Remove Meloetta from the `TYPE_OVERRIDES` array so wrong-form
Meloetta can't be sent into battle.
This was missed when Meloetta was changed in a previous PR
Also disallow Meloetta from being added to the party in
starter select if it's in the wrong form
for the current mono-type challenge
* major/minor ME bug fixes
* potential fix for failed save with rental pokemon
* Update src/system/game-data.ts
Co-authored-by: flx-sta <>
* Update src/system/game-data.ts
Co-authored-by: flx-sta <>
* more bug fix cleanup and PR feedback
* fix Uncommon Breed ME crash
* real fix to Fun and Games force switch issues
* add isBattleMysteryEncounter() helper function
* add isBattleMysteryEncounter() helper function
* fix unintentional replace all errors
* fix catches not updating dex
Co-authored-by: ImperialSympathizer <>
Co-authored-by: flx-sta <>
* Gmax Changes for Venusaur, Blastoise, Lapras, Regenerator Mega Audino, Darkrai and Cosmog upped 6 -> 7 cost
* Changed Heal Order to 5pp to match other Recovery options
* Updated Ursaluna-BM and Eternal-Floette to Sub-Legend for easier handling, Adjust catchrates to Metagross to match Baxcalibur line, and Iron Leaves/Walking Wake catchrate to match the other paradox legends
* Actually updated catchrate for Iron Leaves and Walking Wake
* Added comments for all changes
* part 2 passive changes for the update, Pidgey, Lickitung, Stantler, Regigigas, Frillish, Litten, Chien Pao
* fix space
* Updated Meloetta Cost, Updated Krabby Passive
* Disable Luck in Daily Runs
If the Game Mode is Daily Run, the player's Luck is set to 0, and the Luck value is hidden.
* Give free map in daily
Adds a Map to the player's pool of starting items for Daily Runs.
* Disable Eviolite in Daily Runs
Disables Eviolite spawning in Daily Run mode.
* Write shop test and add new overrides
Adds new overrides that allow you to force content to be locked or unlocked
These overrides were also added to the OverridesHelper to make them available to tests
Adds a new check function for content unlocks, which returns `true` if it is overrode to be unlocked, `false` if it is overrode to be locked, and the unlock data mapped to a Boolean otherwise
All existing checks (other than the ones that involve actually unlocking things) for unlockables have been changed to use this
Added a pair of new exporting booleans, specifically for my test, that check if Eviolite or Mini Black Hole are in the loot table
* Prevent shinies from altering runs
Places variant rolls inside of an ExecuteWithSeedOffset block, using the current floor's RNG seed as the seed and the Pokémon's ID as the offset.
Co-authored-by: Leo Kim <>
Co-authored-by: flx-sta <>
Co-authored-by: Amani H. <>
Co-authored-by: NightKev <>
Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <>
* fix: new pokemon not being hidden initially
When switching the active pokemon (slot 1) with the new one, the new ones visibility is `true` causing a crash with animation frames
* chore: fix typo
Co-authored-by: Adrian T. <>
Co-authored-by: Adrian T. <>
* 451 - Skorupi [Animation Fix] - @rival_kieran
- Fixed chopped up legs in Front Base, Front Shiny, Back Base and Back Shiny.
- Fixed in all animations a single choppy/weird animation loop that cut off and gave the animation itself a weird janky feeling. Removed it entirely.
- Fixed .json files accordingly. All files should be indexed, too.
* 582 Vanillite [Position Fix] - @rival_kieran
- Moves Front Base and Front Shiny to the center of the stage via adding padding to the right side of the sprite (currently the total width is 96 pixels wide, biggest allowed) and by centering the frames.
- Both should work and Vanillite doesn't have variants yet.
* 696 697 Tyrunt Tyrantrum [Colorfixes] - @ rival_kieran
- Fixed Front Shiny exp for Tyrunt (used to have the base color in 5/6 of the frames of its exp on the tailspike, it should load properly now without flicker).
- !! IMPORTANT !! Back Shiny exp for Tyrunt is currently unused because there's a worse copy of it in the /variant/exp/back folder (and I've checked and this is the one the masterlist calls for) it'd be best to revert it as the one in /variant/exp/back has extra colors due to two weird pixels + there's no real need as Tyrunt doesn't have a Base Replace
- Epic variant has been tweaked for all sprites to un-custom the eye (as it had been edited to have a slit eye instead of the ring it should have in Tyrantrum and a slightly modified ring in Tyrunt) and slightly tweak the claws (in Tyrunt, the arm claws had an extra unneeded color as border that caused issues, in Tyrantrum they weren't split properly for a change the Epic introduced). (This affects: Static Front, Static Back, Front exp, Back exp)
- Base sprites have been edited so all variants can load from shader/.json file. .json file has been put in its respective folder and should work.
- All spritesheets should be indexed and clean.
* 774 Minior ordered palettes on static sprites
* 774 minior ordered palette on exp front
* 774 Minior ordered palette exp back
* 774 Minior ordered palettes on shiny back
* 774 Minior ordered palettes on shiny exp front & back
* 774 Minior standard json for all front & back exp
all front colors have identical json values
all back colors have identical json values
* 493 Arceus fairy
* ordered palette for default silvally
palette is identical between front, back, exp front and exp back.
* standarized palettes for all silvally base images
all palettes have the same order
al images of the same type have the exact same palette
indexed rgb files
* 773-water
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-bug
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-psychic
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-dark
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-fire
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-grass
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-rock
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-dragon
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-ghost
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-ground
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-electric
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-fairy
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-flying
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-poison
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-steel
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 773-ice
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* forgot 2 flying files
* 773-fighting
matched all palettes
indexed all images
* 454 Toxicroak (Base + Shiny Fix) @ vari
Adjusted base sprites to get rid of floating mouth corner.
Sprites have been saved in indexed format.
* 453 454 Croagunk Toxicroak gender variants @ vari
Recolored the new base sprites in the Variant colors. Affected sprites: All Toxicroak front sprites
added a gender difference - Rare male and epic female changed colors compared to the previous version. Affected sprites: Male rare sprites, female epic sprites.
* 4144 articuno galar json palettes
* 4146 galarian moltres palette json
* 4145 galarian zapdos palette json
* variant masterlist: set galar birds to use json palette
* [Sprite] 60 62 Poliwag Poliwrath - cleaned up stray pixels
* 280 281 282 Ralts Kirlia Gardevoir
fixed clipped horn on kirlia front and back
standard palettes
ignore mega gardevoir and gallade for now.
* 773 Silvally - created all variant palette files
* Removed variant image and anim json files
deleted "*_2" & "*_3" as they are no longer needed.
added palette file for normal-type exp front