battle some time…"
"defeat": {
"1": "My throat's ragged from shoutin'… But 'at was an excitin' battle!"
"red": {
"encounter": {
"1": "…!"
"victory": {
"1": "…?"
"defeat": {
"1": "…!"
"jasmine": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Oh… Your Pokémon are impressive. I think I will enjoy this."
"victory": {
"1": "You are truly strong. I'll have to try much harder, too."
"defeat": {
"1": "I never expected to win."
"lance_champion": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I am still the Champion. I won't hold anything back."
"victory": {
"1": "This is the emergence of a new Champion.",
"1_female": "This is the emergence of a new Champion."
"defeat": {
"1": "I successfully defended my Championship."
"steven": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Tell me… What have you seen on your journey with your Pokémon? \n$What have you felt, meeting so many other Trainers out there? \n$Traveling this rich land… Has it awoken something inside you? \n$I want you to come at me with all that you've learned. \n$My Pokémon and I will respond in turn with all that we know!"
"victory": {
"1": "So I, the Champion, fall in defeat…"
"defeat": {
"1": "That was time well spent! Thank you!"
"cynthia": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I, Cynthia, accept your challenge! There won't be any letup from me!"
"victory": {
"1": "No matter how fun the battle is, it will always end sometime…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Even if you lose, never lose your love of Pokémon."
"iris": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Know what? I really look forward to having serious battles with strong Trainers! \n$I mean, come on! The Trainers who make it here are Trainers who desire victory with every fiber of their being! \n$And they are battling alongside Pokémon that have been through countless difficult battles! \n$If I battle with people like that, not only will I get stronger, my Pokémon will, too! \n$And we'll get to know each other even better! OK! Brace yourself! \n$I'm Iris, the Pokémon League Champion, and I'm going to defeat you!"
"victory": {
"1": "Aghhhh… I did my best, but we lost…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Yay! We won!"
"hau": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I wonder if a Trainer battles differently depending on whether they're from a warm region or a cold region.\n$Let's test it out!"
"victory": {
"1": "That was awesome! I think I kinda understand your vibe a little better now!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Ma-an, that was some kinda battle!"
"geeta": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I decided to throw my hat in the ring once more. \n$Come now… Show me the fruits of your training."
"victory": {
"1": "I eagerly await news of all your achievements!"
"defeat": {
"1": "What's the matter? This isn't all, is it?"
"nemona": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Yesss! I'm so psyched! Time for us to let loose!"
"victory": {
"1": "Well, that stinks, but I still had fun! I'll getcha next time!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Well, that was a great battle! Fruitful for sure."
"leon": {
"encounter": {
"1": "We're gonna have an absolutely champion time!"
"victory": {
"1": "My time as Champion is over… \n$But what a champion time it's been! \n$Thank you for the greatest battle I've ever had!"
"defeat": {
"1": "An absolute champion time, that was!"
"whitney": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Hey! Don't you think Pokémon are, like, super cute?"
"victory": {
"1": "Waaah! Waaah! You're so mean!",
"1_female": "Waaah! Waaah! You're so mean!"
"defeat": {
"1": "And that's that!"
"chuck": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Hah! You want to challenge me? Are you brave or just ignorant?",
"1_female": "Hah! You want to challenge me? Are you brave or just ignorant?"
"victory": {
"1": "You're strong! Would you please make me your apprentice?"
"defeat": {
"1": "There. Do you realize how much more powerful I am than you?"
"katy": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Don't let your guard down unless you would like to find yourself knocked off your feet!",
"1_female": "Don't let your guard down unless you would like to find yourself knocked off your feet!"
"victory": {
"1": "All of my sweet little Pokémon dropped like flies!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Eat up, my cute little Vivillon!"
"pryce": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Youth alone does not ensure victory! Experience is what counts."
"victory": {
"1": "Outstanding! That was perfect. Try not to forget what you feel now."
"defeat": {
"1": "Just as I envisioned."
"clair": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Do you know who I am? And you still dare to challenge me?"
"victory": {
"1": "I wonder how far you can get with your skill level. This should be fascinating."
"defeat": {
"1": "That's that."
