Hierarchy (view full)




add addAt addExp addListener addTag addToDisplayList addToParty addToUpdateList addedToScene apply bringToTop calculateBaseStats calculateStats canAddTag canApplyAbility canBypassBossSegments canSetStatus changeForm checkIfPlayerHasAbilityOfStarter clearAlpha clearFX clearFusionSpecies clearMask copyPosition count createBitmapMask createGeometryMask cry damage damageAndUpdate destroy destroySubstitute disableInteractive disableMask each emit enableMask eventNames exists faintCry fallbackVariantColor findAndRemoveTags findTag findTags generateAndPopulateMoveset generateFusionSpecies generateGender generateName generateNature generateShinyVariant getAbility getAbilityAttrs getAccuracyMultiplier getAll getAlliedField getAlly getAt getAttackDamage getAttackTypeEffectiveness getBaseDamage getBattleInfo getBattleSpriteAtlasPath getBattleSpriteId getBattleSpriteKey getBattlerIndex getBossSegmentIndex getBounds getBoundsTransformMatrix getByName getCritStage getData getDexAttr getEffectiveStat getEggMoves getEvolution getExpValue getFieldIndex getFieldPositionOffset getFirst getFormKey getFusionBattleSpriteAtlasPath getFusionBattleSpriteId getFusionBattleSpriteKey getFusionFormKey getFusionGender getFusionIconAtlasKey getFusionIconId getFusionSpeciesForm getFusionSpriteId getGender getHeldItems getHpRatio getIconAtlasKey getIconId getIndex getIndexList getInverseHp getLastXMoves getLearnableLevelMoves getLevelMoves getLocalPoint getLocalTransformMatrix getLuck getMatchupScore getMaxHp getMoveEffectiveness getMoveHistory getMoveQueue getMoveType getMoveset getNameToRender getNature getNextMove getNextTargets getOpponent getOpponentDescriptor getOpponents getParentRotation getPassiveAbility getPostPipeline getRandom getRestrictingTag getSpeciesForm getSprite getSpriteAtlasPath getSpriteId getSpriteKey getSpriteScale getStat getStatStage getStatStageMultiplier getStatStages getStats getSubstituteOffset getTag getTeraType getTintSprite getTypes getUnlockedEggMoves getVariant getWeight getWorldTransformMatrix handleBossSegmentCleared hasAbility hasAbilityWithAttr hasFusionSpecies hasPassive hasSameAbilityInRootForm hasSpecies hasTrainer heal hideInfo incData init initBattleInfo initPostPipeline initShinySparkle isActive isAllowedInBattle isAllowedInChallenge isBoss isBossImmune isFainted isFullHp isFusion isGrounded isMax isMega isMoveRestricted isMoveTargetRestricted isOfType isOffsetBySubstitute isOnField isOpponent isOppositeGender isPlayer isSafeguarded isShiny isTrapped iterate lapseTag lapseTags leaveField listenerCount listeners loadAssets loseHeldItem moveAbove moveBelow moveDown moveTo moveUp off on onChildDestroyed once playAnim pointToContainer populateVariantColorCache preDestroy primeSummonData pushMoveHistory randSeedInt randSeedIntRange remove removeAll removeAllListeners removeAt removeBetween removeFromDisplayList removeFromUpdateList removeInteractive removeListener removePostPipeline removeTag removeTagsBySourceId removedFromScene replace resetBattleData resetBattleSummonData resetPostPipeline resetSprite resetStatus resetSummonData resetTera resetTurnData reverse sendToBack setActive setAll setAlpha setAngle setBlendMode setBoss setCustomNature setData setDataEnabled setDepth setDisplaySize setExclusive setFieldPosition setFrameRate setInteractive setMask setMove setName setNature setPosition setPositionRelative setPostPipeline setPostPipelineData setRandomPosition setRotation setScale setScrollFactor setSize setStat setStatStage setState setSwitchOutStatus setTempAbility setVisible setW setX setY setZ showInfo shuffle shutdown sort sparkle stopMultiHit suppressAbility swap tint toJSON toggleData toggleFlyout toggleStats transferSummon transferTagsBySourceId tryPlaySprite tryRerollHiddenAbilitySeed trySelectMove trySetShiny trySetShinySeed trySetStatus untint update updateEffectiveness updateFusionPalette updateInfo updateScale updateSpritePipelineData willRender



abilityIndex: number
active: boolean

The active state of this Game Object. A Game Object with an active state of true is processed by the Scenes UpdateList, if added to it. An active object is one which is having its logic and internal systems updated.

aiType: AiType
alpha: number

The alpha value of the Game Object.

This is a global value, impacting the entire Game Object, not just a region of it.

angle: number

The angle of this Game Object as expressed in degrees.

Phaser uses a right-hand clockwise rotation system, where 0 is right, 90 is down, 180/-180 is left and -90 is up.

If you prefer to work in radians, see the rotation property instead.

battleData: PokemonBattleData
battleInfo: default
battleSummonData: PokemonBattleSummonData
blendMode: string | number | BlendModes

Sets the Blend Mode being used by this Game Object.

This can be a const, such as Phaser.BlendModes.SCREEN, or an integer, such as 4 (for Overlay)

Under WebGL only the following Blend Modes are available:

  • ADD

Canvas has more available depending on browser support.

You can also create your own custom Blend Modes in WebGL.

Blend modes have different effects under Canvas and WebGL, and from browser to browser, depending on support. Blend Modes also cause a WebGL batch flush should it encounter a new blend mode. For these reasons try to be careful about the construction of your Scene and the frequency of which blend modes are used.

    | null
    | BodyType
    | Body
    | StaticBody

If this Game Object is enabled for Arcade or Matter Physics then this property will contain a reference to a Physics Body.

bossSegmentIndex: number
bossSegments: number
cameraFilter: number

A bitmask that controls if this Game Object is drawn by a Camera or not. Not usually set directly, instead call Camera.ignore, however you can set this property directly using the Camera.id property:

customPokemonData: CustomPokemonData
data: DataManager

A Data Manager. It allows you to store, query and get key/value paired information specific to this Game Object. null by default. Automatically created if you use getData or setData or setDataEnabled.

depth: number

The depth of this Game Object within the Scene. Ensure this value is only ever set to a number data-type.

The depth is also known as the 'z-index' in some environments, and allows you to change the rendering order of Game Objects, without actually moving their position in the display list.

The default depth is zero. A Game Object with a higher depth value will always render in front of one with a lower value.

Setting the depth will queue a depth sort event within the Scene.

displayHeight: number

The displayed height of this Game Object.

This value takes into account the scale factor.

Setting this value will adjust the Game Object's scale property.

displayList: Layer | DisplayList

Holds a reference to the Display List that contains this Game Object.

This is set automatically when this Game Object is added to a Scene or Layer.

You should treat this property as being read-only.

displayOriginX: number

Internal value to allow Containers to be used for input and physics. Do not change this value. It has no effect other than to break things.

displayOriginY: number

Internal value to allow Containers to be used for input and physics. Do not change this value. It has no effect other than to break things.

displayWidth: number

The displayed width of this Game Object.

This value takes into account the scale factor.

Setting this value will adjust the Game Object's scale property.

evoCounter: number
exclusive: boolean

Does this Container exclusively manage its children?

The default is true which means a child added to this Container cannot belong in another Container, which includes the Scene display list.

If you disable this then this Container will no longer exclusively manage its children. This allows you to create all kinds of interesting graphical effects, such as replicating Game Objects without reparenting them all over the Scene. However, doing so will prevent children from receiving any kind of input event or have their physics bodies work by default, as they're no longer a single entity on the display list, but are being replicated where-ever this Container is.

exp: number
fieldPosition: FieldPosition
first: null | GameObject

Returns the first Game Object within the Container, or null if it is empty.

You can move the cursor by calling Container.next and Container.previous.

formIndex: number
friendship: number
fusionAbilityIndex: number
fusionCustomPokemonData: null | CustomPokemonData
fusionFormIndex: number
fusionGender: Gender
fusionLuck: number
fusionShiny: boolean
fusionSpecies: null | default
fusionTeraType: Type
fusionVariant: Variant
gender: Gender
hasPostPipeline: boolean

Does this Game Object have any Post Pipelines set?

hasTransformComponent: boolean

A property indicating that a Game Object has this component.

height: number

The native (un-scaled) height of this Game Object.

