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import { AbilityTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales.js";
export const ability: AbilityTranslationEntries = {
stench: {
name: "恶臭",
description: "通过释放臭臭的气味,在攻\n击的时候,有时会使对手畏\n缩。",
drizzle: {
name: "降雨",
description: "出场时,会将天气变为下雨\n。",
speedBoost: {
name: "加速",
description: "每一回合速度会变快。",
battleArmor: {
name: "战斗盔甲",
description: "被坚硬的甲壳守护着,不会\n被对手的攻击击中要害。",
sturdy: {
name: "结实",
description: "在HP全满时,即使受到招\n式攻击,也不会被一击打倒\n。一击必杀的招式也没有效\n果。",
damp: {
name: "湿气",
description: "通过把周围都弄湿,使谁都\n无法使用自爆等爆炸类的招\n式。",
limber: {
name: "柔软",
description: "因为身体柔软,不会变为麻\n痹状态。",
sandVeil: {
name: "沙隐",
description: "在沙暴的时候,闪避率会提\n高。",
static: {
name: "静电",
description: "身上带有静电,有时会让接\n触到的对手麻痹。",
voltAbsorb: {
name: "蓄电",
description: "受到电属性的招式攻击时,\n不会受到伤害,而是会回复。",
waterAbsorb: {
name: "储水",
description: "受到水属性的招式攻击时,\n不会受到伤害,而是会回复。",
oblivious: {
name: "迟钝",
description: "因为感觉迟钝,不会变为着\n迷和被挑衅状态。对威吓也\n毫不动摇。",
cloudNine: {
name: "无关天气",
description: "任何天气的影响都会消失。",
compoundEyes: {
name: "复眼",
description: "因为拥有复眼,招式的命中\n率会提高。",
insomnia: {
name: "不眠",
description: "因为有着睡不着的体质,所\n以不会陷入睡眠状态。",
colorChange: {
name: "变色",
description: "自己的属性会变为从对手处\n所受招式的属性。",
immunity: {
name: "免疫",
description: "因为体内拥有免疫能力,不\n会变为中毒状态。",
flashFire: {
name: "引火",
description: "受到火属性的招式攻击时,\n吸收火焰,自己使出的火属\n性招式会变强。",
shieldDust: {
name: "鳞粉",
description: "被鳞粉守护着,不会受到招\n式的追加效果影响。",
ownTempo: {
name: "我行我素",
description: "因为我行我素,不会变为混\n乱状态。对威吓也毫不动摇。",
suctionCups: {
name: "吸盘",
description: "用吸盘牢牢贴在地面上,让\n替换宝可梦的招式和道具无\n效。",
intimidate: {
name: "威吓",
description: "出场时威吓对手,让其退缩\n,降低对手的攻击。",
shadowTag: {
name: "踩影",
description: "踩住对手的影子使其无法逃\n走或替换。",
roughSkin: {
name: "粗糙皮肤",
description: "受到攻击时,用粗糙的皮肤\n弄伤接触到自己的对手。",
wonderGuard: {
name: "神奇守护",
description: "不可思议的力量,只有效果\n绝佳的招式才能击中。",
levitate: {
name: "飘浮",
description: "从地面浮起,从而不会受到\n地面属性招式的攻击。",
effectSpore: {
name: "孢子",
description: "受到攻击时,有时会把接触\n到自己的对手变为中毒、麻\n痹或睡眠状态。",
synchronize: {
name: "同步",
description: "将自己的中毒、麻痹或灼伤\n状态传染给对手。",
clearBody: {
name: "恒净之躯",
description: "不会因为对手的招式或特性\n而被降低能力。",
naturalCure: {
name: "自然回复",
description: "回到同行队伍后,异常状态\n就会被治愈。",
lightningRod: {
name: "避雷针",
description: "将电属性的招式吸引到自己\n身上,不会受到伤害,而是\n会提高特攻。",
sereneGrace: {
name: "天恩",
description: "托天恩的福,招式的追加效\n果容易出现。",
swiftSwim: {
name: "悠游自如",
description: "下雨天气时,速度会提高。",
chlorophyll: {
name: "叶绿素",
description: "晴朗天气时,速度会提高。",
illuminate: {
name: "发光",
description: "通过让周围变亮来保持命中\n率不会被降低。",
trace: {
name: "复制",
description: "出场时,复制对手的特性,\n变为与之相同的特性。",
hugePower: {
name: "大力士",
description: "物理攻击的威力会变为2倍\n。",