"maylene": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I've come to challenge you now, and I won't hold anything back. \n$Please prepare yourself for battle!",
"1_female": "I've come to challenge you now, and I won't hold anything back. \n$Please prepare yourself for battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "I admit defeat…"
"defeat": {
"1": "That was awesome."
"fantina": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You shall challenge me, yes? But I shall win. \n$That is what the Gym Leader of Hearthome does, non?"
"victory": {
"1": "You are so fantastically strong. I know why I have lost."
"defeat": {
"1": "I am so, so, very happy!"
"byron": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Trainer! You're young, just like my son, Roark. \n$With more young Trainers taking charge, the future of Pokémon is bright! \n$So, as a wall for young people, I'll take your challenge!",
"1_female": "Trainer! You're young, just like my son, Roark. \n$With more young Trainers taking charge, the future of Pokémon is bright! \n$So, as a wall for young people, I'll take your challenge!"
"victory": {
"1": "Hmm! My sturdy Pokémon--defeated!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Gwahahaha! How were my sturdy Pokémon?!"
"olympia": {
"encounter": {
"1": "An ancient custom deciding one's destiny. The battle begins!"
"victory": {
"1": "Create your own path. Let nothing get in your way. Your fate, your future."
"defeat": {
"1": "Our path is clear now."
"volkner": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Since you've come this far, you must be quite strong…\n$I hope you're the Trainer who'll make me remember how fun it is to battle!",
"1_female": "Since you've come this far, you must be quite strong…\n$I hope you're the Trainer who'll make me remember how fun it is to battle!"
"victory": {
"1": "You've got me beat…\n$Your desire and the noble way your Pokémon battled for you… \n$I even felt thrilled during our match. That was a very good battle."
"defeat": {
"1": "It was not shocking at all… \n$That is not what I wanted!"
"burgh": {
"encounter": {
"1": "M'hm… If I win this battle, I feel like I can draw a picture unlike any before it. \n$OK! I can hear my battle muse loud and clear. Let's get straight to it!",
"2": "Of course, I'm really proud of all of my Pokémon! \n$Well now… Let's get right to it!"
"victory": {
"1": "Is it over? Has my muse abandoned me?",
"2": "Hmm… It's over! You're incredible!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Wow… It's beautiful somehow, isn't it…",
"2": "Sometimes I hear people say something was an ugly win. \n$I think if you're trying your best, any win is beautiful."
"elesa": {
"encounter": {
"1": "C'est fini! When I'm certain of that, I feel an electric jolt run through my body! \n$I want to feel the sensation, so now my beloved Pokémon are going to make your head spin!"
"victory": {
"1": "I meant to make your head spin, but you shocked me instead."
"defeat": {
"1": "That was unsatisfying somehow… Will you give it your all next time?"
"skyla": {
"encounter": {
"1": "It's finally time for a showdown! That means the Pokémon battle that decides who's at the top, right? \n$I love being on the summit! 'Cause you can see forever and ever from high places! \n$So, how about you and I have some fun?"
"victory": {
"1": "Being your opponent in battle is a new source of strength to me. Thank you!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Win or lose, you always gain something from a battle, right?"
"brycen": {
"encounter": {
"1": "There is also strength in being with other people and Pokémon. \n$Receiving their support makes you stronger. I'll show you this power!"
"victory": {
"1": "The wonderful combination of you and your Pokémon! What a beautiful friendship!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Extreme conditions really test you and train you!"
"drayden": {
"encounter": {
"1": "What I want to find is a young Trainer who can show me a bright future. \n$Let's battle with everything we have: your skill, my experience, and the love we've raised our Pokémon with!"
"victory": {
"1": "This intense feeling that floods me after a defeat… I don't know how to describe it."
"defeat": {
"1": "Harrumph! I know your ability is greater than that!"
"grant": {
"encounter": {
"1": "There is only one thing I wish for. \n$That by surpassing one another, we find a way to even greater heights."
"victory": {
"1": "You are a wall that I am unable to surmount!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Do not give up. \n$That is all there really is to it. \n$The most important lessons in life are simple."
"korrina": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Time for Lady Korrina's big appearance!"
