Some variables are protected because this UI class will most likely be extended in the future to display more information. These variables will most likely be shared across 'classes' aka pages. I believe that it is possible that the contents/methods of the first page will be placed in their own class that is an extension of RunInfoUiHandler as more pages are added. For now, I leave as is.

Hierarchy (view full)



active: boolean = false
cursor: number = 0
isVictory: boolean
mode: null | number
pageMode: RunInfoUiMode
runContainer: Container
runDisplayMode: RunDisplayMode


  • To be implemented by individual handlers when necessary to free memory Called when BattleScene is reset

    Returns void

  • Takes input from the user to perform a desired action.


    • button: Button

      Button object to be processed Button.CANCEL, Button.LEFT - removes all containers related to RunInfo and returns the user to Run History Button.CYCLE_FORM, Button.CYCLE_SHINY, Button.CYCLE_ABILITY - runs the function buttonCycleOption()

    Returns boolean

  • This takes a run's RunEntry and uses the information provided to display essential information about the player's run.


    • args: any[]

    Returns boolean