poisonPoint: {
name: "毒刺",
description: "有时会让接触到自己的对手\n变为中毒状态。",
innerFocus: {
name: "精神力",
description: "拥有经过锻炼的精神,而不\n会因对手的攻击而畏缩。对\n威吓也毫不动摇。",
magmaArmor: {
name: "熔岩铠甲",
description: "将炽热的熔岩覆盖在身上,\n不会变为冰冻状态。",
waterVeil: {
name: "水幕",
description: "将水幕裹在身上,不会变为\n灼伤状态。",
magnetPull: {
name: "磁力",
description: "用磁力吸住钢属性的宝可梦\n,使其无法逃走。",
soundproof: {
name: "隔音",
description: "通过屏蔽声音,不受到声音\n招式的影响。",
rainDish: {
name: "雨盘",
description: "下雨天气时,会缓缓回复\nHP。",
sandStream: {
name: "扬沙",
description: "出场时,会把天气变为沙暴。",
pressure: {
name: "压迫感",
description: "给予对手压迫感,大量减少\n其使用招式的PP。",
thickFat: {
name: "厚脂肪",
description: "因为被厚厚的脂肪保护着,\n会让火属性和冰属性的招式\n伤害减半。",
earlyBird: {
name: "早起",
description: "即使变为睡眠状态,也能以\n2倍的速度提早醒来。",
flameBody: {
name: "火焰之躯",
description: "有时会让接触到自己的对手\n变为灼伤状态。",
runAway: {
name: "逃跑",
description: "一定能从野生宝可梦那儿逃\n走。",
keenEye: {
name: "锐利目光",
description: "多亏了锐利的目光,命中率\n不会被降低。",
hyperCutter: {
name: "怪力钳",
description: "因为拥有以力量自豪的钳子,\n不会被对手降低攻击。",
pickup: {
name: "捡拾",
description: "有时会捡来对手用过的道具,\n冒险过程中也会捡到。",
truant: {
name: "懒惰",
description: "如果使出招式,下一回合就\n会休息。",
hustle: {
name: "活力",
description: "自己的攻击变高,但命中率\n会降低。",
cuteCharm: {
name: "迷人之躯",
description: "有时会让接触到自己的对手\n着迷。",
plus: {
name: "正电",
description: "出场的伙伴之间如果有正电\n或负电特性的宝可梦,自己\n的特攻会提高。",
minus: {
name: "负电",
description: "出场的伙伴之间如果有正电\n或负电特性的宝可梦,自己\n的特攻会提高。",
forecast: {
name: "阴晴不定",
description: "受天气的影响,会变为水属\n性、火属性或冰属性中的某\n一个。",
stickyHold: {
name: "黏着",
description: "因为道具是粘在黏性身体上\n的,所以不会被对手夺走。",
shedSkin: {
name: "蜕皮",
description: "通过蜕去身上的皮,有时会\n治愈异常状态。",
guts: {
name: "毅力",
description: "如果变为异常状态,会拿出\n毅力,攻击会提高。",
marvelScale: {
name: "神奇鳞片",
description: "如果变为异常状态,神奇鳞\n片会发生反应,防御会提高。",
liquidOoze: {
name: "污泥浆",
description: "吸收了污泥浆的对手会因强\n烈的恶臭而受到伤害,减少\nHP。",
overgrow: {
name: "茂盛",
description: "HP减少的时候,草属性的\n招式威力会提高。",
blaze: {
name: "猛火",
description: "HP减少的时候,火属性的\n招式威力会提高。",
torrent: {
name: "激流",
description: "HP减少的时候,水属性的\n招式威力会提高。",
swarm: {
name: "虫之预感",
description: "HP减少的时候,虫属性的\n招式威力会提高。",
rockHead: {
name: "坚硬脑袋",
description: "即使使出会受反作用力伤害\n的招式,HP也不会减少。",
drought: {
name: "日照",
description: "出场时,会将天气变为晴朗。",
arenaTrap: {
name: "沙穴",
description: "在战斗中让对手无法逃走。",
vitalSpirit: {
name: "干劲",
description: "通过激发出干劲,不会变为\n睡眠状态。",
whiteSmoke: {
name: "白色烟雾",
description: "被白色烟雾保护着,不会被\n对手降低能力。",
purePower: {
name: "瑜伽之力",
description: "因瑜伽的力量,物理攻击的\n威力会变为2倍。",
shellArmor: {
name: "硬壳盔甲",
description: "被坚硬的壳保护着,对手的\n攻击不会击中要害。",
airLock: {
name: "气闸",
description: "所有天气的影响都会消失。",
tangledFeet: {
name: "蹒跚",
description: "在混乱状态时,闪避率会提\n高。",
motorDrive: {
name: "电气引擎",
