PokéRogue is a browser based Pokémon fangame heavily inspired by the roguelite genre. Battle endlessly while gathering stacking items, exploring many different biomes, fighting trainers, bosses, and more!
🛠️ Development
If you have the motivation and experience with Typescript/Javascript (or are willing to learn) please feel free to fork the repository and make pull requests with contributions. If you don't know what to work on but want to help, reference the below To-Do section or the #feature-vote channel in the discord.
Clone the repo and in the root directory run npm install
if you run into any errors, reach out in the #dev-corner channel in discord
Run npm run start:dev to locally run the project in localhost:8000
We're using ESLint as our common linter and formatter. It will run automatically during the pre-commit hook but if you would like to manually run it, use the npm run eslint script.
How do I test a new _______?
In the src/overrides.ts file there are overrides for most values you'll need to change for testing