"victory": {
"1": "It's your very being that allows your Pokémon to evolve!"
"defeat": {
"1": "What an explosive battle!"
"clemont": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Oh! I'm glad that we got to meet!"
"victory": {
"1": "Your passion for battle inspires me!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Looks like my Trainer-Grow-Stronger Machine, Mach 2 is really working!"
"valerie": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Oh, if it isn't a young Trainer… It is lovely to get to meet you like this. \n$Then I suppose you have earned yourself the right to a battle, as a reward for your efforts. \n$The elusive Fairy may appear frail as the breeze and delicate as a bloom, but it is strong.",
"1_female": "Oh, if it isn't a young Trainer… It is lovely to get to meet you like this. \n$Then I suppose you have earned yourself the right to a battle, as a reward for your efforts. \n$The elusive Fairy may appear frail as the breeze and delicate as a bloom, but it is strong."
"victory": {
"1": "I hope that you will find things worth smiling about tomorrow…"
"defeat": {
"1": "Oh goodness, what a pity…"
"wulfric": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You know what? We all talk big about what you learn from battling and bonds and all that…\n$But really, I just do it 'cause it's fun. \n$Who cares about the grandstanding? Let's get to battling!"
"victory": {
"1": "Outstanding! I'm tough as an iceberg, but you smashed me through and through!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Tussle with me and this is what happens!"
"kabu": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Every Trainer and Pokémon trains hard in pursuit of victory. \n$But that means your opponent is also working hard to win. \n$In the end, the match is decided by which side is able to unleash their true potential."
"victory": {
"1": "I'm glad I could battle you today!"
"defeat": {
"1": "That's a great way for me to feel my own growth!"
"bea": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Do you have an unshakable spirit that won't be moved, no matter how you are attacked? \n$I think I'll just test that out, shall I?"
"victory": {
"1": "I felt the fighting spirit of your Pokémon as you led them in battle."
"defeat": {
"1": "That was the best sort of match anyone could ever hope for."
"opal": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Let me have a look at how you and your partner Pokémon behave!"
"victory": {
"1": "Your pink is still lacking, but you're an excellent Trainer with excellent Pokémon.",
"1_female": "Your pink is still lacking, but you're an excellent Trainer with excellent Pokémon."
"defeat": {
"1": "Too bad for you, I guess."
"bede": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I suppose I should prove beyond doubt just how pathetic you are and how strong I am.",
"1_female": "I suppose I should prove beyond doubt just how pathetic you are and how strong I am."
"victory": {
"1": "I see… Well, that's fine. I wasn't really trying all that hard anyway."
"defeat": {
"1": "Not a bad job, I suppose."
"gordie": {
"encounter": {
"1": "So, let's get this over with."
"victory": {
"1": "I just want to climb into a hole… Well, I guess it'd be more like falling from here."
"defeat": {
"1": "Battle like you always do, victory will follow!"
"marnie": {
"encounter": {
"1": "The truth is, when all's said and done… I really just wanna become Champion for myself! \n$So don't take it personal when I kick your butt!"
"victory": {
"1": "OK, so I lost… But I got to see a lot of the good points of you and your Pokémon!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Hope you enjoyed our battle tactics."
"raihan": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I'm going to defeat the Champion, win the whole tournament, and prove to the world just how strong the great Raihan really is!"
"victory": {
"1": "I look this good even when I lose. \n$It's a real curse. \n$Guess it's time for another selfie!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Let's take a selfie to remember this."
"brassius": {
"encounter": {
"1": "I assume you are ready? Let our collaborative work of art begin!",
"1_female": "I assume you are ready? Let our collaborative work of art begin!"
"victory": {
"1": "Ahhh…vant-garde!"
"defeat": {
"1": "I will begin on a new piece at once!"
"iono": {
"encounter": {
"1": "How're ya feelin' about this battle?\n$...\n$Let's get this show on the road! How strong is our challenger? \n$I 'unno! Let's find out together!",
"1_female": "How're ya feelin' about this battle?\n$...\n$Let's get this show on the road! How strong is our challenger? \n$I 'unno! Let's find out together!"