description: "受到电属性的招式攻击时,\n不会受到伤害,而是速度会\n提高。",
rivalry: {
name: "斗争心",
description: "面对性别相同的对手,会燃\n起斗争心,变得更强。而面\n对性别不同的,则会变弱。",
steadfast: {
name: "不屈之心",
description: "每次畏缩时,不屈之心就会\n燃起,速度也会提高。",
snowCloak: {
name: "雪隐",
description: "下雪天气时,闪避率会提高。",
gluttony: {
name: "贪吃鬼",
description: "原本HP变得很少时才会吃\n树果,在HP还有一半时就\n会把它吃掉。",
angerPoint: {
name: "愤怒穴位",
description: "要害被击中时,会大发雷霆\n,攻击力变为最大。",
unburden: {
name: "轻装",
description: "失去所持有的道具时,速度\n会提高。",
heatproof: {
name: "耐热",
description: "耐热的体质会让火属性的招\n式伤害减半。",
simple: {
name: "单纯",
description: "能力变化会变为平时的2倍。",
drySkin: {
name: "干燥皮肤",
description: "下雨天气时和受到水属性的\n招式时,HP会回复。晴朗\n天气时和受到火属性的招式\n时,HP会减少。",
download: {
name: "下载",
description: "比较对手的防御和特防,根\n据较低的那项能力相应地提\n高自己的攻击或特攻。",
ironFist: {
name: "铁拳",
description: "使用拳类招式的威力会提高。",
poisonHeal: {
name: "毒疗",
description: "变为中毒状态时,HP不会\n减少,反而会增加起来。",
adaptability: {
name: "适应力",
description: "与自身同属性的招式威力会\n提高。",
skillLink: {
name: "连续攻击",
description: "如果使用连续招式,总是能\n使出最高次数。",
hydration: {
name: "湿润之躯",
description: "下雨天气时,异常状态会治\n愈。",
solarPower: {
name: "太阳之力",
description: "晴朗天气时,特攻会提高,\n而每回合HP会减少。",
quickFeet: {
name: "飞毛腿",
description: "变为异常状态时,速度会提\n高。",
normalize: {
name: "一般皮肤",
description: "无论是什么属性的招式,全\n部会变为一般属性。威力会\n少量提高。",
sniper: {
name: "狙击手",
description: "击中要害时,威力会变得更\n强。",
magicGuard: {
name: "魔法防守",
description: "不会受到攻击以外的伤害。",
noGuard: {
name: "无防守",
description: "由于无防守战术,双方使出\n的招式都必定会击中。",
stall: {
name: "慢出",
description: "使出招式的顺序必定会变为\n最后。",
technician: {
name: "技术高手",
description: "攻击时可以将低威力招式的\n威力提高。",
leafGuard: {
name: "叶子防守",
description: "晴朗天气时,不会变为异常\n状态。",
klutz: {
name: "笨拙",
description: "无法使用持有的道具。",
moldBreaker: {
name: "破格",
description: "可以不受对手特性的干扰,\n向对手使出招式。",
superLuck: {
name: "超幸运",
description: "因为拥有超幸运,攻击容易\n击中对手的要害。",
aftermath: {
name: "引爆",
description: "变为濒死时,会对接触到自\n己的对手造成伤害。",
anticipation: {
name: "危险预知",
description: "可以察觉到对手拥有的危险\n招式。",
forewarn: {
name: "预知梦",
description: "出场时,只读取1个对手拥\n有的招式。",
unaware: {
name: "纯朴",
description: "可以无视对手能力的变化,\n进行攻击。",
tintedLens: {
name: "有色眼镜",
description: "可以将效果不好的招式以通\n常的威力使出。",
filter: {
name: "过滤",
description: "受到效果绝佳的攻击时,可\n以减弱其威力。",
slowStart: {
name: "慢启动",
description: "在5回合内,攻击和速度减\n半。",
scrappy: {
name: "胆量",
description: "一般属性和格斗属性的招式\n可以击中幽灵属性的宝可梦\n。对威吓也毫不动摇。",
stormDrain: {
name: "引水",
description: "将水属性的招式引到自己身\n上,不会受到伤害,而是会\n提高特攻。",
iceBody: {
name: "冰冻之躯",
description: "下雪天气时,会缓缓回复\nHP。",
solidRock: {
name: "坚硬岩石",
description: "受到效果绝佳的攻击时,可\n以减弱其威力。",
snowWarning: {
name: "降雪",
description: "出场时,会将天气变为下雪。",
honeyGather: {
name: "采蜜",
description: "The Pokémon gathers Honey after a battle. The Honey is then sold for money.",