Changing this value will not change the size that the Game Object is rendered in-game. For that you need to either set the scale of the Game Object (setScale) or use the displayHeight property.

hp: number
id: number
ignoreDestroy: boolean

This Game Object will ignore all calls made to its destroy method if this flag is set to true. This includes calls that may come from a Group, Container or the Scene itself. While it allows you to persist a Game Object across Scenes, please understand you are entirely responsible for managing references to and from this Game Object.

initialTeamIndex: number
input: null | InteractiveObject

If this Game Object is enabled for input then this property will contain an InteractiveObject instance. Not usually set directly. Instead call GameObject.setInteractive().

isPopulatedFromDataSource: boolean

To indicate if the instance was populated with a dataSource -> e.g. loaded & populated from session data

isTerastallized: boolean
ivs: number[]
last: null | GameObject

Returns the last Game Object within the Container, or null if it is empty.

You can move the cursor by calling Container.next and Container.previous.

length: number

The number of Game Objects inside this Container.

level: number
levelExp: number
list: GameObject[]

An array holding the children of this Container.

localTransform: TransformMatrix

Internal Transform Matrix used for local space conversion.

luck: number
mask: BitmapMask | GeometryMask

The Mask this Game Object is using during render.

maskEnabled: boolean
maskSprite: null | Sprite
maxSize: number

Containers can have an optional maximum size. If set to anything above 0 it will constrict the addition of new Game Objects into the Container, capping off the maximum limit the Container can grow in size to.

metBiome: -1 | Biome
metLevel: number
metSpecies: Species
metWave: number
moveset: (null | PokemonMove)[]
mysteryEncounterBattleEffects?: ((pokemon: default) => void)

Used by Mystery Encounters to execute pokemon-specific logic (such as stat boosts) at start of battle

name: string

The name of this Game Object. Empty by default and never populated by Phaser, this is left for developers to use.

nature: Nature
next: null | GameObject

Returns the next Game Object within the Container, or null if it is empty.

You can move the cursor by calling Container.next and Container.previous.

nickname: string
originX: number

Internal value to allow Containers to be used for input and physics. Do not change this value. It has no effect other than to break things.

originY: number

Internal value to allow Containers to be used for input and physics. Do not change this value. It has no effect other than to break things.

parentContainer: Container

The parent Container of this Game Object, if it has one.

passive: boolean
pauseEvolutions: boolean
pokeball: PokeballType
pokerus: boolean
position: number

The cursor position.

postFX: FX

The Post FX component of this Game Object.

This component allows you to apply a variety of built-in effects to this Game Object, such as glow, blur, bloom, displacements, vignettes and more. You access them via this property, for example:

const player = this.add.sprite();

All FX are WebGL only and do not have Canvas counterparts.

Please see the FX Class for more details and available methods.

This property is always null until the initPostPipeline method is called.

postPipelineData: object

An object to store pipeline specific data in, to be read by the pipelines this Game Object uses.

postPipelines: PostFXPipeline[]

The WebGL Post FX Pipelines this Game Object uses for post-render effects.

The pipelines are processed in the order in which they appear in this array.

If you modify this array directly, be sure to set the hasPostPipeline property accordingly.

preFX: null | FX

The Pre FX component of this Game Object.

This component allows you to apply a variety of built-in effects to this Game Object, such as glow, blur, bloom, displacements, vignettes and more. You access them via this property, for example:

const player = this.add.sprite();

Only the following Game Objects support Pre FX:

  • Image
  • Sprite
  • TileSprite
  • Text
  • RenderTexture
  • Video

All FX are WebGL only and do not have Canvas counterparts.

Please see the FX Class for more details and available methods.

previous: null | GameObject

Returns the previous Game Object within the Container, or null if it is empty.

You can move the cursor by calling Container.next and Container.previous.

renderFlags: number

The flags that are compared against RENDER_MASK to determine if this Game Object will render or not. The bits are 0001 | 0010 | 0100 | 1000 set by the components Visible, Alpha, Transform and Texture respectively. If those components are not used by your custom class then you can use this bitmask as you wish.

rotation: number

The angle of this Game Object in radians.

Phaser uses a right-hand clockwise rotation system, where 0 is right, PI/2 is down, +-PI is left and -PI/2 is up.

If you prefer to work in degrees, see the angle property instead.

scale: number

This is a special setter that allows you to set both the horizontal and vertical scale of this Game Object to the same value, at the same time. When reading this value the result returned is (scaleX + scaleY) / 2.

Use of this property implies you wish the horizontal and vertical scales to be equal to each other. If this isn't the case, use the scaleX or scaleY properties instead.

scaleX: number

The horizontal scale of this Game Object.

scaleY: number

The vertical scale of this Game Object.

scene: Scene

A reference to the Scene to which this Game Object belongs.

Game Objects can only belong to one Scene.

You should consider this property as being read-only. You cannot move a Game Object to another Scene by simply changing it.

scrollFactorX: number

The horizontal scroll factor of this Container.

The scroll factor controls the influence of the movement of a Camera upon this Container.

When a camera scrolls it will change the location at which this Container is rendered on-screen. It does not change the Containers actual position values.

For a Container, setting this value will only update the Container itself, not its children. If you wish to change the scrollFactor of the children as well, use the setScrollFactor method.

A value of 1 means it will move exactly in sync with a camera. A value of 0 means it will not move at all, even if the camera moves. Other values control the degree to which the camera movement is mapped to this Container.

Please be aware that scroll factor values other than 1 are not taken in to consideration when calculating physics collisions. Bodies always collide based on their world position, but changing the scroll factor is a visual adjustment to where the textures are rendered, which can offset them from physics bodies if not accounted for in your code.

scrollFactorY: number

The vertical scroll factor of this Container.

The scroll factor controls the influence of the movement of a Camera upon this Container.

When a camera scrolls it will change the location at which this Container is rendered on-screen. It does not change the Containers actual position values.

For a Container, setting this value will only update the Container itself, not its children. If you wish to change the scrollFactor of the children as well, use the setScrollFactor method.

A value of 1 means it will move exactly in sync with a camera. A value of 0 means it will not move at all, even if the camera moves. Other values control the degree to which the camera movement is mapped to this Container.

Please be aware that scroll factor values other than 1 are not taken in to consideration when calculating physics collisions. Bodies always collide based on their world position, but changing the scroll factor is a visual adjustment to where the textures are rendered, which can offset them from physics bodies if not accounted for in your code.

shiny: boolean
species: default
state: string | number

The current state of this Game Object.

Phaser itself will never modify this value, although plugins may do so.

Use this property to track the state of a Game Object during its lifetime. For example, it could change from a state of 'moving', to 'attacking', to 'dead'. The state value should be an integer (ideally mapped to a constant in your game code), or a string. These are recommended to keep it light and simple, with fast comparisons. If you need to store complex data about your Game Object, look at using the Data Component instead.

stats: number[]
status: null | Status
stellarTypesBoosted: Type[]
summonData: PokemonSummonData
switchOutStatus: boolean
tabIndex: number

The Tab Index of the Game Object. Reserved for future use by plugins and the Input Manager.

teraType: Type
trainerSlot: TrainerSlot
turnData: PokemonTurnData
type: string

A textual representation of this Game Object, i.e. sprite. Used internally by Phaser but is available for your own custom classes to populate.

usedTMs: Moves[]
variant: Variant
visible: boolean

The visible state of the Game Object.

An invisible Game Object will skip rendering, but will still process update logic.

w: number

The w position of this Game Object.

width: number

The native (un-scaled) width of this Game Object.

Changing this value will not change the size that the Game Object is rendered in-game. For that you need to either set the scale of the Game Object (setScale) or use the displayWidth property.

x: number

The x position of this Game Object.

y: number

The y position of this Game Object.

z: number

The z position of this Game Object.

Note: The z position does not control the rendering order of 2D Game Objects. Use Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Depth#depth instead.


The bitmask that GameObject.renderFlags is compared against to determine if the Game Object will render or not.


  • Adds the given Game Object, or array of Game Objects, to this Container.

    Each Game Object must be unique within the Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T | T[]

      The Game Object, or array of Game Objects, to add to the Container.

    Returns this

  • Adds the given Game Object, or array of Game Objects, to this Container at the specified position.

    Existing Game Objects in the Container are shifted up.

    Each Game Object must be unique within the Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T | T[]

      The Game Object, or array of Game Objects, to add to the Container.

    • Optionalindex: number

      The position to insert the Game Object/s at. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Adds experience to this PlayerPokemon, subject to wave based level caps.


    • exp: number

      The amount of experience to add

    • ignoreLevelCap: boolean = false

      Whether to ignore level caps when adding experience (defaults to false)

    Returns void

  • Add a listener for a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    • fn: Function

      The listener function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The context to invoke the listener with. Default this.

    Returns this

  • Adds this Game Object to the given Display List.

    If no Display List is specified, it will default to the Display List owned by the Scene to which this Game Object belongs.

    A Game Object can only exist on one Display List at any given time, but may move freely between them.

    If this Game Object is already on another Display List when this method is called, it will first be removed from it, before being added to the new list.

