

alpha?: number

The sprites alpha. 0 - 1 The lower the number, the more transparent

disableAnimation?: boolean = false

Disable animation. Defaults to false

fileRoot: string

Refer to /public/images directorty for all folder names

hasShadow?: boolean = false

Enable shadow. Defaults to false

hidden?: boolean = false

Hidden at start of encounter. Defaults to false

isItem?: boolean

If you are using an item sprite, set to true

isPokemon?: boolean

If you are using a Pokemon sprite, set to true. This will ensure variant, form, gender, shiny sprites are loaded properly

repeat?: boolean = false

Repeat the animation. Defaults to false

scale?: number

Sprite scale. 0 - n

species?: Species

Optional replacement for spriteKey/fileRoot. Just know this defaults to male/genderless, form 0, no shiny

spriteKey: string

The sprite key (which is the image file name). e.g. "ace_trainer_f"

startFrame?: number = 0

What frame of the animation to start on. Defaults to 0

tint?: number

Tint color. 0 - 1. Higher means darker tint.

x?: number

X offset

y?: number

Y offset

yShadow?: number

Y shadow offset