Attribute used to determine the Biome/Terrain-based secondary effect of Secret Power

Hierarchy (view full)



effectChanceOverride?: number

Overrides the secondary effect chance for this attr if set.

firstHitOnly: boolean

Should this effect only apply on the first hit?

firstTargetOnly: boolean

Should this effect only apply on the first target hit?

lastHitOnly: boolean

Should this effect only apply on the last hit?

selfTarget: boolean

Should this Move target the user?

Defines when this effect should trigger in the move's effect order



  • Used to apply the secondary effect to the target Pokemon


    Returns boolean | Promise<boolean>

    true if a secondary effect is successfully applied

  • Used to determine if the move should apply a secondary effect based on Secret Power's 30% chance


    Returns boolean

    true if the move's secondary effect should apply