A reference to the global Animation Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
biomeCombined Biome and Wave count text
A reference to the global Cache.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
The Scene Camera Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
Determines what type of notification is used for Candy Upgrades
Determines the condition for a notification should be shown for Candy Upgrades
The Game Object Display List belonging to this Scene.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
currentA Scene specific Data Manager Plugin.
See the registry
property for the global Data Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
eventAllows subscribers to listen for events
Current Events:
A Scene specific Event Emitter.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
Defines the experience gain display mode.
The expParty
can have several modes:
- Default: The normal experience gain display, nothing changed.1
- Level Up Notification: Displays the level up in the small frame instead of a message.2
- Skip: No level up frame nor message.Modes 1
and 2
are still compatible with stats display, level up, new move, etc.
0 - Uses the default normal experience gain display.
The Facebook Instant Games Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map, the plugin is installed and configured.
fieldA reference to the Phaser.Game instance.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
The Scene Input Manager Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
The Scene Lights Manager Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
The Scene Loader Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
luckThe Scene Game Object Creator.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
The Scene Matter Physics Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map, the plugin is installed and configured.
phaseThe Scene Arcade Physics Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map, the plugin is installed and configured.
playA reference to the global Plugin Manager.
The Plugin Manager is a global system that allows plugins to register themselves with it, and can then install those plugins into Scenes as required.
A reference to the global Data Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
A reference to the renderer instance Phaser is using, either Canvas Renderer or WebGL Renderer.
A reference to the global Scale Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
A reference to the Scene Manager Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
scoreA reference to the Sound Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
standbyThe Scene Systems. You must never overwrite this property, or all hell will break lose.
A reference to the Texture Manager.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.
The Scene Time and Clock Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
The Scene Tween Manager Plugin.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map and the plugin is installed.
ignoreUpdate: booleanOptional
instant: booleanOptional
dataSource: defaultOptional
postProcess: ((enemyPokemon) => void)Optional
ignoreUpdate: booleanOptional
playSound: booleanOptional
virtual: booleanOptional
instant: booleanOptional
gender: GenderOptional
shiny: booleanOptional
variant: VariantOptional
ivs: number[]Optional
nature: NatureOptional
dataSource: default | defaultOptional
postProcess: ((playerPokemon) => void)Optional
indexInParty: numberOptional
frame: string | numberOptional
species: defaultPrivate
pokemon: defaultOptional
waveIndex: numberOptional
battleType: BattleTypeOptional
trainerData: defaultOptional
double: booleanOptional
priorityOverride: numberOptional
fromArenaPool: booleanOptional
speciesFilter: PokemonSpeciesFilterOptional
filterAllEvolutions: booleanOptional
enemy: booleanRest
...args: any[]Try to transfer a held item to another pokemon. If the recepient already has the maximum amount allowed for this item, the transfer is cancelled. The quantity to transfer is automatically capped at how much the recepient can take before reaching the maximum stack size for the item. A transfer that moves a quantity smaller than what is specified in the transferQuantity parameter is still considered successful.
item to transfer (represents the whole stack)
pokemon recepient in this transfer
integer how many items of the stack to transfer. Optional, defaults to 1
instant: boolean{boolean}
ignoreUpdate: boolean{boolean}
true if the transfer was successful
instant: booleanOptional
args: any[]Optional
args: any[]
The Scene Game Object Factory.
This property will only be available if defined in the Scene Injection Map.