allowLegendaries: booleanThe trainer type to derive from. (If null, the this.trainerType property will be used.)
Retrieves the title for the trainer based on the provided trainer slot and variant.
The slot to determine which title to use. Defaults to TrainerSlot.NONE.
The variant of the trainer to determine the specific title.
Initializes the trainer configuration for a Champion.
Initializes the trainer configuration for an Elite Four member.
Initializes the trainer configuration for a Gym Leader.
Sets the title for double trainers
the key for the title in the i18n file. (e.g., "champion_double").
Sets the trainer type for double battles.
The TrainerType of the partner in a double battle.
Sets the configuration for trainers with double battles, including the name of the double trainer and the encounter BGM.
The name of the double trainer (e.g., "Ace Duo" for Trainer Class Doubles or "red_blue_double" for NAMED trainer doubles).
doubleEncounterBgm: string | TrainerTypeThe encounter BGM for the double trainer, which can be a TrainerType or a string.
Sets the configuration for trainers with genders, including the female name and encounter background music (BGM).
nameFemale: stringThe name of the female trainer. If 'Ivy', a localized name will be assigned.
femaleEncounterBgm: string | TrainerTypeThe encounter BGM for the female trainer, which can be a TrainerType or a string.
...modifierTypeFuncs: (() => ModifierTypeFunc)[]Rest
...partyTemplates: TrainerPartyTemplate[]Rest
...specialtyTypes: Type[]Optional
allowLegendaries: boolean
Returns the derived trainer type for a given trainer type.