mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 09:47:43 +00:00
add absolute avarice encounter
This commit is contained in:
@ -2684,18 +2684,22 @@ export default class BattleScene extends SceneBase {
while (availableEncounters.length === 0 && tier >= 0) {
availableEncounters = biomeMysteryEncounters
.filter((encounterType) => {
if (allMysteryEncounters[encounterType].encounterTier !== tier) { // Encounter is in tier
const encounterCandidate = allMysteryEncounters[encounterType];
if (!encounterCandidate) {
return false;
if (!allMysteryEncounters[encounterType]?.meetsRequirements(this)) { // Meets encounter requirements
if (encounterCandidate.encounterTier !== tier) { // Encounter is in tier
return false;
if (!encounterCandidate.meetsRequirements(this)) { // Meets encounter requirements
return false;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(previousEncounter) && encounterType === previousEncounter) { // Previous encounter was not this one
return false;
if (this.mysteryEncounterData.encounteredEvents?.length > 0 && // Encounter has not exceeded max allowed encounters
allMysteryEncounters[encounterType].maxAllowedEncounters > 0
&& this.mysteryEncounterData.encounteredEvents.filter(e => e[0] === encounterType).length >= allMysteryEncounters[encounterType].maxAllowedEncounters) {
encounterCandidate.maxAllowedEncounters > 0
&& this.mysteryEncounterData.encounteredEvents.filter(e => e[0] === encounterType).length >= encounterCandidate.maxAllowedEncounters) {
return false;
return true;
@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
import { EnemyPartyConfig, generateModifierTypeOption, leaveEncounterWithoutBattle, updatePlayerMoney, } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-phase-utils";
import Pokemon from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { modifierTypes, PokemonHeldItemModifierType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import { MysteryEncounterType } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-type";
import { Species } from "#enums/species";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import IMysteryEncounter, { MysteryEncounterBuilder } from "../mystery-encounter";
import { MysteryEncounterOptionBuilder } from "../mystery-encounter-option";
import { MoneyRequirement, PersistentModifierRequirement } from "../mystery-encounter-requirements";
import { queueEncounterMessage } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/utils/encounter-dialogue-utils";
import { MysteryEncounterTier } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-tier";
import { MysteryEncounterOptionMode } from "#enums/mystery-encounter-option-mode";
import { BerryModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier";
import { ModifierRewardPhase, StatChangePhase } from "#app/phases";
import { getPokemonSpecies } from "#app/data/pokemon-species";
import { Moves } from "#enums/moves";
import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type";
import { BattleStat } from "#app/data/battle-stat";
/** the i18n namespace for this encounter */
const namespace = "mysteryEncounter:absoluteAvarice";
* Delibird-y encounter.
* @see {@link https://github.com/AsdarDevelops/PokeRogue-Events/issues/58 | GitHub Issue #58}
* @see For biome requirements check {@linkcode mysteryEncountersByBiome}
export const AbsoluteAvariceEncounter: IMysteryEncounter =
.withSceneWaveRangeRequirement(10, 180)
.withSceneRequirement(new PersistentModifierRequirement(BerryModifier.name, 4)) // Must have at least 4 berries to spawn
spriteKey: Species.GREEDENT.toString(),
fileRoot: "pokemon",
hasShadow: false,
repeat: true,
x: -5
// This sprite has the shadow
spriteKey: Species.GREEDENT.toString(),
fileRoot: "pokemon",
hasShadow: true,
alpha: 0.001,
repeat: true,
x: -5
spriteKey: "lum_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 7,
y: -14,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "salac_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 2,
y: 4,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "lansat_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 32,
y: 5,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "liechi_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 6,
y: -5,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "sitrus_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 7,
