Applies immunity to physical moves. This is used in Ice Face ability.

Hierarchy (view full)



showAbility: boolean


  • Applies the Ice Face pre-defense ability to the Pokémon. Removes BattlerTagType.ICE_FACE hit by physical attack and is in Ice Face form.


    • pokemon: default

      The Pokémon with the Ice Face ability.

    • passive: boolean

      Whether the ability is passive.

    • attacker: default

      The attacking Pokémon.

    • move: default

      The move being used.

    • cancelled: BooleanHolder

      A holder for whether the move was cancelled.

    • args: any[]

      Additional arguments.

    Returns boolean

    • Whether the immunity was applied.
  • Gets the message triggered when the Pokémon avoids damage using the Ice Face ability.


    • pokemon: default

      The Pokémon with the Ice Face ability.

    • abilityName: string

      The name of the ability.

    • Rest ...args: any[]

      Additional arguments.

    Returns string

    • The trigger message.