"victory": {
"1": "You're as flashy and bright as a 10,000,000-volt Thunderbolt, friendo!",
"1_female": "You're as flashy and bright as a 10,000,000-volt Thunderbolt, friendo!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Your eyeballs are MINE!"
"larry": {
"encounter": {
"1": "When all's said and done, simplicity is strongest."
"victory": {
"1": "A serving of defeat, huh?"
"defeat": {
"1": "I'll call it a day."
"ryme": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Come on, baby! Rattle me down to the bone!"
"victory": {
"1": "You're cool, my friend—you move my SOUL!",
"1_female": "You're cool, my friend—you move my SOUL!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Later, baby!"
"grusha": {
"encounter": {
"1": "All I need to do is make sure the power of my Pokémon chills you to the bone!"
"victory": {
"1": "Your burning passion… I kinda like it, to be honest."
"defeat": {
"1": "Things didn't heat up for you."
"marnie_elite": {
"encounter": {
"1": "You've made it this far, huh? Let's see if you can handle my Pokémon!",
"2": "I'll give it my best shot, but don't think I'll go easy on you!"
"victory": {
"1": "I can't believe I lost... But you deserved that win. Well done!",
"2": "Looks like I've still got a lot to learn. Great battle, though!"
"defeat": {
"1": "You put up a good fight, but I've got the edge! Better luck next time!",
"2": "Seems like my training's paid off. Thanks for the battle!"
"nessa_elite": {
"encounter": {
"1": "The tides are turning in my favor. Ready to get swept away?",
"1_female": "The tides are turning in my favor. Ready to get swept away?",
"2": "Let's make some waves with this battle! I hope you're prepared!",
"2_female": "Let's make some waves with this battle! I hope you're prepared!"
"victory": {
"1": "You navigated those waters perfectly... Well done!",
"2": "Looks like my currents were no match for you. Great job!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Water always finds a way. That was a refreshing battle!",
"2": "You fought well, but the ocean's power is unstoppable!"
"bea_elite": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Prepare yourself! My fighting spirit burns bright!",
"2": "Let's see if you can keep up with my relentless pace!"
"victory": {
"1": "Your strength... It's impressive. You truly deserve this win.",
"2": "I've never felt this intensity before. Amazing job!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Another victory for my intense training regimen! Well done!",
"2": "You've got strength, but I trained harder. Great battle!"
"allister_elite": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Shadows fall... Are you ready to face your fears?",
"1_female": "Shadows fall... Are you ready to face your fears?",
"2": "Let's see if you can handle the darkness that I command."
"victory": {
"1": "You've dispelled the shadows... For now. Well done.",
"2": "Your light pierced through my darkness. Great job."
"defeat": {
"1": "The shadows have spoken... Your strength isn't enough.",
"2": "Darkness triumphs... Maybe next time you'll see the light."
"raihan_elite": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Storm's brewing! Let's see if you can weather this fight!",
"2": "Get ready to face the eye of the storm!"
"victory": {
"1": "You've bested the storm... Incredible job!",
"2": "You rode the winds perfectly... Great battle!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Another storm weathered, another victory claimed! Well fought!",
"2": "You got caught in my storm! Better luck next time!",
"2_female": "You got caught in my storm! Better luck next time!"
"alder": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Prepare yourself for a match against the strongest Trainer in Unova!"
"victory": {
"1": "Well done! You certainly are an unmatched talent."
"defeat": {
"1": "A fresh wind blows through my heart...\n$What an extraordinary effort!"
"kieran": {
"encounter": {
"1": "Through hard work, I become stronger and stronger!\n$I don't lose."
"victory": {
"1": "I don't believe it...\n$What a fun and heart-pounding battle!"
"defeat": {
"1": "Wowzers, what a battle!\n$Time for you to train even harder."
