optionsA container for this attribute's optional parameters
Should this Move
target the user?
If defined, overrides the move's base chance for this secondary effect to trigger.
if this effect should only trigger on the first hit of
multi-hit moves.
if this effect should apply only upon hitting a target
for the first time when targeting multiple Pokemon
if this effect should only trigger on the last hit of
multi-hit moves.
Defines when this effect should trigger in the move's effect order.
Applies the effect of Psycho Shift to its target Psycho Shift takes the user's status effect and passes it onto the target. The user is then healed after the move has been successfully executed.
if Psycho Shift's effect is able to be applied to the target
the MoveCondition
or MoveConditionFunc for this Move
Gets the used move's additional effect chance.
Chance is modified by MoveEffectChanceMultiplierAbAttr
and IgnoreMoveEffectsAbAttr
Move effect chance value.
Base class defining all Move Effect Attributes