2024-04-23 17:53:56 +02:00
import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n" ;
/ * *
* The menu namespace holds most miscellaneous text that isn 't directly part of the game' s
* contents or directly related to Pokemon data . This includes menu navigation , settings ,
* account interactions , descriptive text , etc .
* /
export const menu : SimpleTranslationEntries = {
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"cancel" : "Cancelar" ,
"continue" : "Continuar" ,
"dailyRun" : "Reto diario (Beta)" ,
"loadGame" : "Cargar partida" ,
"newGame" : "Nueva partida" ,
2024-05-30 02:21:49 +02:00
"settings" : "Ajustes" ,
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"selectGameMode" : "Elige un modo de juego." ,
"logInOrCreateAccount" : "Inicia sesión o crea una cuenta para empezar. ¡No se requiere correo electrónico!" ,
"username" : "Usuario" ,
"password" : "Contraseña" ,
"login" : "Iniciar Sesión" ,
"register" : "Registrarse" ,
"emptyUsername" : "El usuario no puede estar vacío" ,
"invalidLoginUsername" : "El usuario no es válido" ,
"invalidRegisterUsername" : "El usuario solo puede contener letras, números y guiones bajos" ,
"invalidLoginPassword" : "La contraseña no es válida" ,
"invalidRegisterPassword" : "Contraseña debe tener 6 o más caracter." ,
"usernameAlreadyUsed" : "El usuario ya está en uso" ,
"accountNonExistent" : "El usuario no existe" ,
"unmatchingPassword" : "La contraseña no coincide" ,
"passwordNotMatchingConfirmPassword" : "Las contraseñas deben coincidir" ,
"confirmPassword" : "Confirmar Contra." ,
"registrationAgeWarning" : "Al registrarte, confirmas tener 13 o más años de edad." ,
"backToLogin" : "Volver al Login" ,
2024-05-30 02:21:49 +02:00
"failedToLoadSaveData" : "No se han podido cargar los datos guardados. Por favor, recarga la página.\nSi el fallo continúa, por favor comprueba #announcements en nuestro Discord." ,
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"sessionSuccess" : "Sesión cargada con éxito." ,
2024-05-30 02:21:49 +02:00
"failedToLoadSession" : "No se han podido cargar los datos de tu sesión.\nPuede que estén corruptos." ,
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"boyOrGirl" : "¿Eres un chico o una chica?" ,
"boy" : "Chico" ,
"girl" : "Chica" ,
2024-05-30 17:16:08 +02:00
"evolving" : "¡Anda!\n¡{{pokemonName}} está evolucionando!" ,
"stoppedEvolving" : "¿Eh?\n¡La evolución de {{pokemonName}} se ha detenido!" ,
2024-05-30 02:21:49 +02:00
"pauseEvolutionsQuestion" : "¿Quieres detener las evoluciones de {{pokemonName}}?\nSiempre pueden ser reactivadas desde la pantalla de tu equipo." ,
"evolutionsPaused" : "Se han detenido las evoluciones para {{pokemonName}}." ,
2024-05-30 17:16:08 +02:00
"evolutionDone" : "¡Enhorabuena!\n¡Tu {{pokemonName}} ha evolucionado a {{evolvedPokemonName}}!" ,
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"dailyRankings" : "Rankings Diarios" ,
"weeklyRankings" : "Rankings Semanales" ,
"noRankings" : "Sin Rankings" ,
2024-06-16 17:23:18 -03:00
"positionIcon" : "#" ,
"usernameScoreboard" : "Username" ,
"score" : "Score" ,
"wave" : "Wave" ,
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"loading" : "Cargando…" ,
2024-06-08 20:47:01 +02:00
"loadingAsset" : "Cargando recurso: {{assetName}}" ,
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
"playersOnline" : "Jugadores en Línea" ,
"yes" : "Sí" ,
"no" : "No" ,
2024-06-08 20:47:01 +02:00
"disclaimer" : "AVISO" ,
2024-06-17 15:47:22 +02:00
"disclaimerDescription" : "Este juego es un producto inacabado; puede tener problemas de jugabilidad (incluyendo la posible pérdida de datos de guardado),\ncambiar sin avisar, y puede o no puede ser actualizado hasta ser completado." ,