frisk: {
name: "察觉",
description: "出场时,可以察觉对手的特性。",
reckless: {
name: "舍身",
description: "自己会因反作用力受伤的招\n式,其威力会提高。",
multitype: {
name: "多属性",
description: "自己的属性会根据持有的石\n板而改变。",
flowerGift: {
name: "花之礼",
description: "晴朗天气时,自己与同伴的\n攻击和特防能力会提高。",
badDreams: {
name: "梦魇",
description: "给予睡眠状态的对手伤害。",
pickpocket: {
name: "顺手牵羊",
description: "盗取接触到自己的对手的道\n具。",
sheerForce: {
name: "强行",
description: "招式的追加效果消失,但因\n此能以更高的威力使出招式\n。",
contrary: {
name: "唱反调",
description: "能力的变化发生逆转,原本\n提高时会降低,而原本降低\n时会提高。",
unnerve: {
name: "紧张感",
description: "让对手紧张,使其无法食用\n树果。",
defiant: {
name: "不服输",
description: "被对手降低能力时,攻击会\n大幅提高。",
defeatist: {
name: "软弱",
description: "HP减半时,会变得软弱,\n攻击和特攻会减半。",
cursedBody: {
name: "诅咒之躯",
description: "受到攻击时,有时会把对手\n的招式变为定身法状态。",
healer: {
name: "治愈之心",
description: "有时会治愈异常状态的同伴。",
friendGuard: {
name: "友情防守",
description: "可以减少我方的伤害。",
weakArmor: {
name: "碎裂铠甲",
description: "受到物理招式的伤害时,防\n御会降低,速度会大幅提高。",
heavyMetal: {
name: "重金属",
description: "自身的重量会变为2倍。",
lightMetal: {
name: "轻金属",
description: "自身的重量会减半。",
multiscale: {
name: "多重鳞片",
description: "HP全满时,受到的伤害会\n变少。",
toxicBoost: {
name: "中毒激升",
description: "变为中毒状态时,物理招式\n的威力会提高。",
flareBoost: {
name: "受热激升",
description: "变为灼伤状态时,特殊招式\n的威力会提高。",
harvest: {
name: "收获",
description: "可以多次制作出已被使用掉\n的树果。",
telepathy: {
name: "心灵感应",
description: "读取我方的攻击,并闪避其\n招式伤害。",
moody: {
name: "心情不定",
description: "每一回合,能力中的某项会\n大幅提高,而某项会降低。",
overcoat: {
name: "防尘",
description: "不会受到沙暴的伤害。也不\n会受到粉末类和孢子类招式\n的影响。",
poisonTouch: {
name: "毒手",
description: "只通过接触就有可能让对手\n变为中毒状态。",
regenerator: {
name: "再生力",
description: "退回同行队伍后,HP会少\n量回复。",
bigPecks: {
name: "健壮胸肌",
description: "不会受到防御降低的效果。",
sandRush: {
name: "拨沙",
description: "沙暴天气时,速度会提高。",
wonderSkin: {
name: "奇迹皮肤",
description: "成为不易受到变化招式攻击\n的身体。",
analytic: {
name: "分析",
description: "如果在最后使出招式,招式\n的威力会提高。",
illusion: {
name: "幻觉",
description: "假扮成同行队伍中的最后一\n只宝可梦出场,迷惑对手。",
imposter: {
name: "变身者",
description: "变身为当前面对的宝可梦。",
infiltrator: {
name: "穿透",
description: "可以穿透对手的壁障或替身\n进行攻击。",
mummy: {
name: "木乃伊",
description: "被对手接触到后,会将对手\n变为木乃伊。",
moxie: {
name: "自信过度",
description: "如果打倒对手,就会充满自\n信,攻击会提高。",
justified: {
name: "正义之心",
description: "受到恶属性的招式攻击时,\n因为正义感,攻击会提高。",
rattled: {
name: "胆怯",
description: "受到恶属性、幽灵属性和虫\n属性的攻击或威吓时,会因\n胆怯而速度提高。",
magicBounce: {
name: "魔法镜",
description: "可以不受到由对手使出的变\n化招式影响,并将其反弹。",
sapSipper: {
name: "食草",
description: "受到草属性的招式攻击时,\n不会受到伤害,而是攻击会\n提高。",
prankster: {
name: "恶作剧之心",
description: "可以率先使出变化招式。",
sandForce: {
name: "沙之力",
description: "沙暴天气时,岩石属性、地\n面属性和钢属性的招式威力\n会提高。",
