Hierarchy (view full)



LOAD_EVENTS: typeof Events = Phaser.Loader.Events
add: GameObjectFactory

The Scene Game Object Factory.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

anims: AnimationManager

A reference to the global Animation Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

cache: CacheManager

A reference to the global Cache.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

cameras: CameraManager

The Scene Camera Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

children: DisplayList

The Game Object Display List belonging to this Scene.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

data: DataManager

A Scene specific Data Manager Plugin.

See the registry property for the global Data Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.

events: EventEmitter

A Scene specific Event Emitter.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

facebook: FacebookInstantGamesPlugin

The Facebook Instant Games Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map, the plugin is installed and configured.

game: Game

A reference to the Phaser.Game instance.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

input: InputPlugin

The Scene Input Manager Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.

lights: LightsManager

The Scene Lights Manager Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.

load: LoaderPlugin

The Scene Loader Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.

make: GameObjectCreator

The Scene Game Object Creator.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

matter: MatterPhysics

The Scene Matter Physics Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map, the plugin is installed and configured.

physics: ArcadePhysics

The Scene Arcade Physics Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map, the plugin is installed and configured.

plugins: PluginManager

A reference to the global Plugin Manager.

The Plugin Manager is a global system that allows plugins to register themselves with it, and can then install those plugins into Scenes as required.

registry: DataManager

A reference to the global Data Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

renderer: CanvasRenderer | WebGLRenderer

A reference to the renderer instance Phaser is using, either Canvas Renderer or WebGL Renderer.

scale: ScaleManager

A reference to the global Scale Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

scaledCanvas: {
    height: number;
    width: number;
} = ...

Since everything is scaled up by 6 by default using the game.canvas is annoying Until such point that we use the canvas normally, this will be easier than having to divide every width and heigh by 6 to position and scale the ui

Type declaration

  • height: number
  • width: number

Default Value

width: 320 height: 180

scene: ScenePlugin

A reference to the Scene Manager Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

sound: NoAudioSoundManager | HTML5AudioSoundManager | WebAudioSoundManager

A reference to the Sound Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.

sys: Systems

The Scene Systems. You must never overwrite this property, or all hell will break lose.

textures: TextureManager

A reference to the Texture Manager.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.

time: Clock

The Scene Time and Clock Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.

tweens: TweenManager

The Scene Tween Manager Plugin.

This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.



  • Parameters

    • key: string
    • Optional folder: string
    • Optional filenames: string | string[]

    Returns void

  • This method should be overridden by your own Scenes.

    This method is called once per game step while the scene is running.


    • time: number

      The current time. Either a High Resolution Timer value if it comes from Request Animation Frame, or Date.now if using SetTimeout.

    • delta: number

      The delta time in ms since the last frame. This is a smoothed and capped value based on the FPS rate.

    Returns void