"general" : "General" ,
"display" : "Display" ,
"audio" : "Audio" ,
"gamepad" : "Gamepad" ,
"keyboard" : "Keyboard" ,
"gameSpeed" : "Game Speed" ,
"hpBarSpeed" : "HP Bar Speed" ,
"expGainsSpeed" : "EXP Gains Speed" ,
"expPartyDisplay" : "Show EXP Party" ,
"skipSeenDialogues" : "Skip Seen Dialogues" ,
"battleStyle" : "Battle Style" ,
"enableRetries" : "Enable Retries" ,
"tutorials" : "Tutorials" ,
"touchControls" : "Touch Controls" ,
"vibrations" : "Vibrations" ,
"normal" : "Normal" ,
"fast" : "Fast" ,
"faster" : "Faster" ,
"skip" : "Skip" ,
"levelUpNotifications" : "Level Up Notifications" ,
"on" : "On" ,
"off" : "Off" ,
"switch" : "Switch" ,
"set" : "Set" ,
"auto" : "Auto" ,
"disabled" : "Disabled" ,
"language" : "Language" ,
"change" : "Change" ,
"uiTheme" : "UI Theme" ,
"default" : "Default" ,
"legacy" : "Legacy" ,
"windowType" : "Window Type" ,
"moneyFormat" : "Money Format" ,
"damageNumbers" : "Damage Numbers" ,
"simple" : "Simple" ,
"fancy" : "Fancy" ,
"abbreviated" : "Abbreviated" ,
"moveAnimations" : "Move Animations" ,
"showStatsOnLevelUp" : "Show Stats on Level Up" ,
"candyUpgradeNotification" : "Candy Upgrade Notification" ,
"passivesOnly" : "Passives Only" ,
"candyUpgradeDisplay" : "Candy Upgrade Display" ,
"icon" : "Icon" ,
"animation" : "Animation" ,
"moveInfo" : "Move Info" ,
"showMovesetFlyout" : "Show Moveset Flyout" ,
"showArenaFlyout" : "Show Arena Flyout" ,
"showTimeOfDayWidget" : "Show Time of Day Widget" ,
"timeOfDayAnimation" : "Time of Day Animation" ,
"bounce" : "Bounce" ,
"back" : "Back" ,
"spriteSet" : "Sprite Set" ,
"consistent" : "Consistent" ,
"mixedAnimated" : "Mixed Animated" ,
"fusionPaletteSwaps" : "Fusion Palette Swaps" ,
"playerGender" : "Player Gender" ,
"typeHints" : "Type Hints" ,
"masterVolume" : "Master Volume" ,
"bgmVolume" : "BGM Volume" ,
"seVolume" : "SE Volume" ,
"musicPreference" : "Music Preference" ,
"mixed" : "Mixed" ,
"gamepadPleasePlug" : "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button" ,
"delete" : "Delete" ,
"keyboardPleasePress" : "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard" ,
"reset" : "Reset" ,
"requireReload" : "Reload Required" ,
"action" : "Action" ,
"pressToBind" : "Press to Bind" ,
"pressButton" : "Press a Button..." ,
"buttonUp" : "Up" ,
"buttonDown" : "Down" ,
"altButtonUp" : "Up (Alt)" ,
"buttonLeft" : "Left" ,
"buttonRight" : "Right" ,
"buttonAction" : "Action" ,
"buttonMenu" : "Menu" ,
"buttonSubmit" : "Submit" ,
"altButtonDown" : "Down (Alt)" ,
"altButtonLeft" : "Left (Alt)" ,
"altButtonRight" : "Right (Alt)" ,
"altButtonAction" : "Action (Alt)" ,
"buttonCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"altButtonCancel" : "Cancel (Alt)" ,
"altButtonMenu" : "Menu (Alt)" ,
"buttonStats" : "Stats" ,
"altButtonStats" : "Stats (Alt)" ,
"buttonCycleForm" : "Cycle Form" ,
"altButtonCycleForm" : "Cycle Form (Alt)" ,
"buttonCycleShiny" : "Cycle Shiny" ,
"altButtonCycleShiny" : "Cycle Shiny (Alt)" ,
"buttonCycleGender" : "Cycle Gender" ,
"altButtonCycleGender" : "Cycle Gender (Alt)" ,
"buttonCycleAbility" : "Cycle Ability" ,
"altButtonCycleAbility" : "Cycle Ability (Alt)" ,
"buttonCycleNature" : "Cycle Nature" ,
"altButtonCycleNature" : "Cycle Nature (Alt)" ,
"buttonCycleVariant" : "Cycle Variant" ,
"altButtonCycleVariant" : "Cycle Variant (Alt)" ,
"buttonSpeedUp" : "Speed Up" ,
"altButtonSpeedUp" : "Speed Up (Alt)" ,
"buttonSlowDown" : "Slow Down" ,
"altButtonSlowDown" : "Slow Down (Alt)" ,
"altButtonSubmit" : "Submit (Alt)"
2024-05-23 17:03:10 +02:00
} as const ;