y: 8,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "petaya_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 20,
y: -17,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "enigma_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 26,
y: -4,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "leppa_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 16,
y: -27,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "ganlon_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 16,
y: -11,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
spriteKey: "apicot_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 14,
y: -2,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
}, {
spriteKey: "starf_berry",
fileRoot: "items",
isItem: true,
x: 18,
y: 9,
hidden: true,
disableAnimation: true
.withOnVisualsStart((scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
const greedentSprites = encounter.introVisuals.getSpriteAtIndex(0);
scene.playSound("Follow Me");
// scene.tweens.add({
// targets: greedentSprites,
// duration: 600,
// ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
// yoyo: true,
// y: "+=50",
// x: "-=60",
// scale: 1.2,
// onComplete: () => {
// // Bounce the Greedent
// scene.tweens.add({
// targets: greedentSprites,
// duration: 300,
// ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
// yoyo: true,
// y: "-=20",
// loop: 1,
// });
// }
// });
// Slide left
targets: greedentSprites,
duration: 500,
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
x: "-=300",
onComplete: () => {
// Slide back right, lower
greedentSprites[0].y += 80;
greedentSprites[1].y += 80;
targets: greedentSprites,
duration: 300,
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
yoyo: true,
x: "+=140",
onComplete: () => {
// Slide back right, higher
greedentSprites[0].y -= 80;
greedentSprites[1].y -= 80;
targets: greedentSprites,
duration: 500,
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
x: "+=300",
onComplete: () => {
// Bounce the Greedent
targets: greedentSprites,
duration: 300,
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
yoyo: true,
y: "-=20",
loop: 1,
const berryAddDelay = 200;
const animationOrder = ["starf", "sitrus", "lansat", "salac", "apicot", "enigma", "liechi", "ganlon", "lum", "petaya", "leppa"];
animationOrder.forEach((berry, i) => {
const introVisualsIndex = encounter.spriteConfigs.findIndex(config => config.spriteKey.includes(berry));
const [ sprite, tintSprite ] = encounter.introVisuals.getSpriteAtIndex(introVisualsIndex);
// const [ sprite, tintSprite ] = [berrySprites[i * 2], berrySprites[i * 2 + 1]];
scene.time.delayedCall(berryAddDelay * i + 300, () => {
if (sprite) {
if (tintSprite) {
return true;
text: `${namespace}:intro`,
text: `${namespace}:outro`,
.withOnInit((scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
scene.loadSe("Follow Me", "battle_anims", "Follow Me.mp3");
// scene.loadSe("Follow Me", "battle_anims");
// Get all player berry items, remove from party, and store reference
const berryItems = scene.findModifiers(m => m instanceof BerryModifier) as BerryModifier[];
// Sort berries by party member ID to more easily re-add later if necessary
const berryItemsMap = new Map<number, BerryModifier[]>();
scene.getParty().forEach(pokemon => {
const pokemonBerries = berryItems.filter(b => b.pokemonId === pokemon.id);
if (pokemonBerries?.length > 0) {
berryItemsMap.set(pokemon.id, pokemonBerries);
encounter.misc = { berryItemsMap };
// Generates copies of the stolen berries to put on the Greedent
const bossModifierTypes: PokemonHeldItemModifierType[] = [];
berryItems.forEach(berryMod => {
// Can't define stack count on a ModifierType, have to just create separate instances for each stack
// Overflow berries will be "lost" on the boss, but it's un-catchable anyway
for (let i = 0; i < berryMod.stackCount; i++) {
const modifierType = generateModifierTypeOption(scene, modifierTypes.BERRY, [berryMod.berryType]).type as PokemonHeldItemModifierType;
// Calculate boss mon
const config: EnemyPartyConfig = {
levelAdditiveMultiplier: 1,
pokemonConfigs: [
species: getPokemonSpecies(Species.GREEDENT),
isBoss: true,
bossSegments: 5,
// nature: Nature.BOLD,
moveSet: [Moves.THRASH, Moves.BODY_PRESS, Moves.STUFF_CHEEKS, Moves.SLACK_OFF],
modifierTypes: bossModifierTypes,