    You can query which list it is on by looking at the Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#displayList property.

    If a Game Object isn't on any display list, it will not be rendered. If you just wish to temporarly disable it from rendering, consider using the setVisible method, instead.


    • OptionaldisplayList: Layer | DisplayList

      The Display List to add to. Defaults to the Scene Display List.

    Returns this

  • Add a new pokemon to the player's party (at slotIndex if set). The new pokemon's visibility will be set to false.


    • pokeballType: PokeballType

      the type of pokeball the pokemon was caught with

    • slotIndex: number = -1

      an optional index to place the pokemon in the party

    Returns null | PlayerPokemon

    the pokemon that was added or null if the pokemon could not be added

  • Adds this Game Object to the Update List belonging to the Scene.

    When a Game Object is added to the Update List it will have its preUpdate method called every game frame. This method is passed two parameters: delta and time.

    If you wish to run your own logic within preUpdate then you should always call super.preUpdate(delta, time) within it, or it may fail to process required operations, such as Sprite animations.

    Returns this

  • This callback is invoked when this Game Object is added to a Scene.

    Can be overriden by custom Game Objects, but be aware of some Game Objects that will use this, such as Sprites, to add themselves into the Update List.

    You can also listen for the ADDED_TO_SCENE event from this Game Object.

    Returns void

  • Brings the given Game Object to the top of this Container. This will cause it to render on-top of any other objects in the Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to bring to the top of the Container.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • segmentCount: number = 1

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if a status effect can be applied to the Pokemon.


    • effect: undefined | StatusEffect

      The StatusEffect whose applicability is being checked

    • quiet: boolean = false

      Whether in-battle messages should trigger or not

    • overrideStatus: boolean = false

      Whether the Pokemon's current status can be overriden

    • sourcePokemon: null | default = null

      The Pokemon that is setting the status effect

    • ignoreField: boolean = false

      Whether any field effects (weather, terrain, etc.) should be considered

    Returns boolean

  • Helper function to check if the player already owns the starter data of the Pokemon's current ability


    • ownedAbilityAttrs: number

      the owned abilityAttr of this Pokemon's root form

    Returns boolean

    true if the player already has it, false otherwise

  • Clears all alpha values associated with this Game Object.

    Immediately sets the alpha levels back to 1 (fully opaque).

    Returns this

  • Removes all Pre and Post FX Controllers from this Game Object.

    If you wish to remove a single controller, use the preFX.remove(fx) or postFX.remove(fx) methods instead.

    If you wish to clear a single controller, use the preFX.clear() or postFX.clear() methods instead.

    Returns this

  • Clears the mask that this Game Object was using.


    • OptionaldestroyMask: boolean

      Destroy the mask before clearing it? Default false.

    Returns this

  • Copies an object's coordinates to this Game Object's position.


    • source: Vector2Like | Vector3Like | Vector4Like

      An object with numeric 'x', 'y', 'z', or 'w' properties. Undefined values are not copied.

    Returns this

  • Returns the total number of Game Objects in this Container that have a property matching the given value.

    For example: count('visible', true) would count all the elements that have their visible property set.

    You can optionally limit the operation to the startIndex - endIndex range.


    • property: string

      The property to check.

    • value: any

      The value to check.

    • OptionalstartIndex: number

      An optional start index to search from. Default 0.

    • OptionalendIndex: number

      An optional end index to search up to (but not included) Default Container.length.

    Returns number

  • Creates and returns a Bitmap Mask. This mask can be used by any Game Object, including this one, or a Dynamic Texture.

    Note: Bitmap Masks only work on WebGL. Geometry Masks work on both WebGL and Canvas.

    To create the mask you need to pass in a reference to a renderable Game Object. A renderable Game Object is one that uses a texture to render with, such as an Image, Sprite, Render Texture or BitmapText.

    If you do not provide a renderable object, and this Game Object has a texture, it will use itself as the object. This means you can call this method to create a Bitmap Mask from any renderable texture-based Game Object.

    Type Parameters

    • G extends GameObject
    • T extends DynamicTexture


    • OptionalmaskObject: GameObject | DynamicTexture

      The Game Object or Dynamic Texture that will be used as the mask. If null it will generate an Image Game Object using the rest of the arguments.

    • Optionalx: number

      If creating a Game Object, the horizontal position in the world.

    • Optionaly: number

      If creating a Game Object, the vertical position in the world.

    • Optionaltexture: string | Texture

      If creating a Game Object, the key, or instance of the Texture it will use to render with, as stored in the Texture Manager.

    • Optionalframe: string | number | Frame

      If creating a Game Object, an optional frame from the Texture this Game Object is rendering with.

    Returns BitmapMask

  • Creates and returns a Geometry Mask. This mask can be used by any Game Object, including this one.

    To create the mask you need to pass in a reference to a Graphics Game Object.

    If you do not provide a graphics object, and this Game Object is an instance of a Graphics object, then it will use itself to create the mask.

    This means you can call this method to create a Geometry Mask from any Graphics Game Object.

    Type Parameters

    • G extends Graphics
    • S extends Shape


    • Optionalgraphics: Graphics | Shape

      A Graphics Game Object, or any kind of Shape Game Object. The geometry within it will be used as the mask.

    Returns GeometryMask

  • Called by damageAndUpdate()


    • damage: number


    • ignoreSegments: boolean = false

      boolean, not currently used

    • preventEndure: boolean = false

      used to update damage if endure or sturdy

    • ignoreFaintPhase: boolean = false

      flag on wheter to add FaintPhase if pokemon after applying damage faints

    Returns number

    integer representing damage

  • Called by apply(), given the damage, adds a new DamagePhase and actually updates HP values, etc.


    • damage: number

      integer - passed to damage()

    • Optionalresult: DamageResult

      an enum if it's super effective, not very, etc.

    • critical: boolean = false

      boolean if move is a critical hit

    • ignoreSegments: boolean = false

      boolean, passed to damage() and not used currently

    • preventEndure: boolean = false

      boolean, ignore endure properties of pokemon, passed to damage()

    • ignoreFaintPhase: boolean = false

      boolean to ignore adding a FaintPhase, passsed to damage()

    • Optionalsource: default

    Returns number

    integer of damage done

  • Destroys this Game Object removing it from the Display List and Update List and severing all ties to parent resources.

    Also removes itself from the Input Manager and Physics Manager if previously enabled.

    Use this to remove a Game Object from your game if you don't ever plan to use it again. As long as no reference to it exists within your own code it should become free for garbage collection by the browser.

    If you just want to temporarily disable an object then look at using the Game Object Pool instead of destroying it, as destroyed objects cannot be resurrected.

    Returns void

  • If this Game Object has previously been enabled for input, this will disable it.

    An object that is disabled for input stops processing or being considered for input events, but can be turned back on again at any time by simply calling setInteractive() with no arguments provided.

    If want to completely remove interaction from this Game Object then use removeInteractive instead.

    Returns this

  • Passes all Game Objects in this Container to the given callback.

    A copy of the Container is made before passing each entry to your callback. This protects against the callback itself modifying the Container.

    If you know for sure that the callback will not change the size of this Container then you can use the more performant Container.iterate method instead.


    • callback: Function

      The function to call.

    • Optionalcontext: object

      Value to use as this when executing callback.

    • Rest...args: any[]

      Additional arguments that will be passed to the callback, after the child.

    Returns this

  • Calls each of the listeners registered for a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    • Rest...args: any[]

      Additional arguments that will be passed to the event handler.

    Returns boolean

  • Return an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered listeners.

    Returns (string | symbol)[]

  • Returns true if the given Game Object is a direct child of this Container.

    This check does not scan nested Containers.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to check for within this Container.

    Returns boolean

  • Gracefully handle errors loading a variant sprite. Log if it fails and attempt to fall back on non-experimental sprites before giving up.


    • cacheKey: string

      the cache key for the variant color sprite

    • attemptedSpritePath: string

      the sprite path that failed to load

    • useExpSprite: boolean

      was the attempted sprite experimental

    • battleSpritePath: string

      the filename of the sprite

    • Rest...optionalParams: any[]

      any additional params to log

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Sets the Pokemon's name. Only called when loading a Pokemon so this function needs to be called when initializing hardcoded Pokemon or else it will not display the form index name properly.

    Returns void


  • Generates a shiny variant

    Returns Variant

    0-2, with the following probabilities:

    • Has a 10% chance of returning 2 (epic variant)
    • Has a 30% chance of returning 1 (rare variant)
    • Has a 60% chance of returning 0 (basic shiny)
  • Gets the non-passive ability of the pokemon. This accounts for fusions and ability changing effects. This should rarely be called, most of the time hasAbility or hasAbilityWithAttr are better used as those check both the passive and non-passive abilities and account for ability suppression.


