Provides the Ice Face ability's effects.

Hierarchy (view full)



sourceId?: number
sourceMove: Moves
turnCount: number


  • Determines if the Ice Face tag can be added to the Pokémon.


    • pokemon: default

      The Pokémon to which the tag might be added.

    Returns boolean

    • True if the tag can be added, false otherwise.
  • When given a battler tag or json representing one, load the data for it. This is meant to be inherited from by any battler tag with custom attributes


    • source: any

      A battler tag

    Returns void

  • Applies the Ice Face tag to the Pokémon. Triggers a form change to Ice Face if the Pokémon is not in its Ice Face form.


    • pokemon: default

      The Pokémon to which the tag is added.

    Returns void

  • Removes the Ice Face tag from the Pokémon. Triggers a form change to Noice when the tag is removed.


    • pokemon: default

      The Pokémon from which the tag is removed.

    Returns void