mysteryEncounterBattleEffects: (pokemon: Pokemon) => {
queueEncounterMessage(pokemon.scene, `${namespace}:option:2:stat_boost`);
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [BattleStat.ATK, BattleStat.DEF, BattleStat.SPATK, BattleStat.SPDEF, BattleStat.SPD], 1));
encounter.enemyPartyConfigs = [config];
return true;
new MysteryEncounterOptionBuilder()
buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option:1:label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:1:tooltip`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}:option:1:selected`,
.withPreOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene): Promise<boolean> => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
updatePlayerMoney(scene, -(encounter.options[0].requirements[0] as MoneyRequirement).requiredMoney, true, false);
return true;
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
// Give the player an Ability Charm
scene.unshiftPhase(new ModifierRewardPhase(scene, modifierTypes.ABILITY_CHARM));
leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene, true);
new MysteryEncounterOptionBuilder()
buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option:2:label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:2:tooltip`,
secondOptionPrompt: `${namespace}:option:2:select_prompt`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}:option:2:selected`,
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
const modifier = encounter.misc.chosenModifier;
// Give the player a Candy Jar if they gave a Berry, and a Healing Charm for Reviver Seed
if (modifier.type.name.includes("Berry")) {
scene.unshiftPhase(new ModifierRewardPhase(scene, modifierTypes.CANDY_JAR));
} else {
scene.unshiftPhase(new ModifierRewardPhase(scene, modifierTypes.HEALING_CHARM));
// Remove the modifier if its stacks go to 0
modifier.stackCount -= 1;
if (modifier.stackCount === 0) {
leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene, true);
new MysteryEncounterOptionBuilder()
buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option:3:label`,
buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:3:tooltip`,
secondOptionPrompt: `${namespace}:option:3:select_prompt`,
selected: [
text: `${namespace}:option:3:selected`,
.withOptionPhase(async (scene: BattleScene) => {
const encounter = scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter;
const modifier = encounter.misc.chosenModifier;
// Give the player a Berry Pouch
scene.unshiftPhase(new ModifierRewardPhase(scene, modifierTypes.BERRY_POUCH));
// Remove the modifier if its stacks go to 0
modifier.stackCount -= 1;
if (modifier.stackCount === 0) {
leaveEncounterWithoutBattle(scene, true);
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ export const FightOrFlightEncounter: IMysteryEncounter =
config.pokemonConfigs[0].tags = [BattlerTagType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_POST_SUMMON];
config.pokemonConfigs[0].mysteryEncounterBattleEffects = (pokemon: Pokemon) => {
pokemon.scene.currentBattle.mysteryEncounter.setDialogueToken("enemyPokemon", getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon));
queueEncounterMessage(pokemon.scene, `${namespace}:boss_enraged`);
queueEncounterMessage(pokemon.scene, `${namespace}option:2:boss_enraged`);
pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new StatChangePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.getBattlerIndex(), true, [BattleStat.ATK, BattleStat.DEF, BattleStat.SPATK, BattleStat.SPDEF, BattleStat.SPD], 1));
await showEncounterText(scene, `${namespace}:option:2:bad_result`);
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { PlayerPokemon } from "#app/field/pokemon";
import { ModifierType } from "#app/modifier/modifier-type";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import { isNullOrUndefined } from "#app/utils";
import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities";
@ -235,28 +234,36 @@ export class PartySizeRequirement extends EncounterSceneRequirement {
export class PersistentModifierRequirement extends EncounterSceneRequirement {
requiredItems?: ModifierType[]; // TODO: not implemented
constructor(item: ModifierType | ModifierType[]) {
requiredHeldItemModifiers: string[];
minNumberOfItems: number;
constructor(heldItem: string | string[], minNumberOfItems: number = 1) {