"rival": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile}あっ、ここに いたんだ! 旅に 出る前に\n「じゃ またね」って くらい 聞きたかったよ……$@c{smile_eclosed}やっぱり 夢を 追ってこうと しているんだ?\n信じられない ほどね……$@c{serious_smile_fists}じゃあ、 ここまで 来たから バトルしよっか?\n覚悟してるかを 確かめたい から$@c{serious_mopen_fists}遠慮せずに 全力で かかってこいぜ!"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "@c{shock}ウワッ、カンゼンに ぶっ壊したぜ。\n初心者だとは 思えないほど……$@c{smile}たぶん 運が良っかった だけが……\n最後まで 行ける素質が あるかもな$こっちの アイテムを あげよう、 博士に そう言いつけたから。 結構 スゴそうな もんだ!$@c{serious_smile_fists}ここからも ガンバレ!"
"rival_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile_wave}あ、ついに 見つけた! あちこち 探したのよ! \n@c{angry_mopen}だーい親友に お別れを 言うまでも 忘れちゃった?$@c{smile_ehalf}大切な 夢を 追っていくのね?\n やっぱり、この日が 来たのね……$@c{smile}とにかく! アタシを 忘れちゃったのを 許せる 条件は 一つ: \n@c{smile_wave_wink}アタシと バトルだ!$@c{angry_mopen}全力で かかってきなさい!\n冒険が 第一歩で 終わっちゃうと もったいない でしょう?"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{shock}始まった バッカリなのに そんなに強い?!@d{96}\n@c{angry}完全に チートだろう?\n$@c{smile_wave_wink}なんちゃって!@d{64} @c{smile_eclosed}正々堂々と 負けたよ。 冒険 上手く行ける 気がするね!\n$@c{smile}ところで、こっち! 博士からの アイテムを あげるわ。きっと 便利だと 思うよ!\n$@c{smile_wave}いつも通り 頑張ってね! 信じてるから!"
"rival_2": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile}おや、なんと グウゼン。\n@c{smile_eclosed}今までも パーフェクトに 勝った ようだな……\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}なんか 忍び寄った みたいだとは 分かるけど、 そんなことない… ほとんどはな。\n$@c{serious_smile_fists}ぶっちゃけ言うと、 おれが 負けた時から 再戦したくて ウズウズしてたぜ。\n$張り切って 特訓したから 今は ちゃんと 勢い 見せるんだ。\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}今回も 遠慮しな!\n行こうぜ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "@c{neutral_eclosed}あ。 自信過剰かも。\n$@c{smile}いいけどさ、 こうなるのを 見込んだから。\n@c{serious_mopen_fists}次回まで もっと頑張らなくちゃ ってことだよな!\n\n$@c{smile}きっと 助け 要らないんだが、 もう一つの アイテムが 欲しいかと 思ったから あげるぜ。\n\n$@c{serious_smile_fists}でも これで ラストだ!\n相手に 利点を あげ続けると 行けないんだろう"
"rival_2_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile_wave}あっ、 こんなとこで 偶然だね! まだ 倒れないようだ。@c{angry_mopen}フム、えらいえらい!\n$@c{angry_mopen}考えてるのは 分かる、 つきまとってるワケ じゃないから!@c{smile_eclosed}この辺に いただけよ。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}ここまで 頑張っていて 良かったけど、 時々 負けることも 大丈夫だと 知ってるよね?\n$@c{smile}みんなは 失敗から 学ぶ… いつまでも 成功し続ける よりもね。\n$@c{angry_mopen}とにかく! 再戦の ために 大変 トレーニングしてたから 全・勢・力で 戦おう!"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{neutral}…今回は 負ける はずじゃなかった…\n$@c{smile}しょうがないね。 次回まで もっともっと トレーニングしなくちゃ ってこと!\n$@c{smile_wave}そして! もう二つの アイテム、 どうぞ!\n@c{smile_wave_wink}「ありがと」なんて 必要ない!\n$@c{angry_mopen}でもね、 これで 最後! 今から サービス 一つも あげないよ~"
"defeat": {
"1": "時々 負けることも いいんだよ…"
"rival_3": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile}おお 誰かと思ったら な! 久しぶり!\n@c{neutral}もう… 倒されなかった か? フン\n$@c{neutral_eclosed}最近 なんか… 変な 気分だな。\nキミが いないと ふるさとは 同じ場所 じゃない。\n$@c{serious}わがまま かもしれないが、本音 明かさなくちゃ。\n@c{neutral_eclosed}このままで すぐ キミの 手に 負えなくなる。\n$@c{serious}一回も 負けないこと って むちゃくちゃだろう。\nみんなは 時々 失敗しなくちゃ。 そうでなけりゃ 成長できない。\n$@c{neutral_eclosed}ここまで よく やって来たが、\nまだまだ 先が 辛いこと ばかり。@c{neutral}覚悟してるか?