ironBarbs: {
name: "铁刺",
description: "用铁刺给予接触到自己的对\n手伤害。",
zenMode: {
name: "达摩模式",
description: "HP变为一半以下时,样子\n会改变。",
victoryStar: {
name: "胜利之星",
description: "自己和同伴的命中率会提高。",
turboblaze: {
name: "涡轮火焰",
description: "可以不受对手特性的干扰,\n向对手使出招式。",
teravolt: {
name: "兆级电压",
description: "可以不受对手特性的干扰,\n向对手使出招式。",
aromaVeil: {
name: "芳香幕",
description: "可以防住向自己和同伴发出\n的心灵攻击。",
flowerVeil: {
name: "花幕",
description: "我方的草属性宝可梦能力不\n会降低,也不会变为异常状\n态。",
cheekPouch: {
name: "颊囊",
description: "无论是哪种树果,食用后,\nHP都会回复。",
protean: {
name: "变幻自如",
description: "变为与自己使出的招式相同\n的属性。每次出场战斗仅生\n效一次。",
furCoat: {
name: "毛皮大衣",
description: "对手给予的物理招式的伤害\n会减半。",
magician: {
name: "魔术师",
description: "夺走被自己的招式击中的对\n手的道具。",
bulletproof: {
name: "防弹",
description: "可以防住对手的球和弹类招\n式。",
competitive: {
name: "好胜",
description: "如果被对手降低能力,特攻\n会大幅提高。",
strongJaw: {
name: "强壮之颚",
description: "因为颚部强壮,啃咬类招式\n的威力会提高。",
refrigerate: {
name: "冰冻皮肤",
description: "一般属性的招式会变为冰属\n性。威力会少量提高。",
sweetVeil: {
name: "甜幕",
description: "自己和同伴的宝可梦不会变\n为睡眠状态。",
stanceChange: {
name: "战斗切换",
description: "如果使出攻击招式,会变为\n刀剑形态,如果使出招式“\n王者盾牌”,会变为盾牌形\n态。",
galeWings: {
name: "疾风之翼",
description: "HP全满时,飞行属性的招\n式可以率先使出。",
megaLauncher: {
name: "超级发射器",
description: "波动和波导类招式的威力会\n提高。",
grassPelt: {
name: "草之毛皮",
description: "在青草场地时,防御会提高。",
symbiosis: {
name: "共生",
description: "同伴使用道具时,会把自己\n持有的道具传递给同伴。",
toughClaws: {
name: "硬爪",
description: "接触到对手的招式威力会提\n高。",
pixilate: {
name: "妖精皮肤",
description: "一般属性的招式会变为妖精\n属性。威力会少量提高。",
gooey: {
name: "黏滑",
description: "对于用攻击接触到自己的对\n手,会降低其速度。",
aerilate: {
name: "飞行皮肤",
description: "一般属性的招式会变为飞行\n属性。威力会少量提高。",
parentalBond: {
name: "亲子爱",
description: "亲子俩可以合计攻击2次。",
darkAura: {
name: "暗黑气场",
description: "全体的恶属性招式变强。",
fairyAura: {
name: "妖精气场",
description: "全体的妖精属性招式变强。",
auraBreak: {
name: "气场破坏",
description: "让气场的效果发生逆转,降\n低威力。",
primordialSea: {
name: "始源之海",
description: "变为不会受到火属性攻击的\n天气。",
desolateLand: {
name: "终结之地",
description: "变为不会受到水属性攻击的\n天气。",
deltaStream: {
name: "德尔塔气流",
description: "变为令飞行属性的弱点消失\n的天气。",
stamina: {
name: "持久力",
description: "受到攻击时,防御会提高。",
wimpOut: {
name: "跃跃欲逃",
description: "HP变为一半时,会慌慌张\n张逃走,退回同行队伍中。",
emergencyExit: {
name: "危险回避",
description: "HP变为一半时,为了回避\n危险,会退回到同行队伍中。",
waterCompaction: {
name: "遇水凝固",
description: "受到水属性的招式攻击时,\n防御会大幅提高。",
merciless: {
name: "不仁不义",
description: "攻击中毒状态的对手时,\n必定会击中要害。",
shieldsDown: {
name: "界限盾壳",
description: "HP变为一半时,壳会坏掉,\n变得有攻击性。",
stakeout: {
name: "蹲守",
description: "可以对替换出场的对手以2\n倍的伤害进行攻击。",
waterBubble: {
name: "水泡",
description: "降低自己受到的火属性招式\n的威力,不会灼伤。",
steelworker: {