this.requiredItems = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item];
this.minNumberOfItems = minNumberOfItems;
this.requiredHeldItemModifiers = Array.isArray(heldItem) ? heldItem : [heldItem];
meetsRequirement(scene: BattleScene): boolean {
const items = scene.modifiers;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(items) && this?.requiredItems.length > 0 && this.requiredItems.filter((searchingMod) =>
items.filter((itemInScene) => itemInScene.type.id === searchingMod.id).length > 0).length === 0) {
const partyPokemon = scene.getParty();
if (isNullOrUndefined(partyPokemon) || this?.requiredHeldItemModifiers?.length < 0) {
return false;
return true;
let modifierCount = 0;
this.requiredHeldItemModifiers.forEach(modifier => {
const matchingMods = scene.findModifiers(m => m.constructor.name === modifier);
if (matchingMods?.length > 0) {
matchingMods.forEach(matchingMod => {
modifierCount += matchingMod.stackCount;
return modifierCount >= this.minNumberOfItems;
getDialogueToken(scene: BattleScene, pokemon?: PlayerPokemon): [string, string] {
const requiredItemsInInventory = this.requiredItems.filter((a) => {
scene.modifiers.filter((itemInScene) => itemInScene.type.id === a.id).length > 0;
if (requiredItemsInInventory.length > 0) {
return ["requiredItem", requiredItemsInInventory[0].name];
if (this.requiredHeldItemModifiers.length > 0) {
return ["requiredItem", this.requiredHeldItemModifiers[0]];
return null;
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ export default class IMysteryEncounter implements IMysteryEncounter {
if (!isNullOrUndefined(encounter)) {
Object.assign(this, encounter);
this.encounterTier = this.encounterTier ? this.encounterTier : MysteryEncounterTier.COMMON;
this.encounterTier = !isNullOrUndefined(this.encounterTier) ? this.encounterTier : MysteryEncounterTier.COMMON;
this.dialogue = this.dialogue ?? {};
// Default max is 1 for ROGUE encounters, 3 for others
this.maxAllowedEncounters = this.maxAllowedEncounters ?? this.encounterTier === MysteryEncounterTier.ROGUE ? 1 : 3;
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { TheStrongStuffEncounter } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/encounters
import { PokemonSalesmanEncounter } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/encounters/pokemon-salesman-encounter";
import { OfferYouCantRefuseEncounter } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/encounters/offer-you-cant-refuse-encounter";
import { DelibirdyEncounter } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/encounters/delibirdy-encounter";
import { AbsoluteAvariceEncounter } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/encounters/absolute-avarice-encounter";
// Spawn chance: (BASE_MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SPAWN_WEIGHT + WIGHT_INCREMENT_ON_SPAWN_MISS * <number of missed spawns>) / 256
@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ export function initMysteryEncounters() {
allMysteryEncounters[MysteryEncounterType.POKEMON_SALESMAN] = PokemonSalesmanEncounter;
allMysteryEncounters[MysteryEncounterType.OFFER_YOU_CANT_REFUSE] = OfferYouCantRefuseEncounter;
allMysteryEncounters[MysteryEncounterType.DELIBIRDY] = DelibirdyEncounter;
// allMysteryEncounters[MysteryEncounterType.ABSOLUTE_AVARICE] = Abs;
allMysteryEncounters[MysteryEncounterType.ABSOLUTE_AVARICE] = AbsoluteAvariceEncounter;
// Add extreme encounters to biome map
extremeBiomeEncounters.forEach(encounter => {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export function doTrainerExclamation(scene: BattleScene) {
scene.playSound("GEN8- Exclaim.wav", { volume: 0.7 });
scene.playSound("GEN8- Exclaim", { volume: 0.7 });
export interface EnemyPokemonConfig {
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ export default class MysteryEncounterIntroVisuals extends Phaser.GameObjects.Con
if (alpha) {
if (!isNaN(alpha)) {
@ -289,6 +289,22 @@ export default class MysteryEncounterIntroVisuals extends Phaser.GameObjects.Con
* Returns a Sprite/TintSprite pair
* @param index
getSpriteAtIndex(index: number): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] {
if (!this.spriteConfigs) {
const ret: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] = [];
ret.push(this.getAt(index * 2)); // Sprite
ret.push(this.getAt(index * 2 + 1)); // Tint Sprite
return ret;
getSprites(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite[] {