\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}それなら、見せてくれ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "@c{angry_mhalf}こりゃ むっちゃ だろ… 訓練しか してないよ…\nなぜ 力が もう こんなに 違うなだ"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rival_3_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile_wave}ヒサブリ~! まだ 負けてないね。\n@c{angry}だんだん イラッと来る。@c{smile_wave_wink}なんちゃって!\n$@c{smile_ehalf}でもよ、 本当に ふるさとが 恋しくないの? それとも… アタシ…?\nずっと会いたいよ… あの、みんなはね\n$@c{smile_eclosed}夢を 叶ってるのを 応援してるけど、 実際は やがて 負ける。\n$@c{smile}その時が 来たら アタシは いつも通り そばにいるよ。\n@c{angry_mopen}さあ、 ここまで 頑張ってきた アタシの 力を 見せさせて!"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{shock}もう… 足りなかった…?\nこのままで 決して 帰らない だろう……"
"defeat": {
"1": "ベストを 尽くした。 じゃ、 帰りましょう。"
"rival_4": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{neutral}よっ。\n$歯に 衣着せない。\n@c{neutral_eclosed}キミに 勝つために ここに 来た、それだけ。\n$@c{serious_mhalf_fists}地力を 最大限に 引き出す ために\n全労力を 費やして 訓練していた。\n$@c{smile}不要な 睡眠や 人間関係なんか 抜くと\n訓練の 時間は 割と 増えるね。\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}そんなことは 勝てるときまで 全然 どうでもない。\n$@c{neutral_eclosed}今 負けられないとこまで やって来た。\n@c{smile_eclosed}キミの 考え方は 違いない ようだね。\n$@c{angry_mhalf}負けるのは 弱き者。 おれは もう 弱くない。\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}覚悟せよ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "@c{neutral}一体…@d{64} 何モノか……?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rival_4_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{neutral}アタシよ! また 忘れちゃった… のね?\n$@c{smile}こんな 遠くまで 来たのは 鼻が高いことだよ! おめでと~\nしかし、 ここは 終着点だね。\n$@c{smile_eclosed}アタシの 中にある 全然 知らなかった 部分を 目覚めたよ。\n今は、 トレーニングしか してないみたい。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}食べたり 寝たりも しなくて 朝から晩まで ポケモンを 育って、 毎日 昨日より 強くなってる。\n$@c{neutral}実は… もう 自分 認識できない。\n$結局、 峠を越して まるで カミに なった。\n今は 誰にも アタシを 倒せないと 思う。\n$ねえ、分かる? 全ては アンタの お陰で。\n@c{smile_ehalf}お礼を言うか アンタのこと嫌いか どうしたらいいの 分からない。\n$@c{angry_mopen}覚悟しなさい。"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{neutral}一体…@d{64} 何モノか……?"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"defeat": {
"1": "$@c{smile}ここまで 頑張ってたのを 誇りに思ってね。"
"rival_5": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{neutral}…"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{neutral}…"
"rival_5_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{neutral}…"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{neutral}…"
"defeat": {
"1": "$@c{smile_ehalf}…"
"rival_6": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile_eclosed}また 会ったね。\n$@c{neutral}今までの ことを 振り返る 時間があった。\n全てが 変に感じる 訳が あるよ。\n$@c{neutral_eclosed}キミの夢、おれが キミに 倒したい熱心……\nより大きい 何かの 部分だけだ。\n$@c{serious}おれや キミの 物語じゃない。これは 全世界の物語だ。\n@c{serious_mhalf_fists}この物語で、 おれの「役割」 っていうのは キミを 限界まで 押すこと。\n$@c{neutral_eclosed}その役割を 果たしたのかは 言えないが、 全力を尽くした。\n$@c{neutral}最後に行き着いた この場所って 恐ろしいが……\n以前 ここに来た ことがある ような 気がして、 怯えもしない。\n$@c{serious_mhalf_fists}キミも 同じ 気がするん だろう?\n$@c{serious}……何かが おれに 話してるようだ。\n昔から これだけしかは この世界こそ そのもの。\n$大事にしてた 最近だと思ってた 一緒にいた日々、\n今は もう 遠い記憶 だけだ。\n$@c{neutral_eclosed}そもそも 現実だったかは もう 言えなくなったな。\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}キミは 頑張り続かないと、\n決して 終わらない。 キミしか できやしない。\n$@c{serious_smile_fists}全ての意味、 全然 分からない。\nしかし、 真実だと 知ってるな。\n$@c{serious_mopen_fists}今ここで おれを 倒せなきゃ、 最後に 勝ち目が ナイ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"victory": {
