- Increase default value for friendship gain from winning a battle (from 2 to 3)
- Increase Classic candy friendship multiplier (from 2 to 3)
- Increase Rare Candy friendship gain (from 5 to 6)
- Decrease value for friendship decrease from losing a battle (from 10 to 5)
- Update Candy friendship thresholds for getting candy for some starter costs.
- Change Soothe Bell from Rogue to Great (Weight: 2 in Great)
- Adjust Map weight to account for change (Weight: 1 to 2)
- Clowning around ME: When shuffling items, soothe bells will get replaced by a random Ultra Tier item
- Clowning around ME: When shuffling items, no item will get replaced by a Soothe Bell
Commit history:
* Candy friendship changes
Update default value for friendship gain from battle and adjust Soothe Bell tier to Great
* Update modifier-type.ts
* Update friendship constants
* Clowning around encounter no longer consider soothe bell rogue tier
* Expert Breeder ME test will no longer fail if candy gain per battle is changed
Co-authored-by: Starkrieg <>
Co-authored-by: damocleas <>
Co-authored-by: Moka <>
Co-authored-by: NightKev <>