name: "钢能力者",
description: "钢属性的招式威力会提高。",
berserk: {
name: "怒火冲天",
description: "因对手的攻击HP变为一半\n时,特攻会提高。",
slushRush: {
name: "拨雪",
description: "下雪天气时,速度会提高。",
longReach: {
name: "远隔",
description: "可以不接触对手就使出所有\n的招式。",
liquidVoice: {
name: "湿润之声",
description: "所有的声音招式都变为水属\n性。",
triage: {
name: "先行治疗",
description: "可以率先使出回复招式。",
galvanize: {
name: "电气皮肤",
description: "一般属性的招式会变为电属\n性。威力会少量提高。",
surgeSurfer: {
name: "冲浪之尾",
description: "电气场地时,速度会变为2\n倍。",
schooling: {
name: "鱼群",
description: "HP多的时候会聚起来变强。\nHP剩余量变少时,群体\n会分崩离析。",
disguise: {
name: "画皮",
description: "通过画皮覆盖住身体,可以\n防住1次攻击。",
battleBond: {
name: "牵绊变身",
description: "打倒对手时,与训练家的牵\n绊会增强,自己的攻击、特\n攻、速度会提高。",
powerConstruct: {
name: "群聚变形",
description: "HP变为一半时,细胞们会\n赶来支援,变为完全体形态。",
corrosion: {
name: "腐蚀",
description: "可以使钢属性和毒属性的宝\n可梦也陷入中毒状态。",
comatose: {
name: "绝对睡眠",
description: "总是半梦半醒的状态,绝对\n不会醒来。可以就这么睡着\n进行攻击。",
queenlyMajesty: {
name: "女王的威严",
description: "向对手施加威慑力,使其无\n法对我方使出先制招式。",
innardsOut: {
name: "飞出的内在物",
description: "被对手打倒的时候,会给予\n对手相当于HP剩余量的伤\n害。",
dancer: {
name: "舞者",
description: "有谁使出跳舞招式时,自己\n也能就这么接着使出跳舞招\n式。",
battery: {
name: "蓄电池",
description: "会提高我方的特殊招式的威\n力。",
fluffy: {
name: "毛茸茸",
description: "会将对手所给予的接触类招\n式的伤害减半,但火属性招\n式的伤害会变为2倍。",
dazzling: {
name: "鲜艳之躯",
description: "让对手吓一跳,使其无法对\n我方使出先制招式。",
soulHeart: {
name: "魂心",
description: "宝可梦每次变为濒死状态时\n,特攻会提高。",
tanglingHair: {
name: "卷发",
description: "对于用攻击接触到自己的对\n手,会降低其速度。",
receiver: {
name: "接球手",
description: "继承被打倒的同伴的特性,\n变为相同的特性。",
powerOfAlchemy: {
name: "化学之力",
description: "继承被打倒的同伴的特性,\n变为相同的特性。",
beastBoost: {
name: "异兽提升",
description: "打倒对手的时候,自己最高\n的那项能力会提高。",
rksSystem: {
name: "AR系统",
description: "根据持有的存储碟,自己的\n属性会改变。",
electricSurge: {
name: "电气制造者",
description: "出场时,会布下电气场地。",
psychicSurge: {
name: "精神制造者",
description: "出场时,会布下精神场地。",
mistySurge: {
name: "薄雾制造者",
description: "出场时,会布下薄雾场地。",
grassySurge: {
name: "青草制造者",
description: "出场时,会布下青草场地。",
fullMetalBody: {
name: "金属防护",
description: "不会因为对手的招式或特性\n而被降低能力。",
shadowShield: {
name: "幻影防守",
description: "HP全满时,受到的伤害会\n变少。",
prismArmor: {
name: "棱镜装甲",
description: "受到效果绝佳的攻击时,可\n以减弱其威力。",
neuroforce: {
name: "脑核之力",
description: "效果绝佳的攻击,威力会变\n得更强。",
intrepidSword: {
name: "不挠之剑",
description: "首次出场时,攻击会提高。",
dauntlessShield: {
name: "不屈之盾",
description: "首次出场时,防御会提高。",
libero: {
name: "自由者",
description: "变为与自己使出的招式相同\n的属性。每次出场战斗仅生\n效一次。",
ballFetch: {
name: "捡球",
description: "没有携带道具时,会拾取第\n1个投出后捕捉失败的精灵\n球。",
cottonDown: {
name: "棉絮",
description: "受到攻击后撒下棉絮,降低\n除自己以外的所有宝可梦的\n速度。",
propellerTail: {
name: "螺旋尾鳍",
description: "能无视具有吸引对手招式效\n果的特性或招式的影响。",
