Reduces the damage of specific move categories in the arena.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Creates a new instance of the WeakenMoveScreenTag class.


    • tagType: ArenaTagType

      The type of the arena tag.

    • turnCount: number

      The number of turns the tag is active.

    • sourceMove: Moves

      The move that created the tag.

    • sourceId: number

      The ID of the source of the tag.

    • side: ArenaTagSide

      The side (player or enemy) the tag affects.

    • weakenedCategories: MoveCategory[]

      The categories of moves that are weakened by this tag.

    Returns WeakenMoveScreenTag


sourceId: number
sourceMove: Moves
tagType: ArenaTagType
turnCount: number
weakenedCategories: MoveCategory[]


  • Applies the weakening effect to the move.


    • arena: Arena

      The arena where the move is applied.

    • args: any[]

      The arguments for the move application.

    Returns boolean

    True if the move was weakened, otherwise false.