Hierarchy (view full)



abilityCursor active assetLoadCancelled awaitingActionInput blockInput canCycleAbility canCycleForm canCycleGender canCycleNature canCycleShiny canCycleVariant candyUpgradeIcon candyUpgradeOverlayIcon classicWinIcons cursor cursorObj dexAttrCursor gameMode genCursor genCursorHighlightObj genCursorObj genMode genOptionsText genScrollCursor genSpecies hiddenAbilityIcons iconAnimHandler instructionsText lastSpecies message mode moveInfoOverlay natureCursor onActionInput pendingPrompt pokemonAbilityLabelText pokemonAbilityText pokemonAdditionalMoveCountLabel pokemonCandyCountText pokemonCandyDarknessOverlay pokemonCandyIcon pokemonCandyOverlayIcon pokemonCaughtCountText pokemonCaughtHatchedContainer pokemonEggMoveBgs pokemonEggMoveContainers pokemonEggMoveLabels pokemonEggMovesContainer pokemonFormText pokemonGenderText pokemonGrowthRateLabelText pokemonGrowthRateText pokemonHatchedCountText pokemonLuckLabelText pokemonLuckText pokemonMoveBgs pokemonMoveContainers pokemonMoveLabels pokemonMovesContainer pokemonNameText pokemonNatureLabelText pokemonNatureText pokemonNumberText pokemonPassiveLabelText pokemonPassiveText pokemonSprite pokemonUncaughtText pokerusCursorObjs pokerusCursors pokerusGens prompt scene shinyIcons shinyOverlay speciesLoaded speciesStarterDexEntry speciesStarterMoves startCursorObj starterAbilityIndexes starterAttr starterCursorObjs starterCursors starterGens starterIcons starterMoveset starterMovesets starterNatures starterSelectCallback starterSelectContainer starterSelectGenIconContainers starterSelectMessageBox starterSelectMessageBoxContainer starterValueLabels statsContainer statsMode textCallbackTimer textTimer tutorialActive type1Icon type2Icon value valueLimitLabel




abilityCursor: number = -1
active: boolean = false
assetLoadCancelled: BooleanHolder
awaitingActionInput: boolean
blockInput: boolean = false
canCycleAbility: boolean
canCycleForm: boolean
canCycleGender: boolean
canCycleNature: boolean
canCycleShiny: boolean
canCycleVariant: boolean
candyUpgradeIcon: Image[]
candyUpgradeOverlayIcon: Image[]
classicWinIcons: Image[]
cursor: number = 0
cursorObj: Image
dexAttrCursor: bigint = ...
gameMode: GameModes
genCursor: number = 0
genCursorHighlightObj: Image
genCursorObj: Image
genMode: boolean
genOptionsText: Text
genScrollCursor: number = 0
genSpecies: default[][] = []
hiddenAbilityIcons: Image[]
iconAnimHandler: default
instructionsText: Text
lastSpecies: default
message: Text
mode: number
moveInfoOverlay: default
natureCursor: number = -1
onActionInput: Function
pendingPrompt: boolean
pokemonAbilityLabelText: Text
pokemonAbilityText: Text
pokemonAdditionalMoveCountLabel: Text
pokemonCandyCountText: Text
pokemonCandyDarknessOverlay: Sprite
pokemonCandyIcon: Sprite
pokemonCandyOverlayIcon: Sprite
pokemonCaughtCountText: Text
pokemonCaughtHatchedContainer: Container
pokemonEggMoveBgs: NineSlice[]
pokemonEggMoveContainers: Container[]
pokemonEggMoveLabels: Text[]
pokemonEggMovesContainer: Container
pokemonFormText: Text
pokemonGenderText: Text
pokemonGrowthRateLabelText: Text
pokemonGrowthRateText: Text
pokemonHatchedCountText: Text
pokemonLuckLabelText: Text
pokemonLuckText: Text
pokemonMoveBgs: NineSlice[]
pokemonMoveContainers: Container[]
pokemonMoveLabels: Text[]
pokemonMovesContainer: Container
pokemonNameText: Text
pokemonNatureLabelText: Text
pokemonNatureText: BBCodeText
pokemonNumberText: Text
pokemonPassiveLabelText: Text
pokemonPassiveText: Text
pokemonSprite: Sprite
pokemonUncaughtText: Text
pokerusCursorObjs: Image[]
pokerusCursors: number[] = []
pokerusGens: number[] = []
prompt: Sprite
scene: default
shinyIcons: Image[][]
shinyOverlay: Image
speciesLoaded: Map<Species, boolean> = ...
speciesStarterDexEntry: DexEntry
speciesStarterMoves: Moves[]
startCursorObj: NineSlice
starterAbilityIndexes: number[] = []
starterAttr: bigint[] = []
starterCursorObjs: Image[]
starterCursors: number[] = []
starterGens: number[] = []
starterIcons: Sprite[]
starterMoveset: StarterMoveset
starterMovesets: StarterMoveset[] = []
starterNatures: Nature[] = []
starterSelectCallback: StarterSelectCallback
starterSelectContainer: Container
starterSelectGenIconContainers: Container[]
starterSelectMessageBox: NineSlice
starterSelectMessageBoxContainer: Container
starterValueLabels: Text[]
statsContainer: StatsContainer
statsMode: boolean
textCallbackTimer: TimerEvent
textTimer: TimerEvent
tutorialActive: boolean = false
type1Icon: Sprite
type2Icon: Sprite
value: number = 0
valueLimitLabel: Text


  • Determines if a passive upgrade is available for the given species ID


    • speciesId: number

      The ID of the species to check the passive of

    Returns boolean

    true if the user has enough candies and a passive has not been unlocked already

  • Determines if 'Animation' based upgrade notifications should be shown

    Returns boolean

    true if upgrade notifications are enabled and set to display an 'Animation'

  • Determines if 'Icon' based upgrade notifications should be shown

    Returns boolean

    true if upgrade notifications are enabled and set to display an 'Icon'

  • Determines if a value reduction upgrade is available for the given species ID


    • speciesId: number

      The ID of the species to check the value reduction of

    Returns boolean

    true if the user has enough candies and all value reductions have not been unlocked already

  • Parameters

    • species: default
    • shiny: boolean
    • formIndex: number
    • female: boolean
    • variant: Variant
    • abilityIndex: number
    • natureIndex: number
    • forSeen: boolean = false

    Returns void

  • Sets a bounce animation if enabled and the Pokemon has an upgrade


    • icon: Sprite

      Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject to animate

    • species: default

      PokemonSpecies of the icon used to check for upgrades

    • startPaused: boolean = false

      Should this animation be paused after it is added?

    Returns void

  • Sets the visibility of a Candy Upgrade Icon given an index


    • index: number

      The UI index of the icon within this generation container

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • text: string
    • name: string
    • Optional delay: number
    • Optional callback: Function
    • Optional callbackDelay: number
    • Optional prompt: boolean
    • Optional promptDelay: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • text: string
    • Optional delay: number
    • Optional callback: Function
    • Optional callbackDelay: number
    • Optional prompt: boolean
    • Optional promptDelay: number

    Returns void