if (!this.spriteConfigs) {
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { theStrongStuffDialogue } from "#app/locales/en/mystery-encounters/the-s
import { pokemonSalesmanDialogue } from "#app/locales/en/mystery-encounters/pokemon-salesman-dialogue";
import { offerYouCantRefuseDialogue } from "#app/locales/en/mystery-encounters/offer-you-cant-refuse-dialogue";
import { delibirdyDialogue } from "#app/locales/en/mystery-encounters/delibirdy-dialogue";
import { absoluteAvariceDialogue } from "#app/locales/en/mystery-encounters/absolute-avarice-dialogue";
* Patterns that can be used:
@ -53,4 +54,5 @@ export const mysteryEncounter = {
pokemonSalesman: pokemonSalesmanDialogue,
offerYouCantRefuse: offerYouCantRefuseDialogue,
delibirdy: delibirdyDialogue,
absoluteAvarice: absoluteAvariceDialogue,
} as const;
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
export const absoluteAvariceDialogue = {
intro: "A Greedent ambushed you\nand stole your party's berries!",
title: "Absolute Avarice",
description: "The Greedent has caught you totally off guard now all your berries are gone!\n\nThe Greedent looks like it's about to eat them when it pauses to look at you, interested.",
query: "What will you do?",
option: {
1: {
label: "Battle It",
tooltip: "(-) Tough Battle\n(+) Rewards from its Berry Hoard",
selected: "You'll show this Greedent what\nhappens to those who steal from you!",
2: {
label: "Reason with It",
tooltip: "(+) Regain Some Lost Berries",
selected: `Your pleading strikes a chord with the Greedent.
$It doesn't give all your berries back, but still tosses a few in your direction.`,
3: {
label: "Let It Have the Food",
tooltip: "(-) Lose All Berries\n(?) The Greedent Will Like You",
selected: `The Greedent devours the entire stash of berries in a flash!
$Patting its stomach, it looks at you appreciatively.
$Perhaps you could feed it more berries on your adventure...
$The Greedent wants to join your party!`,
@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ export const fieryFalloutDialogue = {
query: "What will you do?",
option: {
1: {
label: "Find the source",
label: "Find the Source",
tooltip: "(?) Discover the source\n(-) Hard Battle",
selected: `You push through the storm, and find two Volcarona in the middle of a mating dance!
$They don't take kindly to the interruption and attack!`
2: {
label: "Hunker down",
label: "Hunker Down",
tooltip: "(-) Suffer the effects of the weather",
selected: `The weather effects cause significant\nharm as you struggle to find shelter!
$Your party takes 20% Max HP damage!`,
target_burned: "Your {{burnedPokemon}} also became burned!"
3: {
label: "Your Fire types help",
label: "Your Fire Types Help",
tooltip: "(+) End the conditions\n(+) Gain a Charcoal",
disabled_tooltip: "You need at least 2 Fire Type Pokémon to choose this",
selected: `Your {{option3PrimaryName}} and {{option3SecondaryName}} guide you to where two Volcarona are in the middle of a mating dance!
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ export const lostAtSeaDialogue = {
query: "What will you do?",
option: {
1: {
label: "{{option1PrimaryName}} can help",
label: "{{option1PrimaryName}} Might Help",
label_disabled: "Can't {{option1RequiredMove}}",
tooltip: "(+) {{option1PrimaryName}} saves you\n(+) {{option1PrimaryName}} gains some EXP",
tooltip_disabled: "You have no Pokémon to {{option1RequiredMove}} on",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export const lostAtSeaDialogue = {
\${{option1PrimaryName}} seems to also have gotten stronger in this time of need!`,
2: {
label: "{{option2PrimaryName}} can help",
label: "{{option2PrimaryName}} Might Help",
label_disabled: "Can't {{option2RequiredMove}}",
tooltip: "(+) {{option2PrimaryName}} saves you\n(+) {{option2PrimaryName}} gains some EXP",
tooltip_disabled: "You have no Pokémon to {{option2RequiredMove}} with",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export const lostAtSeaDialogue = {
\${{option2PrimaryName}} seems to also have gotten stronger in this time of need!`,
3: {
label: "Wander aimlessly",
label: "Wander Aimlessly",
tooltip: "(-) Each of your Pokémon lose {{damagePercentage}}% of their total HP",
selected: `You float about in the boat, steering without direction until you finally spot a landmark you remember.