    • ignoreOverride: boolean = false

      If true, ignore ability changing effects; Default: false

    Returns Ability

    The non-passive Ability of the pokemon

    hasAbility hasAbilityWithAttr Intended ways to check abilities in most cases

  • Gets a list of all instances of a given ability attribute among abilities this pokemon has. Accounts for all the various effects which can affect whether an ability will be present or in effect, and both passive and non-passive.

    Type Parameters


    • attrType: (new (...args: any[]) => T)

      AbAttr The ability attribute to check for.

        • new (...args): T
        • Parameters

          • Rest...args: any[]

          Returns T

    • canApply: boolean = true

      If false, it doesn't check whether the ability is currently active; Default true

    • ignoreOverride: boolean = false

      If true, it ignores ability changing effects; Default false

    Returns T[]

    An array of all the ability attributes on this ability.

  • Calculates the accuracy multiplier of the user against a target.

    This method considers various factors such as the user's accuracy level, the target's evasion level, abilities, and modifiers to compute the final accuracy multiplier.


    • target: default

      Pokemon - The target Pokémon against which the move is used.

    • sourceMove: default

      Move - The move being used by the user.

    Returns number

    The calculated accuracy multiplier.

  • Returns all Game Objects in this Container.

    You can optionally specify a matching criteria using the property and value arguments.

    For example: getAll('body') would return only Game Objects that have a body property.

    You can also specify a value to compare the property to:

    getAll('visible', true) would return only Game Objects that have their visible property set to true.

    Optionally you can specify a start and end index. For example if this Container had 100 Game Objects, and you set startIndex to 0 and endIndex to 50, it would return matches from only the first 50 Game Objects.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • Optionalproperty: string

      The property to test on each Game Object in the Container.

    • Optionalvalue: any

      If property is set then the property must strictly equal this value to be included in the results.

    • OptionalstartIndex: number

      An optional start index to search from. Default 0.

    • OptionalendIndex: number

      An optional end index to search up to (but not included) Default Container.length.

    Returns T[]

  • Returns the Game Object at the given position in this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • index: number

      The position to get the Game Object from.

    Returns T

  • Calculates the damage of an attack made by another Pokemon against this Pokemon


    • source: default

      Pokemon the attacking Pokemon

    • move: default

      Pokemon the move used in the attack

    • ignoreAbility: boolean = false

      If true, ignores this Pokemon's defensive ability effects

    • ignoreSourceAbility: boolean = false

      If true, ignores the attacking Pokemon's ability effects

    • isCritical: boolean = false

      If true, calculates damage for a critical hit.

    • simulated: boolean = true

      If true, suppresses changes to game state during the calculation.

    Returns DamageCalculationResult

    a DamageCalculationResult object with three fields:

    • cancelled: true if the move was cancelled by another effect.
    • result: HitResult indicates the attack's type effectiveness.
    • damage: number the attack's final damage output.
  • Calculates the move's type effectiveness multiplier based on the target's type/s.


    • moveType: Type

      Type the type of the move being used

    • Optionalsource: default

      Pokemon the Pokemon using the move

    • ignoreStrongWinds: boolean = false

      whether or not this ignores strong winds (anticipation, forewarn, stealth rocks)

    • simulated: boolean = true

      tag to only apply the strong winds effect message when the move is used

    • Optionalmove: default

      (optional) the move whose type effectiveness is to be checked. Used for applying VariableMoveTypeChartAttr

    Returns TypeDamageMultiplier

    a multiplier for the type effectiveness

  • Calculates the base damage of the given move against this Pokemon when attacked by the given source. Used during damage calculation and for Shell Side Arm's forecasting effect.


    • source: default

      the attacking Pokemon.

    • move: default

      the Move used in the attack.

    • moveCategory: MoveCategory

      the move's MoveCategory after variable-category effects are applied.

    • ignoreAbility: boolean = false

      if true, ignores this Pokemon's defensive ability effects (defaults to false).

    • ignoreSourceAbility: boolean = false

      if true, ignore's the attacking Pokemon's ability effects (defaults to false).

    • isCritical: boolean = false

      if true, calculates effective stats as if the hit were critical (defaults to false).

    • simulated: boolean = true

      if true, suppresses changes to game state during calculation (defaults to true).

    Returns number

    The move's base damage against this Pokemon when used by the source Pokemon.

  • Gets the bounds of this Container. It works by iterating all children of the Container, getting their respective bounds, and then working out a min-max rectangle from that. It does not factor in if the children render or not, all are included.

    Some children are unable to return their bounds, such as Graphics objects, in which case they are skipped.

    Depending on the quantity of children in this Container it could be a really expensive call, so cache it and only poll it as needed.

    The values are stored and returned in a Rectangle object.


    • Optionaloutput: Rectangle

      A Geom.Rectangle object to store the values in. If not provided a new Rectangle will be created.

    Returns Rectangle

  • Returns the world transform matrix as used for Bounds checks.

    The returned matrix is temporal and shouldn't be stored.

    Returns TransformMatrix

  • Searches for the first instance of a child with its name property matching the given argument. Should more than one child have the same name only the first is returned.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • name: string

      The name to search for.

    Returns T

  • Retrieves the value for the given key in this Game Objects Data Manager, or undefined if it doesn't exist.

    You can also access values via the values object. For example, if you had a key called gold you can do either:


    Or access the value directly:


    You can also pass in an array of keys, in which case an array of values will be returned:

    sprite.getData([ 'gold', 'armor', 'health' ]);

    This approach is useful for destructuring arrays in ES6.


    • key: string | string[]

      The key of the value to retrieve, or an array of keys.

    Returns any

  • Calculates and retrieves the final value of a stat considering any held items, move effects, opponent abilities, and whether there was a critical hit.


    • stat:
          | ATK
          | DEF
          | SPATK
          | SPDEF
          | SPD

      the desired EffectiveStat

    • Optionalopponent: default

      the target Pokemon

    • Optionalmove: default

      the Move being used

    • ignoreAbility: boolean = false

      determines whether this Pokemon's abilities should be ignored during the stat calculation

    • ignoreOppAbility: boolean = false

      during an attack, determines whether the opposing Pokemon's abilities should be ignored during the stat calculation.

    • isCritical: boolean = false

      determines whether a critical hit has occurred or not (false by default)

    • simulated: boolean = true

      if true, nullifies any effects that produce any changes to game state from triggering

    • ignoreHeldItems: boolean = false

      determines whether this Pokemon's held items should be ignored during the stat calculation, default false

    Returns number

    the final in-battle value of a stat

  • Gets the first Game Object in this Container.

    You can also specify a property and value to search for, in which case it will return the first Game Object in this Container with a matching property and / or value.

    For example: getFirst('visible', true) would return the first Game Object that had its visible property set.

    You can limit the search to the startIndex - endIndex range.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • property: string

      The property to test on each Game Object in the Container.

    • value: any

      The value to test the property against. Must pass a strict (===) comparison check.

    • OptionalstartIndex: number

      An optional start index to search from. Default 0.

    • OptionalendIndex: number

      An optional end index to search up to (but not included) Default Container.length.

    Returns T

  • Returns the index of the given Game Object in this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to search for in this Container.

    Returns number

  • Returns an array containing the display list index of either this Game Object, or if it has one, its parent Container. It then iterates up through all of the parent containers until it hits the root of the display list (which is index 0 in the returned array).

    Used internally by the InputPlugin but also useful if you wish to find out the display depth of this Game Object and all of its ancestors.

    Returns number[]

  • Returns a list of the most recent move entries in this Pokemon's move history. The retrieved move entries are sorted in order from NEWEST to OLDEST.


    • moveCount: number = 1

      The number of move entries to retrieve. If negative, retrieve the Pokemon's entire move history (equivalent to reversing the output of ()). Default is 1.

    Returns TurnMove[]

    A list of TurnMove, as specified above.

  • Gets all possible learnable level moves for the Pokemon, excluding any moves already known.

    Available egg moves are only included if the Pokemon was in the starting party of the run and if Fresh Start is not active.

    Returns Moves[]

    an array of Moves, the length of which is determined by how many learnable moves there are for the Pokemon.

  • Gets all level up moves in a given range for a particular pokemon.


    • OptionalstartingLevel: number

      Don't include moves below this level

    • includeEvolutionMoves: boolean = false

      Whether to include evolution moves

    • simulateEvolutionChain: boolean = false

      Whether to include moves from prior evolutions

    • includeRelearnerMoves: boolean = false

      Whether to include moves that would require a relearner. Note the move relearner inherently allows evolution moves

    • learnSituation: LearnMoveSituation = LearnMoveSituation.MISC

    Returns LevelMoves

    A list of moves and the levels they can be learned at

  • Takes the given x and y coordinates and converts them into local space for this Game Object, taking into account parent and local transforms, and the Display Origin.

