textCreates a temporary dex attr props that will be used to check whether a pokemon is valid for a challenge and to display the correct shiny, variant, and form based on the StarterPreferences
the id of the species to get props for
the dex props
Get the starter attributes for the given PokemonSpecies, after sanitizing them. If somehow a preference is set for a form, variant, gender, ability or nature that wasn't actually unlocked or is invalid it will be cleared here
The species to get Starter Preferences for
StarterAttributes for the species
Determines if a value reduction upgrade is available for the given species ID
The ID of the species to check the value reduction of
true if the user has enough candies and all value reductions have not been unlocked already
Processes an CandyUpgradeNotificationChangedEvent
sent when the corresponding setting changes
Event sent by the callback
setSets a bounce animation if enabled and the Pokemon has an upgrade
Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject to animate
of the icon used to check for upgrades
Should this animation be paused after it is added?
Sets the visibility of a Candy Upgrade Icon
name: stringOptional
delay: null | numberOptional
callback: null | FunctionOptional
callbackDelay: null | numberOptional
prompt: null | booleanOptional
promptDelay: null | numberUpdate the display of candy upgrade icons or animations for the given StarterContainer
the container for the Pokemon to update
A basic abstract class to act as a holder and processor for UI elements.