varmp_debugging=false#mp debugging with temporary bots
varmp_printing_to_console=true#whether or not disconnect messages, etc are printed to console
varmp_debug_keys_enabled=false#whether or not the debug keys are enabled
varprinting_packets=true#whether or not packets get logged
varsending_lobby_change_alerts_to_console=false#whether or not lobby status changes are sent to the console in lobby
varforcing_lobby_enter_from_main_menu=false#whether or not the game immediately goes to lobby scene from main menu
varmessage_to_forward=""#message to forward through scenes, for instance a disconnect message
varoriginal_volume_linear_interaction#original volume for bus 3 (interactions)
varoriginal_volume_linear_music#original volume for bus 1 (music)
vardebug_round_index_to_end_game_at:int#the game ends when this round index is met
vardisband_lobby_after_exiting_main_scene=false#whether or not the lobby is disbanded when exiting to lobby scene from main
varexiting_to_lobby_after_inactivity=false#when a user is inactive for a set amount of time, all users exit to the lobby
vartimeouts_enabled=false#whether or not timeouts are enabled for adrenaline, turn, shotgun target selection, item grabbing, etc
varskipping_intro=false#whether or not to skip the intro
varlobby_id_found_in_command_line=0#lobby ID for when a player joins through an invite with the game closed
varrunning_short_intro_in_lobby_scene:bool=false#if the user is entering the lobby scene from mp main, or has a command line lobby ID, skip the bootup animation
varcommand_line_checked=false#whether or not the command line has been checked on running the game.