    The returned Vector2 contains the translated point in its properties.

    A Camera needs to be provided in order to handle modified scroll factors. If no camera is specified, it will use the main camera from the Scene to which this Game Object belongs.


    • x: number

      The x position to translate.

    • y: number

      The y position to translate.

    • Optionalpoint: Vector2

      A Vector2, or point-like object, to store the results in.

    • Optionalcamera: Camera

      The Camera which is being tested against. If not given will use the Scene default camera.

    Returns Vector2

  • Gets the local transform matrix for this Game Object.


    • OptionaltempMatrix: TransformMatrix

      The matrix to populate with the values from this Game Object.

    Returns TransformMatrix

  • Computes the given Pokemon's matchup score against this Pokemon. In most cases, this score ranges from near-zero to 16, but the maximum possible matchup score is 64.


    Returns number

    A score value based on how favorable this Pokemon is when fighting the given Pokemon

  • Calculates the effectiveness of a move against the Pokémon. This includes modifiers from move and ability attributes.


    • source: default

      Pokemon The attacking Pokémon.

    • move: default

      Move The move being used by the attacking Pokémon.

    • ignoreAbility: boolean = false

      Whether to ignore abilities that might affect type effectiveness or immunity (defaults to false).

    • simulated: boolean = true

      Whether to apply abilities via simulated calls (defaults to true)

    • Optionalcancelled: BooleanHolder

      Utils.BooleanHolder Stores whether the move was cancelled by a non-type-based immunity. Currently only used by Pokemon.apply to determine whether a "No effect" message should be shown.

    Returns TypeDamageMultiplier

    The type damage multiplier, indicating the effectiveness of the move

  • Calculates the type of a move when used by this Pokemon after type-changing move and ability attributes have applied.


    • move: default

      Move The move being used.

    • simulated: boolean = true

      If true, prevents showing abilities applied in this calculation.

    Returns Type

    The Type of the move after attributes are applied

  • Determines the move this Pokemon will use on the next turn, as well as the Pokemon the move will target.

    Returns TurnMove

    this Pokemon's next move in the format {move, moveTargets}

  • Gets the sum total rotation of all of this Game Objects parent Containers.

    The returned value is in radians and will be zero if this Game Object has no parent container.

    Returns number

  • Gets a Post Pipeline instance from this Game Object, based on the given name, and returns it.


    • pipeline: string | Function | PostFXPipeline

      The string-based name of the pipeline, or a pipeline class.

    Returns PostFXPipeline | PostFXPipeline[]

  • Returns a random Game Object from this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • OptionalstartIndex: number

      An optional start index. Default 0.

    • Optionallength: number

      An optional length, the total number of elements (from the startIndex) to choose from.

    Returns T

  • Retrieves the corresponding PermanentStat of the Pokemon.


    • stat:
          | HP
          | ATK
          | DEF
          | SPATK
          | SPDEF
          | SPD

      the desired PermanentStat

    • bypassSummonData: boolean = true

      prefer actual stats (true by default) or in-battle overridden stats (false)

    Returns number

    the numeric value of the desired Stat

  • Calculates the stat stage multiplier of the user against an opponent.

    Note that this does not apply to evasion or accuracy


    • stat:
          | ATK
          | DEF
          | SPATK
          | SPDEF
          | SPD

      the desired EffectiveStat

    • Optionalopponent: default

      the target Pokemon

    • Optionalmove: default

      the Move being used

    • ignoreOppAbility: boolean = false

      determines whether the effects of the opponent's abilities (i.e. Unaware) should be ignored (false by default)

    • isCritical: boolean = false

      determines whether a critical hit has occurred or not (false by default)

    • simulated: boolean = true

      determines whether effects are applied without altering game state (true by default)

    • ignoreHeldItems: boolean = false

      determines whether this Pokemon's held items should be ignored during the stat calculation, default false

    Returns number

    the stat stage multiplier to be used for effective stat calculation

  • Retrieves the entire set of stats of the Pokemon.


    • bypassSummonData: boolean = true

      prefer actual stats (true by default) or in-battle overriden stats (false)

    Returns number[]

    the numeric values of the Pokemon's stats

  • Gets the types of a pokemon


    • includeTeraType: boolean = false

      true to include tera-formed type; Default: false

    • forDefend: boolean = false

      true if the pokemon is defending from an attack; Default: false

    • ignoreOverride: boolean = false

      If true, ignore ability changing effects; Default: false

    Returns Type[]

    array of Type

  • Checks which egg moves have been unlocked for the Pokemon based on the species it was met at or by the first Pokemon in its evolution line that can act as a starter and provides those egg moves.

    Returns Moves[]

    an array of Moves, the length of which is determined by how many egg moves are unlocked for that species.

  • Gets the weight of the Pokemon with subtractive modifiers (Autotomize) happening first and then multiplicative modifiers happening after (Heavy Metal and Light Metal)

    Returns number

    the kg of the Pokemon (minimum of 0.1)

  • Gets the world transform matrix for this Game Object, factoring in any parent Containers.


    • OptionaltempMatrix: TransformMatrix

      The matrix to populate with the values from this Game Object.

    • OptionalparentMatrix: TransformMatrix

      A temporary matrix to hold parent values during the calculations.

    Returns TransformMatrix

  • Go through a boss' health segments and give stats boosts for each newly cleared segment The base boost is 1 to a random stat that's not already maxed out per broken shield For Pokemon with 3 health segments or more, breaking the last shield gives +2 instead For Pokemon with 5 health segments or more, breaking the last two shields give +2 each


    • segmentIndex: number

      index of the segment to get down to (0 = no shield left, 1 = 1 shield left, etc.)

    Returns void

  • Checks whether a pokemon has the specified ability and it's in effect. Accounts for all the various effects which can affect whether an ability will be present or in effect, and both passive and non-passive. This is the primary way to check whether a pokemon has a particular ability.


    • ability: Abilities

      The ability to check for

    • canApply: boolean = true

      If false, it doesn't check whether the ability is currently active

    • OptionalignoreOverride: boolean

      If true, it ignores ability changing effects

    Returns boolean

    Whether the ability is present and active

  • Checks whether a pokemon has an ability with the specified attribute and it's in effect. Accounts for all the various effects which can affect whether an ability will be present or in effect, and both passive and non-passive. This is one of the two primary ways to check whether a pokemon has a particular ability.


    • attrType: Constructor<AbAttr>

      The ability attribute to check for

    • canApply: boolean = true

      If false, it doesn't check whether the ability is currently active

    • OptionalignoreOverride: boolean

      If true, it ignores ability changing effects

    Returns boolean

    Whether an ability with that attribute is present and active

  • Checks if a pokemon has a passive either from:

    • bought with starter candy
    • set by override
    • is a boss pokemon

    Returns boolean

    true if the Pokemon has a passive

  • Checks whether or not the Pokemon's root form has the same ability


    • abilityIndex: number

      the given ability index we are checking

    Returns boolean

    true if the abilities are the same

  • Checks if the Pokemon has is the specified Species or is fused with it.


    • species: Species

      the pokemon Species to check

    • OptionalformKey: string

      If provided, requires the species to be in that form

    Returns boolean

    true if the pokemon is the species or is fused with it, false otherwise

  • Increase a value for the given key within this Game Objects Data Manager. If the key doesn't already exist in the Data Manager then it is increased from 0.

    If the Game Object has not been enabled for data (via setDataEnabled) then it will be enabled before setting the value.

    If the key doesn't already exist in the Data Manager then it is created.

    When the value is first set, a setdata event is emitted from this Game Object.


    • key: string

      The key to change the value for.

    • Optionalamount: number

      The amount to increase the given key by. Pass a negative value to decrease the key. Default 1.

    Returns this

  • This should only be called during the instantiation of the Game Object.

    It is called by default by all core Game Objects and doesn't need calling again.

    After that, use setPostPipeline.


    • OptionalpreFX: boolean

      Does this Game Object support Pre FX? Default false.

    Returns void

  • Checks if the pokemon is allowed in battle (ie: not fainted, and allowed under any active challenges).


    • onField: boolean = false

      true to also check if the pokemon is currently on the field, defaults to false

    Returns boolean

    true if the pokemon is "active". Returns false if there is no active BattleScene

  • Check if this pokemon is both not fainted and allowed to be in battle based on currently active challenges.

