Heals the target or the user by either normalHealRatio or boostedHealRatio depending on the evaluation of condition



Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • Optional normalHealRatio: number
    • Optional boostedHealRatio: number
    • Optional showAnim: boolean
    • Optional selfTarget: boolean
    • Optional condition: MoveConditionFunc

    Returns BoostHealAttr


boostedHealRatio?: number

Healing received when condition is true

condition?: MoveConditionFunc

The lambda expression to check against when boosting the healing value

firstHitOnly: boolean

Should this effect only apply on the first hit?

lastHitOnly: boolean

Should this effect only apply on the last hit?

normalHealRatio?: number

Healing received when condition is false

selfTarget: boolean

Should this Move target the user?

Defines when this effect should trigger in the move's effect order


  • Determines whether the Move's effects are valid to apply


    Returns boolean

    true if basic application of the ability attribute should be possible

  • Gets the used move's additional effect chance. If user's ability has MoveEffectChanceMultiplierAbAttr or IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr modifies the base chance.


    Returns number

    Move chance value.