mirrorArmor: {
name: "镜甲",
description: "只反弹自己受到的能力降低\n效果。",
gulpMissile: {
name: "一口导弹",
description: "冲浪或潜水时会叼来猎物。\n受到伤害时,会吐出猎物进\n行攻击。",
stalwart: {
name: "坚毅",
description: "能无视具有吸引对手招式效\n果的特性或招式的影响。",
steamEngine: {
name: "蒸汽机",
description: "受到水属性或火属性的招式\n攻击时,速度会巨幅提高。",
punkRock: {
name: "庞克摇滚",
description: "声音招式的威力会提高。受\n到的声音招式伤害会减半。",
sandSpit: {
name: "吐沙",
description: "受到攻击时,会刮起沙暴。",
iceScales: {
name: "冰鳞粉",
description: "由于有冰鳞粉的守护,受到\n的特殊攻击伤害会减半。",
ripen: {
name: "熟成",
description: "使树果成熟,效果变为2倍。",
iceFace: {
name: "结冻头",
description: "头部的冰会代替自己承受物\n理攻击,但是样子会改变。\n下雪时,冰会恢复原状。",
powerSpot: {
name: "能量点",
description: "只要处在相邻位置,招式的\n威力就会提高。",
mimicry: {
name: "拟态",
description: "宝可梦的属性会根据场地的\n状态而变化。",
screenCleaner: {
name: "除障",
description: "出场时,敌方和我方的光墙\n、反射壁和极光幕的效果会\n消失。",
steelySpirit: {
name: "钢之意志",
description: "我方的钢属性攻击威力会提\n高。",
perishBody: {
name: "灭亡之躯",
description: "受到接触类招式攻击时,双\n方都会在3回合后变为濒死\n状态。替换后效果消失。",
wanderingSpirit: {
name: "游魂",
description: "与使用接触类招式攻击自己\n的宝可梦互换特性。",
gorillaTactics: {
name: "一猩一意",
description: "虽然攻击会提高,但是只能\n使出一开始所选的招式。",
neutralizingGas: {
name: "化学变化气体",
description: "特性为化学变化气体的宝可\n梦在场时,场上所有宝可梦\n的特性效果都会消失或者无\n法生效。",
pastelVeil: {
name: "粉彩护幕",
description: "自己和同伴都不会陷入中毒\n的异常状态。",
hungerSwitch: {
name: "饱了又饿",
description: "每回合结束时会在满腹花纹\n与空腹花纹之间交替改变样\n子。",
quickDraw: {
name: "速击",
description: "有时能比对手先一步行动。",
unseenFist: {
name: "无形拳",
description: "如果使出的是接触到对手的\n招式,就可以无视守护效果\n进行攻击。",
curiousMedicine: {
name: "怪药",
description: "出场时会从贝壳撒药,将我\n方的能力变化复原。",
transistor: {
name: "电晶体",
description: "电属性的招式威力会提高。",
dragonsMaw: {
name: "龙颚",
description: "龙属性的招式威力会提高。",
chillingNeigh: {
name: "苍白嘶鸣",
description: "打倒对手时会用冰冷的声音\n嘶鸣并提高攻击。",
grimNeigh: {
name: "漆黑嘶鸣",
description: "打倒对手时会用恐怖的声音\n嘶鸣并提高特攻。",
asOneGlastrier: {
name: "人马一体",
description: "兼备蕾冠王的紧张感和雪暴\n马的苍白嘶鸣这两种特性。",
asOneSpectrier: {
name: "人马一体",
description: "兼备蕾冠王的紧张感和灵幽\n马的漆黑嘶鸣这两种特性。",
lingeringAroma: {
name: "甩不掉的气味",
description: "被对手接触到后,甩不掉的\n气味会沾上对手。",
seedSower: {
name: "掉出种子",
description: "受到攻击时,会将脚下变成\n青草场地。",
thermalExchange: {
name: "热交换",
description: "受到火属性的招式攻击时,\n攻击会提高,且不会陷入灼\n伤状态。",
angerShell: {
name: "愤怒甲壳",
description: "因被对手攻击而HP变为一\n半时,会因愤怒降低防御和\n特防。但攻击、特攻、速度\n会提高。",
purifyingSalt: {
name: "洁净之盐",
description: "因洁净的盐而不会陷入异常\n状态。会让幽灵属性的招式\n伤害减半。",
wellBakedBody: {
name: "焦香之躯",
description: "受到火属性的招式攻击时,\n不会受到伤害,而是会大幅\n提高防御。",
windRider: {
name: "乘风",
description: "吹起了顺风或受到风的招式\n攻击时,不会受到伤害,而\n是会提高攻击。",
guardDog: {
name: "看门犬",
description: "受到威吓时,攻击会提高。\n让替换宝可梦的招式和道具\n无效。",
rockyPayload: {
name: "搬岩",
description: "岩石属性的招式威力会提高。",