$You and your Pokémon are fatigued from the whole ordeal.`,
@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ export const mysteriousChallengersDialogue = {
query: "Who will you battle?",
option: {
1: {
label: "A clever, mindful foe",
label: "A Clever, Mindful Foe",
tooltip: "(-) Standard Battle\n(+) Move Item Rewards",
2: {
label: "A strong foe",
label: "A Strong Foe",
tooltip: "(-) Hard Battle\n(+) Good Rewards",
3: {
label: "The mightiest foe",
label: "The Mightiest Foe",
tooltip: "(-) Brutal Battle\n(+) Great Rewards",
selected: "The trainer steps forward...",
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ export const mysteriousChestDialogue = {
query: "Will you open it?",
option: {
1: {
label: "Open it",
label: "Open It",
tooltip: "@[SUMMARY_BLUE]{(35%) Something terrible}\n@[SUMMARY_GREEN]{(40%) Okay Rewards}\n@[SUMMARY_GREEN]{(20%) Good Rewards}\n@[SUMMARY_GREEN]{(4%) Great Rewards}\n@[SUMMARY_GREEN]{(1%) Amazing Rewards}",
selected: "You open the chest to find...",
normal: "Just some normal tools and items.",
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const mysteriousChestDialogue = {
$Your {{pokeName}} jumps in front of you\nbut is KOed in the process.`,
2: {
label: "It's too risky, leave",
label: "Too Risky, Leave",
tooltip: "(-) No Rewards",
selected: "You hurry along your way,\nwith a slight feeling of regret.",
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ export const safariZoneDialogue = {
selected: "You throw a Pokéball!",
2: {
label: "Throw bait",
label: "Throw Bait",
tooltip: "(+) Increases Capture Rate\n(-) Chance to Increase Flee Rate",
selected: "You throw some bait!",
3: {
label: "Throw mud",
label: "Throw Mud",
tooltip: "(+) Decreases Flee Rate\n(-) Chance to Decrease Capture Rate",
selected: "You throw some mud!",
@ -6,19 +6,19 @@ export const slumberingSnorlaxDialogue = {
query: "What will you do?",
option: {
1: {
label: "Battle it",
label: "Battle It",
tooltip: "(-) Fight Sleeping Snorlax\n(+) Special Reward",
selected: "You approach the\nPokémon without fear.",
2: {
label: "Wait for it to move",
label: "Wait for It to Move",
tooltip: "(-) Wait a Long Time\n(+) Recover Party",
selected: `.@d{32}.@d{32}.@d{32}
$You wait for a time, but the Snorlax's yawns make your party sleepy...`,
rest_result: "When you all awaken, the Snorlax is no where to be found -\nbut your Pokémon are all healed!",
3: {
label: "Steal its item",
label: "Steal Its Item",
tooltip: "(+) {{option3PrimaryName}} uses {{option3PrimaryMove}}\n(+) Special Reward",
disabled_tooltip: "Your Pokémon need to know certain moves to choose this",
selected: `Your {{option3PrimaryName}} uses {{option3PrimaryMove}}!
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ export const theStrongStuffDialogue = {
query: "What will you do?",
option: {
1: {
label: "Let it touch you",
label: "Let It Touch You",
tooltip: "(?) Something awful or amazing might happen",
selected: "You black out.",
selected_2: `@f{150}When you awaken, the Shuckle is gone\nand juice stash completely drained.
@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
loadEnemyAssets.push(battle.mysteryEncounter.introVisuals.loadAssets().then(() => battle.mysteryEncounter.introVisuals.initSprite()));
// Load Mystery Encounter Exclamation bubble and sfx
loadEnemyAssets.push(new Promise<void>(resolve => {
this.scene.loadSe("GEN8- Exclaim.wav", "battle_anims", "GEN8- Exclaim.wav");
this.scene.loadSe("GEN8- Exclaim", "battle_anims", "GEN8- Exclaim.wav");
this.scene.loadAtlas("exclaim", "mystery-encounters");
this.scene.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => resolve());
if (!this.scene.load.isLoading()) {
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