    Returns boolean

    true if pokemon is allowed in battle

  • Checks if a pokemon is fainted (ie: its hp <= 0). It's usually better to call ()


    • checkStatus: boolean = false

      true to also check that the pokemon's status is StatusEffect.FAINT

    Returns boolean

    true if the pokemon is fainted

  • Checks if the pokemon's typing includes the specified type


    • type: Type

      Type to check

    • includeTeraType: boolean = true

      true to include tera-formed type; Default: true

    • forDefend: boolean = false

      true if the pokemon is defending from an attack; Default: false

    • ignoreOverride: boolean = false

      If true, ignore ability changing effects; Default: false

    Returns boolean

    true if the Pokemon's type matches

  • Checks if this Pokemon is protected by Safeguard


    Returns boolean

    true if this Pokemon is protected by Safeguard; false otherwise.

  • Determines whether this Pokemon is prevented from running or switching due to effects from moves and/or abilities.


    • trappedAbMessages: string[] = []

      If defined, ability trigger messages (e.g. from Shadow Tag) are forwarded through this array.

    • simulated: boolean = true

      If true, applies abilities via simulated calls.

    Returns boolean

    true if the pokemon is trapped

  • Passes all Game Objects in this Container to the given callback.

    Only use this method when you absolutely know that the Container will not be modified during the iteration, i.e. by removing or adding to its contents.


    • callback: Function

      The function to call.

    • Optionalcontext: object

      Value to use as this when executing callback.

    • Rest...args: any[]

      Additional arguments that will be passed to the callback, after the child.

    Returns this

  • Causes a Pokemon to leave the field (such as in preparation for a switch out/escape).


    • clearEffects: boolean = true

      Indicates if effects should be cleared (true) or passed to the next pokemon, such as during a baton pass (false)

    • hideInfo: boolean = true

      Indicates if this should also play the animation to hide the Pokemon's info container.

    • destroy: boolean = false

    Returns void

  • Return the number of listeners listening to a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    Returns number

  • Return the listeners registered for a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    Returns Function[]

  • Reduces one of this Pokemon's held item stacks by 1, and removes the item if applicable. Does nothing if this Pokemon is somehow not the owner of the held item.


    • heldItem: PokemonHeldItemModifier

      The item stack to be reduced by 1.

    • forBattle: boolean = true

      If false, do not trigger in-battle effects (such as Unburden) from losing the item. For example, set this to false if the Pokemon is giving away the held item for a Mystery Encounter. Default is true.

    Returns boolean

    true if the item was removed successfully, false otherwise.

  • Moves a Game Object above another one within this Container.

    These 2 Game Objects must already be children of this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child1: T

      The Game Object to move above base Game Object.

    • child2: T

      The base Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Moves a Game Object below another one within this Container.

    These 2 Game Objects must already be children of this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child1: T

      The Game Object to move below base Game Object.

    • child2: T

      The base Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Moves the given Game Object down one place in this Container, unless it's already at the bottom.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to be moved in the Container.

    Returns this

  • Moves a Game Object to a new position within this Container.

    The Game Object must already be a child of this Container.

    The Game Object is removed from its old position and inserted into the new one. Therefore the Container size does not change. Other children will change position accordingly.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to move.

    • index: number

      The new position of the Game Object in this Container.

    Returns this

  • Moves the given Game Object up one place in this Container, unless it's already at the top.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to be moved in the Container.

    Returns this

  • Remove the listeners of a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    • Optionalfn: Function

      Only remove the listeners that match this function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      Only remove the listeners that have this context.

    • Optionalonce: boolean

      Only remove one-time listeners.

    Returns this

  • Add a listener for a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    • fn: Function

      The listener function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The context to invoke the listener with. Default this.

    Returns this

  • Internal handler, called when a child is destroyed.

    Returns void

  • Add a one-time listener for a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    • fn: Function

      The listener function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      The context to invoke the listener with. Default this.

    Returns this

  • Takes a Point-like object, such as a Vector2, Geom.Point or object with public x and y properties, and transforms it into the space of this Container, then returns it in the output object.


    • source: Vector2Like

      The Source Point to be transformed.

    • Optionaloutput: Vector2Like

      A destination object to store the transformed point in. If none given a Vector2 will be created and returned.

    Returns Vector2Like

  • Attempt to process variant sprite.


    • cacheKey: string

      the cache key for the variant color sprite

    • useExpSprite: boolean

      should the experimental sprite be used

    • battleSpritePath: string

      the filename of the sprite

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Internal destroy handler, called as part of the destroy process.

    Returns void

  • Generates a random number using the current battle's seed, or the global seed if globalScene.currentBattle is falsy


    • min: number

      The minimum integer to generate

    • max: number

      The maximum integer to generate

    Returns number

    a random integer between min and max inclusive

  • Removes the given Game Object, or array of Game Objects, from this Container.

    The Game Objects must already be children of this Container.

    You can also optionally call destroy on each Game Object that is removed from the Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T | T[]

      The Game Object, or array of Game Objects, to be removed from the Container.

    • OptionaldestroyChild: boolean

      Optionally call destroy on each child successfully removed from this Container. Default false.

    Returns this

  • Removes all Game Objects from this Container.

    You can also optionally call destroy on each Game Object that is removed from the Container.


    • OptionaldestroyChild: boolean

      Optionally call destroy on each Game Object successfully removed from this Container. Default false.

    Returns this

  • Remove all listeners, or those of the specified event.


    • Optionalevent: string | symbol

      The event name.

    Returns this

  • Removes the Game Object at the given position in this Container.

    You can also optionally call destroy on the Game Object, if one is found.


    • index: number

      The index of the Game Object to be removed.

    • OptionaldestroyChild: boolean

      Optionally call destroy on the Game Object if successfully removed from this Container. Default false.

    Returns this

  • Removes the Game Objects between the given positions in this Container.

    You can also optionally call destroy on each Game Object that is removed from the Container.


    • OptionalstartIndex: number

      An optional start index to search from. Default 0.

    • OptionalendIndex: number

      An optional end index to search up to (but not included) Default Container.length.

    • OptionaldestroyChild: boolean

      Optionally call destroy on each Game Object successfully removed from this Container. Default false.

    Returns this

  • Removes this Game Object from the Display List it is currently on.

    A Game Object can only exist on one Display List at any given time, but may move freely removed and added back at a later stage.

    You can query which list it is on by looking at the Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject#displayList property.

    If a Game Object isn't on any Display List, it will not be rendered. If you just wish to temporarly disable it from rendering, consider using the setVisible method, instead.

    Returns this

  • Removes this Game Object from the Scene's Update List.

    When a Game Object is on the Update List, it will have its preUpdate method called every game frame. Calling this method will remove it from the list, preventing this.

    Removing a Game Object from the Update List will stop most internal functions working. For example, removing a Sprite from the Update List will prevent it from being able to run animations.

    Returns this

  • If this Game Object has previously been enabled for input, this will queue it for removal, causing it to no longer be interactive. The removal happens on the next game step, it is not immediate.

    The Interactive Object that was assigned to this Game Object will be destroyed, removed from the Input Manager and cleared from this Game Object.

    If you wish to re-enable this Game Object at a later date you will need to re-create its InteractiveObject by calling setInteractive again.

    If you wish to only temporarily stop an object from receiving input then use disableInteractive instead, as that toggles the interactive state, where-as this erases it completely.

    If you wish to resize a hit area, don't remove and then set it as being interactive. Instead, access the hitarea object directly and resize the shape being used. I.e.: sprite.input.hitArea.setSize(width, height) (assuming the shape is a Rectangle, which it is by default.)

    Returns this

  • Remove the listeners of a given event.


    • event: string | symbol

      The event name.

    • Optionalfn: Function

      Only remove the listeners that match this function.

    • Optionalcontext: any

      Only remove the listeners that have this context.

    • Optionalonce: boolean

      Only remove one-time listeners.

    Returns this

  • Removes a type of Post Pipeline instances from this Game Object, based on the given name, and destroys them.

    If you wish to remove all Post Pipelines use the resetPostPipeline method instead.


    • pipeline: string | PostFXPipeline

      The string-based name of the pipeline, or a pipeline class.

    Returns this

  • This callback is invoked when this Game Object is removed from a Scene.

    Can be overriden by custom Game Objects, but be aware of some Game Objects that will use this, such as Sprites, to removed themselves from the Update List.

    You can also listen for the REMOVED_FROM_SCENE event from this Game Object.

    Returns void

  • Replaces a Game Object in this Container with the new Game Object. The new Game Object cannot already be a child of this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • oldChild: T

      The Game Object in this Container that will be replaced.

    • newChild: T

      The Game Object to be added to this Container.

    • OptionaldestroyChild: boolean

      Optionally call destroy on the Game Object if successfully removed from this Container. Default false.

    Returns this

  • Resets the WebGL Post Pipelines of this Game Object. It does this by calling the destroy method on each post pipeline and then clearing the local array.


    • OptionalresetData: boolean

      Reset the postPipelineData object to being an empty object? Default false.