"1": "@c{smile_eclosed}おれの 仕事が 終わったようだな。\n$一つだけの ことを 約束してほしい。\n@c{smile}この世界を 癒やした後、 お願い…… 帰ってくれ。"
[Localisation] [JA] Translated remaining JA text files (#3999) * [Localisation] [JA] Begun translation on arena-flyout.json * Added english names to bgm-name.json * Translated common.json * Added English dialogue-double-battle.json To make translation easier * Added English dialogue-final-boss.json * Added english dialogue-misc.json * Added English dialogue.json * Translated fight-ui-handler.json * Update filter-bar.json Changed 飴 to アメ for consistency with its spelling in Pokemon GO * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update growth.json Added kanji * Update menu-ui-handler.json changed 孵化 to ふか * Update modifier-type.json Changed name of IV Scanner to match with other files, the rest of the item descriptions need to be changed to Kanji as well. * Update modifier.json * Changed move-trigger.json Added kanji and new moves. * Update party-ui-handler.json Added kanji * Update pokemon-info-container.json Changed to Kanji * Translated pokemon-summary.json The metFragment formatting is taken from BW * Update run-history.json Corrected some misinterpretations. Added correct original line of "Welcome to Hall of Fame!" * Added english splash-messages.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update move-trigger.json * Update arena-flyout.json * Update move-trigger.json * Translated arena-flyout.json * Update weather.json * Update save-slot-select-ui-handler.json changed wave to ラウンド * Update game-stats-ui-handler.json * Update challenges.json * Update achv.json Corrected some mistakes, misspelling * Added some translations dialogue.json Youngster translation done Female rival dialogue done, needs check * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json * Update dialogue.json
2024-09-05 19:49:28 +02:00
"rival_6_female": {
"encounter": {
"1": "@c{smile_ehalf}また アタシたちだけに なった。\n$@c{smile_eclosed}ねえ、 頭の中に グルグル 巡ることが あってよ。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}アタシとアナタの 間に 起こしたことも, この変な感情も……\n$@c{smile}アナタの夢、 アタシの野心…\n$アタシたちが し続けることも 全ては… より高い 目的が あると思うよ。\n$@c{smile_eclosed}最果ての 限界まで 押すこと… それは アタシの 役割だと思う。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}今まで 役割を 上手く果たせたかは 分からないけど…… 一生懸命 頑張った。\n$こんな奇妙な 恐ろしい場所で なんか… 全てが 明らかに 見られるみたい。\n$昔から… これだけしかは この世界こそ そのもの。\n$@c{smile_eclosed}アタシたちが 大切にした 心にギュッと 抱いた思い出… もう 思い出せない。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}本当は 全部 ウソだったの? 今は 遠い彼方に あるみたい。\n$@c{angry_mopen}アナタは 最後まで 戦い続けなければ 決して 終わらない。 アナタしか できないのよ。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}この全ての 意味、 全然 分からないけど… 真実だと 感じてる。\n$@c{neutral}今ここで アタシを 倒せないと 最後に 勝ち目は ナイ。"
"victory": {
"1": "@c{smile_ehalf}役割… 果たせたと思う。\n$@c{smile_eclosed}ね、 約束して。 この世界を 癒やしたら… お願い 無事に 帰って。\n$@c{smile_ehalf}……ありがとう。"