windPower: {
name: "风力发电",
description: "受到风的招式攻击时,会变\n为充电状态。",
zeroToHero: {
name: "全能变身",
description: "回到同行队伍后,会变为全\n能形态。",
commander: {
name: "发号施令",
description: "出场时,若我方当中有吃吼\n霸,就会进入其口中,并从\n其口中发出指令。",
electromorphosis: {
name: "电力转换",
description: "受到伤害时,会变为充电状\n态。",
protosynthesis: {
name: "古代活性",
description: "携带着驱劲能量或天气为晴\n朗时,数值最高的能力会提\n高。",
quarkDrive: {
name: "夸克充能",
description: "携带着驱劲能量或在电气场\n地上时,数值最高的能力会\n提高。",
goodAsGold: {
name: "黄金之躯",
description: "不会氧化的坚固黄金身躯不\n会受到对手的变化招式的影\n响。",
vesselOfRuin: {
name: "灾祸之鼎",
description: "以能呼唤灾厄的鼎的力量降\n低除自己以外的宝可梦的特\n攻。",
swordOfRuin: {
name: "灾祸之剑",
description: "以能呼唤灾厄的剑的力量降\n低除自己以外的宝可梦的防\n御。",
tabletsOfRuin: {
name: "灾祸之简",
description: "以能呼唤灾厄的简的力量降\n低除自己以外的宝可梦的攻\n击。",
beadsOfRuin: {
name: "灾祸之玉",
description: "以能呼唤灾厄的勾玉的力量\n降低除自己以外的宝可梦的\n特防。",
orichalcumPulse: {
name: "绯红脉动",
description: "出场时,会将天气变为晴朗\n。日照强烈时,会通过古代\n的脉动升高攻击。",
hadronEngine: {
name: "强子引擎",
description: "出场时,会布下电气场地。\n处于电气场地时,会通过未\n来的机关升高特攻。",
opportunist: {
name: "跟风",
description: "对手的能力提高时,自己也\n会趁机同样地提高能力。",
cudChew: {
name: "反刍",
description: "吃了树果后,会在下一回合\n结束时从胃反刍出来再吃1\n次。",
sharpness: {
name: "锋锐",
description: "提高切割对手的招式的威力。",
supremeOverlord: {
name: "大将",
description: "出场时,攻击和特攻会按照\n目前被打倒的同伴数量逐渐\n提升,被打倒越多,提升越\n多。",
costar: {
name: "同台共演",
description: "出场时,复制同伴的能力变\n化。",
toxicDebris: {
name: "毒满地",
description: "受到物理招式的伤害时,会\n在对手脚下散布毒菱。",
armorTail: {
name: "尾甲",
description: "包裹头部的神秘尾巴使对手\n无法对我方使出先制招式。",
earthEater: {
name: "食土",
description: "受到地面属性的招式攻击时\n,不会受到伤害,而是会得\n到回复。",
myceliumMight: {
name: "菌丝之力",
description: "使出变化招式时,虽然行动\n必定会变慢,但能不受对手\n的特性妨碍。",
mindsEye: {
name: "心眼",
description: "一般属性和格斗属性的招式\n可以击中幽灵属性的宝可梦。\n无视对手的闪避率的变化,\n且命中率不会被降低。",
supersweetSyrup: {
name: "甘露之蜜",
description: "首次出场时,会散发出甜腻\n的蜜的香味来降低对手的闪\n避率。",
hospitality: {
name: "款待",
description: "出场时款待同伴,回复其少\n量HP。",
toxicChain: {
name: "毒锁链",
description: "凭借含有毒素的锁链的力量,\n有时能让被招式击中的对\n手陷入剧毒状态。",
embodyAspectTeal: {
name: "面影辉映",
description: "将回忆映于心中,让碧草面\n具发出光辉,提高自己的速\n度。",
embodyAspectWellspring: {
name: "面影辉映",
description: "将回忆映于心中,让水井面\n具发出光辉,提高自己的特\n防。",
embodyAspectHearthflame: {
name: "面影辉映",
description: "将回忆映于心中,让火灶面\n具发出光辉,提高自己的攻\n击。",
embodyAspectCornerstone: {
name: "面影辉映",
description: "将回忆映于心中,让础石面\n具发出光辉,提高自己的防\n御。",
teraShift: {
name: "太晶变形",
description: "出场时,会吸收周围的能量\n,变为太晶形态。",
teraShell: {
name: "太晶甲壳",
description: "甲壳蕴藏着全部属性的力量\n,会将自己HP全满时受到\n的伤害全都变为效果不好。",
teraformZero: {
name: "归零化境",
description: "太乐巴戈斯变为星晶形态时\n,蕴藏在它身上的力量会将\n天气和场地的影响全部归零。",
poisonPuppeteer: {
name: "毒傀儡",
description: "因桃歹郎的招式而陷入中毒\n状态的对手同时也会陷入混\n乱状态。",
} as const;