    Returns void

  • Resets the status of a pokemon.


    • revive: boolean = true

      Whether revive should be cured; defaults to true.

    • confusion: boolean = false

      Whether resetStatus should include confusion or not; defaults to false.

    • reloadAssets: boolean = false

      Whether to reload the assets or not; defaults to false.

    Returns void

  • Reverses the order of all Game Objects in this Container.

    Returns this

  • Sends the given Game Object to the bottom of this Container. This will cause it to render below any other objects in the Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child: T

      The Game Object to send to the bottom of the Container.

    Returns this

  • Sets the active property of this Game Object and returns this Game Object for further chaining. A Game Object with its active property set to true will be updated by the Scenes UpdateList.


    • value: boolean

      True if this Game Object should be set as active, false if not.

    Returns this

  • Sets the property to the given value on all Game Objects in this Container.

    Optionally you can specify a start and end index. For example if this Container had 100 Game Objects, and you set startIndex to 0 and endIndex to 50, it would return matches from only the first 50 Game Objects.


    • property: string

      The property that must exist on the Game Object.

    • value: any

      The value to get the property to.

    • OptionalstartIndex: number

      An optional start index to search from. Default 0.

    • OptionalendIndex: number

      An optional end index to search up to (but not included) Default Container.length.

    Returns this

  • Set the Alpha level of this Game Object. The alpha controls the opacity of the Game Object as it renders. Alpha values are provided as a float between 0, fully transparent, and 1, fully opaque.


    • Optionalvalue: number

      The alpha value applied across the whole Game Object. Default 1.

    Returns this

  • Sets the angle of this Game Object.


    • Optionaldegrees: number

      The rotation of this Game Object, in degrees. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Sets the Blend Mode being used by this Game Object.

    This can be a const, such as Phaser.BlendModes.SCREEN, or an integer, such as 4 (for Overlay)

    Under WebGL only the following Blend Modes are available:

    • NORMAL
    • ADD
    • SCREEN
    • ERASE (only works when rendering to a framebuffer, like a Render Texture)

    Canvas has more available depending on browser support.

    You can also create your own custom Blend Modes in WebGL.

    Blend modes have different effects under Canvas and WebGL, and from browser to browser, depending on support. Blend Modes also cause a WebGL batch flush should it encounter a new blend mode. For these reasons try to be careful about the construction of your Scene and the frequency in which blend modes are used.


    • value: string | number | BlendModes

      The BlendMode value. Either a string, a CONST or a number.

    Returns this

  • Sets the pokemons boss status. If true initializes the boss segments either from the arguments or through the the Scene.getEncounterBossSegments function


    • boss: boolean = true

      if the pokemon is a boss

    • bossSegments: number = 0

      amount of boss segments (health-bar segments)

    Returns void

  • Allows you to store a key value pair within this Game Objects Data Manager.

    If the Game Object has not been enabled for data (via setDataEnabled) then it will be enabled before setting the value.

    If the key doesn't already exist in the Data Manager then it is created.

    sprite.setData('name', 'Red Gem Stone');

    You can also pass in an object of key value pairs as the first argument:

    sprite.setData({ name: 'Red Gem Stone', level: 2, owner: 'Link', gold: 50 });

    To get a value back again you can call getData:


    Or you can access the value directly via the values property, where it works like any other variable:

    sprite.data.values.gold += 50;

    When the value is first set, a setdata event is emitted from this Game Object.

    If the key already exists, a changedata event is emitted instead, along an event named after the key. For example, if you updated an existing key called PlayerLives then it would emit the event changedata-PlayerLives. These events will be emitted regardless if you use this method to set the value, or the direct values setter.

    Please note that the data keys are case-sensitive and must be valid JavaScript Object property strings. This means the keys gold and Gold are treated as two unique values within the Data Manager.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends unknown


    • key: string | T

      The key to set the value for. Or an object of key value pairs. If an object the data argument is ignored.

    • Optionaldata: any

      The value to set for the given key. If an object is provided as the key this argument is ignored.

    Returns this

  • Adds a Data Manager component to this Game Object.

    Returns this

  • The depth of this Game Object within the Scene.

    The depth is also known as the 'z-index' in some environments, and allows you to change the rendering order of Game Objects, without actually moving their position in the display list.

    The default depth is zero. A Game Object with a higher depth value will always render in front of one with a lower value.

    Setting the depth will queue a depth sort event within the Scene.


    • value: number

      The depth of this Game Object. Ensure this value is only ever a number data-type.

    Returns this

  • Sets the display size of this Game Object.

    Calling this will adjust the scale.


    • width: number

      The width of this Game Object.

    • height: number

      The height of this Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Does this Container exclusively manage its children?

    The default is true which means a child added to this Container cannot belong in another Container, which includes the Scene display list.

    If you disable this then this Container will no longer exclusively manage its children. This allows you to create all kinds of interesting graphical effects, such as replicating Game Objects without reparenting them all over the Scene. However, doing so will prevent children from receiving any kind of input event or have their physics bodies work by default, as they're no longer a single entity on the display list, but are being replicated where-ever this Container is.


    • Optionalvalue: boolean

      The exclusive state of this Container. Default true.

    Returns this

  • Pass this Game Object to the Input Manager to enable it for Input.

    Input works by using hit areas, these are nearly always geometric shapes, such as rectangles or circles, that act as the hit area for the Game Object. However, you can provide your own hit area shape and callback, should you wish to handle some more advanced input detection.

    If no arguments are provided it will try and create a rectangle hit area based on the texture frame the Game Object is using. If this isn't a texture-bound object, such as a Graphics or BitmapText object, this will fail, and you'll need to provide a specific shape for it to use.

    You can also provide an Input Configuration Object as the only argument to this method.


    • OptionalhitArea: any

      Either an input configuration object, or a geometric shape that defines the hit area for the Game Object. If not given it will try to create a Rectangle based on the texture frame.

    • Optionalcallback: HitAreaCallback

      The callback that determines if the pointer is within the Hit Area shape or not. If you provide a shape you must also provide a callback.

    • OptionaldropZone: boolean

      Should this Game Object be treated as a drop zone target? Default false.

    Returns this

  • Sets the mask that this Game Object will use to render with.

    The mask must have been previously created and can be either a GeometryMask or a BitmapMask. Note: Bitmap Masks only work on WebGL. Geometry Masks work on both WebGL and Canvas.

    If a mask is already set on this Game Object it will be immediately replaced.

    Masks are positioned in global space and are not relative to the Game Object to which they are applied. The reason for this is that multiple Game Objects can all share the same mask.

    Masks have no impact on physics or input detection. They are purely a rendering component that allows you to limit what is visible during the render pass.


    • mask: BitmapMask | GeometryMask

      The mask this Game Object will use when rendering.

    Returns this

  • Sets the name property of this Game Object and returns this Game Object for further chaining. The name property is not populated by Phaser and is presented for your own use.


    • value: string

      The name to be given to this Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Sets the position of this Game Object.


    • Optionalx: number

      The x position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    • Optionaly: number

      The y position of this Game Object. If not set it will use the x value. Default x.

    • Optionalz: number

      The z position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    • Optionalw: number

      The w position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Sets one, or more, Post Pipelines on this Game Object.

    Post Pipelines are invoked after this Game Object has rendered to its target and are commonly used for post-fx.

    The post pipelines are appended to the postPipelines array belonging to this Game Object. When the renderer processes this Game Object, it iterates through the post pipelines in the order in which they appear in the array. If you are stacking together multiple effects, be aware that the order is important.

    If you call this method multiple times, the new pipelines will be appended to any existing post pipelines already set. Use the resetPostPipeline method to clear them first, if required.

    You can optionally also set the postPipelineData property, if the parameter is given.


    • pipelines:
          | string
          | Function
          | string[]
          | PostFXPipeline
          | PostFXPipeline[]
          | Function[]

      Either the string-based name of the pipeline, or a pipeline instance, or class, or an array of them.

    • OptionalpipelineData: object

      Optional pipeline data object that is set in to the postPipelineData property of this Game Object.

    • OptionalcopyData: boolean

      Should the pipeline data object be deep copied into the postPipelineData property of this Game Object? If false it will be set by reference instead. Default true.

    Returns this

  • Adds an entry to the postPipelineData object belonging to this Game Object.

    If the 'key' already exists, its value is updated. If it doesn't exist, it is created.

    If value is undefined, and key exists, key is removed from the data object.


    • key: string

      The key of the pipeline data to set, update, or delete.

    • Optionalvalue: any

      The value to be set with the key. If undefined then key will be deleted from the object.

    Returns this

  • Sets the position of this Game Object to be a random position within the confines of the given area.

    If no area is specified a random position between 0 x 0 and the game width x height is used instead.

    The position does not factor in the size of this Game Object, meaning that only the origin is guaranteed to be within the area.


    • Optionalx: number

      The x position of the top-left of the random area. Default 0.

    • Optionaly: number

      The y position of the top-left of the random area. Default 0.

    • Optionalwidth: number

      The width of the random area.

    • Optionalheight: number

      The height of the random area.

    Returns this

  • Sets the rotation of this Game Object.


    • Optionalradians: number

      The rotation of this Game Object, in radians. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Sets the scale of this Game Object.


    • Optionalx: number

      The horizontal scale of this Game Object. Default 1.

    • Optionaly: number

      The vertical scale of this Game Object. If not set it will use the x value. Default x.

    Returns this

  • Sets the scroll factor of this Container and optionally all of its children.

    The scroll factor controls the influence of the movement of a Camera upon this Game Object.

    When a camera scrolls it will change the location at which this Game Object is rendered on-screen. It does not change the Game Objects actual position values.

    A value of 1 means it will move exactly in sync with a camera. A value of 0 means it will not move at all, even if the camera moves. Other values control the degree to which the camera movement is mapped to this Game Object.

    Please be aware that scroll factor values other than 1 are not taken in to consideration when calculating physics collisions. Bodies always collide based on their world position, but changing the scroll factor is a visual adjustment to where the textures are rendered, which can offset them from physics bodies if not accounted for in your code.


    • x: number

      The horizontal scroll factor of this Game Object.

    • Optionaly: number

      The vertical scroll factor of this Game Object. If not set it will use the x value. Default x.

    • OptionalupdateChildren: boolean

      Apply this scrollFactor to all Container children as well? Default false.

    Returns this

  • Sets the internal size of this Game Object, as used for frame or physics body creation.

    This will not change the size that the Game Object is rendered in-game. For that you need to either set the scale of the Game Object (setScale) or call the setDisplaySize method, which is the same thing as changing the scale but allows you to do so by giving pixel values.

    If you have enabled this Game Object for input, changing the size will not change the size of the hit area. To do this you should adjust the input.hitArea object directly.


    • width: number

      The width of this Game Object.

    • height: number

      The height of this Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Writes the value to the corrseponding PermanentStat of the Pokemon.

    Note that this does nothing if value is less than 0.


    • stat:
          | HP
          | ATK
          | DEF
          | SPATK
          | SPDEF
          | SPD

      the desired PermanentStat to be overwritten

    • value: number

      the desired numeric value

    • bypassSummonData: boolean = true

      write to actual stats (true by default) or in-battle overridden stats (false)

    Returns void

  • Writes the value to the in-battle stage of the corresponding BattleStat of the Pokemon.

    Note that, if the value is not within a range of [-6, 6], it will be forced to the closest range bound.


    • stat:
          | ATK
          | DEF
          | SPATK
          | SPDEF
          | SPD
          | ACC
          | EVA

      the BattleStat whose stage is to be overwritten

    • value: number

      the desired numeric value

    Returns void

  • Sets the current state of this Game Object.

    Phaser itself will never modify the State of a Game Object, although plugins may do so.

    For example, a Game Object could change from a state of 'moving', to 'attacking', to 'dead'. The state value should typically be an integer (ideally mapped to a constant in your game code), but could also be a string. It is recommended to keep it light and simple. If you need to store complex data about your Game Object, look at using the Data Component instead.


    • value: string | number

      The state of the Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Sets the Pokemon's ability and activates it if it normally activates on summon

    Also clears primal weather if it is from the ability being changed


    • ability: Ability

      New Ability

    • passive: boolean = false

    Returns void

  • Sets the visibility of this Game Object.

    An invisible Game Object will skip rendering, but will still process update logic.


    • value: boolean

      The visible state of the Game Object.

    Returns this

  • Sets the w position of this Game Object.


    • Optionalvalue: number

      The w position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Sets the x position of this Game Object.


    • Optionalvalue: number

      The x position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Sets the y position of this Game Object.


    • Optionalvalue: number

      The y position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Sets the z position of this Game Object.

    Note: The z position does not control the rendering order of 2D Game Objects. Use Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Depth#setDepth instead.


    • Optionalvalue: number

      The z position of this Game Object. Default 0.

    Returns this

  • Shuffles the all Game Objects in this Container using the Fisher-Yates implementation.

    Returns this

  • Removes all listeners.

    Returns void

  • Sort the contents of this Container so the items are in order based on the given property. For example: sort('alpha') would sort the elements based on the value of their alpha property.


    • property: string

      The property to lexically sort by.

    • Optionalhandler: Function

      Provide your own custom handler function. Will receive 2 children which it should compare and return a boolean.

    Returns this

  • If this Pokemon is using a multi-hit move, cancels all subsequent strikes


    • Optionaltarget: default

      If specified, this only cancels subsequent strikes against the given target

    Returns void

  • Swaps the position of two Game Objects in this Container. Both Game Objects must belong to this Container.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends GameObject


    • child1: T

      The first Game Object to swap.

    • child2: T

      The second Game Object to swap.

    Returns this

  • Parameters

    • color: number
    • Optionalalpha: number
    • Optionalduration: number
    • Optionalease: string

    Returns void

  • Returns a JSON representation of the Game Object.

    Returns JSONGameObject

  • Toggle a boolean value for the given key within this Game Objects Data Manager. If the key doesn't already exist in the Data Manager then it is toggled from false.

    If the Game Object has not been enabled for data (via setDataEnabled) then it will be enabled before setting the value.

    If the key doesn't already exist in the Data Manager then it is created.

    When the value is first set, a setdata event is emitted from this Game Object.


    • key: string

      The key to toggle the value for.

    Returns this

  • Attempts to animate a given Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite


    • sprite: Sprite

      Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite to animate

    • tintSprite: Sprite

      Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite placed on top of the sprite to add a color tint

    • key: string

    Returns boolean

    true if the sprite was able to be animated


  • Function that tries to set a Pokemon to have its hidden ability based on seed, if it exists. For manual use only, usually to roll a Pokemon's hidden ability chance a second time.

    The base hidden ability odds are BASE_HIDDEN_ABILITY_CHANCE / 65536


    • OptionalthresholdOverride: number

      number that is divided by 2^16 (65536) to get the HA chance, overrides haThreshold if set (bypassing HA rate modifiers such as Ability Charm)

    • OptionalapplyModifiersToOverride: boolean

      If thresholdOverride is set and this is true, will apply Ability Charm to thresholdOverride

    Returns boolean

    true if the Pokemon has been set to have its hidden ability, false otherwise

  • Function that tries to set a Pokemon shiny based on the trainer's trainer ID and secret ID. Endless Pokemon in the end biome are unable to be set to shiny

    The exact mechanic is that it calculates E as the XOR of the player's trainer ID and secret ID. F is calculated as the XOR of the first 16 bits of the Pokemon's ID with the last 16 bits. The XOR of E and F are then compared to the shinyThreshold (or thresholdOverride if set) to see whether or not to generate a shiny. The base shiny odds are BASE_SHINY_CHANCE / 65536


    • OptionalthresholdOverride: number

      number that is divided by 2^16 (65536) to get the shiny chance, overrides shinyThreshold if set (bypassing shiny rate modifiers such as Shiny Charm)

    Returns boolean

    true if the Pokemon has been set as a shiny, false otherwise

  • Function that tries to set a Pokemon shiny based on seed. For manual use only, usually to roll a Pokemon's shiny chance a second time. If it rolls shiny, also sets a random variant and give the Pokemon the associated luck.

    The base shiny odds are BASE_SHINY_CHANCE / 65536


    • OptionalthresholdOverride: number

      number that is divided by 2^16 (65536) to get the shiny chance, overrides shinyThreshold if set (bypassing shiny rate modifiers such as Shiny Charm)

    • OptionalapplyModifiersToOverride: boolean

      If thresholdOverride is set and this is true, will apply Shiny Charm and event modifiers to thresholdOverride

    Returns boolean

    true if the Pokemon has been set as a shiny, false otherwise

  • Parameters

    • Optionaleffect: StatusEffect
    • asPhase: boolean = false
    • sourcePokemon: null | default = null
    • turnsRemaining: number = 0
    • sourceText: null | string = null

    Returns boolean

  • To be overridden by custom GameObjects. Allows base objects to be used in a Pool.


    • Rest...args: any[]


    Returns void

  • Show or hide the type effectiveness multiplier window Passing undefined will hide the window


    • Optionaleffectiveness: string

    Returns void

  • Compares the renderMask with the renderFlags to see if this Game Object will render or not. Also checks the Game Object against the given Cameras exclusion list.


    • camera: Camera

      The Camera to check against this Game Object.

    Returns boolean